Dandelions - House of Anubis1...

By PevensieDreams

9.5K 135 7

"What's up with Mick? What did you do?" "Nothing! what makes you think I did something?" "Because it's you... More

EPIGRAPH(edited x2)
♡︎T W O ︎♡︎ - house of attiude
♡︎THREE ♡︎ - House of the blackbird
♡︎FOUR ♡︎- house of dares
♡︎FIVE♡︎ - house of locks/ house of eyes
꧁SIX -SEVEN ꧂- house of agendas / house of keys
꧁EIGHT꧂- House of discovery
꧁NINE ꧂ - House of hyper
꧁TEN ꧂ - House of cheats
꧁ELEVEN ꧂- House of intruders
꧁TWELVE꧂ -house of proof
꧁THIRTEEN ꧂- House of Confrontation
꧂FOURTEEN ꧂- house of Alarms
꧁FIVETEEN ꧂- House of flames
꧁SIXTEEN ꧂ - House of passages
꧁SEVENTEEN꧂ - house of kidnap
꧁EIGHTEEN ꧂- House of catnap
꧂NINTEEN꧂- house of cameras
꧁TWENTY ꧂ - house of numbers
꧁TWENTY-ONE ꧂ - house of scares
꧁TWENTY-TWO ꧁- house of fakers
꧁T W E N T Y- T H R EE ꧂- house of identity
꧂T W E N T Y- F O U R꧂House of emergency
♡︎TWENTY-FIVE♡︎ - house of Reunion
♡︎TWENTY-SIX♡︎ - house of Memories
♡︎TWENTY-SEVEN ♡︎- House of drama/ house of codes part 1
♡︎TWENTY-EIGHT- ♡︎ -House of codes part 2/ house of risk
♡︎TWENTY NINE ♡︎ - House of Hazard/ house of Charades
♡︎THIRTY ♡︎ - House of rendezvous
☾THIRTY-ONE ☽- house of arrest
☾THIRTY-TWO☾ - House of time
☾THIRTY-THREE ☽- house of masks
☾THIRTY-FOUR ☽- House of pursuit
☾THIRTY-FIVE☽ - house of yesterday/ house of Victory
☾THIRTY-SIX ☽- house of Bribes/ venom
☆Thirty-seven☆- House of the stars/House of Harsh
☆THIRTY-EIGHT☆ - house of lights
☆THIRTY-NINE☆ - house of Allegiance
☆FORTY☆ -House of pests
☆FORTY-ONE☆ house of revalation/Heavy
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙒𝙊 ☆- "House of Finale" part 1 (Hush/ Spies)
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙀𝙀 -☆ "House of Finale" part 2 (Sting/Never/Forever)

♡︎ONE ♡︎ - House of secrets

1.1K 19 0
By PevensieDreams

// originally Published in January, edited in July before August. //

FIRST DAY OF YEAR TEN STARTED PRETTY WELL. RIGHT NOW ON A NORMAL CLOUDY YET SUNNY AFTERNOON , Rhianna sat next to Fabian who is one of her closest best friends as she had her headphones on while he read whilst watching their other friends Joy and Patricia mess about with a camera, most likely trying to work out how much space they'll because from the looks of it those two are taking some time even though their front courtyard has enough space. Lunch times were her favourites, she thinks being trapped inside school all hours is awful and that studying for too long is also a crime which everyone always laughs at because they don't know what goes on inside her brain but will let her continue believe her own opinions. she eventually got bored of listening to music and decided she'd help out her two roommates who were still struggling taking pictures so she removed her headphones after pausing 'JUST DANCE' by lady gaga then placed her phone onto her blazer that laid besides her.

"okay I'm going in"
The brunette announced yet didn't get any response from Fabian  who had his head stuck into his book he was reading. "geez you'd think some people would look at the beautiful earth we live in.. guess not" she jokingly said through her grin and only then did he look up expect she already stood from where they were sitting and walked around both girls.

"Move back a bit more!"
exclaimed Patricia as she held her camera and instructed where Joy should be for their first picture of the year.  She was focused on adjusting buttons form her phone she's using,
they just had their first lesson meaning everyone now had some free time before another lessons starts soon which is way these for are spending break outside until a bell signals they're needed back.

"Hurry up!"
slightly complained Joy as she walked backwards then noticed their other roommate who smiled witnessing the whole thing.
"Hey Rhi, want to help me get back at Patricia later?" she called out the minute that Rhianna had joined in with her little photography session.

If anything these three were very close.. closer than any girls from other houses they have a special bond although it took ages realising they were supposed to be best friends when they first started in year seven. they never used to share a room it was only up until year nine (couple months ago and basically a whole summer holiday away) that Victor allowed them too swap housemates and so after spending every night together watching romcoms/ karaoke nights (getting yelled at by their legal house guardian)/ magazine quizzes.. they've stuck by each other's side not knowing what the future may hold for them.

"Oh I would love to help"
cheerfully agreed Rhianna when she also began walking backwards. "see, this is why I got up! just take the picture already Trish!"
she said which got her and Joy to giggle at. in all fairness she hates having her photos taking but if it's by one of her best friends then she'll gladly accept it right away,, mainly because she just turned sixteen so she's thinking about having a fresh new start with the way she acts out."My feet are killing me" she sarcastically expressed yet had a grin on her face

"Right, come on. that's it!"
remarked Patricia when she finally got the correct settings on her phone. in a flash the two fell over resulting them to land on Fabian who'd finished reading his book and she clicked onto her camera button once getting an ideal photo of her three friends causing her to smile with amusement. "thank you for your service" she chuckled soon as it made a 'click' noise.

"Oh hey, Careful"
Fabian said once seeing that both girls somehow ended up tripping over his legs, he didn't think it was a double 'photoshoot'. he helped Joy up first followed by Rhianna."okay I never thought of you as someone clumsy" joked the raven haired boy after lifting them by using his now empty hands where his book had been couple minutes ago.

Rhianna stuck her tongue out at him once she sorted herself out, she brushed her grey trousers which had a few grass on them before putting on her extra hoodie (which wasn't allowed since it's against school rules yet wears it anyway even if Mr Sweet had told her in the past not to bring into lessons). Just simple moments like this were her favourites ; despite her having two friendship groups she doesn't consider herself as someone who's 'popular' . she is in fact quit shy but will try leaving her shell whenever she meets someone brand new which is hardly ever since her bubble is mainly her housemates she's knowing for a long time and feels more comfortable hanging out with everyone from her house.

"That's my new pro file picture!"
gushed Patricia when taking a glance at her photo album ."your in it too Rhi-Rhi , wasn't your brightest idea yet huh?" she cheekily added soon as she spotted the brunette about too put on her headphones yet paused once hearing those few words, few seconds later some shadow run towards her which caused her to shriek.

The Young Clarence practically rushed over where Patricia stood, she placed her hands on the redhead's shoulder." no you don't! "
she exclaimed whilst trying to reach for her phone." Remove it right now or I won't practice braiding your hair"she added through her mini chuckle just as they were both wrestling each other's hands not minding whatever was happening between their other friends who were also in their own little world.

"Aw I like it when you braid my hair!"
fake gasped Patricia whilst living her arm higher with the camera above her head. "sorry no can do I'm keeping it up forever" she remarked in a cheery voice tone , she tried to keep her laughter inside though it seemed like her brain controlled itself since few chuckles got let out." your not getting my phone" she said through their synced snickers.

Rhianna removed her hands from her shoulder's meaning she'd "given up" although she really hadn't. she became quiet as she thought of an plan , she circled around the redheaded girl knowing very well that she would follow her trial with her emerald green eyes which Young Clarence simply smirked at. She then stopped for one moment before running again and bumped into Patricia causing them to tumble over not paying any attention to Joy and Fabian that were discussing about Book covers having Robert Pattinson on it' or something like that she wasn't to sure since she is mainly focusing on the fact she didn't loose her cool like she did back home. They got up once their laughs died down, she went over too get her belongings . sooner or later those four eventually began making their way to a main building for French.

Just as they started walking from where they sat, a black taxi drove into the parking lot causing them all to grow confused. Why would someone be joining now? especially so late into year ten?  neither of them took much notice so they continued having another group conversation not aware someone rushed past accidentally colliding into Patricia. "I'm so sorry" apologised this unknown girl with an American accent, however during that mini situation each student took one glance at her until she ran off leaving them extremely dazzled." Who's the American?" no one knew yet carried on with their short travel.

Once making their way inside the building, Williamson reached into her bag and took something pink out of looking rather excited about her package. "Hey guys look what came this morning" she happily said directly towards her roommates standing by her sides. it was a Dvd collection which could only mean one thing they'd planned on having one of their secret sleepovers once school finished hopefully Victor would be to busy too even hear anything from their bedroom few doors away from his office.

"Yes! bff-boxset tonight?"
gleefully boasted Joy as she took the dvd collection to examine it closely "yeah, you're on" cheered Patricia when they reached their classroom , either they were early or late because not many people had arrived yet.
hallways aren't always crowded just today looked a little bit less busy which is unusual.

Rhianna shook her head at her roomies, she loved them she really did but hour long marathons weren't her thing. "nope" she shifted backwards. "I shall be there providing popcorn plus any other snacks you may need however I shan't join in- oh there's Jerome.. gotta y'know see what he's doing.. I'm not avoiding anything stop giving me those looks" she rambled whilst spotting their other housemate standing opposite them by a window. she let the others head into Mrs Andrews's classroom and waited until it was the right moment for her to interfere in his scheming problem. "oi Lewis, what's jerry up to?" she asked whilst rocking her feet considering she hated standing still for long.

Alfie lewis, he's a very energetic boy with lots of conspiracy theories about aliens involving space. he is also into pulling pranks,
you could find any random object around the house thinking it wouldn't do anything unfortunately no resident expects the unexpected hence why everyone is determined to be absolutely careful on whatever they might trip on this term. "So I've got the perfect plan too make Amber notice me yeah?" he announced when approaching his pranking buddies. "oh hey Anna" he greeted the girl standing by their classroom's door.

greeted back Rhianna though sounded very unsure about one of their blonde mates. "okay.. what I'm gathering here is... you've still got a crush on Millington, Jerome's selling his old homework sheets from year eight and nine to innocent lower years..." she blinked a few times trying to understand everything. Unluckily,  her brain doesn't work after having lunch outside so she rested her hands onto her forehead acting as if she got a headache like she'd done a maths topic . (It wasn't her brightest subject and neither was French she hated that she's only doing it because of her mother Gertrude Clarence). "yeah okay nope too much thinking- see you dweebs in class" she waved them goodbye afterwards she'd stepped inside heading towards her shared desk at the front.


we are going to have, a practice exam❝
Spoke their French teacher Mrs Andrews while walking around the classroom once everyone had settled in and organised their belongings causing most students to groan not being pleased with this news they'd all received. Of course there was some people who didn't make any noise those were Fabian and Mara considering those two did get pretty good grades out out of most residents from other houses not just their own.

Couple desks down some girl with blonde curly/wavy hair had her phone out, it seemed like she was having a debate with her father about something 'important' by how her voice projected through the room."But daddy you have to expand my credit limit " ah yes Frobisher high's popular cheerleader ; miss Millington.

"phone off Amber"
Demanded Mrs Andrews when passing tables from behind only for the blonde teen to continue giving out reasons why she should have whatever she's asking for.

"but I've seen a pair of really important shoes" Amber loudly said ignoring her teacher's request until one person entering late caught her eye. "Dad I have to go I'm in school" she whispered then ended her phone call she was having ."Mick! you're back!" she happily squealed.

Looking up from her drawing notebook; Rhianna saw the Jock throw his football into a bin, she gave him one of her small signature waves she'd normally greeted people with resulting him to return one back. Truthfully, she never understood the feeling of having a crush on a boy but she didn't care much and went back to finishing of her drawings she sketched out over summer holidays. Deep down, she prayed that she wouldn't get caught again or sent too Mr Sweet's office – that would have him phone her parents even though they're both on "work trips" is what her parents told her and her younger sister.. she doesn't believe them yet went along with their mini lie.

"Sorry I'm late"
apologised Mick after using his football skills. "You might have changed first" sharply commented Mrs Andrews as she held onto the exam papers. "just try not to perspire all over the paper" she added whilst placing a sheet onto his desk before swiftly heading towards the front.

"Can he be any hotter?"
whispered Amber to her desk partner Mara although her voice could be heard by most of her classmates , she didn't really get embarrassed at all.

Hours later into French everyone ended up doing their own thing as they waited for their practise exam to start. Rhianna could've sworn she saw a fly buzzing around though she wasn't one hundred percent sure, she tends to get distracted easily if nothing happened in lessons which has been one of her concern's from her parents whenever she stopped working at home... but that's another topic for a different time. She turned around wondering what her fellow classmates are doing , she rose her eyebrow when seeing Jerome and Alfie messing about with red food colouring yet didn't dare question their weirdness since she's now used to it and so she faced the front rested her head into her arms trying not too fall asleep. "someone save me I can't take this much longer" she mumbled not even attempting writing her name onto her paper

Sitting next to the Clarence girl , Joy chuckled at her complaints then softly patted her arm in comfort."you'll live, we've got few hours left then you won't have to learn your least favourite subject" she quietly said and earned a mini glare which caused her to finish off writing the date on top of her paper.

"Right. you have exactly one hour to complete your exam" Says Mrs Andrews when she'd sat back at her desk up front. "The time is six minutes past two- she almost finished explaining rules but someone appeared to have a problem ." Mrs A?" called out Alfie from the back of her room. "yes Alfie?" she answered without making any eye contact, probably thinking it's another one of his pranks.

"Nosebleed, it's a gusher"
Alfie said out loud whilst holding onto his 'bloody' tissue.  "Infirmary quickly!" 
The older woman told him and he immediately got up from his seat making his classmates turn around in confusion wondering what it could be this time. As he rushed towards the door taking out the bottle he used which caused everyone to laugh just when their headteacher walked in but placed it back into his pocket.

However Mr sweet stopped Alfie once he'd entered the room." Festine Lente, boy" he spoke in French. "more haste, less speed" he translated in English then let lewis go not aware that it was a fake reason to go to the nurse. "Sorry to interrupt Mrs Andrews" he shortly said before facing the students. "uh, Joy there's someone to see you in my office" he informed her.

Who would be visiting her at this hour? nobody should unless it's her parents, which is odd. Joy shared a questionable expression with Patricia and Rhianna but gathered her belongings from their desk packing everything into her bag not bothering to ask a question on why she's being excused from class unlike everyone else.little did these three know it would be there last time sitting together in most classes/ sharing a room for this whole new term..

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

HOURS PASSED BY ,NEITHER GIRLS HAVE SEEN MERCER ONCE THEIR LAST LESSON ENDED FOR THAT DAY."I'm starting to get worried about JJ"mumbled Rhianna as they wondered round school looking for their friend her brain had shut down due to her being tired after completing her paper... well most of it . "shouldn't she have finished her meeting with Mr sweet by now?" she quizzed through her yawn"on another subject- I hate French, why did my mum put it as my GCSE subject for next semester? oh never mind. can we please go home now?" she sighed hoping that they'd leave the hallways and be able to have a quick nap till dinner was ready

   Patricia ignored her mumbling and went directly to where were their lockers are, meeting face to face with the two most known pranksters from their house "Have you guys seen joy?" she worryingly asked them once she wasn't going in anymore hallways.Alfie spoke through his halloween mask as he said something about their fellow roomie except she couldn't hear his voice properly. "what?" she blurted out. 

Jerome grinned understanding what his roommate told them "yeah, she's this tall, dark hair" he remarked whilst showing how tall Joy is.

"Ha ha"
flatly replied Patricia "we've just been to Sweetie's office and she's not there" she said in a serious tone which made him realise they weren't joking".. maybe she's gone back to the house?" he calmly suggested. 

Rhianna couldn't help but tilt her head whilst looking at Alfie, she had so many questions on why he's even dressed in a wolf mask. "uh" she began to speak."Can I ask something? why is he wearing one of those costumes? it's not halloween that was months ago"she confusingly said yet didn't get an answer just got a small chuckle from Jerome and she grew even more confused,
but she didn't wait around to hear anything else because she'd gotten softly dragged by a certain redhead implying they were now begging their search again, she didn't mind if it was Patricia.. although if it was anyone else she'll most likely get quit annoyed.

Soon as the duo reached the house , they both raced upstairs hoping Clarke's suggestion would be true. "Maybe she's in our room already Trish" her voice echoed from outside and both froze before opening their bedroom door but to their surprise some girl was there instead surprisingly it was the girl they'd seen earlier. "oh hello" Rhianna greeted yet it came out as a question.

"Joy, we've been-"
Patricia paused once noticing someone else in their room "who are you?" She rudely asked the girl they saw earlier finishing unpacking when rising from a bed. " I'm Nina, new , American obviously. good to meet you-" she introduced herself, she sounded really nice. " Who cares?"she snapped clearly not taking a liking there's a stranger sharing with them now
"where are Joy's things? what's going on?"

Nina was about to say something but looked nervous. "Did you do this ?" questioned the unknown British girl with red hair and blue highlights as she held up a scrunched up picture. " no I just got here" she admitted then glanced opposite side to where her other roommate stood clearly unsure why this is happening. "Hey! what are you doing?"
she worryingly asked when her stuff was being moved out of their room."please stop! victor told me joy had left"she cried.

Rhianna's eyes widened when hearing those words, it's only been two weeks since the term started how?." that's impossible" she quietly breathed out as she placed her bag beside her bed whilst removing her blazer followed by her jumper. "okay anyways... that side is really nice you'd get extra sunlight shining on your walls" she said through her fake cough trying to clear out the awkwardness filling the air .

Patricia reached into the bin holding onto a cell phone that looked familiar ." Without this? this is her phone. Did you steal it?"she angrily asked, she had no clue who this American girl is or why they're sharing but she figures something odd is going on.

"Not a great strategy for making friends.
show up and steal stuff?"
replied Nina whilst looking to the other half of their room for some help , unluckily she was still being accused. "And this is joy's as well!" exclaimed her unknown new housemate who'd taking an important framed photo from her side table. "Hey! put that down I mean it you can't take that!" she cried out once seeing it was a picture of her grandma.

Rhianna's mouth dropped in complete shock she's never seen Patricia act like this in her whole life, she rushed out of the room when they did." Trisha maybe you should see from her point of view? Nina here clearly doesn't know anything- " she turned to face their American housemate. "Hi,  i'm Anna" she used her nickname whilst introducing herself with a small smile. " I promise you she's not usually this grumpy" she snarled.

Patricia rolled her eyes at the comment before saying "I don't know who you are, or where you've come from. but you are not our roommate Joy is!" she exclaimed not sensing miss Martin's nervousness at this point yet she payed zero attention to it."now where is she?"she continued throwing more questions unaware that her voice echoed through hallways and will most likely create a scene ..."Did you hear what I said? where's joy?" she repeated herself yet sounded even more annoyed.

"Okay,, can we start over? I'm Nina from America."
remarked Martin as she tried her best not to get upset." and unless Joy is hiding under the bed- I don't know where she is, the room was empty when I got here" she admitted to both girls who stood outside in the corridor with her.

Neither of them had notice another person leave the attic, yet they jumped once a sharp voice tone boomed. "Patricia Williamson! Rhianna Jaymie Clarence" Victor shouted out soon as he saw those three standing in the corridor. "What is going on here?" He strictly asked each resident.

Rhianna pulled a face when hearing her middle name. She hated anyone who used it and normally corrects them however she's kinda scared of their house keeper/guardian so she kept her mouth shut as she began picking up some belongings from the floor that belong to miss Martin, she figured she should do something nice if the atmosphere stays cold.
"I don't know. I only wanted to take a nap" she mumbled whilst bending slightly "school's frying me out"Which is very true.

"That's what I'd like to know. Where's Joy?"
Questioned Patricia as she ignored more mumbled comments coming from opposite side."Joy has left" shortly responded Victor not giving out an actual genuine answer.
"what do you mean she's left?" Both her and Rhianna worryingly asked , how has she left? they weren't that full into term yet.

"Her parents came to school this afternoon, and removed her"
Victor tells them yet sounded extremely bored just by his voice tone. Unfortunately Patricia didn't believe him one hundred percent "But.. that's impossible. why would they do that?"
she worryingly asked none of it was making any sense at all I have absolutely no idea" he spoke though wasn't very impressed by her questioning.

Rhianna rocked onto her feet. "Joy would never leave without saying goodbye.. she knows how I get when people leave go. "
she confronted whilst looking down at the floor. "I know Mr and Mrs mercer they'd never enrol their daughter just to pull her out when we've literally started year ten" she added expect lowed her voice, their families were very close and met up during the summer holidays whenever they could. The Clarence family went through some tough moments meaning someone eventually went somewhere causing her too get upset and get trust issues but got help from her friends with video calls and mini catch up sessions.. she still can't trust anyone that easily yet.

"Or without her mobile phone!, or without Bunsy Bun" Restored Patricia after she'd calmed down for a short while just too notice how upset her best friended sounded. she had what looked like a stuffed bunny along with mobile in her hands since she took those from the bin in their room.

"Give them to me I will forward them onto her"Victor instructed almost as if they were planted for evidence except she hesitated. "Give"  he sternly instructed this time and Patricia gave him the prized belongings. " now, clear all this stuff back into the room" he added seeing bedding scattered on the floor.

"should be easy"
Rhianna's voice muffled through most of the things she carried. "I mean, I've already started tidying- she boasted but got cut off by another voice.  Sure she's worried about their friend it's just, today has been a long day and she needed a nap up until it was officially time for dinner which would be soon.

"–No way!"
Quickly exclaimed Patricia denying that she'd help Sorting everything inside  what she threw in the first place.
"I'm going to phone Joy and find out what's going on" she sternly says then stormed past heading downstairs while her name got yelled by their legal boarding guardian as she did so.

As she tried fixing the puzzle pieces together, Rhianna's brain lighted up when hearing 'Supper will be ready in ten minutes' that's an amazing thing she's ever heard! "yay" she tiredly squealed before walking back into her shared room that now had three different colours on each wall, there was Purple (she guessed it had been repainted whilst students were away) then there was mainly black although it was just posters, finally her side which was the bright colours. "I'm sorry about Patricia, she can get stressed out easily" she softly apologised whilst placing Nina's extra stuff onto their other bed. "she'll warm up to you soon though" her voice echoed when she stepped inside of her wardrobe and fully changed out of her uniform and into something more comfortable.

"It seems like you two are quit close"
Says Nina as she adjusted her framed
photo of her nan. "including your other friend?" she added whilst trying not to show she was freaking out inside about being the only new person when everyone practically knows each other already, she hopes that her housemates won't be too harsh or dislike her.

"We are" commented Rhianna once she'd finished trying on multiple bottoms plus tops and she decided to wear leggings 
with a oversized long sleeved shirt instead. "but that doesn't mean- "she stopped talking when realising Martin most likely couldn't hear her muffled speaking hence why she opened the wardrobe's door.  "it doesn't mean I can't be your friend too" she continued with a grin then heard familiar voices coming from downstairs, everyone had arrived. "well Nina, it was lovely meeting you.. food is calling me and I can't wait any longer" she did a little happy dance. "you'll like living here. just gotta get used to our chaos" she added before skipping out of their bedroom heading downstairs...

[WORD COUNT] : 4519
Last edited : TBA


Whoo! First chapter completed. I have no idea how I remember most of her lines but I've changed it up ha ha. Hopefully not too much will be noticeable.. anyway! if you guys look at my 'bio' I'll now have a schedule when updates will be because of online classes for college, I'm not always gonna be active.

Hope you guys have a good Sunday. Let me know what your thoughts are of my rewrite! don't forget to comment, vote or share
-🤍Xoxo xoxo

Edited : April 11th 2023

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