By Multie_fandom001

3.9K 120 9

when supergirl is taken by Cadmus Alex will do anything to get her back. even if that means going to another... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

89 4 2
By Multie_fandom001


word count: 2336

Alex woke up to an empty bed in the morning. she knew maggie had to go in earlier this morning so she could get off and help out with the CADMUS case.  getting out of bed and doing her morning routine she left for the tower.

the first thing Alex did when she got to the tower was gone check to see how Lena was coming along in the project.

"Hey, Lena how is the suit coming along?"

"good it almost done. I just need to fix some stuff, but we should be able to bring Kara back to this earth by this afternoon." Lena said with a smile.

"good. Why don't you go take a quick break and get some breakfast cause I know you didn't eat dinner last night and i also know you didn't sleep and i don't want kara to kill me because i let her best friend die from exhaustion."

"ok, i will alex" lena said with a reluctant tone.

with Alex left the lab and went to check on the progress winn and felicity had.

"hey, what do we got so far?"

"nothing. it's like they have completely vanished. Felicity hacked all security feed surroundings, there have been no movements from there what's so ever." Winn said.

"ok well tell me when we get anything. can we still track kryptonite?" Alex asked.

"We are but currently everywhere is showing up with it. but that's because of the whole atmosphere being exposed to it. but if a higher amount is being used anywhere we will find out." Winn explained.

"ok good tell me if you find any place with higher amounts. I will be training downstairs. oh and can you keep an eye on Lena? she got no sleep last night and hasn't eaten in god knows when."

"on it," Winn said typing on his computer.

on Alex's way to the elevator, Nyssa snuck up on her.

"I overheard you saying you were going to the Training area?"

"OH GOD Nyssa jezz you scared the ever-loving shit out of me. and yeah. Why?"

"well Oliver asked me to meet him down there to train, and I have seemed to gotton lost somewhere on my way there."

"oh yeah, I can help you find your way there. do you know what training room he said?"

"I believe three."

"yeah follow me. so if you don't mind me asking, what's your background like?" Alex asked stepping into the elevator.

"oh yes. well, I was the former air to the demon. in the league of assassins. but when my father died the man who drugged his daughter to kill Sara became the demons head. so Oliver cut off his hand and gave over the rights to leauge to me, with that I realized what the league was becoming so I dispensed it."

"so you know Sara?"

"yes, I saved her when she was ship wrecked on the island, and then we dated while she was in the league. you don't seem all that surprised."

"yeah well after growing up and living with a allian nothing shockes me anymore. that and you and Sara are not the first assassins I have met. I once met a Russian assassin. I heard she became apart of some superhero team in new york."  (hehe😆😆!!! I had to!)

"Hmm, odd."

"well we are here,  A lex said stepping out of the elevator Walking to the door for the third training room.

"Thank you for the assistance Alex it was nice talking to you."

"oh Hey, Alex. we got anything yet?" Oliver asked as he saw her.

"No, not yet. soon."

"ok well, why don't you train with us then. Thea will be down in a minute."

"sure sounds good."


Sara woke up first and just looked at Kara. she looked so peaceful, not having to fight anything, she could just be in her world and relax.
Sara looked over to her clock and saw it was 6 AM, she figured Kara wouldn't wake up untill at least 8 so she thought she would go and get her usual workout done. when she tried to get up the pair of strong-arm tightened around her.

"Noo!" the sleeping Kryptonian whined. Kara's eyes weren't open but she could see the small smile on her lips.

"Yess. Kara, I have to go do my morning work out. you can go back to bed if you want, but I have to get up."

"ugh fine. But you are making up for it with more snuggles when you get done." Kara said. and Sara just laughed.

"Fine, I will do my work out, and then take a quick shower and then you and I can stay in bed until we get another mission or the other legends wake up and start making noise. whichever comes first."  buy the time she got done explaining this to kara she looked and saw she was asleep again already. "big puppy." Sara said with a small chuckle.

walking out of the room she headed down to the cargo bay and started working out. about an hour into her workout Ray came in.

"hey, Sara I have a question on kryptonite sample."

"I'm not the one you should be asking. and kara is asleep and refuses to wake up so sorry but your gonna have to wait."

"no, just one question did we put a tracker in it?"

"what?" Sara asked turning around to face him.

"yeah I was breaking it apart and I found a tracker in it."

"ok get Zari up and meet me and kara in the lab."

"Ok. Hey, Sara?"

"Yeah Ray?"

"you don't think they put it in there to track us do you?"

"I don't know."

Sara ran down to her room and saw Kara even more bundled blankets she looked so cute she almost didn't want to wake her.

"hey kara wakes up, Ray found something out about the kryptonite that you should know about."

"What is it?"

"Just get up and get dressed and follow me."

kara and Sara made their way down the hall and turned into the lab.

"Ray is the kryptonite in the lead case?" Sara asked.

"yeah, Kara's all clear."

"ok, so what did you find Ray the required me out of bed before 8?" Kara asked.

"this. at first I didn't know what it was but I did some tests on it and it's s tracker."

"can they track us even though we are on a different earth?" Zari asked now more awake after hearing what Ray found.

"I don't know. Gideon?" Sara asked.

"it looks like it can. The good news is that with us being in the time  stream they cant get to us, but the tracker is sending info back to them about how to get between earth's give them about 6 hours before they have a way to this earth in the present time."

"great I just brought CADMUS here. Now lex and Lillian have everything they need to ensure they defeat us." Kara said.

"It's not your fault Kara, we will figure this out," Sara said giving a kiss on the forehead and wrapping an arm around her, and pulling her close. "Ok Zari and Ray take the tracker back to Earth 38 and see if you guys can backtrack it maybe ffindswwhereetheir base is. if we get it back there know they might not have everything they need to get here." Sara said.

"Got it cap," Zari said dragging Ray out of the lab.

"Hey we will figure this out trust me we won't let anything happen," said Sara pulling Kara into a hug.


Alex, Oliver, Nyssa, and Thea had just got done training and were on their way upstairs where they meet Felicitynd Winn.

"Nothing yet?" Oliver asked.

"nope by the way Maggie just got here," Winn responded.

Maggie just got upstairs when a blue portal opened behind her and Zari, and Ray popped out of it.

"guys what are you doing here? is everything ok? is Kara ok?" Alex asked.

"kara's fine, but we have a problem. the kryptonite we found when she was attacked right after coming to earth one had a tracker in it, it looks like they were trying to find the way to travel between earth, we were able to stop before he found the way but still." ray says.

"yeah I might have a way to backtrack to see where they are. but I need help from the nerd squad." zari says.

"I almost take offense to that., Felicity said.

"same anyways let's get cracking."

"ok, you 4 handle that. I and maggie will go see how the suit coming along."

"speaking of Lena." thea said.

"the suit is ready all we has to do is put it over her suit and it will appear over it. and hopefully, by this time tomorrow, we will have the cleaned out too." Lena said.

"ok I and Alex will go get it to kara." maggie said.

"I will come too, I feel like a few screams could be helpful," Oliver said.

"I'm going to pretend like I know what that means," Winn said.

"yeah well, me keeping this one person from someone else's could lead."

"well good luck babe, love you," Felicity said.

"ok, let's go."

Earth one

"kara, Sara, Lena was able to finish the suit, and hopefully she will have the air cleaned by this time tomorrow," Alex said.

"olivers also here he had to get a few friends he said." maggie told them.

"speaking of. Oliver where are those friends you speak of?"

"look Sara before you kill me for what I'm about to show you, know there was no good way of telling you this."

"what are you talking about ollie?"

"Diana bring her in."

with that cue, Diana brought E-2 laural in.

"what the hell Oliver! you seriously didn't btring her back from the dead! especially after seeing what the pit did to me!" Sara yelled walking up to him.

"I'm not your laural Sara. I'm from Earth two. and the reason isn't to tell you right away was that II first came here I wasn't on their side. I was killing people and hurting people, I wasn't anything like natural atatat all and they didn't want you to know until they were able to get me on their side."

"it this true Oliver?" Sara said inches from his face.


"I need a minute. I will be right back."

"I'm not going to lie Oliver that was dumb as hell," Diana said.

"I'm sorry who are you two?" maggie asked looking between Diana and laural.

"I'm Sara's dead sister from another earth. Laural."

"I'm Diana, a detective and apart of team arrow."

"I'm Alex, I vividly remember you from the earth X non since, and Kara's sister."

"I'm maggie, Alex's wife, and also a detective."

"speaking of kara where did she go?" Diana said.

"probably to go check on Sara," Oliver said.

kara walked down to the halls of the wave rider to Sara's bedroom, where she knew she would be. and as expected she found her in her room looking at a picture of her and laural and her dad.

"I'm not going to ask you if your ok, because I know your not. so instead I'll ask if you need anything."

"I just need you," Sara said watching as kara came up and sit down next to her, pulling her close.

"maybe you should try talking to her seeing what she's like." kara said.

"maybe later right know we have to stop Cadmus."

"Sara we have plenty of time. ok ve a lead on their base we have plenty of time."

"Sorry to break up the moment, but we have a lead, we got to go," Alex said breaking the moment.

"or maybe we don'tave time. let's get you into that new suit."

"ok give me one last kiss before we cant for 24 hours."

"This is going to suck," Sara whined before she gave one last kiss.

kara quickly speed into her suit, and Alex came and put the device over her house of el symbol.

"Hopefully it's just for 24 hours," Alex said giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"wow, you look badass in that suit, babe."

"let's go.   I 'made to stop Cadmus once and for all." and with that everyone left back to earth 38.


right now ray, zari, Sara, laural, and Diana were on one side of this base, while Oliver, Nyssa, thea, alex, and maggie were the other. flash was doing a permititccheckile kara and j'onn were in the air.

"ok on my count let's move. 3, 2, 1. Go." all of them went in.

"what the hell it's a said.

"They must have known we were coming., Nyssa said.

"guys come over here we got something," Alex said.

"they were leaving so fast they left some stuff here." maggie said. as Alex handed a piece of oooffaper to join.

"is that what I think it is."

"what is it?" kara asked.

"it planes to create a doomsday." j'onn said.

"what's that?" Diana asked.

"it's something kara's cousin almost died stopping it" Alex said.

"but this is worse, they putting kryptonite all over it." maggie said.

"We still have to fight it." kara said.

"no kara are you crazy?! Clark almost died taking on one that didn't have krypotnight spikes. this will kill you."

"I agree with Sara kara, you will kill yourself doing this."

"We don't have another choice."

"maybe kara will be ok, as long as she weres the kryptonite suit itcantssssst affect her."

"yeah but the kryptonite can still go through it and kill her." Alex argued or maybe because they forgot the planes they can't finish it." barry said.

"We just going to have to hope that the case." laural said.

and that's all for this chapter! there only about 4 or 5 more chapters left.

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