amor na máfia

By JosieS11

731K 13.7K 1.5K

Book one in the Ricci Men. Lara is an innocent girl in his eyes but neither of them knew that she wasn't that... More

Part one: Chapter 1-Introductions
Chapter 2-sorvete
Chapter 3-festa
Chapter 4- Strano
Chapter 5-flores
Chapter 6-Jantar
Chapter 7- Parque
Chapter 8-Pior encontro
Chapter 9-Folga
Chapter 10-Encontro
Chapter 11-Controllo dei precedenti
Chapter 12- O sucesso
Chapter 13-Dramática
Chapter 14-Abuso
Chapter 15-Incazzata
Chapter 16-Dia das Bruxas
Chapter 17- Namorado
Chapter 18-Pranzo
Chapter 19-Doente
Chapter 20-Chamadas noturnas
Chapter 21-Melhor
Chapter 22-Tempestade
Chapter 23- Abraços
Chapter 24- Feira de diversões
Chapter 25- Pernoitar
Chapter 26- James
Chapter 27- Emozioni
Chapter 28- Ação de graças
Chapter 29- Forte
Chapter 30- Banho
Chapter 31- Tchau
Chapter 32- Os Pais
Chapter 33- Você Está?
Chapter 34- Dormire
Chapter 35- Primeira Vez
Chapter 36- Doccia
Chapter 37- Eu te amo
Chapter 38- Raiva
Chapter 39- Sexo
Chapter 40- Queda de energia
Chapter 41- Mentirosa?
Chapter 42- Rabbia
Chapter 43- Seis dias
Chapter 44- Depois de
Chapter 45- Natal
Chapter 46- Tchau Nova York
Part 2: Chapter 1- new characters
Chapter 2- Vida Nova
Chapter 3- Cresciuto
Chapter 4- Dia De Piscina
Chapter 5- Acessórios
Chapter 6- Preparação
Chapter 7- Baile
Chapter 8- O Incómodo
Chapter 9- A Direita
Chapter 10- Hurt
Chapter 11- Traidora
Chapter 12- Pavor
Chapter 13- Adoção
Chapter 14- Invasão
Chapter 15- De volta pra você
Chapter 16- Não se foi mais
Chapter 17- Estresse pós-traumático
Chapter 18- Pai
Chapter 19- O Pesadelo
Chapter 20- Chamada Telefónica
Chapter 21- Sequestrada
Chapter 22- A Descer
Chapter 23- Eu lembro
Chapter 24- Seguida
Chapter 25- Melhor amiga
Chapter 26- Juntos novamente
Chapter 27- A corrida em
Chapter 28- Armas
Chapter 29- Brasil caiu
Chapter 30- Uma forma de dor
Chapter 31- Diverso
Chapter 32- Guerra
Chapter 33- Casa segura
Chapter 34- O Acordo
Chapter 35- A Conversa
Chapter 36- Grata
Chapter 38- Tchau
Extra chapter 1
Extra chapter 2
Extra chapter 3
Extra chapter 4
Extra chapter 5

Chapter 37- Preparando

4.5K 98 4
By JosieS11

I wake up to Jax fully dressed in his suit and sat at the foot of the bed just looking at me.

"Morning." He says and I smile softly and rub my eyes. I lean against the headboard and look at Jax.

"Go get dressed, today is Dmitri's death day. Then I'm taking you on a date." Jax says and I look at him confused.

"Isn't that this evening?" I ask and he nods.

"Well I was going to take you and Alannah out for ice cream around lunch." Jax says making me laugh.

"Jax it's like freezing outside, its freezing. You don't need to add to that with ice cream." I say climbing out of bed.

I walk past Jax but he leans forward and grabs my thighs pulling me towards him.

"I thought I had to get ready." I say as Jax kisses down my neck .

"Hmm, I guess." He says pulling back.

I have a quick shower then blow dry and straighten my hair. I put on some plain black jeans and look through the last of my clothes that are hung up in Jax's closet.

"Do you want to match, like what my parents did?" Jax asks looking through a bunch of ties.

"I don't see why not." I say making him smile. I put on a black silky emerald green top and tuck it into my jeans.

"I trust you can find a tie." I say walking back out of the closet.

I put on my saint laurent necklace and heels before putting some makeup on. Once I was ready I woke Alannah up.

All three of us walked downstairs where we were the first ones. We sat in our usual seats whilst we sat and waited for everyone else. Alannah was sat telling us all about her dream last night.

Matteo and Rocco had walked in laughing, well Matteo was laughing loud enough for the both of them.

"Morning." Jax says glancing up from his phone as the two boys sat.

"Morning." They reply and I smile at them softly before turning back to Alannah.

Once Amara and Gio finally come down to the dinning room we all have breakfast.

"I'm personally not that busy today but you boys actually are." Jax says and they all turn to him confused, well Rocco didn't.

"That doesn't make sense." Gio says and Jax sighs.

"Well it does actually. Lara and Alannah are going back to Brazil tomorrow and well I would like to spend time with then before they leave." He says making Amara gasp.

"You're leaving tomorrow, why didn't you tell us?" She asks and Jax furrows his eyebrows.

"Amara I did actually talk to you about going to Brazil with her didn't I?" Jax asks and I look between them confused.

"Well yeah you did but you should've told me you were leaving so soon." Amara says.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Amara asks and I look over to Jax as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to. Your life is here, in New York." I say and she smiles.

"I'm coming with you Lara, plus it might do me some good to get away from all these men." She says making me smile.

"Good. The flight is tomorrow at 11am." Jax says and she nods.

After breakfast I take Alannah upstairs to sort her out for the day.

Once Alannah was dressed we clean her room and start to pack up the rest of her stuff. We leave out an outfit for tomorrow and a few toys.

Once all of her stuff was packed. I put her suitcase by her door ready to be put in the car tomorrow.

Once she was ready we head into Jax's room where she sat on the bed watching a film on my laptop and playing with a few of her toys.

I head into Jax's closet and then pack up the rest of my things.

"Hey." Jax shouts walking into his room. I step out of his closet and look at him smiling.

"You girls ready for ice cream?" Jax asks making Alannah squeal and jump up.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says taking Alannah off of the bed.

"I'll meet you at the car." He says and I nod before putting some shoes on and meeting Jax and Alannah at the car.

It was absolutely freezing outside so we decided on eating ice cream in the car with the heat up.

"So are we actually going back to Brazil tomorrow?' Alannah asks and I nod.

"We are bub." I say and she sighs.

"I know but I'll see you guys very soon for Christmas and Amara is going with you." Jax says and I smile breaks across her face.

We were laughing at something Alannah said when she scrunched her face up and held her head.

"Uh oh looks like someone for brain freeze." Jax says and I look at her worried.

"Put your tongue against the roof of your mouth." I say and she nods and does exactly that.

After we had ice cream Jax brought three new stuffed animals and a new toy.

Once we got home it was about dinner time so we had dinner whilst Amara told us how well her packing was going.

Once we put Alannah to bed I follow Jax downstairs where we head to the door.

"We're having dinner. We'll meet you at the warehouse in a bit." Jax says to Gio who just nods.

For dinner we didn't have anything really, I just snacked on two bread sticks.

We get to an Italian restaurant as per usual and we immediately get taken to a table. We're presented with a bottle of wine which gets poured into our glasses straight away. Then order food.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow, I am going to miss you." He says and I smile.

"I'm going to miss you too but like you said, it's less than a month." I say and he holds my hand over the table.

"We're gonna have to facetime a lot." He says and I nod. Of course.

"Take care of Amara for me won't you?" He asks and I nod. "Gio would never forgive us if she went over there and something happened to her." He sighs.

"Of course I will. If she leaves the house, she'll have security." I say and he nods.

"Okay good." He says and I nod and smile.

After dinner we went straight to the warehouse.

Once we got there we went straight to Jax's office. After he put in the pin both Gio and Matteo were sat there.

"Is Dmitri ready?" Jax asks.

"No one is ready to die Jax." Gio says taking a sip of a brown liquor in his glass.

"Rocco is with him a moment just you know, preparing him." Matteo says and Jax nods.

Jax looks at Gio confused. Gio looked kind of unorganised, messy. Gio drank all the contents from his glass then went to pour another when Jax took the bottle from him.

"You've had enough."  Jax says and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't think I have." He says and I stand there awkwardly not wanting to get involved.

"What's the matter with you?" Jax asks putting the liquor away.

"You're sending her away. She's not going to be here with me anymore because it's all about Lara and Alannah in your eyes!" Gio shouts and my eyes just widen.

"No I thought of the idea and Amara agreed instantly, she'll be bored without the girls anyway. You remember the way she was before Gio. It's not like she's going forever." Jax says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Shut up Jax." Gio says and I just look over at Matteo who was pretending to be doing something important on his phone.

"Look, go home and be with her if thats what you want. Sort things out just let us know if shes leaving or staying before breakfast tomorrow." Jax says gaining Matteo's attention.

"He can't, we're killing Dmitri today." Matteo says and Jax sighs.

"I know but he's drunk anyway." Jax says and Gio scoffs.

"I have to be up there with you." Gio says and Jax sighs.

"Sober up then, you've got half an hour." Jax says before taking my hand and walking out of the office.

We go into the conference room to see many more chairs now and Dmitri tied to a chair before the long desk Jax normally sits at. There was also a camera at the end of the front row. This was going to be live for those in Brazil.

"Glad you could make it." Dmitri says and I scoff and roll my eyes.

"How's Alannah?" Dmitri asks and Jax punches him in the face, taking his obvious anger from Gio onto Dmitri.

People started to pile in and wait as we sat at the desk.

Gio had walked in with Matteo and he looked far better now. They say on the other side of Jax.

Once there were many men here. Jax began to speak. "We're here today to see this man, Dmitri the leader of the Russian mafia, die. A very sick man who did a lot of sick things. So today I wanted to show you what happens to people that do sick things to people I care about." Jax says standing up and putting his hand out for me to take. I take it and stand up and we follow round to the side of Dmitri.

"Today when we take Dmitri's life, we will take over the rank of 1st mafia in the world. With Brazil shortly behind us." Jax says glancing at me as I smile.

Jax takes off his suit jacket which Gio puts on his chair. Jax then punches Dmitri in the face then gets a knife from his sleeve. He hands the knife to me and nods. I run the knife down his face and neck then slightly put pressure on his neck with the knife.

"Lara will be the one to take Dmitri's life. After all the pain he's brought to Brazill, our daughter and for him thinking the sex of a person defines them." Jax says and no one argued with it.

"I hope you like my face Dmitri." I say as Jax pulls his head back.

"I do actually, you are a sight for sore eyes." He says which made Jax yank even harder on his head.

"I'm glad you think so as it'll be the last face you see." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"How would you like to do this Lara?" Rocco asks bringing a gun, some more knives, some wire and some rather odd looking devices.

"I'm okay with this knife." I say and Rocco nods before stepping away.

"Untie him." I say and Jax does as I say and makes Dmitri stand up.

I stand infront of Dmitri and smile at him wickedly as I place the knife against the throat. Without warning drag it across his throat leaving him to start choking and collapse to the floor whilst holding his neck.

I grab the knife and run him through with it which makes him gasp. He makes eye contact with me and tear strolls down his face as he died. I stand back up and Jax hands me a handkerchief for the blood.

"From here on out, we are the best Mafia in the world and we don't take any threat lightly." Jax says making all the men cheer and he turns to me smiling slightly. But to he honest I felt absolutely awful.

A hand on my shoulder had me snapping out of the picture of Dmitri's face when I killed him. I look up to see Matteo smiling at me softly.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up." He says taking me out of the conference room.

He took me to the office where I sat down and took a breath if relief.

"The first one is always hard." He says and I look at him confused.

"He wasn't my first." I say and he nods.

"He was the first you watched die." He says and I sigh.

"I feel like an awful person." I say and Matteo looks at me sympathetically.

"Think of all horrible things he's done. How much he's made you suffer." He says and I shake my head no.

"We tortured him, that was enough." I say and Matteo sighs.

"You can't possibly think that's true. If we kept him as a prisoner the Russians may have came back for him. Then if we sent him back to Russia he wouldn't of stopped, Lara it was the only way." He says and I nod.

"There you are." Jax says coming in the office.

I smile at him softly and he hands out his hand.

"We can go home now." He says and I nod and we head home.

We get home and go straight upstairs where the faint sounds of Gio and Amara arguing could be heard. I look up at Jax worried but he didn't seem to care as we walked to his room.

"Are they going to be okay?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course they are, it's just a slight blip." He says and starts getting undressed.

"Have you got everything ready?" He asks as I take my shoes off and I just nod.

Once I got ready for bed I climbed into bed beside Jax and lay on his chest. He ran his fingers up and down my back whilst we lay in silence.

Not one of us spoke, too scared to ruin the moment because this time tomorrow we'd be in two different continents.

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