Falling Upwards - Arknights

By ArcanePanzer

60.5K 1K 410

#4 in mercenary as of March 2022. Even angels have their own secrets. Some must be buried forever. Others can... More

<Operator Info>
Prologue: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 1: Mostima
Chapter 2: Downtown Action
Chapter 3: Guys and Gals on the Go
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 5: Gang's Reunion
Chapter 6: The Beginning
Chapter 7: The Rat King
Chapter 8: Crack of Dawn
Chapter 9: Closing the Distance
Side Stories: The Squad
Chapter 10: Sifting
<Operator Info>
Chapter 11: Merc Work
Chapter 12: Black Ops
Chapter 13: Reconnection in Business
Chapter 14: The Chains and the Lock and Key
Chapter 15: Back on Track
Chapter 16: Chaotic Exit
Chapter 17: Old Home
Chapter 18: Hunting the Hunter
Chapter 20: Rhodes Island
Chapter 21: Another Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 22: Time With Each Other
Epilogue: Start of a New Chapter
Extra: Torrent & Strife
Extra: Odpis & Splinter

Chapter 19: Thinking Mercs

838 21 5
By ArcanePanzer

- Downtown Lungmen, 1600 hours \ Sunny -

"Oi, Michael! Wake up!" A mafioso said to his sleeping compatriot who is on the driver's seat of the van that they are in now.

"Uh, what is it, John...?" The mafia driver known as Michael muttered as he rubbed his eyes after being abruptly woken up from his nap.

"I heard somethin' earlier. It sounded like sum really loud explosions!" The mafioso beside the driver known as John told Michael.

"Must be the Master being her again. Just glad that I ain't on the receiving end of it, again." Mafioso Michael mused before yawning.

"Ugh, that Lappland. One could wonder on what she did to nag the old bosses." Mafioso John said. "It's been a month since someone saw heads'r tails of theirs."

"Hey, at least we still get paid with that hard cash. I didn't sign up for this to get none'f that." Mafioso Michael said to John who sighed.

"Fine, fine. Keepin' our mouths shut so we stay alive, yadda yadda... It gets really boring sometimes." Mafioso John said. "I'd rather be blowin' stuff up to smithereens, but ain't gonna want to make that Rat King mad again. Nu-uh!" He added.

"Hah! Never again, brotha." Mafioso Michael responded and John nodded in agreement.

"Say, what're the papers for anyways? They don't seem to catch me eye." Mafioso John asked as he held a stack of contract papers with the label of Rhodes Island at the cover of each one.

"I dunno, John. Beats me. The Master didn't say no words 'bout it." Mafioso Michael answered as he shrugged. "Who knows? I don't really care s'long as I get me payment for the month."

Just then, they heard knocking on the doors of their van, which meant that the signal is finally up after waiting for so long.

"Finally! Took our boys way too long! I'm startin' to get a back sore 'ere!" Mafioso John exclaimed.

Mafioso Michael opened his door's window as he yawned again. Upon opening his eyes and looking through the window, however, he saw a muzzle of a submachine gun. Behind the said gun is a certain red-haired Sankta as well as a dark-skinned Sarkaz and a Kuranta in tactical gear.

"Sup." Exusiai simply said to Mafioso Michael who froze in terror.

His friend, John isn't doing any better because when he opened his own window, he too, is greeted by a muzzle of a pistol. This time, held by Torrent, with Strife and Texas behind him, weapons drawn in an intimidating fashion.

"How're you doing?" Torrent smirked as he pointed his gun at the mafioso.

- Later... -

The team of Penguin Logistics and Praetor Enterprises operators drove through the roads of Downtown Lungmen with Texas at the driver's seat, leaving both mafiosos Michael and John tied up somewhere to be picked up by the L.G.D. For now, they are heading to another one of their numerous safehouses to do some R&R. That is, until they can figure out what to do next.

"By the way, where's Emperor? I thought that he's with you all?" Odpis questioned the Penguins due to the lack of a certain noisy boss.

"Oh, he actually left way before that girl crashed our safehouse. Where'd he go, I dunno." Exusiai answered.

"Well, alright. It's Emperor anyways so I guess we have nothing to worry about." Odpis mused as she tinkered with her new gadget.

"Right. We have these blank contracts from Rhodes Island." Splinter said as he skimmed through one of the contract papers. "Terms of agreement, reason for membership, and whatnot. Same old stuff." He said.

"What do you think is the reason for Rhodes Island coming to us?" Torrent asked the team. "My best bet is that they're hiring operators in preparation for something big."

"Like what?" Strife asked.

"You know, that one." Torrent replied to Strife who took a moment before he understood what he meant.

"Ohh, right. That one." Strife thought out loud as he crossed his arms. "Honestly, that Reunion Movement is just a bunch of lowlifes. They're probably worse than the mafia of Siracusa." He added.

"You can't really blame them for doing so." Splinter told Strife.

"What do you mean?" Strife questioned.

"Well for one, they aren't exactly treated well in the more urban areas of mobile cities. And it's at its worst in Ursus." Splinter said to the feline. "Don't get me wrong, though. I ain't supporting them – hell naw. But there has to be a good reason if they're going ballistic soon." He added.

"I mean sure, they're advocating for the rights of the infected and I can get behind that, but our boys from Praetor said that they've changed their ways, for the worse might I add." Strife replies to the Sarkaz.

"Guess our old boss did the right thing to disband Praetor Enterprises, huh?" Odpis said. "Especially since Chernobog is pretty much the breeding ground for more hatred for the infected."

"Yeah. Wouldn't want to get caught up with the stuff that's going in there." Strife replied in agreement.

"Is it really that bad?" Bison who is at the rearmost seat asked.

"Back then? Yeah, it was really bad." Strife replied to Bison. "But it's not as bad as today. It's a hundred times worse than what it is before." He added and Bison shuddered at the thought.

"Wait, how do you guys know about this?" Exusiai questioned the Praetor agents.

"Friends in high places." Torrent replied. Exusiai simply replied with "huh".

"So Rhodes Island wants us to get involved in a conflict that we really shouldn't be in? Don't they already have people to do their dirty work?" Texas questioned.

"Who knows? If they are going after talents all over the world, then that must mean something." Splinter said to the lupo. "Besides, in the long run, I don't think Reunion will be the primary threat everyone will face. There are more sinister people out there."

"Now that I think about it, how did Reunion get a lot of weapons already?" Torrent questioned. "I mean, yeah, there might be some really intelligent people in there who could be making deals all over the place, but our contacts suggested that they have blast suits, drones, and several other heavy duty stuff; things that terrorists shouldn't be able to get hold off, much less in large quantities."

"Then it means someone high up is pulling the strings at the backstage." Said Sora as she, too, thought about it. "It's quite suspicious, but that really shouldn't be our problem." She said to the team.

"Right. Why would Rhodes Island go to a logistics firm? I highly doubt that they don't have logistics specialists of their own considering the size of their operations." Texas questioned.

"To be fair, you guys can't really be considered 'normal' from a purely business standpoint. And I don't think they need much help with logistics anyways, at least not as it seems to me." Odpis replied to Texas. "But if they did their homework, then they know the things that they really want from PL."

"Like what?"

"Information." Torrent answered. "It's more valuable than money nowadays. One could buy information with a few years worth of supply of Originium and still say it's worth it."

"I agree. It'll be at the top of the list of their wants, most likely." Splinter said.

"Or if it's not info that they're after, then they gunna be going after our skills." Croissant mused. "But ey, Rhodes Island ain't a bad choice for employment. Least we ain't gonna be footin' the bill every time those darn gangsters blow up our bases." She added.

"...Well, if it's Amiya that we're talking about, I guess they really know what they're doing." Exusiai said as she leaned back on the passenger seat. "Maybe we could talk again. It's been a while since me and her did so."

"Heh? You know the head of Rhodes Island?" Odpis inquired.

"Eyup. Personally, too." Exusiai confirmed. "We're not best friends but we're up there."

"You guys never told us." Odpis told her.

"You guys never asked." Exusiai retorted.

"Fair point."

- Several days later... -

Some time after the strange debacle that happened on the very same day that the Praetor agents came back from their operation, everything calmed down all of a sudden. The mafiosos who were affiliated with Capone and Gambino, and briefly with Lappland just stopped. No bombs, no ambushes, and whatnot. Everything calmed down in Downtown Lungmen which alienated the operators who were used to the violence.

However, doesn't mean that they have nothing to do. Rhodes Island, a not-so-normal pharmaceutical company just sent them what is essentially an invitation to join it, by one of the leading figures no less. They let Emperor know and for some reason, he wasn't surprised at all.

Everyone in Penguin Logistics and Praetor Enterprises are in another safehouse, discussing what to do next. This also includes Strife who decided to do an extended stay with his team rather than going back to the Rat King. Emperor paced about in the living room while they waited for his verdict on the situation. Tired of the silence, Odpis was the first to break it.

"So, what-"

"Upupup! Not a word!" Emperor cut Odpis off as he continued to pace around the living room, leaving the Kuranta pouting.

"The boss really looks like he's considering this seriously." Bison whispered to Splinter who nodded.

"Yeah. Even I never saw him like this before. It honestly creeps me out." Splinter replied to Bison who asked why. "Well, you know how Emperor goes around with little planning everyday? Yeah... When he takes time to think, it never was something good in my experience." Splinter said. Bison decided that he heard enough and just stayed silent.

"So... Rhodes Island is invitin' y'all to join?" Emperor asked the crew while he has one of his flippers on his beak.

"Yes!" Odpis blurted out. "That's what we've been telling you for the past few days! Rhodes Island invited us to become operators there for whatever reason and it came out of nowhere. Literally!" She told Emperor as he patience ran thinner after repeating their answer again.

"I see." Emperor mused for the umpteenth time. "And why would they go to us? I mean, I don't mind a bit of a friendly reunion, but why a logistics company?" He questioned.

"You already know the answer, boss." Texas answered as she nibbled on a pocky stick. "They're not coming to us to ask for help on their house chores. They came for us, not the company." She added and Emperor hummed.

He looked at the mixed crew of Penguin Logistics and Praetor Enterprises. Most of them are bored and are doing their own thing; Torrent is looking at his phone and is probably chatting with Mostima, Odpis resumed tinkering with her new gadgets which were a pair of electronic bracers, Exusiai is just staring at the ceiling, Bison and Splinter are whispering to each other, and whatnot. While he isn't vocal about it, he knows that these young people are far more capable than they are given credit for, and he knows that it's what Rhodes Island is after.

He remembered the newspapers that he read weeks prior. Something big is coming and he knows it. If Rhodes Island needs help, then they came to the right people, he thought. It gave him a bit of pride but also concern. If they are going as far as to recruit everyone regardless of their backgrounds, then they are definitely desperate.

Then, he remembered about the Doctor. If he remembers correctly, the person is in a state of coma right now. As he is a very important figure in Rhodes Island, his location is understandably a closely guarded secret. With everything going on in Terra, it's no surprise that Rhodes Island is hiring to compensate for the temporary loss of their tactician. If he could contribute this way, then why not.

But he is still a businessman. There is no way that he will just give up all his opportunities.

"Aight!" He shouted to get the attention of everyone which worked instantaneously as all eyes are on him. "I have finally decided." He told them.

"Took you long enough, boss. What's up?" Torrent asked Emperor while pocketing his phone.

"Told ya not to call me boss yet." Emperor replied to which Torrent chuckled at. "Anyways, here's what I came up with: we agree on RI hirin' us, it ain't gonna be simple as pie. What I'm plannin' is that we agree on their requests, but on our own terms." He declared.

"So, we're gonna be exchange students so to speak?" Strife questioned curiously.

"Not to you, Praetor." Emperor said to the former Praetor agents. "Y'all ain't my employees. And while we are best buds, that ain't meanin' that I get to give you directions like usual."

"That's big coming from you. But wait, what's your point?" Torrent asked.

"Simple: Penguin Logistics will agree to work closer with RI, but we still remainin' independent and not bound by their big brains." Emperor answered. "On the other hand, Odpis, Splinter, Strife, and Torrent; y'all can do what you want. You can accept the contract offers as official members of RI at your own choice." He added, intended for the aforementioned four.

"Bound by a contract but can act independently... That sounds like us alright." Odpis commented before turning to her teammates. "What do you guys think?"

"Well, it's not like we're going to be rich since Rhodes Island pays its employees not with money but with shelter, food, and everything needed to live in exchange for their services." Strife said.

"Like giving people new lives." Splinter mused and Strife hummed in agreement. "Honestly, I can get behind working and living in Rhodes Island. I heard that it's the best place you can be in if you don't want strangers looking through your windows every time." The Sarkaz added, seriously considering the idea.

"What about you, Torrent? What's your decision for the team?" Odpis asked Torrent which confused him.

"Me? Why are you asking me? I'm not the leader of our team." Torrent retorted.

"Not formally." Strife said to Torrent who raised an eyebrow. "What? Do you want me to go into detail of our time back in PE?" The feline questioned.

"What he's saying is that, while you aren't official, you took charge whenever the time needed it. Even our old squad leader said so, if you remember." Splinter said to Torrent.

"Okay, I get it, but we're all equals here, aren't we?" Torrent argued, still not sure if he should be considered the leader of the team after all they gone through, as equals.

"Of course we are equals." Odpis replied. "But when we need a leader, you're always our best bet, y'know?" She added.

"So, what is it gonna be?" Splinter asked Torrent. He contemplated about it for a moment before coming to a decision. Sighing, he spoke.

"...I say we go for it. We have nothing to lose and something to gain." Torrent said, switching to his tactician self. "That said, we could turn the contract papers to our advantage. We will be Rhodes Island operators, but ones with more freedom to do what we can outside of the landship." He said.

"Why is that? It's not like a prison in there, is it?" Splinter inquired.

"I'm thinking for the long term. It is a 'precaution' if you would." Torrent told Splinter. "If we ever find the need to do things with our own hands and without Rhodes Island interfering, then we won't have to deal with stacks of paperwork just so we can leave the landship." He said to them. The three made gestures of unanimous agreement.

"And this is exactly why you're considered the team leader." Odpis told Torrent who replied saying that she could have done it herself. "Aww, you flatter me~" Odpus replied and they laughed.

"You guys are cute~" Exusiai commented with a smile as she watched them interact.

"Then that's settled. Everthin' is set on the stage." Emperor said to everyone in the room. "Tell me when y'all are ready, cause it's time to rock 'n roll."

- Rhodes Island, 0600 hours \ Cloudy | Some time later... -

The team of former Praetor agents left Lungmen to find the current location of the landship of Rhodes Island. Thankfully, it wasn't hard to find since there were directions in the contract papers. They have contacted Rhodes Island prior to them arriving and once they have did, they were met by some staff members serving as security in the landship.

Odpis parked their car in the garage before they went in together, passing by some more staff members before they arrived at the reception area. They were then instructed to take their seats and wait for their turn for screening and while they waited, they observed their surroundings.

""May I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times." Catchy." Strife commented after reading the text in the Rhodes Island logo on the wall behind the reception desk.

"It's fitting, in fact. They focus on treating originium infection and generally care for the sick." Odpis said and Strife hummed in understanding.

"By the way, Strife. I thought the Rat King is paying well for you. Why come here with us?" Torrent asked the feline who shrugged.

"Ehh, t'was alright. Pay is really good, but if I'm going to be honest, they're just a little better that the Sicilian mafia. I'd rather stay with my old team." Strife replied and they laughed just as the feline's phone rang. He took it out to see who is calling.

"Who's that?" Splinter asked.

"It's Calico, for some reason..." Strife stood up before answering the call from his fellow feline. "Gimme a minute. I'll get this finished in no time." He told me other three as he walked away.

"Get back here ASAP, Strife. We're gonna be going in really soon." Odpis said and Strife waved his free hand in reply.

"So, you think we'll get accepted?" Splinter asked the other two.

"They came for us, not the other way around." Odpis said as she crossed her arms across her chest. "Pretty sure we will be accepted.

Soon, their names are called through the intercom, and they knew that it's time. They all stood up from their seats and Odpis and Torrent made their way to the HR department while Splinter went to fetch Strife.

"Once we exit those doors, our lives will change in a snap." Torrent said to Odpis who nodded.

"Tell me about it..." Odpis mused as they waited for their other teammates to join them.

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