
By MaddyLib_21

14.6K 673 87

*Sequel to Bound* If you have not read the previous story "Bound" go back and read it! This won't make much s... More

Five Months Later
A New Alliance
A New Threat
War is Upon Us
A Promise
The Cave
For the Love of Camelot
All Hail


599 35 5
By MaddyLib_21

Merlin and Morgana set off on their trek early in the morning. According to their maps the should make it to the Druid camp by midday. The morning was littered with stories and other conversations. Both of them were intentionally trying to keep thing light-hearted on the way to the camp. They didn't want to be distracted while conversing with the people they were trying to make peace with.

After a couple rest stops, they came in view of the camp around midday. Soon after the camp was in view, Merlin heard a voice in his head.

"Welcome Emrys," Iseldir said. "We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival."

"It's an honor to be here," Merlin answered back telepathically.

Merlin and Morgana dismounted their horses so they could walk freely into the camp. Almost immediately after, a small crowd of children ran out to meet them. The children wore bright clothes and smiling faces. Most of them were looking at Merlin in awe.

"I think they want to see something," Morgana murmured in his ear.

"Want to help me?" He smirked.

They grabbed hands and started walking toward the camp. As they did they both whispered,
"Monegum blostma."

Flowers grew in the grass and seemed to fall from the sky above them. The children giggled and yelled at the display. Merlin and Morgana laughed and left the distracted children to play with the flowers. Iseldir was waiting at the edge of camp with a smile on his face, waiting to welcome them.

"Emrys and the Lady Morgana. It is truly a momentous occasion to have you both here," He gave a bow as he spoke.

"Thank you so much for having us," Morgana started. "It's a pleasure to be here."

"We had long hoped that this day would come. For many years the druids have spoken of your reconciliation, and the coming of Albion."

"What do you mean?" Merlin wondered.
"I thought that the prophecies foretold us to be enemies."

"As far as druids are concerned, prophecies are warnings. You never quite have the full picture. Seeing the connection you shared in the past we hoped that one day there would be unity between the two of you. You have no idea of the joy this brings us."

"Right. Well we're glad that we could... Umm... help?" Merlin stumbled over how to respond while Morgana tried to stifle a laugh.

"Come! Before we discuss, I insist that you eat after your long journey. We already have someone feeding your horses."

Both Merlin and Morgana looked around, suddenly realizing that the horses were indeed gone. They had known of the druids hospitality, but it still amazed them. They sat down with Iseldir and many of the children of the village while eating. The meal consisted of mostly fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Since the druids were so connected with nature, they didn't eat meat. Regardless, the meal was delicious and they quickly ate it up. They thanked the druids for the meal before getting down to business.

"So Iseldir," Morgana started, "the King would like to invite you and other Druid leaders to a banquet a week from today. He would like this to be a show of peace and hopefully to strengthen our alliance."

"I would be delighted to attend, and I'm sure the elders of our people would also love to come. However, we are hardly the leaders of the Druids. Emrys is our leader; he is who we follow."

"But... I'm not a Druid," Merlin looked on, confused.

"No. You are the son of magic itself. You were born of the earth, sea, and sky. It is what you always have been, and always will be."

"That doesn't make sense... my mother is Hunith, and my father is Balinor."

"But they did not birth your soul. That is what sets you apart. It is why you are Emrys."
Iseldir eyed Merlin weirdly. To Merlin, it almost seemed as if he was looking into his soul.
"You are much more than you think you are, Emrys. You have only scratched the surface of who you are meant to be."

"I've heard that before... what do you mean that I'm more than I think I am?"

"In time, Emrys, you will learn. But you must have strength and courage, for the journey will not be easy. And only love will bring you through the darkest of days."

"Thank you," Merlin mumbled distractedly.

He was far off, trying to comprehend the load of vague information. It seemed that everyone knew something about him that he did not know himself. He seemed to be the only person to see himself as Merlin.

Morgana noticed Merlin's distraction and figured that he would no longer be up for talking.

"Well, thank you again for having us and being so hospitable. We ought to be heading back. The king will be delighted to hear that you will be joining us next week."

Both Merlin and Morgana got up and started walking towards the horses. Before they could get there, Iseldir arose and called out.


Telling from the look on his face, she was meant to speak with him alone. She gave a nod to Merlin, who went to prepare the horses. Then she went back to Iseldir.


"I must warn you to be on your guard. Emrys will face many threats in the coming days. The timing of your connection is not by chance. You must ensure that he is not alone."

Morgana gulped and have a nod. She went to join Merlin and they rode off toward Camelot. Both of them spent the first half hour of the ride with pensive looks on their faces, neither of them quite ready to talk. When they did start talking, it was Morgana who broke the silence.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just a lot to take in. That coupled with being tired," he mumbled the last part.

He looked up at her, shocked. He didn't think she knew.
"Don't look so surprised. I've had them for years, remember? I know what someone looks like when they aren't sleeping."

"Oh... right."

"Want to talk about it?"

"I don't know. It's dumb, really. I just want them to be over."

"I understand. I have them too."

"About what? If you don't mind my asking."

Morgana sighed.
"When I was with Morgouse, or when I was bent on taking over the kingdom, I did a lot of things I regret. I see them, all of them. Every single person that I hurt or killed. Many times it can keep me up at night."

"That's like mine," Merlin admitted. "I can see the faces of all the people I tortured and interrogated for information under Edith's control. To relive that..." Merlin trailed off, shaking his head.
"How do we move past it?"

"We take it day by day," Morgana smiled.

Deepest apologies for forgetting to update! I had it written, but posting the chapter just slipped my mind. The story is mostly done I just have to do some edits. Hope you all are enjoying!

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