30 Day Letter Challenge

By pumpkin_love409

486 32 11


30 Day Letter Challenge
Day Two -My Crush
Day Three - My Parents
Day Four - My Siblings
Day Five - My Dream
Day Six - A Stranger
Day Seven - My Ex Boyfriend/Love/Crush
Day Eight - My Favorite Internet Friend
Day Nine - Someone I Wish I Could Meet
Day Ten - Someone I Don't Talk To As Much As I'd Like To
Day Eleven - A Deceased Person I Wish I Could Talk To
Day Twelve - The Person You Hate The Most/Caused You The Most Pain
Day Thirteen - Someone I Wish Could Forgive Me
Day Fourteen - Someone I've Drifted Away From
Day Fifteen - The Person I Miss The Most
Day Sixteen - Someone That's Not In My State/Country
Day Seventeen - Someone From My Childhood
Day Eighteen - The Person That I Wish I Could Be
Day Nineteen - Someone That Pesters My Mind - Good or Bad
Day Twenty - The One That Broke My Heart The Hardest
Day Twenty One - Someone I Judged By Their First Impression
Day Twenty Two - Someone I Want To Give A Second Chance To
Day Twenty Three - The Last Person I Kissed
Day Twenty Four - The Person That Gave Me My Favorite Memory
Day Twenty Five - The Person I Know Who Is Going Through The Worst Times
Day Twenty Six - The Last Person I Made A Pinky Promise To

Day One - My Best Friend

29 3 0
By pumpkin_love409

Dear Best Friends; Olivia and Xenia,

You two truly complete me.  I don’t even have the slightest clue as to where I would be without you guys.  Thank you so much for accepting me…for me.  I know I complain all the time and I talk nonstop.  How do you people even put up with me??  That just blows my mind...

I am actually talking to one of you right now, and you don’t even know that I’m writing a letter to you.   But that’s okay.  I think it would be better if you didn’t know. 

I’ve known you two for as long as I can remember.  And I don’t even remember how we met.  That goes to show what great times we’ve had presently.  We all have so much in common, it’s like we’re all sisters.  Actually I remember when I went to meet Xenia at the mall and we were literally wearing the same exact thing.  It was funny, and Xenia thought so too. 

You both are funny, so sweet and absolutely gorgeous.  Honestly, you two could get any guy you wanted. 

Even though I don’t remember how we met, I’m glad we did.  I feel like I can trust you with anything and everything. 

I really hope we stay close after we all finish high school.

Thanks for always being there for me <3


Your best friend <3

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