Densi - Baby Blye Deeks

De nellytheelephant99

10.8K 156 6

Kensi finally finds out she is having a baby after a rough journey of trying with husband Marty Deeks, though... Mais

Chapter 1: A Rough Start
Chapter 2: The Thing
Chapter 3: A Little Hope
Chapter 4: David Who?
Chapter 5: A Turn for The Worst
Chapter 6: In Need of Some Help
Chapter 7: Recovery
Chapter 8: Surprise!
Chapter 9: News
Chapter 11: Its Time!
Chapter 12: At Last.
Chapter 13: A New Life
Chapter 14: A Close Call...
Chapter 15: ...Or Is It?
Chapter 16: Case on Deck
Chapter 17: ALIVE OR DEAD!?
Chapter 18: Real Life

Chapter 10: What Now?

558 8 0
De nellytheelephant99

Early the next morning, Deeks' phone buzzes. It's Hetty. Deeks reaches across the bed for his phone, trying not to wake Kensi. He reads the message:

[FLETC Accepted you. Next week, Monday 12pm sharp. Boat shed after, I'll be there. Managed to get some things through, played with your past a bit. Nice work Mr Deeks, you owe me.
Hentrietta Lange.]

Deeks smiles and puts his phone back on the side table. Kensi turns over and hugs Deeks.
K: "so, who was it?"
D: "I was trying not to wake you up, but it was Hetty"
K: "about what?"
D: "well, FLETC accepted me so I have my first session next week, 12pm on Monday, but apparently I owe Hetty"
K: "oh my gosh that's great!"
D: "you know how we should celebrate? Deeks Fratatas! Deeks famous Fratatas!"
K: "again!?"
D: "yeah why not!?"
Kensi and Deeks continue laying in bed all happy and tired, so they stay there all day. Meanwhile, Kensi messages all of her friends, her mum and Mrs Deeks to tell them their exciting news.

Over the next few weeks, Deeks struggles with FLETC training. But of course, he thinks of Kensi and his soon-to-be child to do them proud. Kensi continued to work, but was very wary of what's going on around her. Eventually, Deeks has an interview to become an Agent, and....
he gets in!!
Deeks is now an NCIS Special Agent, he has a new badge, a new gun!

At last, Kensi and Deeks were finally able to make enough money to raise a baby. Deeks always wanted to be a dad, Kensi always wanted a baby, as they had rough childhoods and wanted to raise a child in a better atmosphere and give it all they could.

Over the next few weeks, Kensi and Deeks go to their first baby scan. They leave early in the morning to go get Starbucks before heading to the hospital to find out the ✨gender✨ of their baby.
K: "can I have an iced chocolate latte with a shot of espresso and extra syrup with strawberries and marshmallows??"
D: "what!? Are you kidding!? That's the most expensive thing on the bloody menu!!"
K: "baby, im craving it!! Like so baddd!!!"
D: "you can't have caffeine right now!!"
K: "come onnnnnn it's a special occasion!!"
D: "fine fine fine."

Deeks returns with their Starbucks drinks and makes their way to the hospital. When they get there, they sit in the waiting room to be called.
K: "out of context, what would you name it?"
D: "princess Blye Deeks?? Like you see a little princess running around like a ninja assassin"
K: "hahahaaa! No way! I'm thinking... Athena"
D: "Really!? Athena!?"
K: "Athena Marie Atticus Blye-Deeks"
D: "okay, that is actually a hype name, but my middle name? No way!"
K: "hype!? Since when are you a 'cool dude'!?"
Nurse: "Mr and Mrs Deeks?"

Kensi and Deeks go into the room, where Kensi lays on a bed and the nurse applies some gel to Kensi's stomach. Deeks holds Kensi's hand and try's not to cry.
Nurse: "so, what are you thinking about the gender?"
K: "I want a girl!!"
D: "you know I want a boy so I can teach him how to surf and shoot a gun and-"
K: *laughing* "you know you can teach a girl these things too right!?"
D: "....touché"
Nurse: "let's find out"

Kensi and Deeks look at the screen, and.... there's a baby!!!
K: "oh my goshhhh!! It looks so big already!!"
D: "I can't believe itttt! Awww!!"
Nurse: "so.... do you want to know the gender?"
Kensi and Deeks are about to cry, this is a miracle baby!!!
K: "YESSS!!"
The nurse moves the scanner around Kensi's stomach, and smiles.
Nurse: "I'd like to congratulate you... it's a girl!"
Kensi and Deeks both immediately start crying, before taking the picture of the baby and leaving the hospital.

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