Once Upon A Royal One-Night S...

By TheNewWife

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At her best friends families New Years Eve party the clock strikes twelve. Kissing the handsome stranger she... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Final Note

Part Seven

3.4K 115 10
By TheNewWife

Riley gave me a look of sympathy before muttering, "And let the shit show begin." She looked at Jordan who was still staring at his phone ignoring everything and spoke, "Hey, you might want to prepare for war because it will not be pretty."

Her warning was fair but it couldn't be that bad. His voice though startled me and had me turning around, "Are you married, I probably should have asked sooner?"

"Gosh NO," I cringe at the thought. I wasn't the marrying type.

"Then what is the big deal?" His words were muffled by the sound of a crash and shouting. I flew out to the living room not sure what would greet me.

Taylor stood by the kitchen counter looking smug. Toby stood next to the dining table and the decorations that had sat on it now lay shattered on the floor. Derick looked shocked and Nate was trying to hold back a fuming Toby. Walking in to the open living space all eyes turned to me. I really wished I could just flee. I looked at the still partially open door and the hall way that promised to lead me out of here. I was about ready to make a run for it when two over sized arms snaked around my middle and pulled me into a wall sized chest.

"If you don't let go of my sister I will rip your arms off." Toby promised. Nates eyes were also narrowed in on the stranger touching me. I doubted he would hold Toby back much longer if the guy kept touching me.

"She is a flighty tiny thing." Jordan spoke from behind me.

"Maybe because she doesn't want you to touch her?" Nate offers taking a step closer to us.

"OK ENOUGH!" I shout to everyone in the room. I wasn't much of a yeller so it garnered attention pretty well. "We will all sit down and talk civilly. There will be no fighting and no threats and no breaking things or I swear I will disappear and no one will ever see or talk to me again." I now had everyone's attention. "I looked to Riley hoping she would understand I was asking for help.

I made my way to the dining room table righting one of the chairs that had been knocked over. The other chair was picked up and corrected before I could get to it. I sat in a chair and waited for the others to join me. Jordan looked to me before walking to the door and closing and locking it before coming and taking a seat next to me. Riley sat on my other side. I looked to each of my brothers glaring at each in turn. I couldn't even look at Taylor. All this because he grossly over reacted.

Nate was first to give and drop in a chair opposite me followed by Derick and lastly Toby. Taylor moved in and stood behind my brothers. He looked at me like I was something on the bottom of his shoe. I couldn't believe how he was acting. As if he himself was a saint and giving me no room to explain. If only he knew Riley had slept with dozens of guys. But I guess seeing his behavior it was good he didn't know.

I realized everyone was waiting on me. "I don't know what you were told," Toby opened his mouth but I continued before he could start, "but you need to stop and listen before jumping down my throat." I looked to Riley to gain my strength. "This is Jordan." I started.

Toby spoke before I could continue. "I know. I went to school with him and Taylor, he is one of Taylor's friends. I also know who he really is and we have done some work together." Toby looked mighty angry. "What I want to know is why Taylor found you in his bed. Especially given your condition." The look of disapproval was heart crushing. He was hinting at the pregnancy without saying it out right in the present company.

"So that is what you think of me?" I couldn't stop the tears the look Toby was giving was similar to the one Taylor was giving me. I could handle it from Taylor he wasn't family but coming from my brother it hurt, a lot. "If that's what you think them maybe I shouldn't come home."

Toby's eyes closed, "Don't say that, its not like that but this is all confusing and Taylor made it sound bad."

Toby was losing steam I could see it but the damage was done. Tears welled up in my eyes. "He is her New Years Eve mistake!" Riley blurts and all eyes snap to her. I pinch her side under the table and her eyes snap to me. "What I figured it was like a Band-Aid, you just rip it off quick."

I burry my tearful eyes in my hands, I wish I had never gone to Taylor's office or come to Riley's, none of this would have happened. Looking up all three brothers look at Jordan now. Looking over at him he seemed bored. I don't know how he withstood the weight of their glares but it didn't bother him.

"Now that it has been sorted I have people coming. Until at which time they arrive I am not to let her out of my sight. She made it clear last night she is not past running and disappearing. So until proper protection arrives she is to remain with me." Jordan said glancing at me then my brothers.

"Proper protection would have prevented this whole mess," Derick threw out. I cringed and Jordan glared at him.

"What is done is done and now we must do damage control." Jordan began but was cut off by Toby.

"Damage? If it's just damage to you then leave. She doesn't need you. She has us and we will take care of her and the baby." Toby spoke.

"I already told her, impossible. I am not someone who can walk away from a child I made. It is my responsibility to recognize the heir to my country and take care of it. The line of succession depends on it." The way Jordan spoke made me cringe. It was all about duty and obligation. I didn't want me nor my child to be either of those things to him.

"So what are you saying?" Nate spoke up. I could see his wheels turning.

"I am to be King and soon. I just finished my two years required time to serve in the military of my country and will be crowned this year. As such the child is my heir, I can't ignore that. The child holds claim to my country and any child subsequently will be next in line, not first. I can't walk away and pretend it never happened when this child's birth right is the whole of my country." It was a pretty speech but it did nothing but further fray my nerves. I didn't want my kid to have a country. I wanted to raise my kid like I was raised. Working the family business and having a good and happy childhood.

"If there is no child there is no heir," Taylor spoke up for the first time since starting this mess, my hands flew to my bump and I found myself scooting back in my chair. The venom in his voice startling, "one little doctor appointment and the problem is gone and everyone can go back to their life without all the fuss."

Jordan was up and practically standing over me in less than a second. My brothers also looked back at their friend in disgust. "Make that statement again and I will ruin you Sift." The harsh tone in Jordan's voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Taylor that is enough. When we found out Hunter made it clear she wanted to keep the baby. There will be no more talk of abortions." Nate said turning back to me, "You still want to keep it? Now you know who he is and what he wants?" He confirmed.

I did want my baby but being stuck as an add on to a royal family was not ideal. The only purpose I would serve is being the unwanted mother of the heir. But I found myself nodding to Nate, "It's my baby and I want it."

"My advisor is on the way along with my security team. There are now nine people who know of this child and its relation to me. So this discussion should wait until everyone is here. They should be here by tomorrow morning. Until then this will really go no where." Jordan said standing. "I will take her to a hotel since Taylor is not as trusted as I once thought and once my people arrive we will discuss the situation and then you three with be informed." He looked at my brothers. Toby was up in a flash and Nate was right behind him. Derick was glaring at Jordan. Taylor was now striding around the table. Before I knew it Taylor had thrown the first punch and hit Jordan who didn't flinch or even move. In moments Toby and Nate had also launched themselves at Jordan. In the chaos I saw my escape. Riley was up now and yelling at the guys to knock it off.

I was out the door in less than a minute. Once I was on the street I bended in with the crowd. I also called the police described the disturbance and sent them to the condo. It would be awhile before things were worked out and the police left. I raced home and hastily packed my bags. I knew it was the cowards way out and it made me think of my own mother which made me want to barf and cry at the same time but I wasn't leaving my kids behind. I was taking my baby with me. And I was doing this for it. So it would have a normal life.


It took me almost eleven hours with stops to get from New York to Detroit. I intended to stop for the night and rest and then tomorrow make a stop and get back on the road. I figured the west coast was as good a place as any to start over and create a new life. Riley use to tell me how beautiful Cali was on their annual trip there every year. I could have a little Cali baby. I pulled into a motel for the night and rented a room. I felt stupid using my debit card but it was all I had. Tomorrow I would get cash out so the rest of my journey left no trace.

After a long day of driving even the crappy motel bed felt like heaven. I passed out quickly. I awoke bleary eyed sometime later. The fire alarm was going off. I looked around and there was no fire but that didn't mean it was safe. The peircing alarm continued and I got up and grabbed my bags. In the halls I saw other sleepy eyed people shuffling belongings and children down the hall. I made it to my car. It was five in the morning. I set my stuff down and reached for my keys ready to get ready and just leave when someone grabbed me.

Before I could turn around and face my attacker a bag was thrown over my head and I was picked up. Squealing tires alerted me to a vehicles approach. I was shoved, picked up, and man handled. I fought back kicking and hitting what I could. My heart thumped in my chest and my adrenaline surged. Fear controlled me. I was so afraid of what would happen when I got in the car. I felt my body temporarily air born, "Jefe dijo con cuidado, joder, ella está embarazada." I landed on what I can only assume was the smooth leather of a cars back seat. I felt people surrond me on both sides. So these people knew I was pregnant. I wondered who sent them.

The ride was short, I'd estimate maybe fifteen minutes. The car screeched to a halt and I felt a panick grip me again. I heard the doors open and felt the breeze blow across me. I was yanked by the arm out of the back of the car. Once I was standing righted on my feet the bag was taken off my head. We stood on a runway next to a plane. The plane was smaller than commercial but looked nicer. Like one of those luxury planes. One of the brutes grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the staircase leading up into the plane. I tried to fight but he was so much stronger and bigger than I was.

The guy was also gentler. He had my arm twisted in a way that was not painful but didn't allow me to move unless he allowed. I tried to stop walking but he just pushed me along. As we got closer to the plane I tried my last resort. I dropped to the ground in dead weight hoping he would not think me worth it or maybe draw attention to myself. Maybe a bystander would stop these men. As I lay on the ground in a fetal position trying to protect my little bean I hear a chuckle. Its one I have come to recognize.

"Sir she is fine she just wont move." I hear the guy behind me say.

"I know Alex, I was warned she would be capricious." I stayed on the ground ignoring him. Where was the help, did no one pay attention anymore. I did not want to go back with him. I fled because of him. I felt my dead weight lifted off the ground. I struggled to get free but his grip would not relent. He held me in his arms and no matter what I did he would not let me go. Once up the stairs on the plane he sat me in a seat and buckled me up. "You have no where to go. In a few hours we will be back in New York and you will have to face your brothers." I looked up at him. Like the night we met I took notice of the smooth tan lines of his face but now there were other things there a well. He had slight swelling and some bruising. I suppose where Taylor had hit him. It looked like it hurt but I remember, he never even wavered as the blow struck.

"I had hoped you would had been detained." I tell him looking away and berating myself of allowing myself to admire someone who wanted to ruin my child's life.

"So you did call the police. Your brothers vehemently denied you capable of such an act. I must admit I did assume it was you though." He seemed so unruffled and it only made me madder.

"You should fire the guys you sent after me. They were very rough with me. One actually even hurt me." I huffed glaring at the others who joined us in the plane. Several of the men were glaring back at me.

"Is the baby ok?" I detect a hint of concern if Jordan's voice.

"I won't know until I go to the doctor. But I do need to go after being literally thrown around like old unwanted potato's." I watch Jordan out of the corner of my eye. He looks up at the guys and glares.

"Si ella no está bien, te enfrentarás a la traición." He says in spanish. He still doesn't know I understand him.

The men continue glaring at me. I continue glaring back. The plane takes off and we are in the air. As the minutes tick by I feel my anxiety get worse. I unbuckle my seat belt and mumble a quick, "Bathroom."

Jordan gets up and walked me to the back. At the door I sprint in closing the door. I puke up my guts. I had hoped the morning sickness was subsiding but I guess not. I held my messy bed hair back as I continued to heave over the toilet. I hear the door open behind me and a big hand grab my hair from my own hand. I let it go. Too busy to scold him I continue to heave and another hand slowly rubs my back. After my tummy settles I flush the toilet and slowly stand. The hand holding my hair and the other on my back let go and move to my sides. He helps me stand. I turn to the mirror and wince. I look a mess. My hair is a nest from being woken at five am to a fire alarm and I have yet to brush my teeth and now I have puke breath. I lean over and rinse out my mouth with the sink water and splash my face.

He leaves the restroom and for that I am grateful. The room is tiny and his overly large statue makes me claustrophobic. I finger comb my hair and take the hair tie on my wrist and try to pull it up in a decent fashion. I use my finger and the water to scrub my teeth and decide its as good as it will get. Outside the door HE waits for me. I give up and just silently walk to the seat I had been in. I plop down dejectedly. As he passes me he sets down a pack of crackers and a cool bottle of water next to me. Then takes his own seat and brings up his phone.

"Entonces, ¿cuál es el plan cuando aterricemos?" One of the guys I assume to be security due to their sheer size asks.

"Llamamos a sus hermanos y les pedimos que se reúnan con nosotros en el hotel como prometieron." Jordan tell the man without looking up.

I try to sit there and look disinterested. I don't want him to know I understand him. He looks my way and I glare out the window. So my brothers were in on this. I feel so mad I could ring their necks. I wish I knew what played out in the condo after I left and hoped Riley wasn't too mad at me and would tell me later. The rest of the plane ride is silent. We land at eight am and more sleek black cars wait for us on the tarmac.

I say nothing on the way to the hotel. I know my brothers will be there when we arrive. Hotel Elysee is business as usual. I expect to be taken to a room but instead I am taken to the club room which has been cleared of everyone but my brothers, a handful of strangers, and what looks like even more security guards. I roll my eyes at the excess. Jordan takes my hand and takes us to a nearby table where my brothers are sitting. They all get up upon seeing me. I am hugged and passed from brother to brother. I also take notice all of them sporting facial bruising.

"What were you thinking?" Toby is the first to demand.

"We were worried sick!" Nate voices next.

"Why would you leave us?" Derick asks looking heartbroken. I give him another hug.

"I just wanted to run from all this complication. I am sorry I didn't mean to worry you. I love you guys but this is all just too much. I just wanted to have my baby and give it the simple amazing life dad gave us. I don't want my child to inherit a Country." I try explaining.

"So its his fault," Toby says quick to point fingers.

I want to let him blame Jordan but it wasn't just his fault. "No it was both of ours, mine for sleeping with him and mine for telling him when I saw him in the hall at Taylor's condo, and mine for not just lying about it being his."

"Ok, room is secure." A voice says from behind me. I jump slightly and then feel Jordan's hand gently rub my back. It does help calm me.

"Fetch Hanson, we need to get this going." Jordan tells the man slightly behind me.

"Lets deal with this meeting and go from there," Nate sighs out tiredly. He doesn't look like he has slept in days. I feel a pang of worry for my older brother. I step away from Jordan's hand and give Nate a hug. I gently lead him to a chair and sit next to him. Toby occupies my other side and Derick takes a seat next to Nate. Jordan comes and takes a seat across the table but his eyes never leave me. I look around a notice men standing in front of every closed door observing their surrounding. In a flourish six people enter the room, my eyes draw to them. They make their way through the room and sit next to Jordan filling up the table.

On guy with a laptop in his hands sits it on the table turns it on and everyone seems to wait for him. The guy to Jordan's right is watching me in fascination. He is older maybe in his mid thirties and has a ring on his wedding finger. Is brown eyes observe me shrewdly. I feel uncomfortable under his gaze. The man with the computer speaks, "Ready." At that everyone seems to straighten up and sit a little taller.

"This is Alejandro, my head of security," Jordan starts pointing to the man sitting next to Toby, "Alonzo, a palace guard, Preston, my advisor," he gestures to the guy next to him, the one watching me. "Shay, my mothers advisor," the pudgy older man in his sixties on the left of Jordan, "Jensen, our PR rep, and Kane, who documents the meeting." My brothers nod and I just glare. This is ridiculous. "Everyone," Jordan continues, "this is Hunter," his hand indicates towards me, "and her brothers Tobias, Nathanial, and Derick." Each of my brothers nod when their name is spoken. I guess they had gotten around to introductions after I fled.

"Ok lets get started," The man Preston spoke. I wondered if Preston was his first name or last. "Ms. Dax can you please account in your own words what happened New Years Eve?"

I blushed, this was hardly necessary. I looked to Jordan who just smirked. That atrocious man was enjoying my misery. "I went to my friends party and had a few drinks then Jordan led me upstairs. I will not go into detail there." I summarize. Jordan's smirk grows more. I squirm in my seat. Preston still has a sharp gaze on me.

"We need more detail, Ms. Dax. What friend? Where was the Party? How many drinks had you have? Did you know who prince Jordan was?" Preston's tone was as sharp as his eyes.

"I went to the New Years Eve party at the Whitby Hotel, in the ballroom to be exact, I was invited by the host of the party herself, Mrs. Sift. I arrived at the party with my best friend Riley Sift, my brothers, and Taylor Sift. Riley and I had a few glasses of Champagne. Then a gentleman bought me a glass of Scotch I think. Taylor Sift then joined me during dinner and bought me four glasses of Whiskey. I went to use the restroom and found my way to the bar and ordered a water. There I bumped into him." I make a hand motion to Jordan. "He started the conversation and bought me a glass of whiskey. We danced, then returned to the bar for another glass of whiskey. We counted down as the ball dropped and then we kissed. Next thing I knew he was leading us out a door near the bar. We took the elevator up to his room and I'm sure you can fill in the rest."

I didn't like reliving that night, my shame being brought to light. Preston only nodded, "Oh one more thing, who provided the protection? You or Prince Jordan?"

I shake my head blushing profusely. "I didn't remember anything about protection. I was so drunk and when I found out I was pregnant I assumed he didn't wear any protection. I didn't have any on me." Its not like as a virgin I walked around loaded up with condoms, but I would die before I admitted that.

Again Preston nodded. "Prince Jordan, can you re-account your night?"

Jordan looked at me and smirked. I wanted to hit him. If he gave any bed details I would let my brothers kill him and be done with it. Nate grabbed my hand under the table. I appreciated the support. "I was staying at the Whitby. I arrived at the party after dinner. I worked the room and talked business. I talked to my long time friend Taylor Sift, who was a college friend and now a business partner on the green energy project. He kept complaining about a girl who ran off during dinner though." Jordan sent me a smirk and a wink. "Then I talked with all three Mr. Dax's here after Taylor introduced us. We discussed the project some. I cannot account for how many glasses of whiskey I had exactly. I had made my way to the corner of the bar wanting some peace and quiet when Hunter walked up alone and ordered a water. She did not look to be having a good time so I bought her a drink and asked her to dance. We returned to the bar where I bought her another drink and then we watched the ball drop. I kissed her and then led her upstairs. The party would be winding up and upon me pulling her from the room she didn't protest so we went upstairs. Things escalated quickly in my room. I was drunk as was she and I didn't remember protection. When I awoke in the night she was there and sleeping. I vaguely remembered the night before. I went back to sleep with her and in the morning I awoke and she was gone."

Toby's jaw was clenched and Nate's grip on my hand was tighter. I knew hearing this wouldn't be easy but I hoped they kept their cool. "And you didn't recognize the Prince?" Shay the older man asked. He seemed appalled at the whole thing.

"No," I say through gritted teeth.

"Are you sure you didn't use protection and when you discarded the condom she took it to inseminate herself?" Shay asked Jordan. He sounded ridiculous.

Toby stood next to me his chair hitting the ground behind him, "Make that assumption again and I will kick your ass." He threatens.

"I had no protection with me for this trip. I wasn't to be in the country long and had no female friends here. So I am quite sure I had no protection." Jordan defends. I am grateful he is taking responsibility for his part in this.

Toby's anger is slightly soothed by Jordan's words and he collects his chair and sits back down. "My little sister is not in the habit of sleeping around. Nor drinking or partying. Also if anyone is going to throw stones lets discuss why he," Toby points harshly at Jordan, "bought alcohol for an under age woman."

"Underaged?" Shay looks outright shocked. "How old is she?"

"Not underaged as in minor, underaged as in not twenty one and allowed to drink." Preston tells the older man who's hand flies to his heart.

"Oh thank heavens." Shay exclaims.

"That would be a nightmare, he would become the pedophile Prince," Jensen speaks for the first time since the meeting.

"Are you sure you want to keep it? One little appointment and this whole mess goes away for both you and the prince?" Shay looked at me. I could see in his eyes that is what he wants to happen.

"I will not murder my child," I tell him leveling a glare at him.

"Ok so a DNA test will be needed for the baby to be considered an heir, we need to talk with the Queen and make a plan. We will have her in with a Doctor today and then tomorrow we will fly out." Preston tells everyone.

Everyone nods and gets up. I wish they would fly out now. I didn't want any of them here anymore. Looking at my watch it was only noon. I was tired but there was lots to do at the office and I felt bad that my brothers had also missed a half day at work here with me. I was walking out the door with my brothers when a hand stopped me. "And where do you think your going?"

I stopped and looked back at Jordan behind me, "To the office, I have things to do."

"No you have a doctor appointment and then you need to pack we are flying out tomorrow," he says like its obvious.

I pull my hand from his, "I agree to the doctor appointment because your men's rough handle of me but I am not flying anywhere with you." I glare up at him.

He reaches for me again and Nate steps in front of me, "It is her choice. Do not forget where you are." Nate remind him subtly we are in my country and not his own. I really did not care to go to his country.

Alejandro stepped up next to Jordan. They were equal in size but Jordan was an inch or two taller. "The child she carries is a Prince. Unfortunately things get leaked all the time. Not only for the baby but her saftey as well she really shouldn't be roaming around alone. She will become a target." Alejandro tried reasoning with my brothers.

"Being on foreign soil just makes her an easier target." Jordan adds on.

Now my brothers seemed to be wavering. I couldn't believe this. "You cannot restrict her so if your so worried then maybe you should accompany her instead." Nate offers as a solution.

Jordan looks torn, he probably has better things to do all day than follow me around but if he is so worried then he will have to suck it up. He makes eye contact with me before nodding. He turns around, "Preston, text me the time and location of the appointment. We will be back this evening." Preston doesn't look happy but nods none the less. "Lets go then," he says to me not looking very happy.

I turn and make our way out front. I head to my brothers car when I am stopped. "This way." Jordan takes my hand and pulls me to sleek black SUV's. I don't fight him because at least I get to go to work. At the office my brothers arrive right behind us. I greet a startled looking rose. I go sit in the conference room. My brothers follow me and Jordan is right behind them. His six security members take up the chairs in the waiting room. When Jordan follows them into the conference room I make haste to push him out. I know I could not move him if he did not allow it. When he is outside the conference room door I close said door in his face. It is silly really. The room is glass and he can see me but it gives me the allusion of privacy.

Once the door is closed in his face I see one of the men get up and bring Jordan a chair. He sits outside the door waiting. "Of all the guys to get drunk and lose your virginity to sis you had to fuck a damn Prince?" Toby starts behind me.

Turning I want to hit the idiot. "Enough, what's done is done. We need to figure out what to do from here. I assume the baby is his," Nate looks to me for confirmation.

I feel rage soar in me, "What you think I lose my virginity and decide to screw everything that walks?" I glare harshly. "I'm not you three." I pray by some miracle Jordan cannot hear every word we are saying.

"Sorry, this just got so complicated so quickly. We need a plan." Nate apologizes.

"We were going to be flying to Salovia with Taylor here in a matter of weeks anyway to discuss and sign contracts for the green initiative. Why don't we split up. If she has to go back to his country then Nate you go with her. Derick and I will wrap up our projects here and not take on any new customers. We will close down until this mess is sorted out." Toby suggests.

"No your not ruining pa's business because I was stupid and reckless. Shutting down even for a few weeks you three could lose contracts and customers. It's not a risk we should take. I am a big girl and I got myself into this mess I will get myself out." I try to persuade.

"There is no out Hunter, beyond aborting or popping the thing out in eight months and handing it over and fleeing. This is a child. You will be stuck raising it with him in his country." Nate says like I didn't already freaking know that.

"The only thing I can do is see what they want from me, what their idea on the situation is and how it is suggested we handle this. Then we can go from there." I try to offer a less drastic solution.

"Guys, I have a thought," Derick finally speaks. "Nate isn't busy so he will fly out with her. Which ever of us finishes first," he gestures to himself and Toby, "will fly out and Nate can come back. We can rotate until we know what is going on." Toby and Nate think over his suggestion but I just smile at him. He didn't speak a lot but he did always have the best plans. I knew he knew how much pa's business means to me.

"I just don't think one brother is enough for her being in enemy territory." Toby grumbles.

"They clearly are taking my saftey importantly," I look out at our full lobby. "I hardly doubt I would be in any real danger. The worst case scenario is I kill the Prince for being so annoying. Even then they can't kill me because I hold the only heir." My eyes find Jordan who is smirking at me. I know he can hear me.

"You can't joke about those things Hunter. He is very important in his country and even that joke could be interpreted as treason. You have to remember you wont be in America anymore." Nate says all seriously and stuffy.

"I know I just wish they would send me home and tell me to forget who the father is," I whine.

"Not happening gorgeous. But we have a doctor appointment in thirty minutes so we need to go." I glare at him for his interruption. "We need to go." He continues to urge as the four of us stare at him in disdain.

Nate walks over next to me, "I will stay with you, these two will stay here and try to get something done." Nate takes my arm and leads me to the open door Jordan stands in. We follow Jordan out and his security team surrounds us. We pull up to the OBGYN and I am shocked to see camera's flashing and people crowding the cars. Nate and I had been riding with Jordan and Alejandro. The car in front had three guards and the one in back had two. They pull to a stop right next to the doors of the building and the other security guards get out and come to surround us.

The door opens and the camera's clicking seems so loud. The paparazzi yell out questions. Jordan slide out and offers a hand to me. I take it and he pulls me into him. Nate slides out and stands at my other side. Alejandro stands directly in front pushing the yelling reporters out of the way. The remaining security guards have surrounded us. We make it in the building and find the right office. The guards go in first and make sure it is safe. Upon entrance we are whisked back into a room. I sit down and my head spins. That was a little much. I wondered how they found out so quick and knew where we would be.

"This is why you cannot go out alone Hunter," Jordan explains. On our way through the security guards broke off and stood guard at specific doors. I knew one was outside the exam room and Alejandro was the only one inside the room with us besides Jordan and Nate. I just look at Jordan at a loss for words. I really wanted to blame him. Everything had been fine before I knew who he was. Before he knew who I was and that I was pregnant.

The doctor strolled in and Alejandro tensed. His eyes never leaving the woman. His hand hovered close to where I assumed he had a gun hidden in his clothing. "Right," she spoke, "So you are here for a non invasive DNA test and an ultrasound." She flipped through the chart. "So who's DNA are we comparing?"

She looked to the three men in the room, "Mine," Jordan spoke up.

The doctor nodded before pushing a button on the wall. A nurse walked in with a blood draw kit. I winced I didn't like needles. I was sat on the exam table and the nurse rolled up my sleeve. I looked away. Nate sat beside me and held my hand. It brought back fond memories of when we were younger. Pa would schedule our yearly appointments together and one of my brothers always held my hand when we had to have blood drawn.

Before I knew it the needle was removed and the nurse walked to Jordan. He only had to have his cheek swabbed. It wasn't fair. The nurse left with our samples. I was instructed by the doctor who had been fiddling with the ultrasound machine to lay back and lift my shirt. I did so. The gel was cold, she moved the attachment around and then the heart beat could be heard. She made a recording of it. She took measurements and printed pictures. Everyone was silent. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and to my surprise it was Jordan. He looked down at me smiling. If I was not mistaken he actually looked happy.

"When will we know the gender?" He spoke breaking the silence.

"Eighteen weeks," the doctor tells him. The doctor turns off the machine and hands Jordan the pictures.

I work on wiping the gel off my tummy and fixing my clothes. Nate is still holding me hand. "The others are going to be so jealous I got to see the baby first." Nate spoke softly beside me. He pressed a kiss to my head and I smiled at him.

"Maybe this should be our little secret then." I tell him knowing he will want to rub it in their faces.

"Not a chance," he chuckles.

Jordan and the doctor converse about the number to call when the results come in and where to mail the results to. "I would also like the results mailed separately to me." I request. I didn't trust all those royal advisors Jordan listens too and knowing they set this up made me uneasy.

"Sure," the doctor smiles. "The results will come directly from the lab we send them to. They should arrive in a few days."

I give her my home address. When we leave I am shocked when Jordan carefully pulls me from under Nate's arm into his own. Nate frowns at him but Jordan pays him no attention. We have to fight our way through the reporters again who shout questions asking us if what they had been told was true. Jordan says nothing. He opens my door for me and once I am in he climbs in next to me. "Where to now?" I ask once the door is closed and locked.

"Food," Nate grumbles. "I am starving and you probably haven't eaten either." He gives me a disapproving frown.

"I had crackers and water this morning," I defend like it was a four course meal.

"Yeah I'm sure you and the baby can survive on that alone," he grumbles.

Alejandro calls the other cars and informs them about a food stop. We ride through a fast food joint and I can't ignore my hungry tummy when I hold a big greasy burger in my hand. I eat my burger and fries as we ride through the city. I am surprised to recognize my surroundings. We are on the way home. The cars pull into the drive and getting out is a relief. Nate unlocks the door and everyone follows us in. I rush to the restroom to relieve myself.

I climb the stairs to my room and Jordan trails behind me. I go to my room and he follows. "You need to pack." He reminds like I could forget. I sit on the bed and lay back. It has been along day, the worlds longest in my book. I am tired and after eating and relieving myself my eyes want to close. "Hunter," I feel the bed shift as he sits down next to me.

"Hmm," my eyes are closed and exhaustion weighs heavily on me.

I feel his fingers in my hair and they massage my scalp. It relaxes me further. I curl onto my side to get more comfortable. My body wraps around where he is sitting on the side of my bed. I hear his unmistakable chuckle. His other arm drapes over my legs. Then I am out.

7069 Words! 

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