SHE | Marvel's Avengers [10]

By SketchpadArtist21

739 32 7

"Well, all you have to do is make him mad, right? Shoving someone off a cliff generally angers them. I think... More

Chapter 1 - I Want to be an Avenger!
Chapter 2 - The Light that Failed
Chapter 3 - New...
Chapter 4 - ...Normal
Chapter 5 - The Road Back
Chapter 6 - To Find Olympia
Chapter 7 - One of Us
Chapter 8 - Hello Old Friend
Chapter 9 - Missing Links
Chapter 10 - House...
Chapter 11 - ...Call
Chapter 12 - Armor Chase
Chapter 13 - The Dogs of War
Chapter 14 - The Ant Hill Pt. 1
Chapter 15 - Breakout
Chapter 16 - The Ant Hill Pt. 2
Chapter 17 - Prison Break
Chapter 18 - To Stand Alone
Chapter 19 - Interrogation Anxiety
Chapter 20 - Once an Avenger...
Chapter 21 - Sacrifice
Chapter 22 - Disassembled
Chapter 23 - Ambrosia
Chapter 24 -Agony and...
Chapter 25 - ...The Ant Hill
Chapter 26 -Testing...
Chapter 27 - ...1...2...3...
Chapter 28 - Welcome Back, Old Friend
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - Reunion
Chapter 32 - War Plans
Chapter 33 - The Final Countdown
Chapter 34 - By...
Chapter 35 - ...The...
Chapter 36 - ...Pure...
Chapter 37 - ...Force...
Chapter 38 - ...Of....
Chapter 39 - ...Mind
Chapter 40 - A New Home
Chapter 41 - Explinations

Chapter 31 - Mayhem Over Manhatten

11 0 0
By SketchpadArtist21

"Fellow Americans. We're here where protesters have gathered in response to a nation-wide threat to our freedom. This morning, the heads of all major military agencies were held, under duress, by AIM's new Adaptoids. Panic erupted, when many awoke to large AIM gunships hovering above our major cities. As the military begins to mobilize, a tense standoff has gripped the nation," Phil Sheldon, a reporter for the Daily Bugle, said. We were all gathered in the Command Deck, watching the news. "Of course! That's my tech. That' my cloaking tech," Tony said. "Wait a minute...something's happening..." People began screaming as guns lowered from the AIM ships. "EMERGENCY. INHUMAN ACTIVITY DETECTED. PLEASE EVACUATE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY. AIM IS HERE FOR YOUR PROTECTION," The gunship PA said.

"Sir, I'm receiving a distress call from a Resistance Sanctuary in New York," JARVIS reported.

 "AIM's trying to draw us out. If we rescue them it'll look like we're attack--" Tony started.

 "It doesn't matter what it looks like. We see someone who needs help, and we help. So you do what you need to do. We're leaving at dawn," Cap said. 

"Then, we better get some sleep," Snake said, and we all headed to our rooms, taking her advice. I woke up to Tony shaking me awake. 

"Come on. It's dawn, and Cap's nothing if not punctual," He hissed.

He handed me some armored clothing, saying he was working on something big for my suit and this could protect me in the meantime. I pulled them on before heading to the War Table. 

"Ahmi, Nat and Tony--you're with me. The rest of you, stay here and protect the Chimera," Cap ordered when we all arrived. The four of us filed onto the quinjet, taking it to Manhatten.

 "Alright, what's the play?" Ms. Romanoff asked.

"Not sure if there's any chance of us getting into the city undetected," Cap mused. 

"Yeah, pretty sure you rising from the dead is gonna attract attention," Tony said. 

"Then we give them something to draw attention. Like maybe a Son of Odin..." Cap said.

 "Hahaha! I will bring the lightning, Captain. They won't even see you on the ground!" Thor assured. 

"We're being hailed, sir," JARVIS reported.

"Put 'em through," Cap said.

  "Hello? Anyone out there? They found us. They say we need to be cured, but we know what that means...please. Someone..." A female Inhuman begged. 

"What's this? Someone found a radio. Don't worry, you'll all be cured soon," An AIM agent said.

 "JARVIS, can you get a location?" He asked.

 "Right away, sir," JARVIS said.

"I've traced the call back to an apartment in the evacuation zone," He reported. 

"I don't get it. Why are they evacuating?" Cap asked.

 "Because of us. Inhumans. To them we're a disease," I explained. 

"AIM has people believing they're dangerous. It's only gotten worse over the years," We found the Inhuman cells, along with a squadron of AIM bots. I sent out two hardened pieces of shadow, piercing the cores on one of the cells, freeing the Inhuman trapped inside.

A tendril wrapped around a bot, crushing them while another pierced the other cores. We secured the area, bot bits laying around us from dissimilated bots. 

"Please, they've been searching the city for Inhumans. Our friends were on their way to the safe house--" The Inhuman said.

 "We'll find them, miss. Get to safety," I said.

 "Better hurry. Don't know how many of these guys are out there," Ms. Romanoff said.

"I've located another containment cell," JARVIS reported.

 "How could we have let this happen?" Cap muttered. 

"We have a chance to stop them now," She said. 

"They're empty," We found the cells, but they were barren. 

"What's dead should stay dead, Captain!" An AIM agent shouted.

"And the weak give way to the strong," Another jeered. 

"Sounds familiar. Those guys lost too," Cap responded.

 "That's enough from these svynia," She said as we took out a squadron. 

"Let's find these Inhumans," Cap said. 

"Well, we know they're heavily armed," Cap said.

 "And they love to hear themselves talk. Reminds me of a certain billionaire I know," I said.

 "Ooh...I feel seen," Tony said as Theo teleported the Inhuman away. 

"Get off me!" An Inhuman on comms said.

 "Watchdogs!" She exclaimed. 

"Protect the Inhumans!" Cap ordered.

"Avengers! Help!" A woman cried. 

"Get them! We can halt the infection. No one else will suffer," An AIM agent said. 

"We're not infected!" She cried. 

"The only ones that will suffer will be you," I sneered, flinging the agent into a nearby wall. We fought of waves of enemies, bots littering the street.

"It's not safe out here. Find somewhere to hide while we clear a way to the safe house," Cap said.

 "Okay. Come on!" She and the others took off.

 "Dr. Pym is sending agents to escort the survivors out of the city. He's alerted them, but they're trapped inside. Forwarding the code to the safehouse entrance," JARVIS reported. 

"That flying thing is headed right for it. Patrols must've found it," Ms. Romanoff said.

 "Good thing one of us can fly!" Tony said. 

"We have to get them out of there," Cap said. We found the Watchdogs, which were crowded on a bridge. 

"They're blocking the way," I said.

 "Not by accident," She said. They had those stupid shields we had encountered on an earlier mission, but I sent tendrils out and speared them all, deactivating them.

I grabbed one of them that was in the air, crushing their jetpack and flinging them into the ocean. We swept the floor with the men, leaving them all knocked out, or maybe dead, on the pavement. 

"Let's move," Cap said, and we kept going.

 "What's Dr. Pym's ETA?" I asked. 

"His agents are on their way, but they'll need time," JARVIS said.

"Not sure how much we've got. Watchdogs are closing in. Safehouse is nearby," Ms. Romanoff said, the last part after we crossed the bridge. 

"I'm picking up something in the atmosphere. A derivate of Terrigen, but I've never seen anything like it," JARVIS reported. 

"Are we in danger here?" Cap asked.

 "Aren't we always?" She responded. 

"Come on, let's get you out of here," I said as we went inside.

"We can't. They have this thing hunting Inhumans. We tried to sneak out, but they've got eyes everywhere," The head Inhuman said. 

"We'll take care of the Watchdogs. Don't worry," Cap said.

 "Not them. That thing in the sky. It's here," He said. 

"Stay down until the Resistance comes for you," Cap ordered.

 "Tony, we're gonna need some air support on this one," He continued.

"Well, today's the day for bashing AIM's head in. Why not?" He responded, shooting into the sky.

 "Terrigen levels rising," JARVIS said.

 "Activate respirators!" Cap ordered.

 We exited the building to see a ship of some sorts hovering over the area. "That machine is the source of the altered Terrigen. It's been genetically modified to seek out the presence of the Inhuman gene and...eliminate the host," JARVIS reported.

"It's killing Inhumans?" I asked. 

"Not for long!" Cap said. That was a hard fight. Just like with the Warbot, JARVIS was a massive help with targetting the vulnerable spots, but it was still long and drawn out. Everyone took a lot of hits.

Eventually, it crashed into the dock, sliding along and exploding. "All clear. What is this thing?!" Cap asked. 

"Let's get its black box back to the Chimera. I'll do some digging," Tony said as the quinjet appeared. 

We all booked it back to the Chimera, where we stood in the meeting room to await the news.

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