SHE | Marvel's Avengers [10]

By SketchpadArtist21

739 32 7

"Well, all you have to do is make him mad, right? Shoving someone off a cliff generally angers them. I think... More

Chapter 1 - I Want to be an Avenger!
Chapter 2 - The Light that Failed
Chapter 3 - New...
Chapter 4 - ...Normal
Chapter 5 - The Road Back
Chapter 6 - To Find Olympia
Chapter 7 - One of Us
Chapter 8 - Hello Old Friend
Chapter 9 - Missing Links
Chapter 10 - House...
Chapter 11 - ...Call
Chapter 12 - Armor Chase
Chapter 13 - The Dogs of War
Chapter 14 - The Ant Hill Pt. 1
Chapter 15 - Breakout
Chapter 16 - The Ant Hill Pt. 2
Chapter 17 - Prison Break
Chapter 18 - To Stand Alone
Chapter 19 - Interrogation Anxiety
Chapter 20 - Once an Avenger...
Chapter 21 - Sacrifice
Chapter 22 - Disassembled
Chapter 23 - Ambrosia
Chapter 24 -Agony and...
Chapter 25 - ...The Ant Hill
Chapter 26 -Testing...
Chapter 28 - Welcome Back, Old Friend
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - Reunion
Chapter 31 - Mayhem Over Manhatten
Chapter 32 - War Plans
Chapter 33 - The Final Countdown
Chapter 34 - By...
Chapter 35 - ...The...
Chapter 36 - ...Pure...
Chapter 37 - ...Force...
Chapter 38 - ...Of....
Chapter 39 - ...Mind
Chapter 40 - A New Home
Chapter 41 - Explinations

Chapter 27 - ...1...2...3...

10 0 0
By SketchpadArtist21

"Great to know. Listen, I only heard one side of that conversation, and it was really weird. Next time, try appealing to her humanity when no one's around," He said, and I laughed.

 "I'll try," I chuckled. His repulsors started crackling. 

"Damn it...not much juice left in these repulsors. Hopefully, this place isn't crawling with guards," I agreed with him because I was pretty tired out from grappling with her. We found a console, and Tony started hacking into it.

"Okay, let's see what we've got," Tony said.

 "Wait a minute...Well, this doesn't make sense. Regenerative Formula. That'll explain Tarleton's giant head," Tony muttered. 

"No one's head can be bigger than yours, though," I joked. 

"Hey! Okay...I kinda deserved that one. Just a little. Like .12% I deserved," I rolled my eyes.

 "That's its source. Probably some unfortunate Inhumans," I said, pointing to the people chained up in a pod.

"Let's find that door," He said. 

"No sweat. Rescue those Inhumans. No more Regen Formula, no more Adaptoids...high-fives all around. Knock knock, anyone home?" Tony asked, opening another door after we hopped a chasm. 

"This place does not get any foot traffic. There's space dust everywhere," I said, running my finger in some. 

"Well. Only way is up," Tony said, flying up and leaving me to scramble up using the pipes. 

"You know, gears are turning for a suit of yours. You know, when you're part inkblot," Tony said.

"Okay. What are you thinking?" I asked. 

"Black, obviously. Maybe some red would go well, like a scarlet. Use it as trim, differentiate the inkblot from the suit," He said. 

"Sounds cool," I said. 

"Everything I make is cool," He claimed.

 "Whatever makes you sleep at night," I joked.

I accessed the terminal, making turrets appear. Tony shot them down, unlocking the door. 

"If that didn't wake up the guard dogs, nothing will," Tony said. 

"Going down," I hooked a grapple I borrowed from Ms. Romanoff onto the ceiling, using it to slide down. 

"Crashing through their airlock didn't wake up the robot guard dogs...maybe they're here to keep something IN rather than out," Tony muttered as we crossed another chasm.

The closer we got, the more jittery I felt. 

"This doesn't feel right. There's been no resistance. Something's gonna happen," I said. 

"Don't jinx us," Tony said, accessing another terminal.  The door opened, revealing a spinning white orb and ice on every surface. I shivered as we stepped inside.

The pod dropped to the ground and Tony fired up his repulsors, with one of my hands going black and summoning a shadow ball. 

"Oh no. That's not ominous at all," I muttered as the mechanisms on the pod spun and hissed. It opened up, revealing two slumped over people illuminated by white light. I squinted a little, Tony tipped me off. 

What he said nearly made my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god. Cap! Snake!"

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