Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x...

By ahxiaifis

48.8K 1.1K 3.6K

For whatever reason Pico manages to cause a melancholy of events to happen just because of his stubbornness... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three TW: kinda NSFW
Chapter four😈 TW:NSFW
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
TW:NSFW LMAO 😈 Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter  Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Ending)
Explaining lore/ Q & A 😭 Please ask questions so I can make more so bored 💔

Chapter Thirteen

1.2K 34 73
By ahxiaifis

"You know about earlier... When I couldn't do what you wanted? I thought maybe I could try again." My face were getting completely red.

"It's fine you don't have to unless... you insist." Pico winked.

I take that as a yes and crouch down near Pico's legs, I look up at Pico for a second.

Pico puts his arms behind his back as if he were sitting in a lazy chair.

But before I could do anything I heard a vibration sound. The sound drew from Pico's pocket.

"Is someone calling you?" I asked.

Pico grabs his phone out of his pocket.

"Ugh- This number has been calling me ALL day." Pico sighed.

"Maybe it's urgent, y'know?" I suggested.

Pico answers his phone.

"Hel-" Pico was suddenly interrupted by the stranger.

"IT'S A SPOOKY MONTH!" The stranger exclaimed.

Pico hung up.

"What the-" Pico scrunched up his face.

The voice sounded so familiar.
I most likely heard it before, I don't think it were just one person though. They sounded like children- Well... Maybe because they were children.

"Maybe it were a prank call." I said.

"Maybe..." As Pico said that a loud banging sound came from the door.

"Is someone knocking on the door?" I asked Pico.

"Don't ask dumb questions- Just go see for yourself." Pico rolled his eyes.

The loud banging continues.
I couldn't classify that as knocking, if the stranger at the door were to continue to bang on the door I feel like they could knock the door down.

I quickly rush over to the door, looking through the peephole.

I see two children in halloween costumes and a woman with them.

"Hmm... did their house delete from existence as well?" I pondered to myself.

I opened the door.

"Hello?" I said to them.

"It's a spooky month!" The kid in the skeleton costume said.

They all started suddenly doing this weird dance, back and fourth back and fourth they went.

Pico walks over to see what's all the commotion.

"State why you're here or leave at once." Pico demanded.

They all suddenly stop dancing.

The mother, I presume. Were incredibly white as snow, and had purple hair.

She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Our house just completely gotten deleted. We've also been knocking on every door around here. Some houses completely empty and some refusing to let us stay." She said.

"If a house were completely empty why not just stay there?" Felt like I were losing brain cells.

"That would be disrespectful to the dead- Right boys!" She looked over to the two children in halloween costumes.

They both saluted at her.

"Are you like their mother or something?" I asked.

"Skid is my only child and Pump is his friend." She pointed at the child in the skeleton costume.

"What happened to Pump's parents? You guy's can't stay over there?" Pico asked.

"I think he's an orphan... Not totally sure." The woman shrugged.

The woman and the two children tried to walk their way inside, but Pico blocked the way.

"Hmph! I don't care that you have children with you. You can go somewhere else!" Pico yelled.

"Is this a bad time?" A familiar sounding voice said.

Everyone turns to see who it was.

It were my ex-girlfriend, for whatever reason she had a luggage bag with her.

"So yeah- My house just completely deleted out of no where. So I thought I could stay with you." She said while filing her nails.

Pico started baring his teeth, he looked like a dog snarling.

Before he could open his mouth his phone started vibrating.

"You can handle this- I'll be right back." Pico said while walking back inside. I presume into the kitchen.

As soon as Pico left their eyes all darted towards me.

"I had to make a decision?" I said to myself.

I looked at the children then the mother, then my ex girlfriend. I started doing that in a pattern until I equally felt bad for everyone.

"Yes. You can stay just don't cause too much trouble, alright." I put my hand on my hip and pointed at them.

The two children did somersaults until they were completely inside, accidentally knocking over a glass vase.

The mother walks over to the couch clicking on the TV.

"Oh boy..." I sighed.

My ex-girlfriend struts her way inside.

Her luggage bag wheel runs over my feet.

"OW!" I grab my foot holding it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-" She exclaimed.

Embarrassed she quickly runs upstairs.

"Surprised she can run in heels." I muttered to myself.

My eyes quickly dart over to the two children doing that dance again, then I look at the mother watching TV.

I noticed Pico were sitting at the head of the dining room table with his head down.

"Hm... Maybe something were wrong." As I try to walk over to Pico I get grabbed.

"I haven't seen you in so long, Pico!" The stranger said while squishing me to death.

"I-I'm not Pico-" I say while trying to gasp for air.

"Then who are you?" The stranger dropped me and looked me up and down.

"I'm Pico's boyfriend nice to meetcha!" I put my hand in the air to give the stranger a handshake.

He doesn't shake my hand.

"Pico never told me he had a boyfriend." The stranger crossed his arms.

He were much taller than me and Pico, maybe even everyone in the house, he had dark brown hair covering his whole face, and wore clothes similar to Pico.

"So- Ugh... Are you going to introduce yourself?" I put my hands on hips.

"Oh- How rude of me. I'm Kaleb, Pico's ex-boyfriend. Surprised he hasn't told you about me yet." Kaleb waved.

"Anyway- Where is the bottom boy?" Kaleb starred at me.

"B-bottom?" I stuttered.

"You didn't know? Maybe he's been hiding that from you too." Kaleb laughed.

"Well. Anyway- Pico's over there." I pointed at Pico sitting at the dining table.

We walk over to the dining table, Kaleb nearly trips on Pump.

"Hey, Pico~" Kaleb said.

"Go away..." Pico muttered.

"Oh come on~ My house were completely deleted and I need somewhere to stay... Besides I missed you anyway." Kaleb winked.

I noticed the two had very similar mannerisms, and as stated before similar fashion sense.

"Maybe being a bystander won't hurt for once." I told myself.

"I've moved on- And maybe you should too, Kaleb." I could hear Pico baring his teeth.

"Just leave that chump. Besides look at these guns." Kaleb starting flexing.

Pico lifted up his head but by his expression he weren't very impressed.

It took me a while but I realized he called me a chump, maybe being a bystander isn't good after all.

"Chump...?" I frowned and shook my head.

"I'll say this again and for the final time. I'm not interested in you so leave me alone." Pico said while clenching his fists at Kaleb.

"We can make things workout, Pico." Kaleb insisted.

"No- I can't with you... You're way too controlling..." Pico turns away.

"UGH- Well, fine." Kaleb stomps his way upstairs.

"I really need to find a way to get rid of him." Pico sighed.

"Nothing lethal, okay..." I pointed at the gun he were holding.

"Fine." He dropped the gun to the floor.

"Drop all of them." I enthused.

Pico dropped every weapon on the floor, making a small pile.

"Good. Now what can we do?" I asked.

Pico started rubbing his chin.

"MATCH-MAKING." Two childish voices said behind us.

We look behind us, it were Skid and Pump.

"Like that would work and with who? Also.. How'd you get in here?" Pico started clenching his fists again.

"Oh... I let them in-" I started laughing awkwardly.

"Of course- I doubt that'll work. Sounds like something from a cheesy romance movie." Pico folded his arms.

"We could match-make Kaleb with-" Skid cut off Pump.

"With the lady in the red shiny dress." Skid suggested.

"That's a cute idea- Besides it would be nice to see our exes happy, right pico?" I asked turning over to him.

"I honestly don't care." Pico turned away.

"Don't be like that. This could possibly work and maybe he'll leave you alone." I said.

Skid and Pump nod their heads.

"Ok- So what do you little guy's have in mind?" Pico asked.

The two start whispering in Pico's ear.

"Eh- I guess that'll work." Pico shrugged.

"Can your mom help?" I ask Skid.

"Yeah Yeah!" Skid nods his head again.

"Well... Let's start!" I exclaimed.

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