The Marauder's Tale [MOONY...

SwiftyLacus13 द्वारा

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The adventure of MOONY, WORMTAIL, PADFOOT, & PRONGS in their 7 years of stay at HOGWARTS. DISCLAIMER: I do N... अधिक

I. The Journey Begins
II. The Sorting
III. The Friendship Begins
IV. Absence and Infatuation
V. Misadventure
VI. Christmas
VII. Friends and Enemies
VIII. The Invisibility Cloak
IX. The First Exams
X. The Second Year Begins
XI. Quidditch Tryouts
XII. Putting the Pieces Together
XIII. Confrontation
XIV. Answers
XV. Spells and Hexes
XVI. Practicing
XVII. Getting Caught
XVIII. Summer
XIX. The Third Year
XX. Hogsmeade
XXI. Invincible
XXII. Fallible
XXIII. Recovery
XXIV. Fourth Year
XXV. The Horror of War
XXVI. Moving On
XXVII. New Information
XXVIII. Closer
XXIX. Fifth Year
XXX. Success
XXXI. Dates in Hogsmeade
XXXII. The Full Moon
XXXIII. Hogwarts by Moonlight
XXXIV. Boys and Girls
XXXV. ---
XXXVI. Sixth Year
XXXVII. The Tangled Web
XXXVIII. The Awkward Stage
XXXIX. Making It Work
XL. The Prank
XLI. Growing Up
XLIII. To Prove Himself
XLIV. Marauding with Caution
XLV. The First Date
XLVI. Admissions
XLVII. Exposed Secret
XLVIII. What Could Have Been
XLIX. The Dating Game
L. Holidays
LI. Heroes in Training
LII. Realization
LIII. Traumas Large and Small
LIV. N.E.W.T.s
LV. The End?

XLII. Seventh Year

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SwiftyLacus13 द्वारा

“James! Sirius! Your Hogwarts letters are here!”

“Oh, just what I’ve been waiting for,” Sirius said sarcastically. “Do we have to go back?”

“Yes, you prat,” James laughed. “You need your N.E.W.T.s, Mr. Auror.”

“Don’t remind me.” Sirius shuddered. “I hate the idea of my whole future hinging on those tests.”

“At least you know what you want to do with your life. I’m starting to think that I don’t have any direction.”

“I thought you were going to be an international Quidditch star.”

James laughed. “Believe it or not, Harold and Margaret didn’t take that too well. In fact, they said that I have to come up with something else or face being disinherited!”

Sirius laughed with him. “Your parents wouldn’t disinherit you.”

“They’d probably leave their money to you. I swear, sometimes I think you’ve become their favorite son.”

“Yes, well, I am following in your dad’s footsteps as an Auror.”

“Bully for you.”

“Don’t be mad at me because you can’t choose a career!”

“I’ll find something,” James said as they entered the kitchen where two Hogwarts owls were perched on the counters. “I just need more time to decide what I want to do with my life.”

“It had better not include playing professional sports,” Mrs. Potter said with a slight frown.

“Oh, Mum,” James sighed. He took his letter from the owl. “Thank you.”

The owl hooted, and took off through the open window, followed closely by the owl carrying Sirius’ letter. Mrs. Potter looked at the boys expectantly.

“Well, go on and open them. If you want to go to Diagon Alley to go shopping today, we can.”

“Should we go now, or wait until Remus and Peter can go with us?” Sirius asked as he opened his letter.

“Let’s wait for them,” James said, breaking the seal on his own letter. “This is the last time we’ll get to shop for Hogwarts stuff. It seems like we should go together.” He pulled two pieces of parchment from the envelope.

Mrs. Potter nodded. “That’s a good point.”

James read over his booklist. Nothing looked too out of the ordinary. He passed it to his mother, who was ready to snatch it out of his hands to read it. He glanced down at the second piece of parchment, and felt his stomach drop out of his body. The color drained from his face, and his eyes grew to the size of saucers.

“Prongs?” Sirius said. “What’s up, mate? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

James looked up at Sirius and his mother, his eyes open incredibly wide. “I’m Head Boy,” he whispered.

“What?” they exclaimed in unison.

“I’m Head Boy,” James said again, looking back down at the letter. “It says so right here. I have to report to the Head car on the Hogwarts Express to get my instructions. I’m Head Boy.” He passed the letter to his mother as though in a daze.

“Are you making this up?” Sirius asked with a laugh.

“Could I?” James asked, looking up again to face him.

Sirius noted the lack of humor in his friend’s eyes, and his own eyes grew round. “Wow. Congratulations, mate!”

“Oh, James!” Mrs. Potter exclaimed. She put the letter down on the counter, and hugged her son close. “I’m so proud of you! I can’t believe it! My little Jamie, Head Boy!”

James smiled, and submitted to his mother’s fussing. He wished she would refrain from calling him Jamie. “I can’t believe it either. I was sure it would be Remus.”

“I thought so too,” Sirius agreed. “No offense, Prongs.”

James shook his head. “How could I take offense? I never dreamed it would be me. I thought I had spent far too much time in detention.”

“So did I,” Mrs. Potter said a bit harshly. “I’ve always said you didn’t work hard enough, and that you wasted too much time goofing off, but it looks like you did something right. Congratulations, James!”

James was grateful that she had abandoned the “Jamie” in favor of his full name. He had asked her to stop calling him by the nickname when he was nine. She had agreed, and he hadn’t heard it since then. It was rather odd to hear it again, and made him feel like he was still a little boy. Then again, maybe he was. He was her little boy.

“Thanks, Mum,” he said.

“I can’t quite figure out what you did right, though,” Sirius said with a shake of his head. “Dumbledore and McGonagall must have lost it!”

“Maybe I will take offense,” James laughed. “And now that I’m Head Boy, I have the power to put you in detention, you know. You should watch what you say around me!”

“Oh, please,” Sirius laughed. “You know how little detention bothers me. Actually, I sort of miss it.”

Mrs. Potter shook her head. “You boys will be the death of me.” She picked up James’ letter, reading it again. “We have to tell your father, James.”

James’ eyes lit up. “Can I Apparate to the Ministry to tell him?” He had passed his Apparation test the week before.

“I don’t see why not,” Mrs. Potter said with an indulgent smile. She handed him his letter. “Here, take this. I’m sure he’ll want to see it.”

“Do you want to come, Sirius?” Sirius had passed his test even earlier than James.

“You go ahead,” Sirius said. “But come back soon – we have to owl Remus and Peter with this news!”

“I hope Remus isn’t upset it wasn’t him,” James said, concern showing on his face.

“He won’t be,” Sirius said, shaking his head. “I don’t think he ever really wanted to be Head Boy. Can you see him in charge of all the prefects and all the other students? He’d hate that.”

“Yeah, probably,” James said, completely unconvinced.

“I’m serious! He was a good prefect in terms of taking care of the problems everyone had, teaching the younger students what to do, and being a mentor to everyone, but he hated enforcing the rules and being in charge. As a student, you can’t get any more ‘in charge’ than being Head Boy or Girl.”

James frowned. “I wonder who the Head Girl is.”

Sirius shrugged. “It didn’t say in the letter?”

“No,” James said, scanning it again. “Doesn’t that seem odd?”

Sirius shrugged again. “Search me. I’ve never been Head Boy.”

“James, if you’re going to tell your father, go!” Mrs. Potter said. “I want you to make it back here today.”

“All right,” James agreed. Clutching his letter tightly, he Apparated to his father’s office.


When James returned, he found Sirius and his mother in the sitting room busy going over the packing list she made for the boys each year. They were writing a second list, this one of the items Sirius needed to purchase in Diagon Alley. James smiled as he looked at them. Even though Sirius would never admit it, James knew that he loved spending time with Mrs. Potter like this. His own mother had never been overly maternal toward him; James realized how touched Sirius was by Mrs. Potter’s interest in and concern for him. James cleared his throat as he entered the room. They both looked up.

“The Head Boy returns!” Mrs. Potter smiled. “What did your father say?”

“He was thrilled,” James grinned. “He even said he’d buy me a new broomstick as a reward.”

“Way to go, Prongs!” Sirius laughed. “What kind are you going to get?”

“I’m not sure yet,” James said. “Dad said he’d take me shopping when we go to Diagon Alley to get our supplies.

Mrs. Potter smiled. “I knew he’d say that.”

“You had already decided this?” James asked in surprise. “Come on, Mum, you can’t tell me you thought I was going to be made Head Boy! I’m sure I wasn’t the first choice on anyone’s list.”

“I think you were,” she said softly. “Obviously Dumbledore had you at the top of his list. And your father and I had talked about getting you a broomstick if you were made a prefect. That didn’t happen, so we shelved it.” She gave him a teasing grin. “Not that we ever thought we’d have the chance to give you a reward like this after you didn’t make prefect . . .”

“Oh, stop it, Mum,” James laughed. He turned to Sirius. “Anytime you wonder why I made smart comments, think of my mum. She’s the queen of sarcasm in this house.”

Sirius laughed. “I’ve known that for years.”

Mrs. Potter shook her head, and stood to her feet. “I’m going to leave you two to your letter writing,” she said. “Let me know when your friends want to go to Diagon Alley so we can plan our trip.”

“Thanks, Mum,” James said, sitting down next to Sirius. He pulled up a piece of parchment and a quill. “Who should we write to first?”

“Prefect Remus, of course,” Sirius said. “He needs to know who he’s reporting to this year.”

James smiled a bit uneasily. “I don’t know if I can do this, Padfoot. I don’t know if I can be in charge of everyone like this. I mean, I have a massive rule-breaking reputation. How can I punish people for breaking the rules now?”

Sirius looked a bit uncomfortable. “I don’t know, Prongs. But I do know that Dumbledore would never have chosen you for this job if he thought for a minute that you couldn’t do it. He may be a bit off his rocker, but Dumbledore would never do anything that could potentially hurt his school. And who knows? Maybe people will be afraid to break rules around you because they know you’ll catch them. Really, how many more ways can there be to break the rules that we’ve broken over the past six years?”

James smiled. “I guess you’re right.” He took a deep breath, as though to clear his mind. “Right. Let’s inform Remus and Peter of my new status.”

“Moony –

“You’re never going to believe this. And I do mean never! Padfoot and I got our Hogwarts letter today, and according to mine, I’m Head Boy this year. Padfoot is convinced that Dumbledore has lost it. Really, he probably has. I mean, who would make ME Head Boy?

“Don’t listen to Potter, Moony. He’s going to be a fantastic Head. And make sure you stay out of his way – he’s your boss this year!

“Quit taking the quill, Sirius.

“Quit holding it so loosely.

“I think we’ve forgotten Remus.

“You’re right. Sorry, Moony.

“Well, we have to write to Peter, too. Oh, let us know when you’re going to Diagon Alley. We can try to meet up there, and have fun outside of school one last time before we go back for our seventh year. We’ll see you soon!

“—Prongs and Padfoot.”

James went to his room, and retrieved Owl from his cage. After they had written a similar letter to Peter, they sent Owl off with both missives.

“He’ll be back soon,” Sirius said as they watched the bird fly off. “I can’t imagine Moony will take more than three minutes to write back.”

“He’ll take longer than that,” James laughed. “We have to give him time for the shock to wear off.”

“Wormtail will be thrilled,” Sirius continued. “You know how excited he gets about everything that you do. Remember how into Quidditch he was when you first joined the team?”

“I like to think that you all like to watch me play.”

“We do. Peter’s just more . . . more . . .”

“Yeah, I know,” James said. “He’s more Peter.”

Sirius grinned. “You know, there is still a great mystery surrounding this whole Head Boy thing.”

“How I was ever even a contender, let alone selected?”

“Well, there is that,” Sirius laughed, “but I was actually referring to the mystery of the Head Girl.”

“Ah, yes,” James said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “Who could she be?”

“I know who you want her to be,” Sirius grinned.

“Who’s that?” James asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Lily, of course!” Sirius laughed.

“Lily?” James repeated. He smiled. “I’m not going to deny that. She’d be a great Head Girl. You know how good she is at being in charge. And it would be brilliant if we could be Head Boy and Girl together. What better way to show her that I’ve changed? But it won’t happen.”

“No, probably not,” Sirius agreed. “I’ve never seen both the Heads from the same house.”

James nodded his agreement. “Yeah, it’s unlikely. So, that eliminates all our Gryffindor friends. Who are our other likely candidates?”

“I think the frontrunner is Laura.”

“Moony’s Laura?”

“How many other Lauras do we know in seventh year?”

James smiled. “Okay, fair point. Yeah, I think Laura has a lot of potential. She’d be an incredible Head Girl. And I’m sure she’d be easy to work with.”

“Moony might not appreciate you spending so much time alone with his girlfriend.”

“Oh, be serious. They’re completely secure in their relationship. They’ve said that they love each other!”

Sirirus’ eyes darkened. “Yeah, but he won’t tell her the most important thing of all.”

James sobered instantly. “Yeah, I know. He really has to tell her, Sirius. I’m sure she won’t leave him like he thinks she will.”

“She’s stood by him this long. She wouldn’t leave him,” Sirius agreed. He sighed. “But it’s his decision, right? What can we do?”

“Not much,” James said. He ran his hands through his hair. “I can’t think about that anymore. I’ll just start to think that Remus is a prat, and we both know that he isn’t. Let’s make our Diagon Alley lists.”

Sirius grinned. “Mine’s almost done. Your mum is the best.”


James, his parents, and Sirius were just finishing dinner when Owl returned. He was carrying two letters with both James’ and Sirius’ names on them.

“Good thing they waited until after dinner to write back,” Sirius grinned. “That was the most amazing meal I’ve ever had.”

Hetty, who was clearing the plates away, grinned. “It had to be special for Master James!” she squeaked excitedly. “Hetty is very proud of the new Head Boy!”

James smiled. “Thanks again, Hetty. You’re the best.”

She grinned, and carried a stack of plates into the kitchen.

“You boys tell us when they want to meet in Diagon Alley,” Mr. Potter said as he and Mrs. Potter got up from the table. “James, have you had a chance to look at any catalogues to get ideas about what broomstick you want?”

James shook his head. “I haven’t looked yet, but I think there’s a new Cleansweep out, so I want to try that,” he said.

“Well, whatever you decide,” Mr. Potter said as he and his wife left the room.

James turned back to Sirius. “Whose should we read first?”

“Prefect Remus’,” Sirius grinned. “Let’s see what he thinks of the change of command.”

James laughed, and opened the letter. He began to read aloud.

“Prongs and Padfoot –

“You’d better not be joking about this! I doubt you are – even you two couldn’t make this up! Seriously, James, congratulations! I knew it wouldn’t be me, and I’m glad it’s a Gryffindor, and one of my best friends. I’m sure you’ll make a brilliant Head Boy.”

“He’s lying through his teeth,” Sirius laughed, interrupting James’ reading. “Not one of us would have thought you’d get this, and I’m sure he didn’t immediately think that you’d be brilliant at the job. I mean, you’ve never even been a prefect!”

“Hey!” James laughed. “I’m all for letting Remus compliment me! Now, are you going to let me continue?”

“Oh, please, go on!”

James dramatically cleared his throat, and made a display of straightening the parchment in his hands. Sirius laughed.

“As for when I’m going to Diagon Alley, Peter just owled me about the same thing. He said he’s going on the Saturday before we go back. That seemed pretty non-negotiable in terms of when he parents could take him, and it’s fine with me. Can you be there?

“Hope to see you in Diagon Alley!


“Saturday before we go back sounds fine,” James said. “I’ll tell Mum and Dad.”

“Wait, let’s read Peter’s letter before you rush off,” Sirius said.

James nodded, and opened the letter.

“Padfoot and Prongs –

“That’s brilliant! This is going to be the best year ever! My parents are taking me to Diagon Alley the Saturday before school starts. Can you make it then?


“Short, sweet, and to the point,” Sirius laughed. “That’s Wormtail for you.”


The boys met in Diagon Alley the Saturday before they were to be on the Hogwarts Express. Their parents set off together, leaving the boys on their own for the day. Mr. Potter and James made arrangements to meet in the afternoon to buy a new broomstick.

“I still can’t believe it,” Remus said, shaking his head. “Our Prongs, Head Boy! How on earth did that happen?”

“We’re still trying to figure that one out,” Sirius laughed. “I’m starting to think that he paid off Dumbledore or McGonagall – maybe even both!”

“Oh, shut it, both of you,” James grinned. “You’re just jealous that you won’t have the badge when we go back.”

“Not at all,” Remus laughed. “I wouldn’t want to be in charge of everyone like that. It’s sort of like being a little Dumbledore. I’m far happier as a little professor.”

“Hey, you’d know, Moony,” Sirius said suddenly. “Is Laura Head Girl?”

“Laura?” Remus repeated. “No, she’s not. She wrote me to say that she’s a prefect again. Was she your pick?”

“Yeah,” James said. “That’s too bad. I figured she would do all the work for me.”

Remus frowned, and James laughed.

“It’s a joke, Remus! Honestly!”

Remus shook his head. “You’re a bizarre person, Potter.”

“You’ve known him since first year, and you’re just now figuring that out?” Sirius laughed. “In all honesty, though, Laura was the one we thought would be Head Girl.”

“Sorry, you were wrong,” Remus said. “I thought maybe Lily.”

“That would work out for you, Prongs,” Peter grinned.

James shook his head. “I don’t think it’s going to happen. When have the Heads ever been from the same house?”

“Good point,” Remus said thoughtfully. “I don’t have a clue.”

“Neither do we.”

“We also don’t have much time,” James said, looking at his watch. “I have to meet my dad in two hours. We’d better get shopping.”

At the end of the day, all four boys went home looking forward to the start of the new school year. James was thrilled with his new broomstick, a Cleansweep Five. It was the newest broomstick out, and was said to be the fastest broom money could buy. James could hardly wait to start practicing with it. He was sure it would help his team’s chances of winning the Quidditch Cup – and he and Olivia were determined to win – it was their last year, and their last chance.


“Make sure you send Owl with a note to let us know you got to school,” Mrs. Potter said as she hugged James and Sirius.

“We will,” James said with a sigh. “We’ll be fine, Mum.”

“I know” she said, hugging him again. “I’m so proud of you, James. You’re going to have a brilliant year.”

“I hope so,” James smiled.

Mr. Potter shook his son’s hand, and clamped his hand down on his shoulder. “Good luck, James.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Let me know how that broom works out.”

“I will.”

Mr. Potter shook Sirius’ hand, and the two boys prepared to leave. Mrs. Potter pulled James into one final hug.

“We have to get on the train, Mum. I need to get to the Head car to see what I’m doing with myself this year.”

“All right, go, go,” she said, releasing her son.

James and Sirius waved good bye, and boarded the train. Sirius looked around at the lack of people actually on board, and shook his head.

“We’ve never boarded so early before.”

“And I’ve never been Head Boy before,” James retorted. “Listen, I’ll come down to visit you guys as soon as I get a chance. I’ll have to fill you in on who my partner in crime is.”

Sirius grinned. “Whoever she is, I hope she’s hot.”

James laughed. “Well, I’m sure she will be, since that’s what Dumbledore bases these decisions on.”

Sirius laughed with him. “Get to your car. I’ll see you later.”

“See you,” James said.

The two boys parted ways. James made his way down the unfamiliar corridor toward the prefects’ car. Several fifth year prefects were already there. James assumed they had come in early for the same reason he had – they were nervous about their new responsibilities. He smiled at them, and continued through to the Heads’ car.

No one else was inside when he walked in. So his partner in crime wasn’t as early as he was. Well, she had probably spent the past two years as a prefect, and so probably had a better idea of what to expect. He, on the other hand, had no idea what he was getting into.

James found a scroll of parchment on the table. It was marked for the Head Boy and Girl. He picked it up, and began reading their instructions. They were responsible for nightly patrols, weekly meetings with Dumbledore and Heads of the Houses, and monthly meetings with the prefects. They had extended curfews (“excellent!”), as well input into Hogsmeade dates, and were responsible for planning the graduation dance. They would meet with Professor McGonagall upon arrival at Hogwarts to receive more information about their positions. James smiled. This didn’t seem so bad as of yet.

He replaced the scroll, and glanced out the window. Students were milling around outside, saying good bye to their families. He watched them, wondering who the Head Girl was. If it wasn’t Laura, he hoped it was the Hufflepuff prefect. He didn’t think he could handle having a Slytherin as his fellow Head.

The compartment door opened, and James’ head snapped up. His partner in crime had arrived at last. She stood in the doorway, looking at him in shock.

His partner in crime was Lily Evans.

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