V. Misadventure

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V. Misadventure

Remus returned to Gryffindor Tower on Sunday evening. Madam Pomfrey had found him in his house on Saturday morning, gasping at the sight of the young man. His skin was deathly pale, and covered in gashes and bite marks. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was shallow.

"Oh, my," she had sighed.

She administered her potions and healing spells until Remus was strong enough to walk. Then she escorted him back to the castle, taking him straight to the hospital wing. He spent Saturday and most of Sunday under her care. When he left on Sunday, he was still tired, but knew he was ready to return to daily life.

When he walked into the common room, he immediately saw his friends. They were seated by the fire, where James and Sirius were trying to help Peter with his Charms homework. Once again, James' hair was standing straight up. He reached his hands up to grip it in frustration again as Remus crossed the room.

"No, Peter," he groaned. "It's Wingardium Leviosa, and it's supposed to make stuff fly!"

Sirius was fanning a feather, which was smoking slightly. "Not set it on fire," he added.

"I'm sorry," Peter moaned in a way that suggested he had apologized quite a few times already.

Sirius glanced up with a scowl on his face. His expression brightened as he saw Remus approaching. "Lupin! You're back!"

"I'm back," Remus said. He dropped his bag on the floor, and sank down into the chair next to Sirius. It felt wonderful to sit down. The walk back from the hospital wing had been rather draining.

"How's your mum?" James asked, his eyes showing concern.

"Not well," Remus mumbled.

"Sounds like a tough couple of days," Sirius offered.

"It was," Remus said, this time confident in the fact that he was being completely truthful. "What did you do while I was away?"

"Not much," James replied.

"Flitwick gave me extra homework, and they've been helping me," Peter said.

"Trying to, at least," James said.

Remus eyed his friend's hair. "Pretty hard, I'd say."

James shrugged. "My hair bothers my mum more than me." He reached up to ruffle it a bit. "Better?"

"A bit," Remus laughed. "A bit windswept, that is."

"You look like you just got off a broomstick," Peter said, chuckling.

James' eyes lit up. "Do I really? Cool!"

Sirius laughed. "Oh, now you've done it. Good one, guys."

James ruffled his hair again, and looked in Lily's direction. Sirius, Remus, and Peter all laughed.

"Continuing the hopeless battle," Sirius laughed.

"Lil, he's looking at you again!" Dana hissed.

"Who?" Lily asked, trying to look like she didn't care.

"James Potter, of course!"

"She doesn't care," Olivia put in. "She never has."

"Never totaling a month," Kathleen giggled.

"Well, that's a long time to ignore someone who so obviously likes you," Olivia said.

"Thanks for talking about me like I'm not here!" Lily spat. James Potter annoyed her, and talking about him annoyed her even more. "Can't we just forget about him?"

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