The Slithery Child of the Cre...

By MeitanteiShinkuRan

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(Next Generation AU) "Koro-sensei's legacy has been passed and waiting to be fulfilled, but not in a way the... More

Author's Note
The Great News: Koro-sensei Has a Son!
Nagisa Shiota Got The Call
The New Class E Mission: Raising Him
First Meeting
Akari Yukimura's New Role
The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship
Memories Under Falling Cherry Blossoms
The E-Class Reunion
Tsukiro and The E-Class

Panic Attacks And Pancakes

152 7 1
By MeitanteiShinkuRan

Tsukiro's POV

"What do you want to be?"

All my life, every birthday, a soothing voice always ask me the same question.

"Just say your greatest desire, I will grant it."

But after all those years, I still don't know what is my greatest wish.

The voice was...nice. Whenever I was alone on my room, that voice will always comfort me in the saddest of times. They will always assure me that everything is fine. They would talk to me, comforting me with their soothing words, and I listened carefully.

But the voice will ask me the same question.

Whenever I always tell Mommy about the voice, she would always tell me that I will never let my real wish be heard by the voice until it was utterly needed. I still don't understand what that means, but I followed her warnings.

What choice would I have?

After all, I still never knew what is my greatest wish.

Third Person POV

Yukimura Tsukiro woke up groggily, his dark orbs opened slightly as he was trying to adjust to the bright light that was filtered on the window beside his futon.

He groggily reached his side to feel his glasses, as his vision was blurry to begin with. He was confused when he reached to his usual spot where he put his glasses, until he stiffened and started to squint around the room he was in.

It was not his room.

He widened his dark orbs, suddenly sat up and started to hyperventilate, as his tentacles started to sprout on his hair and arms, ready to defend against a threat. He was panicking, his vision was blurry, and he was not in his room.

He started to whimper as he was having a panic attack, and he could feel his fight-and-flight response flare up. Millions of dark thoughts filled up his mind, of mad scientists experimenting him to no end. He feared he was kidnapped by someone, being locked up and prodded by needles and scalpels, or people trying to take advantage of his abilities.

He started to scream for help, calling for his (adoptive/surrogate) mother, "Mommy, help!"

Luckily, someone had heard his loud whimpers and screams.


Akari slammed the door open as she rushed to the room with a worried look in her pretty face. She was wearing a simple t-shirt and pants ensemble, under an apron. Her long dark hair was tied to a bun, and she was not wearing her usual makeup. She was recently cooking something for breakfast, and she had heard her nephew's scared whimpers due to the paper thin walls of the apartment.

She saw her nephew hyperventilating and whimpering, tentacles in his head and arms twitching and slithering, as if preparing for an attack. He still never wore his huge glasses, as it was resting on a table beside the futon. Little red veins spread around his cheeks, pulsing with power as adrenaline was taking over the little boy. He was still in his sleeping attire, and Akari could guess he just recently woke up.

The young actress was confused at first why her nephew was acting that way, but she knew better than to aggressively approach the panicking boy in front of her. She knew from experience that people with tentacle implants or mutations can be trigger happy when provoked. She was like that 7 years ago, when she had attacked Koro-sensei for revenge. She winced on the memory, but she decided to focus on Tsukiro first.

She carefully picked up Tsukiro's huge glasses on the table beside the boy's futon, and went to approach the boy gently. She silently pondered on going to an ophthalmologist to have Tsukiro's eyes checked and buy him a new pair of corrective eyewear, as she slowly patted the boy's head for him to calm down.

The boy flinched at her touch and gazed at her with his glowing red orbs, small sharp teeth baring and tentacles ready to strike her, the slithering tentacles tainted black as the night. Akari stared at the boy with a fearful look at first, remembering the dark memories of Koro-sensei's face whenever he is utterly pissed, but she took her willpower to hide those fears and proceeded to speak in a soothing voice, "It's me, your Auntie Akari... What is wrong, Tsuki-kun?"

The young human-octopus hybrid slowly registered the young woman's voice and suddenly, his memories of the past days had clicked in his mind. He paled at the realization, the red glowing eyes slowly fading away into his beautiful dark orbs he had inherited from Aguri.

Oh right, I was now on Auntie Akari's home. My new home.

As he started to realize the truth, he calmed down a bit, although he was still breathing heavily, sweat started to moisten his sleeping attire. His tentacles retracted back to his skin, while he gazed apologetically at the young woman in front of him. Although she was blurry to him, he knew that this woman was not going to hurt him. He clinged to her like a lifeline, crying and whimpering, as Akari comforted the stressed boy.

"It's alright, no one's going to hurt you. I promise," She cooed at the crying boy, who was still clinging to her. Akari could hear Tsukiro's muffled voice saying something clearly , but she could figure out some words like "Promise?" and "I am sorry."

As she was holding Tsukiro's crying form, the young actress had realized, the reason why Tsukiro was acting like that is because he's scared.

She widened her eyes as she gazed at the boy hugging her, before she sympathize with him. He never wished to be born, but due to a mad scientist's ambitious experimentation, the little special boy was born, and no one even knows he exists. He only has Yanagisawa Katara for company, and they are not even related.

Her thoughts also rushed to the girl Karasuma-sensei had revealed to her yesterday, who is assumed Tsukiro's half-twin sister that was left in the laboratory moments after they were born. Will she be fine there, did someone took care of her? What does she look like now, is she look like Aguri... Or maybe that monster?

Yukimura Akari has million of questions she wanted answers from.

But they could wait. All it matters is her crying nephew in her arms.

The young actress hugged Tsukiro, who started to calm down, his sobs turned to sniffles. She smiled softly as she caressed the boy's silky dark strands, small yellowish-white tentacles twirled around her fingers, tickling her. The boy sniffled, as he was still trying to calm down and stop sniffling.

"Don't worry, I won't let you be taken away from me, I promise."


Akari placed a bunch of pancakes infront of the boy, who was looking at the pancakes with a hungry stare. She chuckled, as she slowly pondered at what happened after Tsukiro's outburst, and what new experiences she had learned while raising him.

After calming down, Tsukiro had apologized too many times, as Akari have wiped his tears and placed his glasses in his nose, so Tsukiro could see clearly. His panicking act made him a little hungry, as his stomach growled, earning a chuckle and a little scolding from Akari. The boy's eyes was puffy from crying, and he looks like he was battling a storm.

She also helped him wash and prepare for a new day, as she knew the little Tsukiro was like Koro-sensei in his octopus form. They both kinda repel water.

Akari could see Tsukiro's tentacles showing in his hair bloat up as red spots started to appear on his body where the water was in contact with, leaving Akari panicking a little, but with a assurance from the little boy that it was normal for him and it will fade away once he becomes dry.

Then she picked up a cute t-shirt and shorts for him to wear. Akari couldn't contain her laughter at the ridiculous t-shirt, as the t-shirt definitely suits Aguri's fashion tastes. It was a blue t-shirt with green sleeves, has a moon with huge cartoony eyes, mouth and limbs, and it seems the moon was dancing.

The owner of the t-shirt was blushing red, twirling his slithering hands in embarrassment, while sputtering and mumbling some words Akari could bearly hear. Although she could catch the phrase "my favorite", and Akari snickered at the phrase.

Let's go back to the pancakes.

Tsukiro stared at the pancakes hungrily, while Akari picked up maple syrup and asked the boy if she wanted to put whipped cream and maple syrup on the pancakes. The boy nodded as the woman poured maple syrup and whipped cream on it, then placed a few blueberries on it. She then put a cup of hot chocolate beside Tsukiro's plate and proceeded to fetch her own plate of pancakes.

Tsukiro tentatively sliced a piece of pancake with his fork and placed it in his mouth, before he closed his eyes in satisfaction, before wolfing down the pancakes like a hungry pig. Akari widened her hazel eyes before she snorted at the sight, as she saw Tsukiro's cheeks and button nose smeared with whipped cream, mouth stuffed with pancakes like a chipmunk eating nuts. Thankfully, his glasses were not affected by the whipped cream.

Akari stopped snorting and proceeded to scold the boy about table manners, while wiping the whipped cream off his face with a tissue near them. She then sipped her own cup of coffee and sighed in satisfaction.

Suddenly, her phone rang once again, earning another wince from Tsukiro. She facepalmed when she saw the young boy stop eating and winced in pain, as she could guess he has sensitive hearing due to his condition.

Tsukiro stared at Akari, who shot an apologetic look at the boy before picking up her phone and saw the caller ID.

Isogai Yuuma was calling...

Akari widened her eyes once again. Oh right, the E-Class reunion was moved today due to special circumstances yesterday. It was also the time to reveal the existence of Tsukiro to them too, after all, he was their mission.

She answered the call, and tentatively spoke, "Moshi moshi?"

"Hello, Kayano-san! Thank goodness you picked up," A calm male voice filled the young actress' ears, and she knew it is was their former class representative Isogai.

"Oh hi, Isogai-kun! How are you? Are you now on the Class E building?" She greeted the caller with her cheerful voice, throwing glances at the young boy still eating his pancakes on the table. The boy was currently blowing on his hot chocolate drink, sipping it, then slowly edged it away to avoid a spill on his clothes. His face scrunched adorably, as his dark orbs widened at the hot cup in fear. Akari tried to contain her laughter as she remembered that tentacle creatures don't really like hot food and drinks due their heat-sensitive tongues.

"We are fine, Kayano-san. We are on our way with Maehara and Kataoka-san, while some of our classmates had called earlier that they are going to the reunion later," the resident Ikemen had replied as Akari nodded in understanding, "Karasuma-sensei had also called that he couldn't come because of an important meeting, although Bitch-sensei will be there with Aimi-chan."

"Wait, Bitch-sensei and Aimi-chan would be there?" Akari lowered her voice so Tsukiro can't hear about it. She knew how Aimi and Tsukiro became closer at their first encounter, and she wanted it to be a surprise.

Karasuma Aimi was the E-Class' hope and joy. She was the reason why the E-Class still have hopes that they will start families and have a bright future soon, and she brings happiness to the class with her charm and innocence. She kinda looks and act like her mother at times, with her slightly arrogant and straightforward attitude, but she also has her father's bravery and justice. The E-Class was very protective of the little girl.

Akari remembered Aimi's interaction with Tsukiro. She remembered how Aimi calmly gazed at Tsukiro's tentacles and even fawned at them, and how she comforted the distressed boy. That's where Akari knew that these two will be best friends for life... Or even a perfect couple in the future.

"Yeah. Have you checked our GC right now? Karasuma-sensei had also said in his calls that we have a new mission to discuss with the last batch of Class 3-E, which is us. I wonder what mission does the government have for us?" The class representative spoke, as Akari replied with a knowing tone in her voice," I haven't seen the GC right now, since I was currently busy these days, you know, with the parties and shoots I have to attend. But I can assure you, I have been briefed yesterday about the mission, along with Nagisa-kun. We went to the Class 3-E building and met the Karasumas there."

"Oh really? For what reason?" Another voice piped up, and Akari recognized it was Maehara Hiroto who had inquired, since Isogai said that he was with Maehara and Kataoka Megu.

"I will tell you the details and the reason why when we meet on the reunion later. I can assure you I will be there to explain," Akari sighed as she gazed on the little boy on the table, finishing up his pancakes, and sipping the now lukewarm chocolate with a happy look in his face. She smiled softly at the sight, "By the way, will Nagisa-kun and Karma-kun attend the reunion later?"

"Unfortunately, they can't. They had called earlier and Nagisa-kun said he was busy on his teaching job, while Karma-kun was on his job interview, according to Okuda-san.""I see," Akari felt a little disappointed that Nagisa will never attend but she understood his sentiment. He was so dedicated on his job as a teacher, which he dedicated to their late sensei, Koro-sensei. Akabane Karma, the resident bad boy of Class 3-E, was on his way to become a bureaucrat, and Akari was happy for him.

"As much as I wanted to prolong our conversation, I have something to attend to first. We will see each other at the reunion at 10am, see you later guys," she greeted them goodbye, while Isogai also said his goodbyes before hanging up.

She lowered the phone down and sighed. Tsukiro gazed at her with curious eyes, as he was wondering who called her. She grinned as she ruffled the boy's hair playfully. "Seems you have enjoyed eating pancakes, huh? And the hot chocolate... You really have a sweet tooth," She teased at the blushing boy, who, at the right timing, suddenly burped loudly as he blushed redder than a tomato.

Akari laughed hard as she playfully ruffled the boy's silky strands," Okay, I was supposed to be scolding you for forgetting the etiquettes while eating, but we are the only ones here. And you are kind of adorable, so I let it pass."

Then she kneeled down as her hazel orbs meets the boy's dark ones, "By the way, we are going back to the E-Class building, remember that old shack where we first met? Apparently, there are people who wants to meet you."

Tsukiro widened his eyes in fear, as Akari smiled comfortably, and touched the boy's cheeks, caressing the nearly invisible veins in them, "Don't worry, they are also students of Koro-sensei, that means that a person having tentacles is not surprising to them. And trust me, they are a kind and loving bunch, although a little bit daring and annoying at times."

Akari chuckled at her words, as she leaned towards the boy, her forehead touching his, the boy still staring at the woman's eyes, "I promised, remember? That no one's going to hurt you. No one."

Tsukiro nodded before Akari pulled away and ruffled the boy's hair once again. She stood as she remove the apron, and brushed the invisible dirt on her clothes.

"Just clean yourself and wait here, okay? I will shower first and prepare myself so we could go," Akari reminded the boy, who nodded and went to kitchen where the sink was located. She saw the boy picked up the chair beside the table, placed it near the countertop where the sink was and climbed on it.

Akari was supposed to make sure he would not fall, but she saw how Tsukiro managed himself. She smiled, Tsukiro was so mature for his age, and she knew he will grow into a respected and unique individual.

She decided to go to her room and started to prepare herself for the reunion.


A/N: I decided to stop here to avoid a long chapter. I apologize if you had expected the E-Class reunion in this chapter, but I changed my mind at the last minute and decided to write this scene. But I can assure you, the E-Class will appear in the next chapter.

I had also mentioned in the first part of this chapter about the wish. Since the tentacles grants the user's greatest desire, as shown with Koro-sensei (to be weak), Itona (to be strong), Kaede (to become a killer) and Second Reaper (to be acknowledged by Koro-sensei)... Of course, Tsukiro also had experiences of the tentacles speaking to him. But he was always warned by everyone that his greatest wish should not be told to the tentacles unless necessary. And he still never knew his true wish as of yet.

I imagined the tentacles' voice inside Tsukiro's head having Koro-sensei's voice, because you know... Tsukiro-kun needs a comforting fatherly figure, and he wanted a father figure.

Tsukiro is also slightly allergic to water, as he also has tentacles, and antimatter tentacles are bloated when water is present. And he loves sweets because of obvious reasons.

By the way, today, January 9th, is Assassination Classroom Anime's 6th Anniversary! Woot! What a nice timing!

See you on the flipside, guys!

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