Opposite. | Edward Cullen

By PatheticFckinfool

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The relationship between me and my mother was always strained due to her habit of lying to us on numerous occ... More

A Good Change.
Cold One.
Wait- You're Leaving?
Panicked Return.


228 11 1
By PatheticFckinfool

Chapter Five

I showered listened to my music Washed my hair, humming softly along with the melody. I heard the quietest click of the doorknob and I froze. "Hello?" I whispered.

"It's me." I heard Edward. I pulled back the curtain to see him just enough he couldn't see anything below my neck.

"What are- you- dad hasn't left yet!" I whispered yelled and he nodded.

"He came up to your room when I was in there, so I panicked. I hid in here." He said looking at me, my face filled with confusion. "There's a thunderstorm, I wanted you to introduce me to your father, I'll be taking you to play baseball." He said smiling and I pulled the curtain back finishing my shower.

"I'm a musical kid, not an athlete." I giggled.

"You won't be playing, not with us, you'll be watching.. it can- get a little dangerous." He said smirking and I turned the water off, I pulled a towel off the rack and wrapped it around myself before opening the curtain and stepping out. I walked past him into my room, he followed with light feet, unheard because of my steps. I closed the door and he went to the window.

"I'll be in front of the house." He said and I nodded, he jumped out and I readied myself for the day. I ran downstairs to see my dad prepping his shotgun.

"Dad!" I called and he looked at me, seeing my happy face. "So guess what?" I asked.

"What is it, honey?"

"I uh... I have a date with Edward Cullen," I said and he tensed, Bella who sat Across from dad looked at me surprised

"A date?" He asked and I poked my fingers together.

"Y-Yes.." I mumbled and I looked at Bella. "You come to meet him too," I said and Bella got up.

"Edward." He mocked.

"Dad hes a bit.. old school, so he wanted to meet you formally."

"Okay.. alright." He grabbed the base of the shotgun and snapped it shut making me flinch.

"Daddy, can you be nice? I um.. hes important to me right now.." I said and he looked at me surprised. No one other than my family and closest friends was important to me.

"Okay, Hunny.. but you have y-"

"Pepper spray, yes." I smiled and ran to the door opening the door, he was already there coming in, taking my hand, we walked into the dining room where Bella and dad stood.

"Chief Swan, Bella, I'd like to formally introduce myself, I'm Edward Cullen." He said and dad hummed.

"Hey, Edward." He held his hand out and Edward shook it.

"You don't have to worry about Y/N tonight, she shouldn't be out late at all, she's just coming to play baseball with me and my family.." Edward said and Dad and Bella looked surprised.

"Hey! I can try new things." I said and dad hummed.

"Yeah well, good luck, and keep her safe," Dad said and Edward nodded to him, he tilted his head and we went to walk out, my dad grabbed my hand. "Hey, make sure you bring-.." he motioned a sprayer and I scoffed.

"Yes, dad.." I whispered and ran over and out the door. I shook my head and saw Edward smiling at me, he heard my father's thoughts. I wondered what my dad's thoughts sounded like. I suddenly got a sickly feeling as we walked to the door, I grabbed his hand and mumbled. "I don't think we should go to the game," I whispered.


"I don't feel so good," I said and he slowly nodded and pulled me to the car and we got in.

"You wanna go to mine?" He asked and I looked at him. "I'll send a text over to my father, I don't mind, you can always watch us play another time." He reached over grabbed my hand, and I returned his touch, grasping his hand, I smiled when seeing his smile feeling my squeeze.

"So, answer a question for me Edward," I said and he nodded. "Why were your eyes black when we met?" I asked and he hummed.

"I... I was hungry." He mumbled.

"Is that why you disappeared?" I asked and he nodded again.

"Let me call Jasper before we don't show up." He chuckled and called jasper, I sat in silence and he hummed. "Hey, yeah we arent gonna come, Y/N isn't feeling good so we're gonna just hang out." He spoke and a response was given. "Jasper says he can help out later if you want." He chuckled and I shrugged.

"I'm not opposed." I shrugged and Edward chuckled.

"She says she isn't opposed." Edward joked and another response was given.

"Okay, I'll miss out on getting your ass thrown on the field." He joked I could see him relaxing, I smiled slowly watching his face move from stone to an animated expression. I began smiling more when he hung up and looked at me, he turned his head and smiled. "What?" He asked and I looked down shaking my head.

"I love your smile," I said and he looked surprised. "You just seem... So much happier with your siblings, or even on the phone with them. You don't have to hide with them." I said and he nodded slowly. "Maybe I should start coming over more often so you can be free to smile," I said and he chuckled shrugging.

"Maybe, I know I like having you over, Rosalie not so much." He said and I shrugged at him.

"Do you care what she thinks?" I asked he looked at me shaking his head and I smiled.

"We're here," He said and he got out, speeding to open my door before I could I smiled and we walked up to the house, all alone we were, and he pulled me quickly, for a human of course. We were into his room in moments and to his Chaise Longue, he laid on it and I was quick to flop down on top of him, everything felt so natural, and healthy, we were so alike yet so... Us. I felt at home for the first time in so long. "You feel normal." He whispered into my hair and I turned to look at him. "Like, the normal I've been wanting for." He said and I smiled.

"Home. that's how I feel." I said and he looked at me surprised. "I..." I sat up more to face him and frowned looking down. "You've met my father, but my mother is a different story, she despises young marriage and is... irresponsible," I said and he stared at me. "I'm only telling you because I want to... be open with you, I want to know everything about you and you, me," I said and he nodded softly.

"I would like that." He said and I nodded smiling.

"My mother made Bella and I grocery shop- or made isn't the right word, she... 'forgot'. we did the laundry, sometimes I paid the bills. I had a job and I was making sure Bella didn't need to worry, motherly instincts maybe. She lied to us about not having pets because she was allergic, she wasn't. Bella never knew. I had reasons to prefer my father over my mother repeatedly throughout my life, but Bella turned a blind eye. Preferred mom." I said and he stared at me intensely. "Renee doesn't like responsibility," I said and he looked down. "That's why I stayed with Daddy for so long because I liked it here more, but as Renee said, Twins should stick together. Even if we were the exact opposite." I said and he looked down, eyebrows tense in thought as he deduced my words.

"Your mother sounds very... sporadic." He said and I nodded. "So you enjoy forks?" He asked and I nodded at him.

"I love it here," I said and he nodded.

"My parents... My real ones..." He said and I looked at him curiously. "Elizabeth and Edward Masen," He said and I tilted my head. "I was named after my father. I loved my mother dearly and she loved me. She is the reason I am what I am today. my father had already died of Spanish influenza, and my mother and I were all that was left, she took care of me even in her sickest of hours... Carlisle says my mother when death was taking her, took him by the arm and begged him to save me in any way he could as if she knew he had another way up to his sleeve he couldn't speak of." He spoke formally, with very little emotion in his tone. "I must tell you..." He said. "He turned me, and the process was painful, excruciating. I was Carlisle's first companion When he enforced the rule of not feasting on humans... I left Carlisle and Esme, due to my resentment over Carlisle's rule of not feasting on humans." He said and I stiffened. "However, I returned within a few years, regretful of my actions..." I stared.

"You... drank humans?" I asked and he nodded slowly.

"Criminals, and monsters only, ones that preyed on those weaker than them, women, children." He said and I looked down. "Rapists, murderers... but of course, I realized I was no better. you kill a murderer, the same amount stays in the world." He said bitterly, obviously holding much regret over his actions. "If this makes you want to run, never see me again, hate me even... I'll accept it." He said and I shook my head.

"You promise me, only criminals," I said and he nodded.

"On my mother's soul." He said and I nodded softly.

"Then I'm not afraid," I said and he stared at me in disbelief. "You won't hurt me, I'm not a criminal." I played and he growled wrapping his arms around me pulled me down underneath him, kissing my neck.

"Are you sure about that?" He played as he kissed my neck, and I playfully screamed back.

"Ah! Yes, Mr. Vamp, please don't hurt me!" I giggled and I felt his teeth scrape my neck and I felt chills run down my spine, feeling something ignite inside me. It felt like want, the want for him but even... a hint of the want for him to bite me, to be with him forever, the thought startled me, I haven't thought of it for a while.

"I don't know, you smell so sweet." He said and I bit down on my lip. His face came up and met with mine, we looked at each other and suddenly he kissed me passionately. Our bodies pressed into each other as he pulled me against him harder, I let out a slight moan, I liked it maybe too much, and he pulled away looking at me surprised. His expression changed quickly to a tense one, he shot up to stand, and pulled me up too, we both left the room.

"Edward?" I whispered and he pressed his finger to his mouth and we crouched on the stairs and there were the Cullens but suddenly I saw three unfamiliar people, two men and a woman. (James's Coven will be based on the books, except Laurent, even if he's fiiiiine... find what they look like by looking up the illustrated guide versions.) One was a rather beautiful dark-skinned man, his hair long dreads, and eyes such a brilliant red it was scary. The woman was next for my eyes to land on before her face I saw her brilliant fire hair, the brightest ginger colour, her body was small compared to her curls which bounced out, and her face was cat-like, even the way she moved, Her voice was rather high even had a slight Britain accent but it was faint, The last man wasn't as beautiful as I presumed all vampires to be, he wasn't terrible looking. He had shorter crazy hair, light brown, he was average except his eyes was the brightest red of them all, growing almost black as he walked into the house, I knew what that meant. Hungry. His eyes snapped to me, and in a split second Edward was also pulling me upstairs, so I was at the top and Edward flew back down body meeting the man to throw him back down the stairs.

"You have a snack." He seethed at Edward and Alice was up next to me in seconds.

"Damn I should have checked if you were here." She whispered and I looked at the man, every vampire got in a fighting stance, the Cullens blocking me and the three strangers ready to fight the Cullens.

"The 'snack' is with us James, she is a part of our family," Carlisle warned the other man, Not James who looked like they wanted to consume my soul.

"James..." The man spoke.

"Laurent!" James yelled and I guess I got his name now.

"James, the last thing we need is a fight we can't win," Laurent said and Edward was by me again, in front of me.

"Come on Victoria," James spoke and he wrapped his arm around the redhead. His red eyes flashed back at me in a hungry and sadistic manner, that moment I knew this wasn't over, he wanted me, to drain me.

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