Pucey To Malfoy

By RoseTs4

8K 203 503

This is the second book to "Why Does It Have To Be Him". Arabella, Kylie and Adrian's daughter, is going into... More

Book 2 Chap.1
Book 2 Chap. 2
Book 2 Chap. 3
Book 2 Chap. 4
Book 2 Chap. 5
Book 2 Chap. 6
Book 2 Chap. 7
Requested Part!
Book 2 Chap. 8
Book 2 Chap. 10
This is like a discussion, pls help lmao
Book 2 Chap. 11
Book 2 Chap. 12
Book 2 Chap. 13
Book 2 Chap. 14
Book 2 Chap. 15
Book 2 Chap. 16
Second Description Since They're Older Now!
Book 2 Chap. 17
Book 2 Chap. 18
Book 2 Chap. 19
Book 2 Chap. 20
Book 2 Chap. 21
Book 2 Chap. 22
Book 2 Chap. 23
Book 2 Chap. 24
Book 2 Chap. 25
Book 2 Chap. 26
Book 2 Chap. 27
Book 2 Chap. 28
Book 2 Chap. 29
Book 2 Chap. 30

Book 2 Chap. 9

203 5 24
By RoseTs4

Arabella's POV

I walked out of the locker-rooms with Candy, Ara, and Lorcan. I saw my family and friends, and I went over to them.

My father ran up to me and picked me up, and twirled me around.

He set me down and kissed my cheek. "Darling you were fantastic!"

I giggled. "Thanks dad!"

Uncle Marcus ran over to me. "Holy Merlin what the heck?! Where'd all that come from you're insane!"

I laughed. "Thanks uncle!"

Uncle Graham rushed over too. "Yo, you know she could go pro right? With that type of speed, holy moly."

My eyes widened and I looked at my father.

He sighed. "I agree, but Kylie...and plus it's Arabella's choice..."

I could go pro?

My mom and aunts came over to the little group.

Mum bent down and hugged me. "Honey you were amazing. You worried me a lot out there, but you were incredible," she whispered, hugging me tighter.

I hugged her tightly back. "Thank you mum. It means a lot."

She pulled back and smiled. Aunt Jen and aunt Cait gave me tight hugs too.

When we all cooled down, I took a step back.

"Okay, so, let's introduce some people," I said.

"That's Alice, Rose, Lysander, Lorcan, Albus, and Scorpius," I said, pointing to each of them as I said their names.

"How are you Scorpius?" My dad asked with a smile.

Scorpius smiled back. "Pretty good thanks."

My dad nodded. "Your father here anywheres? If not, tell him to come visit soon, it's been a couple years."

Scorpius chuckled. "He couldn't make it today, but yeah I'll tell him for you."

My dad laughed and ruffled his hair. "You've grown a lot man, my."

Scorpius grinned. "Thanks!"

My family talked with Lorcan, Lysander, Albus, Alice, and Rose, and I turned to Scorpius.

"I didn't know my dad knew you and your dad already," I whispered.

Scorp smiled. "My dad told me they used to be good friends, they also played quidditch together, another reason why I know a lot about your dad. Apparently your father visited many years ago when I was little. I don't remember though."

I nodded. "Okay that makes sense now."

He laughed. We went over to my sister and cousins.

"Hey Scorpius," Arabia said with a smirk. Candace laughed.

I glared at them and Scorpius shook his head and smiled.

"Hey, did you guys hear?" Noah said.

I looked to him. "Clearly we can't know what you're talking about if that's the only information you're going to say."

Everyone laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"Well did you hear we're having a new student?" he grumbled.

I looked to Alex and he shrugged.

"Boy or girl?" Candace asked.


"How old?" Addy and Olive asked.

Noah thought for a moment. "I'm pretty sure he's going to be a third year."

Ara and Candace grinned. Scorpius shifted uncomfortably, and Alex inhaled annoyed.

"Do you know anything else about him?" Arabia asked.

Noah thought again and then nodded. "He's tall, they were saying. They also said he's nice and stuff, but then again I heard it from a bunch of girls so who knows-"

"Noah!" Candace and Arabia shouted.

Me and the boys laughed.

"He's right you two. You guys and most of the other girls in school will always fangirl about someone, especially new guys," I said with a grin.

Candace scoffed and Arabia rolled her eyes.

"What about you?" Olive asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what about you. Do you fangirl too?" Addy asked.

I laughed. "Heck no. Like everyone says, I'll probably not even know he's there. I'll iGnOrE his existence."

Addy nodded and Olive shrugged. Scorpius and Alex seemed to be very quiet.

"What's wrong Alex? Scorpius?" I asked, turning to the two.

Alex scoffed. "He better not be in Slytherin. I don't want him to be an annoying new prick."

Arabia laughed. "I think someone just doesn't want this new kid to get too much attention so his precious Alice stays with him."

Alex glared. "Shut your mouth. You don't know what your talking about."

I laughed.

"And you Scorpius? What do you think?" Candace asked.

Scorpius stayed quiet for a moment, and then spoke.

"Don't know. If he's as nice as they say then great, hopefully he's not that type to be annoying and nice. If he's an ass, I hope he stays away."

Candace smirked. "And if he goes for..."

Scorpius's eyes widened. "Stop it Candace..."

Candace laughed, and I looked at them confused.

"And if he goes for what?"

"Nothing Arabella," Scorpius said. He glared at Candace and she smirked.

"Hey yall!"

We all looked to see Alice and the others.

I smiled. "Hey Alice."

She smiled back. "So I heard you guys talking about new guy. Is he hot?"

Alex stiffened, and Arabia stiffled a laugh.

"We don't know yet," Noah said. "Alex and Scorpius are hoping he isn't-"

"I said no such things," Alex retorted.

We all laughed. Bull crap.

Alice blushed slightly, and looked away.

Lorcan and Lysander looked at each other.

"I don't want him in Hufflepuff," I heard Lorcan whisper.

Lysander scoffed. "Let's hope he's not in Gryffindor either..."

I laughed softly, and they looked up and smiled.

Rose looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "Guys we should head back to the castle!"

Albus looked up. "Also, it might rain."

We all looked up to see a dark and grey sky. I gulped.

"Anyone got umbrellas possibly?" I asked weakly.

Scorpius scoffed. "Oh yeah, let me just pull one out of my ass-"

We all laughed. I turned back to my family and waved.

"Bye guys! We have to go back to the castle! Mum, dad, I'll send you an owl later!" I shouted.

They nodded, and we all turned around and started rushing up the path.

I saw a flash of light and I stopped, but Scorpius pulled me along.

All of a sudden, there was a loud *BOOM* and I freaked out, and clung to Scorpius's arm.

He laughed. "Are you scared of thunder?"

I scowled. "Shush."

He smirked. "Hop on."

My eyes widened and he lowered down.

"W-what, Scorpius-"

"Just do it Bella."

I sighed, and climbed onto his back. He hooked his arms under my knees, his touch against me making me a bit nervous. My arms were wrapped around his neck, and I could smell his cologne very clearly.

His scent was quite intoxicating, and my eyes closed and I slowly took a deep breath.

I layed my head on his shoulder, and I opened my eyes again.

We were a bit away from the others, but it was because I was on his back so it made sense.

"Thanks buachaill leannán airgid," I whispered.

He shuddered and nodded. "N-no problem puella pulchra."

I laughed softly.

We got up to the castle, and walked inside. The others were standing around, probably waiting for us.

When Alice saw us, she squealed.

"What're you two doing?!" She exclaimed.

I gave her an odd look. "I got scared of the thunder and he said to get on his back."

She winked and I scoffed. "Alice!"

Scorpius laughed. He set me down, and we brushed ourselves off.

"Look! Is that the new kid?" Arabia said, pointing.

Me and Scorpius both leaned forward to see.

Sure enough, I've never seen him before, so it looked like the new guy.

He had brown hair with some nice blonde highlights that looked nice. From what I could see he had light blue eyes, and he was indeed tall. Probably around Alex's height.

He had a nice structure too. Nice jaw bone, good build, broad shoulders, he looked like a very cocky, arrogant, yet handsome guy. You know, one of those stereotype people and crap.

I scoffed. "Great. He looks soooo nice."

Scorpius laughed. "Looks like an ass to me."

Alex nodded. "Definately."

Alice scoffed. "He looks nice!"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Nice is a bit exaggerative."

Arabia and Candace sighed.

"He's hot."

"Totally Candace. I want him."

"I'm going for him Ara."

"Merlin can you two shut up?!" Noah exclaimed.

For once in my life, I was praising this boy. "Thank you Noah. You saved my ears from internal bleeding."

He gave me a lopsided grin.

Addy gagged. "Why does he look like that!?!"

Olive snickered. "He looks like a statue that came to life. It's odd!"

I saw Lorcan and Lysander grin. I chuckled.

"Yeah it is weird huh?" Lorcan teased.

Olive blushed and nodded. He smiled.

Lysander smirked and Addy grinned.

I turned to Scorpius and nudged him. "Looks like those four are getting along huh?" I whispered.

He looked over and then grinned and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

I snickered, and he chuckled.

I looked back at the new kid, who now had like, 10 girls surrounding him.

"Looks like he's a lady's man. I think you've been replaced Scorpius," I mumbled.

He scoffed. "First off, ouch. Second, like I care. I don't like those girls."

I blushed slightly. And he stepped back. I looked back at him and he stared at me with a huge smile on his face.





I felt as if he was practically eating me alive just by staring at me so intently.

I felt my face heat up, and I crossed my arms. "Scorpius seriously what're you doing."

He grinned and winked at me. "Nothing."

I scoffed. "Bull crap!"

"Oh my god..." I heard Arabia mutter.

I turned to her. "What is it Ara?"

She turned to me with wide eyes and pointed. "He's staring at you..."

My eyes widened and I looked to see the new kid looking directly at me. He smiled and I smiled weakly back.

"He's awkward I don't like him," I muttered.

Scorpius stepped in front of me, blocking my view.

"That's good. Hey want to go back and do some potions homework or something? I heard we have an essay due."

My eyes widened and I looked up at him. "Wait what!?"

Everyone laughed, and I looked around confused.

Scorpius grabbed my arm. "Come on Bella let's go."

He looked over his shoulder and I could tell he was glaring at the guy. He turned back over and smiled innocently at me, and then began to drag me to the Slytherin commonroom.

"He's so jealous," I heard Candace snicker.

My face heated up again.

Was he really jealous..?


He brought me to the Slytherin commonroom and we sat down on a couch.

"So this essay..?" I asked.

He smirked. "There is no essay. Well for you that is, I have one because I was late to class six times in a row so I have to explain myself."

I laughed. "Is that why you brought me here, to help you?"

He quickly nodded. "I uh, I need to get some parchment, I'll be back."

I nodded and he rushed up the steps.

I looked around. Nobody was in here, which was surprising. Dinner would be soon, I wonder where everyone was.

Scorpius came back with a paper and a quill and some ink. He sat back down next to me, and then stared at the items in his hands.


He groaned. "I don't want to do this."

I scoffed. "You did this to yourself! Next time don't be late 6 times in a row!"

"Arabellaaa I don't want tooo," he whined.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?!" I exclaimed.

He grinned at me. "Write for me."

My eyes widened. "Scorpius Malfoy absolutely not!"

He pouted. "Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please-"


He stopped and smiled innocently, batting his eyelashes. "I'll do anything."

I glared, but then took a moment to think. Anything huh?

I smirked. "Give me the quill."

His eyes widened and he handed me the quill and I quickly wrote his essay. I purposely wrote it slightly messy so it looked like his handwriting.

He watched me closely and I could literally feel his grin radiating off of him. It was stupid.

He turned and leaned his back against my side. "Thanks Bella."

I blushed at the contact but ignored it. "Don't worry, you'll be paying for it."

He chuckled. "I know. But at least I didn't have to write that."

I rolled my eyes. When I finished, I set the quill down and stood up, causing him to fall onto his back.

"Alright. Now, I want you to come with me. You are filling in your part of the deal now," I said with a grin.

He narrowed his eyes. "Why couldn't we have just stayed like that for a bit longer?! I was comfortable!"

I blushed. "Scorpius let's just go already!"

He smirked, and got up and followed me to the Hufflepuff commonroom.

"Now, you stay down here, I'll be right back," I said. He sat down on a couch and I quickly ran up to my dorm.

I ran to Candace's closet. She always had the most dumbest outfits. No offense Candy.

I grabbed a white crop top, and an ugly plaid skirt, and some stockings, and then I ran to Ara's side of the bathroom and grabbed some bright red lipstick and dark eyeshadow.

He was going to be so mad. Again, so would Candace and Arabella. Let's just hope Scorpius doesn't rip the clothing.

I rushed back downstairs and he turned to me and his eyes widened.

"Don't tell me-"

I grinned. "Come on little Scorpius, you afraid?" I teased.

He stood up and puffed his chest out confidently. "Absolutely not! Hand them over."

I handed the items to him, and we went back to the Slytherin commonroom. He went up to his dorm, and I waited out on a couch.

"Hey Bell."

I turned to see Noah, Alex, Albus, Addy, and Olive walking in. Candace and Arabella were behind them.

"Hey guys. Wait here, your going to love what you see," I said with a smirk.

Everyone looked at me oddly, but listened.

Soon enough, Scorpius came down the steps. He looked like such an idiot.

The croptop barely fit him, and his torso was exposed. He was quite toned...

The skirt looked so weird on him. His legs were clamped together trying not to tear the thing apart, and the stockings were just absolutely hilarious.

He messed up on the eyeshadow and lipstick though.

"Hello ladies!" He said in a girl voice.

Everyone burst out laughing and he smirked.

"Don't I look so precious!?"


We laughed harder and his eyes suddenly widened. "The skirt is so damn tight I swear."

I laughed and fell over onto the couch. He smiled to me and tilted his head to the side.

"If I have to wear this to dinner, can I at least get a bigger skirt?" He asked.

I nodded. "Come, come," I said, laughing between my words.

"Dude what the hell?!" Alex laughed.

Albus and Noah were trying to hold themselves up.

"Guys I swear. Wait-"


"AND MY CLOTHES?!" Candace screeched.

We all laughed and I quickly rushed Scorpius out of the room, and back to the Hufflepuff commonroom.

"You want to know what would top this off?" He whispered.

I snickered. "What Princess Scorpy?"

He grimaced at the name and I laughed.

"Do you have heels?"

My eyes widened. "You're a genius!"

He laughed. "I'm kidding-"

"Too late!"

"Wait! Arabella-!"

I ran up to my dorm, got a bigger skirt, and got some black heels. They weren't too big, I didn't want him to break his ankles.

I ran back to him. "Go change into these. There's a bathroom up to the left."

He reluctantly nodded and went up.

I laughed and sat down on a couch and waited for him to come back down.

He stumbled down the stairs, and the skirt looked much better now. Definately fit him more. The crop top however...was highly distracting...

He grimaced as he stumbled forward. "I can't-walk-"

I laughed and walked towards him, and held his arm. "You look hot Princess Scorpy."

He gagged. "Oh please-"

I laughed and he smirked. "I'm going to rock everyone's fashion sense out of their damn noses."

"Oh my goodness-"

He tripped and we tumbled forward.

We landed on the ground, and I couldn't help but laugh. He laughed too.

"You should dress up as a guy since I'm dressed up as a girl."

My eyes widened. "Let's do it!"

He smirked, and we got back up and walked back to the Slytherin commonroom.

"HEELS TOO?!" Addy screamed. They all laughed and we smiled.

"I'm dressing up too, just you wait!" I yelled.

Scorpius brought me up to his dorm and I sat on his bed while he rummaged through his closet.

"So, here's a suit, dress pants, tie, shoes, weird scarf, and weird hat, and then fake mustache," he said with a grin.

I laughed and took the items and went to the bathroom. I closed the door, and then set them on the counter.

I got changed into the clothes. I actually looked really good in the suit. It fit nice.

I thought it looked pretty good. I grabbed the tie, it was a nice black one, and I put it on around my neck.

I don't know why I had a scarf and a tie, but I put the scarf on too. It was a Slytherin scarf, and it definately did not match. I put the top hat on, at least it was black too, and then I picked up the mustache and did my best to put it on.

It was slightly lopsided, and I looked like a french person from the 80's, but I thought it was cool.

Then I looked down at the shoes and gulped. They were huge. There was no way my small feet would ever fit.

I slipped my feet in the shoes and tied them tightly, but it wasn't much use.

I trudged out of the bathroom and Scorpius looked up.

"Nice to meet you sir. Never knew you'd look so good in a suit Bella," he smirked.

I blushed slightly. "Your feet are so big!"

He laughed. "They look huge on you!"

I laughed. "Come on, let's show them!"

We helped each other down the stairs, and when everyone saw me they laughed.

"Okay but like, Arabella, if you took away the mustache, scarf, and big shoes, you actually would look so good in that," Candace said.

"That's what I said. Except I didn't really say to take anything away but still," Scorpius said.

Candace grinned and winked at me and I ignored her.

"Let's go to dinner, I can't wait for the other's reactions," Alex laughed.

"We are all sitting together, screw the diversity," I said with a laugh.

Everyone agreed and we made our way down to the dining hall.

If my future bf ain't like this I don't want him.

Lmao jk...maybe...


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