Be My Peace

By nini8303

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Monica Noelle is a very successful woman.Coming from an upper class family to now being on her own and experi... More

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Chapter 1:Runnin
Chapter 2: Golden
Chapter 3: Remember
Chapter 4: Welcome to Atlanta
Chapter 5: Give Thanks
Chapter 6:Thanksgiving special
Chapter 7:Merry Christmas Baby
Chapter 8:New Beginnings
Chapter 9:Unthinkable
Chapter 10: My funny Valentine
Chapter 11:Sister Love?
Chapter 12: Through sickness and health
Chapter 13:Broken Wing
Chapter 14:Past Ties
Chapter 15:Mo's New Chapter
Chapter 16:Alexis Story
Chapter 18: Shay's Truth
Precious Jewel

Chapter 17:Lynn's Confrontation

96 3 7
By nini8303

Before we get started I just want to give a shoutout to @creativeone_ thank you for the comments, and love you show ❤️

"There can be no progress without head on confrontation."-Christopher Hitchens

a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties.

Omscient POV

Soon as Lexi told Monica what happened . She was on a flight with Shay, Malcom, Jermaine, and Alexis.

Lucas was supposed to come but he had to fly back out to LA due to an emergency.

To know that a mother would do some shit like that to her child had Monica's blood boiling.

Shay on the other hand heart felt so heavy, and when she was told what happened to Alexis she broke down. Shay had a connection with Alexis that no one would understand.

"Baby calm down." Malcom says as he tried soothe Monica but she shook her head no with tears whelming in her eyes

"I'm not comparing mothers, cause lord knows mines was hell too, but that shit there! My mother has never done! She used her fucking trauma as a trigger against her. And Malcom if I would have turned my back on her s-she wou..." Monica tried to finish but she started sobbing and Malcom grabbed her and Shay reached from her seat and squeezed Monica's hand

"Mo I know you're upset but please don't let Lexi see you like this." Shay says as she pulled from Mo and rubbed Alexis arm

"Mo on some real shit ion see how Lucas, Alexis, and you apart of that family. Motherfuckas on some sick shit." Jermaine says as he shook his head trying to contain his anger

This hit home for Jermaine. He remembered when his bestfriend who he called a sister got brutally raped and was killed. To this day it hurts him to know he could have been there for her but due to a petty ass argument they got into he let his pride get in the way.

When he looked at Alexis all he could do was hug her, and the brotherly side took over to where he knew that he was her protector.

"Ladies and gentlemen we will be arriving in Manhattan shortly." The voice of the flight attendant says as it took over the whole plane

That's right Manhattan. Mo never thought she would have to touch foot in that city again, but I guess the universe had other plans. It's bad enough she is going down there with intentions to beat her aunts ass, but she can't help but feel more pressure as she slowly starts remembering the pain and trauma this place bought

17 year old Monica| May 1st,2009|

"What the hell is this Monica?!" Her father asked her as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and continued focusing on the tv

"Daddy, it says it on the paper. An Emancipation letter." She says as grabbed a popcorn from the bag and popped it into her mouth

Objective 1: actknowledge the issue, and talk about it.

"The hell are you trying to get emancipated for Noelle? You have everything here!" He says in an upset tone

Larry was truly hurt, it's bad enough he doesn't have a relationship with his two oldest kids, but now his baby girl wants to leave and it's a possibility she could be leaving with hate towards him too, and they will have a strain relationship aswell

"Dad, it's no secret that this is a toxic household. It's no secret to know you and mom are not around, and especially not there for me. So it's best I live on my own, and get my peace." She says with a little whine

"But we are working baby. That doesn't mean we don't love you. Don't you see I'm stressed. I've lost my first two kids, and now it's a possibility of losing you too. Come on Monica I will do better by you."

Objective 2:Manipulate into staying.

"Dad you didn't lose them you pushed them away. I saw with my own two eyes you kicked Lucas out. And whatever you did to Leesa it's caused her to leave on her own. So before I have to face the pain or hurt. I want to leave now!" Monica says as she stood up from the couch

"Monica you don't know everything. It's a reason to why I kicked Lucas out and it's a personal reason why Leesa left."

"Just because I'm quiet daddy doesn't mean I'm oblivious to what's going on." She says as she crossed her arms and sighed

"Dad I'm going to give you a week to make things right. If you don't. I'm going through with my letter." Monica says with a sigh of defeat as her father did a small smirk knowing his all time manipulation trick worked

Objective 3: Guilt trip

"And why would you want to leave Ms.Teresa. She loves you so much, you wouldn't want her to die of a broken heart." He says as Monica's heart dropped and she shook her head no while wiping the few tears that fell

"I can bring her with me." Monica tried to say with confidence but it came out weak

"You think some poor lady wants to work for a young girl for free?" He asked as he did a scoff and walked towards her and put one hand on her shoulder as he kept the other in his pocket

"Just stay baby girl. You don't want to go through all the court, and legal fees. Then what money are you going to have when you need somewhere to stay, eat or just meeting your basic needs.And plus you're not ready for the real world." He says as she looked up at him and seen what he was doing but she knew he was right.

"I have money saved into my account, it's enough for all those things."

Objective 4: Be the only source of income

"Oh, baby girl I forgot to give you this." He says as he pulled a letter out of his pocket and handed it to her

When she took it out and read it. It was a bank statement saying she was in the negatives and that her bank account is now locked. When she read that it broke a piece of her. She worked so hard to save her money and leave this house, because she started to see why Jaleesa and Lucas left. This house brings toxic and negative energy

Monica started crying knowing she was stuck. Her father held her as he put her head against his chest and smirked knowing he had one of his kids where he wanted them

But maybe if Monica could be patient until she graduated and left for college and never looked back, she would be okay. But who would have knew the odds would work out in her favors sooner than she thinks

In those last couple of minutes left it was silence. Mo was deep into her thoughts meanwhile everyone was thinking the same thing, but one person in particular was building rage and nobody could see it. If they don't catch it now they better get ready for Noelle to come out because Monica has officially left the building

Shay noticed her friend zoned out and instantly got worried. She has seen Monica like this before and when she was like this it's best to try and let her anger go on her own because once she hits her specific target it's all rage until then

"Mo baby, people are getting off the plane." Malcom says to Monica but she sat there. It wasn't that she couldn't hear what he said. She was just in her head and at the moment she wasn't herself

"Noelle."Shay says with a soft voice causing a Monica to look at her with dark eyes and her heart dropped. Causing Jermaine and Malcom to look at each other in fear

"When I see that bitch I'm killing her, and that's on my dead grandmother." Monica says as she walked off the plane causing the crew to look at each other in fear once again

One thing about Noelle if she says she is going to do something she will. Shay hearing Noelle say those words really scared her because that's a side of Monica nobody ever wants to see.
As everyone settled into the suite. Monica went into a trance once again. This place not only brings pain to her, but Shay aswell. Although Shay was blessed with the good times and sweet memories. Little did she know the past has caught up with her.

Shay can no longer come to Manhattan with a bright spirit to see her parents instead she has to come with anger too. The last time she spoke to them was Valentine's Day. They have tried to reach out multiple times, but Shay has been ignoring them.

"You okay baby?"Jermaine asked Shay as she was looking out over the balcony

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?" She asked him as he shook his head no and walked over to her side and took his arm and put it around her waist and pulled her to him

"What's wrong?"he asked as a tear fell from her eye

"I'm always there for others. And when I need someone to just listen to me for once and tell me it's going to be okay. I feel pain. I have so much built up, and not once has anyone asked me how I am. I know right now is about Lexi. But babe I found out that my father isn't my father and I have been going on with my life like I'm okay....but I'm not. Jermaine I have been holding on to this secret for so long that I'm going to break. I have so much I need to get out but I can't because I'm always putting myself on the back burner, and putting others on the front."

"The same thing that you always tell Mo. Stop allowing people to take you for granted. You know you have a big heart aswell. It's okay to let them figure shit out themselves. You don't have to be captain save a hoe all the time. Because at the end of the day once you save them and rescue them. You're the one still needing saving and rescuing. Whatever secret you're holding whenever you ready to tell it I'm here baby." Jermaine says as he grabbed her and kissed her on the forehead

"Can't nobody see us out here. Let's do a little something. Freak me baby" He says as he did a small dance and kissed her neck causing her to moan lightly and do a small giggle

"A bitch can't even cry for a second without you trying to be nasty." Shay says with a small laugh

"Turn around. Let me grab your butt." He says as she laughed but turned around "What you doing girl with all that?"

"Ohh nothing." Shay says as they both laughed and he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind causing her to lay her head on his chest

"I love you mami. Remember that. The same way you tell others to be selfish. You do that same." Jermaine says as she nodded and he kissed the back of her head

As Jermaine and Shay had their moment Monica was sitting on the couch with her hands crossed under her chin while still in a trance

"Mo." Lexi soft voice says causing Monica to snap out her trance and make eye contact with her sad eyes

"Come here baby." She says as Lexi walked over to her and hugged her and cried into her arms

"This is all my fault." Lexi says as she continued to cry and Monica took her hand and softly grabbed her face

"It's not baby I promise. We can't help who our parents are. But no matter how they raised us it's up to us to break that cycle of dishonesty, lying, and trust issues. Your parents failed you baby. But that doesn't mean you stay at that level of failure. You try and be successful. Hell don't even try just do it. You're beautiful, and amazing. What happened to you was sick and wrong. Don't let your mother words stick with you. It's not your fault." Monica says as let go of her face and held her tightly

"I remember when you were 4, and it was Christmas Eve and your dad tried to convince you to go to bed so Santa can put your gifts under the tree, but you argued him down."

"He tried to pull the if you don't go to bed Santa is going to keep your gifts, and you said "it's doesn't make since why a fat man is breaking into our home. And you're okay with this?!" Your dad paused and allowed you to stay up, because how can someone come back from that." Monica says causing Lexi to laugh while wiping tears

"But what I'm saying is, from that moment I saw the determination you held. The strength of getting your point across no matter how much someone tried to throw you off or even trick you. You held your strength, and you wasn't going to allow someone to take that from you. Same as now don't allow nobody to take your strength, and determination."Monica says as she wiped Lexi tears and kissed her forehead

"Mo I just want closure. It's best if I say what I have to say first. Please don't do nothing crazy. Like you're telling me now use your strength. And just know your words can hurt worst than actions. Say what you have to say. I know she deserves whatever she gets but that's not going to get through her." Lexi says as Monica looked into her eyes and the feeling of Noelle left

Lexi is right. Fighting isn't going to change nothing. Simply use words because they can hurt just as much as licks
Manhattan's fancy restaurant

Monica POV

I scheduled a meeting with Lynn. I had Lexi, and Malcom here with me. Shay said she wasn't feeling too good so Jermaine stayed back with her at the suite

"You good baby?" Malcom asked me and I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Yeah babe. Just have to keep myself together." I say as I saw my mom, aunt Lynn, and aunt Alice come to the table we we're at.

"Say what you have to say I don't have time." Lynn says with an eye roll as she snapped her fingers to get a waiter's attention to get some water

"Before I get started I want Lexi to speak her peace. And you better not interrupt her. She has let you gone long enough with speaking over her. Go head baby." I say to Lexi as she sighed heavily and wiped the few tears that had fallen and looked her mother in the eye

"Mom from the moment I came into this world you always treated me with such hate. You would look at me in digust and even blame me for bad things that has happened to you. Growing up, you and dad have always been overprotective of me, but you two never loved me." Lexi says as Lynn rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"Don't sit here and lie your father and I love you deeply."

"No, You don't! The night I needed you, my mother....y-you blamed me. You blamed me for getting raped! You allowed my abuser family to pay you off to keep hush, and you took away a piece of me. Even though a piece of me was taken forcefully. You used my own traumatic experience against me. What mother threatens to put her child into trafficking just so what happen to her before can happen again!"

"All my life I wanted acceptance. Everything I did was wrong in your eyes. If I came home with a B on my report card it was because I'm not good enough, hell if I came home with a freaking A minus I was dumb. If I misplace one thing it's because I was stupid. If I didn't act so uppity for the people you tried to impress I was useless! Everything I did in life was to please you! I'm only 14 freaking years old and I have already experienced so much before my adulthood."

"You used me to get what you want. Your boss was getting tired of you. You was becoming useless pussy to him. He threatened to give the higher rank position to someone else but you begged him you had something better. And that something better was to let your boss touch on your 15 year old daughter just so you can get a higher position at your job!" Lexi says as she knocked the glass down and her mother hit the table

"That is not true Alexis! I will not let you spread these lies!"

AN: So no one gets confused. Kassidy is Lynn's other daughter. When Kassidy was 15 Lynn allowed that to happen to her. Kassidy is now 21.

"It's true! I-it's freaking true mom. Kassidy told me the whole story!" Lexi says above a whisper "Y-you sat there and watched. She fucking sat there and watched M-mo. So when I got raped you didn't care because you had already done worse to one of your kids. All I wanted was a mother. And you couldn't even be that. I love you mom even if you can't love me back." Lexi wiped her tears and grabbed her mother's hand

"You can continue not to care like you do. You can continue to bring bad and do whatever, but know I won't allow you to bring me with you anymore. From this day forward Lynn you're just another person I've known. I hope you find peace in your life soon. Because being evil will put you in a place deeper than hell." Lexi says as she let go of a crying Lynn hand and walked out

As I watched Lexi walk out and Malcom followed her I looked at the three sisters

"I remembered this poem my teacher told me in tenth grade and it goes."

3 beautiful souls have been ruptured along the way
But each have given evil in different ways

The first soul gives envy. Envy of the those who meet a standard she is not at.
I say as I looked at my aunt Alice
The second soul gives greed. Greed to the money she has not yet kept
I say as I looked at my aunt Lynn
The third soul gives lust. Lusting over love that is wrong.
I say as I looked at my mom
3 souls will never learn right from wrong.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My aunt Alice asked

"Until you three can see the evil you portray you will never have the love you desire for. You will never have the picture perfect families. You three know what a certain someone is doing and how deep they are into it but yet you continue to go on with life and allow what he is doing to those girls. Lynn you allow it because you put you've almost put your daughter through it. Jessica you allow it because you're married to him and you know if he goes down you go down too. And you ain't so clean either Alice I expected better from you. You allow it because you and your husband have bought a few of those girls for y'all own pleasure." I say as her eyes bucked

"Yeah I know about your sick games. From this day forward don't call none of us. That is includes Jaleesa, Lucas, Alexis, Ariel, Jordan, Kassidy, Givens, and me. To know our own mothers are 3 evils souls hurts us."

AN: Ariel, and Jordan are Alice kids. And Alexis, Kassidy, and Givens are Lynn kids

"I came with intentions to beat your ass, but like Lexi said. Words hurt worse, and she was right. You three continue to have a "good" life." I say as I stood up and walked out of the restaurant and went to the car where Lexi and Malcom was

When I made it I grabbed Lexi and hugged her tight

I'm proud of you baby. I knew your strength and determination was going to show
|Back at the suite|
Alexis POV

As I stood in the mirror and looked at myself I smiled, but it was a weak smile.

I'm proud that I didn't hold back and I stood up for myself. I walked to the bed and laid down and turned up the volume on my speaker and went into thinking

Flawed Beautiful Creatures by Stacey Barthe plays

Sometimes we're insecure
We're fragile sometimes
We laugh at each other
To make ourselves feel better

Sometimes we laugh
Sometimes we say things
That we really don't mean
But in the moment
Seems like the thing to do

We're all flawed beautiful people
We're all flawed beautiful creatures
We're all flawed beautiful people
We're all flawed beautiful creatures

I stood up out the bed and walked back to the mirror and stared at myself and let the affirmations that Monica embeds in me daily flow

"I Alexis Smith have my flaws, but I'm beautiful,smart, and amazing. No matter how much someone's tries to take my dignity I know with the strength I have I fight against it. Regardless of what I went through. Never let someone take your caring and bright soul from you." I say to myself as I looked up at the ceiling

"Grandma I know you're watching over your star, and have seen my light dim. But slowly but surely I'll shine so bright that I'll blind the ones who hate to see me succeed. I know you're r-right here." I say as my voice croaked and I pointed at my heart " And I know you will forever guide me along the way. I miss you dearly my love, and watch over my baby for me." I say as I wiped my single tear

As I was getting ready to lay down I felt a cool breeze and slight cold touch on my arm
Monica POV
"Mo can I talk to you for a second?"Shay asked me with tears in her eyes and I immediately frowned

"Sure love, what's wrong?" I asked her as I grabbed her hand and we both sat down on the couch

"Lately I have been feeling off. I know you and I have a bond where we can come to one another, but lately I feel my feelings have been put to the side and I'm always there for you. I'm not complaining or nothing I just want my best friend to acknowledge my feelings like I do with her. When I found out my father wasn't my father no one didn't ask how I felt. And when you did come over to comfort me you end up leaving to handle Jaleesa situation. Mo I needed you so bad one day....I even called out your name but you never c-came " Shay says as tears poured from her eyes and my heart sunk

"Shayla I'm so sorry. I can not make no excuses for being a shitty friend. I love you so much. I'm so used to having others put bandaids on my situations and moving along that I have to realize that they are human and they go through things aswell. I never want to hurt my best sister. You're literally my otherhalf. I don't know what I would do without you, and for me to give you my ass to kiss is not okay. Please forgive me."I say as she grabbed me and hugged me tight

"Mo I have something to tell you. Please forgive me." Shay says as tears start to pour from her eyes hard

"What is it Shay?" I asked as I grabbed her hands

"May 21st, 2004...." she says above a whisper

"You had just returned home." I say with a weak smile "I remembered you left Manhattan for months. You know it's weird. Lexi was born on that same day." I say with a confused face "But what about that day?" I asked

"Mo...I was pregnant." She says as my heart stopped and my eyes buck

"Pregnant?!" I whispered yelled

"Please don't be mad Mo. I had just turned 14,and I didn't know how to tell you. I was young,dumb and naive. My parents were so disappointed and I didn't want to face anymore disappointment. My daughter's father told me how much he loved me, and how he could see us being together. But I was young....what grown ass man is going to wait on a teen. I was stupid, and what I found out about my daughter recently hurt me to the point that I damn near wanted to end myself. If I had never given up on my baby what happened to her wouldn't have happened."

"Where is she now?" I asked her as she wiped her eyes

"Mo don't be mad at me please." She says and she put her head down

"Where is your daughter now?" I asked her as Alexis walked into the living room area of the suite where we were with her face into her phone

"She's right there Mo." Shay says as she pointed towards Alexis and my face went into a horror expression

"What is she talking about Mo?" Alexis asked as she walked over to where we were

Jermaine and Malcom had came inside from being out on the balcony and both were confused

Shay stood up and grabbed one of Alexis hands while she put the other on her cheek and looked her in the eyes

"Alexis....I am your mother.".
Hey loves! Excused any mistakes. Sorry for the wait .
I know everything may be confusing, but just hang on tight with me please! Next chapter I'll explain the whole story. So if you're confused next chapter will clear the air I promise!

But like,comment and share! Ily <3

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