Pierce The Veil Imagines

By mediagirl94

5.6K 181 0

Pierce The Veil Imagines (Enough said!) Taken from both Band Imagines Books and Tumblr (fangirl94stuff) REQUE... More

Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)
Whole Band Part 1
Whole Band Part 2
Whole Band Part 3
Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)


143 5 0
By mediagirl94


You were cleaning up the kitchen trying your hardest not to give in and go and help your boyfriend Vic pack for his band's European tour. You and Vic had very different packing techniques, you liked to be organised and pack exactly what you would need for different weathers and climates, with enough empty room for buying souvenirs. Whereas Vic was a stress packer, leaving it all until the night before, and he always forgot or misplaced something.

Vic curses loudly and you can hear it from the kitchen. You stop washing the dishes and try to tell yourself Vic was fine packing on his own. But the cursing gets louder and you cave in. Throwing the dishcloth down by the sink, you dry your hands and prepare yourself for what you might face in the bedroom.

'Vic do you need any help?'

You lean in the open doorway and watch Vic run around the bedroom like a headless chicken.

'I'm good y/n.'

Shaking your head you walk in and sit down on the end of the bed, 'stop worrying Vic, take a deep breath and maybe then you'll remember to pack everything this time.'

Vic stops and stares at you, 'but I like worrying y/n I'm good at it. Plus I have packed everything; I just can't remember where I put my passport.'

Rolling your eyes you sometimes wonder how Vic managed to survive without you by his side, 'err Vic it's still on your bedside table, where you told me to put it half an hour ago. You even saw me put it there.'

Vic's eyes widen as they land on his passport. He runs his fingers through his hair. You open your arms and he falls into them.

'I'd lose my mind if you weren't around y/n. I love you.'

You hold Vic close, 'I love you to Vic. Are you worried about the tour?'

He nods, and you sigh. He always got worried before Pierce The Veil went out on tour, he always worked himself up. He told himself the fans wouldn't like the new songs performed live, or he'd mess up and the rest of the band would hate him. But then he went out and nailed the tour.

'You don't need to be worried, Vic. The fans waited four years for Misadventures, and they praised it when it came out. They sold out venues to the point you had to add extra dates. You're going to go out and perform better than you've ever performed before. Trust me.'

Vic looks up and you feel an overwhelming urge to lean down and kiss your boyfriend. He smiles and takes the lead, capturing your lips before pushing you down on the bed and crawls on top of you.

'And I get to see your beautiful face watching from side stage.'

'Of course, you do silly because I'm your tour manager after all.'

Vic laughs as you start to tickle him. You'd been the band's tour manager from the start of their career, and had only started dating Vic two years ago. People were shocked that you mixed business with pleasure, but you and Vic loved each other deeply.

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