Pierce The Veil Imagines

By mediagirl94

5.6K 181 0

Pierce The Veil Imagines (Enough said!) Taken from both Band Imagines Books and Tumblr (fangirl94stuff) REQUE... More

Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)
Whole Band Part 1
Whole Band Part 2
Whole Band Part 3
Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)


172 6 0
By mediagirl94


You walk into your boyfriends' music room to see him pacing up and down while running his fingers through his hair, which he only did when something was seriously bothering him. You knock on the door not wanting to interrupt his train of thought. Vic's head snaps towards you.

'Are you okay Vic? I could hear you pacing from the kitchen.'

Vic sighs loudly, 'I'm annoyed y/n. Yesterday I had the perfect lyric for this song but now I can't remember it. Damn it I should have written it down.'

As much as you wanted to tell Vic 'I told you so' because you were always telling him to write song lyrics down so he wouldn't forget them. You could see how stressed he was so decided to play the perfect girlfriend card.

'Give me one second Vic I might have something to help your current problem.'

Vic rolls his eyes, 'I doubt it babe, but surprise me.'

You leave the music room and walk into your mini office next door and take a shoebox off a shelf. You had the best surprise which was going to knock Vic's socks right off. Knowing Vic forgot a lot of things, you'd taken to jotting them down on post-it notes and dating them before placing them in this shoebox in case Vic ever needed to know something.

Taking the shoebox back into the music room you sit down on the sofa next to Vic and put the shoebox in his lap. He looks down at it before raising an eyebrow in your direction.

'Your solution is a shoebox? I love you y/n, but even this is a little crazy for you.'

'Open it Vic and you might just find that missing lyric.'

Vic takes off the lid and gasps at the number of coloured post-it notes in front of him, 'What are these?'

You laugh, 'just because you don't think something's worth writing down Vic doesn't mean I don't. You could have a whole two albums worth of lyrics in here, have a root around.'

You watch Vic's face light up as he pulls post-it notes from the box. You loved seeing happy Vic, this was better than stressed out Vic.

'Oh my god, this is the lyric I couldn't think of.'

Vic pulls a post-it note out and fist pumps the air. He puts the box down and pulls you into a surprise hug before peppering your face in kisses. You chuckle, liking the sudden attention. Usually, Vic wasn't this loving during the songwriting process.

'It's just a shoebox Vic, I love you and want to support your career.'

'You're the best girlfriend a guy could ask for y/n, that's why everyone keeps telling me to put a ring on your finger before I lose the best thing to ever come into my life.'

Vic releases you and gets up off the sofa, you wonder what he's babbling on about but soon get your answer when he gets down on one knee pulling a small black box out of his pocket.

'y/n, I love you more than words can express. You're the best person to ever walk into my life and I want to grow old and raise a family with you. Will you marry me?'

You gasp as he opens the box revealing a stunning ring. You cover your mouth with your hands in shock, this was really happening.

'Of course, I'll marry you, Vic.'

Vic slides the ring onto your finger and you throw your arms around him. This night had taken a surprise turn, but a good kind of surprise. Vic got his missing lyric, and you finally had a ring on your finger.

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