Pierce The Veil Imagines

By mediagirl94

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Pierce The Veil Imagines (Enough said!) Taken from both Band Imagines Books and Tumblr (fangirl94stuff) REQUE... More

Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)
Whole Band Part 1
Whole Band Part 2
Vic (Requested)
Vic (Requested)

Whole Band Part 3

101 5 0
By mediagirl94

~2 Months Later~


All I did was get up, shower, perform, attend signings and interviews, food and then sleep. The day y/n left me in the park she took my light away leaving me depressed. I was still mad at Vic and Mike, although with each passing day I could have sworn the guilt was slowly eating away at them. Jaime was my confidant; he kept me updated on y/n who was also depressed. What kept me going was knowing y/n still loved me even though she told Jaime that in private.

One day I'd find a way for the two of us to be together, but for now, I had to deal with the pain of never being able to touch or kiss her again.


After we got back to the bus Tony excused himself to go and sleep in his bunk like he usually did. I was concerned about his health and mental state, he ate the bare minimal and looked like he'd slipped back into depression. y/n was also taking the breakup hard, she ignored her brothers and only talked to me. I slumped down in the front lounge and put out my phone to do my daily check on y/n.

Hime-Time: Evening little taco, how are you feeling? The show went great, our fans are amazing x

Y/N: You do have amazing fans, Jaime. In terms of my feelings, I feel like someone ripped out my heart making it impossible for me to feel anything...

'How is she Hime? Vic and I know she talks to you?'

Mike sat down next to me and I reluctantly handed him my phone, he needed to know about his sisters' decline.

'I'm not going to lie, it doesn't look good. She started off mad at you two, then was happy telling me about her and Tony, but for the last month, she's numb. I think like Tony she's slipped back into depression.'


I read through the messages between Jaime and y/n and I saw the telltale signs of depression. y/n was bubbly and fun, but it was like I was seeing a different person. Tony was also depressed, maybe if Vic and I didn't overreact this wouldn't have happened. We were supposed to look after our little sister, but we'd only caused her heartbreak and resentment.

Is it that bad Mike?'

I handed Vic the phone and it didn't take him too long to break down, 'we caused this Mike, we only wanted what we thought was best for her. Who knew that would be Tony of all people. We broke both of them; they're each other's happiness. We're awful brothers.'

Jaime stood up and pulled Vic into a hug, 'you're not awful brothers just a bit overprotective. But you can both make this right for y/n and Tony's sake. Get off your high horses and put your sister's happiness before the music.'

Jaime was right, but what could we do? The damage had been done and now we had to deal with the consequences. Picking up the pieces would be hard but Jaime was right, happiness and family had to come before music for once.

'Vic I know what we need to do.'

Hopefully, my idea worked and didn't backfire on us.

~Last Day Of Warped~


Today was the last show and I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could go home and mope alone. For the last week Jaime, Vic and Mike had been secretive around me, but I was too depressed to care. If they kicked me out of the band I could be with y/n, yeah maybe I'd quit the band.

'You're not quitting Turtle and we're not replacing you.'

I was surprised Mike was talking to me with a smile on his face, I'd been avoiding him and vice versa. Wait had I said that last part out loud? Oh well, I didn't care. How could he act as nothing had happened? He was one half of the reason I didn't have a girlfriend anymore.

'Let's just get this show over with Mike.'

The crowd cheered and I ran onto the stage putting my fake smile in place. The crowd were amazing and sang along, they were the main reason we made music. However, before the last song 'King for a Day' Vic tapped his mic and smiled at the crowding making them fall silent. I had no clue what he was doing because I'd been lost in my own world.

'You guys all know mine and Mike's little sister y//n, and you'll know, she quit Warped two months ago because Mike and I forced her to break up with the person who made her happy. Well, it's only taken us two months to realise that happiness and family come before music. Now you're probably wondering why I'm talking about this, well let me explain.'

I was confused as to why Vic was talking about y/n, she wasn't here to hear his apology. But I was curious, especially since Jaime kept smirking at me as Vic continued speaking to the crowd.

'The person who made her happy was our very own turtle. They'd dated in secret for three months and Mike and I overreacted. Both of them sunk into depression and well as a band we want the two of them to know that we support them. They're each other's happiness so Tony, Mike and I are sorry now look behind you.'

The crowd went wild and when I turned around I did a double-take. Kellin pushed y/n onto the stage who looked at me nervously. Just from her general appearance, I could tell she looked thinner which broke my heart.

'Go to her already Tone. Mike and Vic are giving you their blessing to date their sister.'

Jaime had to be the one to point out the obvious. I was still in shock seeing my beautiful y/n again. y/n stepped in front of me and smiled weakly.

'Hi, Tony.'

I removed my guitar and pulled her into a tight hug afraid to let her go, 'hi y/n, I missed you.'

'I missed you to turtle, now we can be together.'

I smashed my lips down on hers and she matched my passion wrapping her arms around my neck. The crowd cheered loudly. Two months and I finally got to feel her touch and lips again, this moment was perfect. Hopefully, now we could bring back the light and happiness in each other.

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