By mamab0ii

36.8K 2.4K 675

One day, Joss not only stole others' girlfriend but the boy's heart along as well. More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

1.5K 134 40
By mamab0ii

It didn't take long for the tall man to arrive at the condo of his ex. Joss pulled an ungodly speed just so he could talk to Tay faster. They needed to sort out the things between them, Joss needed to get his Tay back. He was so going to beg the younger guy just so he would be Tay's boyfriend again.

If Tay didn't like him in the first place, then the younger boy could start learning to do so. Joss would put his heart on the stake to get Tay's.

The tall guy parked his bike haphazardly and brought his long feet to the elevator. The elevator was taking too long for Joss's own liking, he couldn't waste anymore time, so he was going for emergency stairs instead.

Joss skipped 2 to 3 steps at a time, making a use of his long legs to get to the 5th floor faster. He easily got to the 5th floor where Tay's room was located.

He rooted his feet to the ground, catching up some oxygen as his chest rose and fell. Room 507, he felt kind of nostalgic since the last few weeks Tay chose to spend his time in Joss's room due to his handicapped foot. It had been such a long time since the last time Joss came here.

Suddenly Joss lost his confidence. He knew what he wanted, but what if Tay didn't want him too? He was ready for rejection earier, but facing it right in fromt of his eyes made him lost his self-esteem.

Joss Wayar had never failed in making anyone swoon over him. But this guy made him having a second thought.

But his longing for Tay Tawan was probably bigger than his fear since the next thing he did was knocking on the door before he could even wrap up his mind. Joss moved based on his instinct.

Nothing happened after his first try, so Joss did it for the second time. His hearing became more sensitive since he was anticipating someone inside the room. He heard the strides nearing the door, but nothing happened afterward.

Even though he couldn't get to see the other guy directly, he knew Tay was there. And judging by how Tay didn't open the door for him, Joss got a clue that Tay was somehow avoiding him.

"Tay...." He softly called the younger guy, he believed Tay was listening to him at the other side of the door. "Could you please open the door...? We need to talk..." Joss said lowly, he suddenly wanted to cry.

Joss never thought he would cry over a heartbreak, but apparently he just knew he was that weak when it came to his heart—when it came to Tay Tawan.

Even after he begged for the younger guy to open the door for him, nothing really happened. He was still standing by the room 507, waiting for the owner of the room pitied him enough to let him in.

Joss sighed as he dropped to the floor, leaning his body to the door. He lost his energy, yet he couldn't seem to move from his spot. He was sad for the rejection but he was determined to talk this out with the younger guy. If he failed to speak truthfully the other time when they parted ways a week ago, Joss wanted them to lay out the things they had been hiding from one another. At least he was going to talk his heart out.

So Tay could understand what he was feeling and grant him a permission to pursue him.

On the other side of the door, Tay was feeling a mixture of pain and relieved. It was painful to see Joss, knowing that the older guy wasn't for his to have anymore, yet seeing how Joss was doing fine by his own eyes made Tay felt relieved.

As much as he longed for Joss Wayar for the past few days, Tay wasn't confident enough to opem the door at this moment. He feared that he couldn't keep his limbs together and jumped at the other guy out of instinct. He missed Joss badly that he kmew he couldn't hide it anymore once he saw the older guy with his very own eyes.

After the low voice coming from Joss, another silence filled the air. Maybe Joss had gone and Tay couldn't help but feeling disappointed.

Before the four-eyed guy could peek from the peek hole for the second time, the older guy spoke again, "You see... I met Mild at the club earlier..." Joss started since he couldn't talk to Tay face to face right now, so he chose to just talk.

Inside the room, Tay gulped down his nervousness. He didn't know whether it was bad nor good for Joss to bump into Mild. But what became clear for Tay was that the rumour about Joss getting his groove back probably wasn't just a mere rumor.

It was definitely what Tay had wanted, but it still hurt him. A tear rolled on Tay's cheek without warning. He was crying over his own doing, and what's new? He had been in this cycle for a week now, it's nothing new.

"She came with another guy...." Another words rolled from the tall guy behind the door, not realizing that Tay was actually sobbing quietly. "I know it's probably none of my business... but Tay, are you... seriously okay with that...?" Joss sounded doubtful. There was uncertainty in his timbre.

Was what Mild said about them not getting back true? Joss still found it hard to believe in Mild after what she did to Tay. But he was somehow hopeful—he wanted to believe that there was nothing between both of them and Tay was reflecting what Joss was feeing towards him.

Joss pulled his hair out of frustration. Why was it so hard when it came to feelings? The first time he harbored feelings to someone, it was this hard. Or maybe Tay was indeed hard to get. That guy was never easy to handle from the start, and that's what made him attractive. Tay wasn't cheap at all.

Another minutes, close to an hour had passed. Joss wanted be the stubborn that he was by rooting himself before Tay's door until the younger guy let him in. But it would bring Tay trouble. Joss didn't want Tay to be the talk among his neighbours. He came here not to seek for trouble after all.

He the knocked the door again one last time. This time he didn't try hard when he knocked. He did it softly. "Tay..." His timbre was as gentle as his knock, "I'll come back again tomorrow. I'll find a way to see you.." He got up from his seat and uttered, "Good night, Tay.."

When Tay burst out opening the door, he was too late because he found no Joss by his door. The older guy was gone, and Tay could only cry until Joss came back again tomorrow. It's if the older guy kept his own promise.


The cafetaria in the medical faculty was in dead silence after the hottest guy who was as tall as a pole walked into the cafetaria, bringing himself to a table where Tay's best friends were sitting.

The chit chat between Off and Tay came into a halt when the familiar figure towered over them. Joss Wayar was finally making his entrance for the first time in the medical faculty after the rumor of his break up with the mediocre med guy spread out.

The older guy didn't wait until someone permitted him to sit, he was welcoming himself by sitting across Off and Arm. Both Off and Arm knew what made the engineering guy before them came to them.

Unlike Off who was breaking in cold sweat since he still found himself nervous around Joss, Arm was on the other hand very calm yet cautious. He knew Joss would only see them when it came to heartbroken friend.

"What do you want?" The challenging sentence from Arm made Joss raised his split brow, he was sensing the unwelcome tone. Not only Joss, Off himself whipped his head to Arm as he squeezed on Arm's thigh under the table. Yet, the one who was questioning Joss didn't even budge.

"You exactly know what I want." Joss calmly said as he folded his arms on the table. "I need to see your friend."

Arm scoffed humourlessly, "Really? You seek for our help now? Bold of you to think that we're going to help you after what you've done."

Joss put his confused face as something didn't add up to him. Why anyone seemed worked up whenever he asked for Tay. First Mild, now it was Tay's friend.

Have I done something wrong? The older guy couldn't help but wonder. All he did was doing what Tay Tawan wanted him to. The younger guy wanted to break things off between them so he just complied. He was the one whose heart got broken, so why people kept pointing their fingers at him?

"What did I do?" Joss innocently asked.

That made Off laughed even thought nothing was funny. The guy had forgotten his nervousness around Joss, now he found the older guy ridiculous.

"What did you do?" Off repeated Joss's words by pressing each word. "It's nothing, Phi. You're just being yourself and nothing is wrong with that." Off said as he continue drinking his coconut juice.

"Yeah, our friend just needs time. Just let him be." Arm shrugged his shoulders and ate his lunch as if nothing happened.

It pushed Joss to asked more, he definitely needed an answer to his own confusion, "What did I do wrong to him? Tell me," He almost lost his cool, but he knew he needed to surpressed his own anger if he wanted an answer.

"Just like Off said, you did nothing wrong. My friendis just being stupid right now. Time will heal." Arm said.

"What...?" Joss was puzzled, "Is he sick?" He got worried. The least thing he wanted was Tay being sick.

Off and Arm shared a stare before Off blabbered, "If being hearbroken means sick in your dictionary, then yeah, he is sick." Then the next thing he did was yelping because Arm had stomped on his foot.

Arm sent his friend a death glare before he looked back at Joss who was putting an expression that didn't match his persona. Joss looked hurt. It was funny to Tay's friends how he was hurting after hearing that Tay was being broken hearted.

"Does he like her that much?" Joss asked lowly, he was losing his confidence.

"Her?" Joss's saying got Off's attention.

"Mild." Joss mumbled, almost unheard but Off and Arm heard him. The two younger boys shared a stare, wondering if they needed to smack some sense to the older guy or just let the two solve their problem.

However, Arm wasn't patient enough to go for the second choice. So he opted for the first one.

"It's you, idiot." He dropped the seniority call and just went for profanity instead. Joss deserved to be called that way since he just didn't make any sense. Both Tay and Joss were utterly stupid, Arm just wanted to end the unnecessary drama already.

"Who did you just call idiot?"

"You, definitely."


"Cut the chase already!" Arm snapped and picked the key from his bag. He half threw it at Joss, "Here, the key to Tay's room. Talk to him, this drama you both create is unnecessary and wating time. Just kiss and fuck or do whatever you want." He finished off his speech before he continued eating his lunch.

When he saw Joss was still on his seat, Arm groaned, "Give it back if you don't start moving!" He hissed.

Arm was going to get the key back but the older guy was faster to jump from his seat. He then ran away with the key in his hand. Arm hoped the older guy would make a good use of it.

Just after the whole cafetaria watched Joss fled away, Off finally whipped his head to Arm, "Why did you give him?"

Arm scoffed. Really? He needed to deal with another idiot after one? He was so damned today.

"They like each other." He calmly explained.

"Huh?!?! How did you know?!" Off was surprised to hear the news.

"Well, how did you not know????" Arm questioned back.


Joss was back again, standing before the room 507. Now he didn't need to knock anymore since he got a free pass from Arm.

But what stopped him now was his anxiety. What if Tay didn't want to talk to him? Even though he said he was okay if Tay rejected him, but when it was happening for real, nothing was alright. Joss needed to be ready for another heartache he would get.

However what both Arm and Mild said was right. Tay and him certainly needed to talk.

After standing still for one-minute long, Joss finally collected his guts and unlocked the door. He spent another minute before he turned the knob and invited himself in.


And a soft snore came to his hearing. Joss let out a sigh after realizing that the owner of the room was probably sleeping.

He put off his shoes before he tiptoed to the room. The sight of messy room almost made him thought that he had entered the wrong room if Joss didn't saw Tay sleeping on the bed. The room was definitely far from the room he had imagined.

The leftover beers were anywhere. He could even see a leftover food by the counter. Tissues and clothes were brutally thrown to the ground.

As much as he wanted to talk to Tay, he had no heart to wake the other guy. So, while waiting for the younger to wake up by himself, Joss chose to clean the room until it was squeaky clean.

He was careful enough not to make any noises, it seemed that Tay had been sleep deprived. Joss was busy cleaning up the mess when his eyes darted to the familiar frame that was facing down. His hand slowly touched the frame, his mind wandered to time when he found the photograph inside the frame.

Joss didn't like it and he suggested to replace the picture with theirs. But before he could do it, there were misunderstanding happened and the idea just left forgotten. And now they were nothing but acquintance. Joss didn't have any excuse to put their picture together in that frame anymore.

Subconsciously, he took the frame only to see that the picture had changed from Mild and Tay's picture to his own picture. He didn't even know when the picture was taken, but he knew it was him when he had the date with Tay one last time before Tay broke things off.

It was a candid of him when he had a hard time to choose the snack he was going to buy for them in the theater.

There was a warmness gushing out of his system. Joss felt light for the first time after a week full of dreadful feelings. He was full again.

The older guy peeked at the younger one who was still fast asleep. Now all the words from Mild and Tay's friends fit the puzzle, they made sense now.

Joss couldn't wait until Tay woke up from his slumber. Or would it be better to wake the prince with a kiss instead? Because Joss felt like he was in a fairytale.


To be continued
Kiss him, I dare you.

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