rebel high - Modern AU

By Ryder1234321

370 22 0

you gotta reed it to find out what its about ;) Kanan is 19 Hera is 18 Zeb is 18 Chop is 17 Sabine is 16 Ezr... More

Meeting him
Scared For Him
Getting Fixed Up
A Teacher You Can Trust
Complicated Weekend
Friendly bonding
Loving touch
morning after
6 Weeks Later
Promised Fun
The Talk
Friendly Conversations
Old Friend??
Reconnecting and Night Fun
Nightmare or Vision?
Weird Day
Weird day part 2 Competition
Loosing a Friend


15 1 0
By Ryder1234321

     No ones P.O.V

as the sun began to rise each member of "the crew." as they called themselves began to awaken one by one. that is most of them did. Kanan, Hera, Chopper, and Zeb were downstairs waiting on the 2 young ones until Kanan spoke up. "where are they?" he asked. "probably makin luv sweet luv mmm mmmm mm." Chopper said laughing. he stopped when Zeb smacked the back of his head. "im gonna go get them." Hera said as she stood up to go get Ezra and Sabine.

as she go to the top the stairs she went to Ezra's room first and knocked. "Ezra sweetie are you up?" Hera asked. no answer. she decided to let herself in and to her surprise Ezra wasnt there. she wasnt worried as she had heard his screams last night until they just stopped. she went to Sabines room and knocked on the door. no answer either, now she was getting suspicious. she opened Sabine's door and was met with a sight that made her smile. Sabine and Ezra laying sound asleep tangled in each others arms and legs. she shut the door and went back downstairs. 

"so are they ready." Kanan asked. Hera shook her head and motioned for them to follow her upstairs. they all look at each other like they were saying why not. they all got up and followed Hera to Sabine's room and Hera opened the door. they all looked in and smiled, Kanan just reached for is phone pulled it out and took a picture. the sound of the camera woke them both and Sabine sat up and looked around and saw her friends at her door smiling and laughing. "get out!" she yelled at them and the door closed and they could both hear laughing. "well buzzkill." Ezra said. Sabine just looked at him and smiled. "we better get ready we got school soon." she told him. he got up and went to his room to change. 

both the kids made there way downstairs until they were met with their friends looking at them smiling. they both froze and looked at each other and back at their friends. "what?" Sabine asked breaking the silence. "what happened last night." Zeb asked smerking at the 2. "nothing why?" Sabine asked looking at Ezra who was as equally as confused as she was. "we were just wondering what happened last night were heard Ezra screaming and thought you were showing him how powerful your headlock was." Chop said earning another smack from Zeb. "ouch." Chop said rubbing his head. "no Ezra had a nightmare last night so i went to check on him." Sabine said rubbing her arm. "then what happened?" Hera asked still curious about this morning. "nothing Ezra told me what happened and i took him to my room and explained everyone gets nightmares and that art was my way to make the pain go away." Sabine told them. "So why were you 2 sleeping together?" Hera asked. "Ezra said he didnt want to be alone anymore so i let him stay the night." Sabine finished explaining. "how many more nights is that gonna happen." Kanan asked hiding the amusement in his voice from the teens. "as many as he needs until hes ok." Sabine said crossing her arms. Ezra at this point had gotten his hoodie and backpack and tried to sneak his way to the front door. Sabine caught him and said "HEY IM NOT SUFFERING ALONE!" she screamed at him trying to catch him. Ezra had made his way out the door and said. "sorry but your the one that wanted to talk to them." he said before shutting the door leaving Sabine stunned and the rest of the crew laughing. Sabine heard Ezra laughing too and she ran to the door with her jacket and backpack. " better run Bridger imma get you." she told him. the all saw the fear on the boys face as her tuned to run. "  GOOD LUCK EZRA!" they all shouted at him before Sabine ran at him shutting the door behind her.

as the rest of the crew left the house Sabine and Ezra were nowhere to be found they all decided to just walk the usual way to school they were sure they would run into them. Sabine wasnt an easy person to escape from. as they wade there way to the ally where they first met Ezra they heard screams. "OK SABINE I GIVE I GIVE." they all heard Ezra and laughed. "kid got further than i thought." Kanan said as they turned the corner. to there amusement Sabine had Ezra on his stomach as she sat on his back with his arm behind him. they all just stood there smiling while Kanan was recording the whole thing. Sabine let his arm go but before she got off him she kissed his cheek. she got him and helped him up laughing the whole time. 

as they all continued to to walk to school Zeb decided to break the silence. "so when are you 2 going out?" he asked them. Sabine and Ezra just stopped walking and looked at each other in shock. " w-what?" Sabine asked embarrassed.  "oh  cmon you 2 are perfect besides youve kissed him 3 times already and yall slept together last night." Hera told them stating the obvious they both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and kept walking with the others following behind laughing quietly. they both looked at each other and nodded. and boom they ran to the school leaving the others behind rolling on the ground laughing.

and boom another chapter done i think this is my best one yet see you next time. ~Ryder

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