Blood bonds

By DC_Nyle

273K 17.3K 27.3K

Vampires versus hunters. That's the classic thing. Coexistence between these two would be deemed impossible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Red Lotus part 1
Chapter 55: Red Lotus part 2
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 60.5
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81: Vampire history part 1
Chapter 82: Vampire history part 2/2
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Hunter's youth part 1
Chapter 97: Hunters' youth part 2 and 3
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123: Soulmates' past part 1
Chapter 124 Soulmates' past part 2
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: A hunter's past part 3
Chapter 135: A hunter's past part 4
Chapter 136: A hunter's past part 5
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Solise and Nara part 1
Chapter 165 Solise and Nara part 2
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180: The sister of Silver Wrath
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193

Chapter 85

1.2K 92 94
By DC_Nyle

The next day Siyeon woke up almost falling down from the couch. She usually slept in her bed with Minji, Yoohyeon and Bora since they were all staying at the vampires' place and they didn't have a spare room, but after what happened and what Siyeon and Yubin found out thanks to the book, the blonde vampire didn't want to risk it. She waited for everyone to fall asleep and went to sleep on the couch. She sat up, stroking her face with her hands and sighing.

She didn't have the best sleep because was still torn in one spot and her back hurt from the hard surface. She stood up and stretched out a little before laying down again, not feeling awake enough.

She was almost drifting off to sleep again when she was startled by someone walking downstairs not exactly in an elegant way. She raised her head to see Yoohyeon walking in the living room, looking around as if she was looking for something or someone.

"Yoohyeon?" she called in a soft tone, hoping not to startle her.

The silver haired girl jumped a little at hearing her voice, clutching her chest with a hand.

"H-hey, I didn't see you there" the girl awkwardly smiled.

"I know, that's why I tried not to startle you... tried and failed" the vampire whispered, listening to Yoohyeon's fast heartbeat.

"I just get scared easily... especially in the morning. I'm already surprised I didn't fall down the stairs" Yoohyeon replied, yawning.

"Yeah I've noticed you were a little... unstable, walking down the stairs" Siyeon tried to say with a little smile. "Do you... do you want to have breakfast together?" she dared to ask, looking down.

"Umm yeah... why not. I'll s-search for my socks another time" Yoohyeon said.

"Did you lose your socks?" Siyeon asked, standing up from the couch and walking towards her "I can help you find them"

"Yup I lost them" the hunter said, pointing at her bare feet. "They were pink ones... with a little brown puppy"

"How do you lose socks exactly?" Siyeon asked, walking around in the living room and looking for them.

"Me and Minji were on the couch yesterday and she said I had smelly feet, so I took them off and threw them somewhere to tease her but... I lost them" the silver haired girl shyly said.

"That's... so you" Siyeon said with a chuckle, noticing something pink on the ground. She picked it up and she showed it to Yoohyeon "One more to go"

"Oh... that was quick" Yoohyeon whispered, scratching her nape. This was really awkward. "Thank you... I hope we find the other one too... those were my favorite socks... the puppy on it is really cute"

"Now that I've found the first... finding the second won't be a problem" Siyeon awkwardly said, sniffing the sock from afar and then sniffing the air, starting to walk towards the table, bending down and coming back up with the other sock.

"That was... weird but oddly efficient" the silver haired girl whispered.

"Well... yeah that was really weird" Siyeon admitted, handong the socks to Yoohyeon "But you have your favourite socks back" she said with a little smile.

"Thank you, Siyeon! You must have a really good nose to separate smell from these and the room" Yoohyeon smiled, quickly covering her cold feet with the socks.

"I'm a vampire" Siyeon simply replied with a smile "So uhm... breakfast?"

"Yeah, breakfast. I'll make the coffees if you make me some eggs" Yoohyeon answered with a little smile.

"I can try" Siyeon replied, walking towards the kitchen and opening the fridge. "Bora has taught me to cook a couple of things... I asked her because I would like to cook for her, Gahyeon and Yubin sometime... and you"

"That's cool! How did it go so far?" Yoohyeon asked, taking 2 cups out of the cupboard.

"I've burnt almost everything... and Bora said I put too much salt in everything" Siyeon admitted, scratching her head. "But I'll get better at it"

"I suppose cooking without knowing or tasting the food would be pretty hard... at least I'm not the worst kitchen nightmare of the group anymore" Yoohyeon said with a little chuckle, wanting to take the coffee and accidentally hitting a cup on the ground.

"You are still the clumsiest though" Siyeon replied with a little smile, putting the eggs back on the counter and walking to Yoohyeon. "You break the eggs, I'll pick these up" she said, starting to pick up the pieces of the broken cup.

"No. You are cooking for me. That's what I asked" Yoohyeon smirked, taking another cup and letting the water boil.

"Alright" Siyeon whispered, dropping the broken cup in the trash can "But if the eggs taste bad... I've tried to warn you"

"See it as a test! You can brag about it to Bora afterwards. Oh and please put some white sugar on it afterwards" the hunter smiled, finishing the coffee and blood coffee.

"White sugar on eggs?" Siyeon asked confused, starting to cook the eggs in a pan.

"I always do that! It's nice and sweet!"

"Okay then" Siyeon smiled, waiting for the eggs to cook. "So uhm... c-can we talk, Yooh?"

"We are already talking, Siyeon" the taller girl smiled.

"I know... I meant can we talk about w-what happened the other day?" the vampire asked in a weak voice.

"I believe you" the silver haired girl simply said.

"W- What?" the blonde vampire asked, turning around to face Yoohyeon.

"I believe you when you say you have no idea what happened. You've always been so sweet to me so... it didn't fit"

Siyeon felt her eyes filled with tears, she sniffled a little and literally ran to hug Yoohyeon

"I was... so scared that you would hate me for what happened, that you would've been scared of me or thought that I was angry at you" Siyeon said, hugging her tightly.

"I was shocked because you didn't say the nicest things but... after I got some time to think... that just wasn't like you at all" the hunter replied softly.

"It wasn't me... it really wasn't me" Siyeon whispered and she literally meant those words. "I'm really sorry and I don't think anything of what I said"

"I know you didn't" Yoohyeon whispered, combing Siyeon's blonde hair before tapping her shoulder. "The eggs" she chuckled.

"The egg-... oh! The eggs!" Siyeon gasped, quickly turning around and walking to the pan, moving it and hoping that the eggs wouldn't stick to it.

"Cooking requires a lot of focus... believe me, you are not the only one struggling with that" Yoohyeon chuckled.

"I have focus... but I can't cook" Siyeon replied, looking at the eggs "I think they're ready" she said, even though it sounded more like a question.

"Let me taste eggs first before putting the sugar on it, that way I know it's good" the hunter chuckled.

Siyeon nodded, taking a little bit of eggs with the chopsticks and bringing it to Yoohyeon's mouth with a hopeful expression.

The hunter took it in her mouth and showed, smiling at the vampire. "This is actually really good!"

"Is it?" Siyeon squealed, walking to the pan and putting the eggs in a plate with a huge smile on her face. She put the white sugar on top of them and she brought the plate to the table, looking really proud.

"Yeah, you can definitely boast to Bora about this" Yoohyeon said, taking another egg and chewing... her face scrunching up due to the bad taste this time. "Okay, how did you just fuck these up?"

"W- What?" Siyeon asked, looking back and forth at the eggs and Yoohyeon. "What do you mean? You said they were good... I just added the white sugar"

"What sugar exactly? Is out badly out of date or something?" Yoohyeon asked, really suspicious.

"This one" Siyeon replied, standing up and walking to the counter to take the wooden contenitor and bringing it to Yoohyeon.

"Siyeon... no wonder your dishes always ended up too salty..." Yoohyeon laughed, pointing at the word at the bottom of the wood.

"Salt?" Siyeon mumbled, reading what Yoohyeon was pointing at "But... last time I used it..." she whispered, walking to the counter again and taking another contenitor that looked just like the other, but with the word 'sugar' on it. "But... Why are these two things identical!! The contenitors AND this white thing?" Siyeon sighed, dropping herself on the chair.

"They look the same but believe me... their taste is way different... I'm sorry Siyeon but... you ruined the eggs" Yoohyeon chuckled.

"Is it that bad? A little bit of salt can ruin perfect eggs?" Siyeon asked taking the salt contenitor and looking at it "How bad does this taste? Why do you humans use it?"

"It can make or break a dish. It's kind of a double edged sword. But it definitely doesn't belong on most dishes, except fries"

"I'm sorry" Siyeon sighed, standing up and taking the plate in her hands, trashing the eggs. "I'll make you new ones"

"You can if you want to, I'm already really happy you tried. Drink your coffee with me first and... maybe hug me again?" Yoohyeon said since she didn't really hug her for two days apart from just earlier.

Siyeon smiled, walking to Yoohyeon and opening her arms. "You hunters really love hugs huh? The three of you are really touchy" she chuckled.

"I won't speak for the others but... I need physical contact to feel at ease" Yoohyeon smiled.

"I don't usually admit that but... I do too" the vampire whispered, pulling Yoohyeon into a tight hug, kissing her cheek.

"So... are we... okay again?" Yoohyeon asked. "We will figure out whatever happened to you, if it is something I mean"

Siyeon debated about what to say, she wanted to wait because she was afraid Yoohyeon could be angry with her, but the hunter was anything but supportive.

"Me and Yubin... We might have found something" she whispered "We will tell everything soon, I promise"

"Okay, I trust you" Yoohyeon said, kissing Siyeon's temple. "And... I might have to tell you something too"

"What is it?" Siyeon asked, still not breaking the hug.

"I... might want to... b-become... like you" the hunter whispered.

"Like me?" Siyeon asked, sounding a little bit confused. "Why is everyone taking me as a role model? First Yubin and now-... Wait... like me? Like us?" Siyeon suddenly said, realising what Yoohyeon meant.

"Y-yes... I've been talking to... Minji about it" she admitted softly, not knowing how Siyeon would take it.

Siyeon waited to show any sign of reaction, pulling away from the hug and locking eyes with Yoohyeon.

"This is a huge decision, Yooh. It's not for life, it's for eternity. Are you sure?" She asked, not wanting to influence her in any way.

"I am... the matter of 'if' has disappeared... it's just a matter of 'when' now"

Siyeon was silent for a few seconds, looking in Yoohyeon's eyes, suddenly picking her up and starting to twirl around.

"I'm so happy" she squealed, stopping and putting Yoohyeon down, holding her up because she realized she spinned too fast. "You'll be part of our pack, of our family... like officially. We will basically have a sisterly bond!"

"I would love to have you as a sister! But... are there things I should know? Minji already told me about baby fangs and stuff" Yoohyeon smiled.

Siyeon widened her eyes and poked Yoohyeon's cheek.

"I had never tried to imagine you with baby fangs but oh my god you will be so cute! Not cute as Gahyeon though, but still cute!"

"Is there anything else important I should know?" The hunter whispered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"There are a few things, yes... I don't know what Minji told you already but... the change won't be easy, Yooh" Siyeon admitted. "Minji used to be out of home a lot, scouting the area and making sure that no one found out about us and I stayed home with Gahyeon most of the time... so I can tell you it won't be easy. Everyone thinks that the thirst is the most difficult part, but for Gahyeon it was the hearing"

"The super hearing? Why is that something difficult?" The tallest girl asked with a smile, tilting her head.

"Because now you can hear probably 10% of what a vampire hears. Right now you are hearing my voice and another couple of noises. I'm hearing you, your heartbeat, I'm hearing Bora breathing, Gahyeon snoring, Yubin turning around and Minji uncomfortably shifting because she's listening to us hoping that I won't hurt you in another rage attack" Siyeon whispered. "You will hear all of that at once and it will take time to learn to filter everything and choose what to hear and what to put in the background. It will drive you crazy at the beginning"

"I didn't even think about that... I can imagine that it would drive you crazy..." Yoohyeon pouted.

"It does... but when that is over, it's great. I can be here and make sure that everyone upstairs is fine. I can hear their breathing, their heartbeats and I can hear your silly girlfriend telling me that 'she wasn't listening' as if she didn't just confirm that by answering to what I said" Siyeon laughed.

"Minji, I really thought you were the brains of the group" Yoohyeon chuckled, knowing she could hear and winking at Siyeon.

"She said that she is and she just slipped" Siyeon chuckled "And in a while... I won't need to tell you because you will be able to hear that yourself" she vampire smiled.

"I'm just a bit scared of what... Bora and Yubin will think... mostly Bora" the silver haired girl admitted.

"Bora loves you to pieces, Yooh. She will support your decision, I'm sure of that. And so will Yubin" Siyeon reassured her. "They were supportive when you told them you were dating a vampire, right?"

"Dating a vampire is something completely different from becoming one, Siyeon" Yoohyeon said. "They will probably say it's too early since I'm not 'part of the pack' yet" Yoohyeon sighed.

"I can easily fix that" Siyeon replied with a smile.

"What do you-... oh... really?" The silver haired girl asked.

"Are you kidding?" Siyeon chuckled. "You just told me that you want to become a vampire and it surprises you that I'm willing to give you the tattoo?" She asked, really faintly, not wanting Minji to hear that.

"A little bit? I mean... you don't know me that long and you need to get the materials and stuff" Yoohyeon also faintly whispered, realizing why Siyeon did that.

"I have everything ready, Yooh" Siyeon replied with a smile "We can do it even now if you want to! And of course I accept you. You are Minji's mate and she loves you just like you love her... Gahyeon likes you and so do I"

"Of course I want to... in the beginning I felt weird about it because... my parents literally got killed by a vampire with that tattoo... but I got over that. I just... do you have a spot you recommend?"

"Uhm... I usually recommend a hidden place, like on your torso or something like that. But I can do it everywhere you want me to"

"On my torso? Where would that be?" Yoohyeon asked, thinking out loud.

"Like... here" Siyeon said, pointing at a rib on Yoohyeon's torso "That's pretty painful though"

"Let's keep that spot in mind" Yoohyeon smiled, thinking a bit. "What about the belly? Does it work somewhere there?"

"Gahyeon has it here, on her waist. Mine is here, on the side" Siyeon explained, lifting up her shirt and showing her. "Maybe here? Next to the belly button?"

"Oh my god, would that work? Would it hurt?" Yoohyeon asked, loving the idea.

"Uhm... no, definitely less painful than your rib" Siyeon reassured. "And I'm sure Minji will love the spot" she smiled.

"Let's do it there then! On the left of my belly button" Yoohyeon cheered, hugging Siyeon tightly.

"Do you want to do it now?" Siyeon chuckled.

"If you can do it here, of course! The sooner the better. I would love to surprise Minji"

"Let's do it then!" Siyeon cheered really faintly, shaking her fists in the air.

"So... how should we do this? Where?" Yoohyeon asked.

"I have a little studio, come with me" Siyeon replied with a smile. "Are you 100% sure you want it?"

"I am" the hunter nodded, taking the two empty cups and putting them in the sink, together with the plate.

"Come with me" Siyeon repeated with a smile, taking Yoohyeon's hand and walking to the studio. "Lay down"

Yoohyeon nodded, laying down on the little table and making herself comfortable.

"I'm actually a little nervous. I don't know how much this will hurt"

"It will hurt just a little" Siyeon reassured her with a smile "Lift your shirt so we can choose the exact spot"

The hunter did just that, tying a knot in it so it wouldn't fall down again.

"I think right here could be good?" She asked, rubbing the spot to the left of her belly button.

"Yes, that's perfect" Siyeon said, starting to prepare everything. "You know... I never would have guessed that this day would come... I was furious when I found out about you"

"I know you were... but I was really happy when you accepted me. That meant a lot for Minji's soulmate to accept me. I was sure we were going to become good friends" the taller woman smiled brightly, showing her teeth.

Siyeon chuckled, already imagining two little fangs peeking out under her upper lip.

"I decided that I would simply ignore you. All of you" Siyeon admitted "And look at me now... one is my girlfriend, one is my little protégée and the other one is here, waiting for me to officially bring her into the family" she said with a smile.

"Aww, I'm sure Minji is really proud of you, Siyeon. You know that she wants to see you happy, no matter what"

"She... I disappointed her" Siyeon whispered, looking down "I saw it in her face... she was really mad at me"

"She is not disappointed, Siyeon. Don't tell her I said this but... she's scared that something bad is happening to you. She's worried" Yoohyeon smiled.

"I know she is... and I'm scared of myself" Siyeon admitted. "I'm ready... can I start?"

"Of course you can start, just... warn me, please" Yoohyeon chuckled.

Siyeon stood up, taking a little plushie from a shelf and giving it to Yoohyeon.

"Here, you can squeeze it" Siyeon said with a smile. "I'm starting now" she warned her.

"Okay, tha-" Yoohyeon wanted to say when she flinched a little, immediately squeezing the bunny plushie.

"I will be careful" Siyeon said, focussing on the tattoo. "It won't take long"

"O-okay... this is about what I expected... from this" the silver haired girl gritted her teeth, flinching again.

"Squeeze the plushie tightly" Siyeon said, feeling a little bit bad. "Let's talk about something, so I can distract you a little"

"Okay, okay" Yoohyeon breathed heavily, trying to relax her body, squeezing the plusie really hard.

"Okay so... uhm... what do you want to talk about?" Siyeon asked, noticing that Yoohyeon was way too panicked to think about something. "Uhm...Do you want me to tell you something funny about Minji? Something that happened through the years?"

"Yes! T-that could be funny! Please do!" Yoohyeon replied with her best smile.

"Okay, let me think" Siyeon replied, thinking about something that she could tell Yoohyeon. "Did she tell you about the first time she tried to cook something?"

"It's Minji, do you think she would tell me something that would shame her a little bit?" The silver haired girl replied.

"True" Siyeon chuckled "Well... She decided she wanted to learn to cook and I couldn't understand why because Gahyeon wasn't with us yet, but I supported her anyway. She tried to cook some noodles, she prepared everything, cooked and she put everything on a plate. When everything was ready she looked at the plate and then she looked at me and she just said 'How do I know if it's good?'... Because she realized that none of us could actually taste it"

Yoohyeon couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Oh my god, that is so Minji! She sets her mind on something without realizing some simple things!" The hunter said, sounding a lot less panicked.

"I know right?" Siyeon chuckled, remembering that moment. "I laughed way too much. But it's not everything. When she realized that none of us could taste it, she sent me to a neighbor's house with this plate of noodles and I had to say that it was a welcome present, since they just moved. When I asked her what was the point, because of course they wouldn't tell us that the dish was horrible she replied 'I want to see if they're both alive tomorrow' "

"She's a smart one" Yoohyeon laughed as Siyeon kept her body still because she was laughing a bit too hard. "I can just see her say that in her usual tone"

"She's something else" Siyeon replied, nodding her head. "And one day she jumped down from the window, because it was on our back garden and she didn't notice that our neighbor was there because his dog jumped the fence and she had to hold on to a branch super quickly because she was literally landing ON our neighbor"

"Oh god, luckily she reacted quickly or she would've been arrested for attempted murder" the hunter chuckled.

"Okay last one or she will kill me. She decided... That she wanted a squirrel" Siyeon said, sticking her tongue out for a second, focusing on the tattoo "So she spent a couple of nights in the park, trying to catch a squirrel and of course she didn't catch any and she came home really really upset, saying that it wasn't fair because the squirrels were too 'tiny' and she was too 'big', so it was easier for them to escape in the branches"

"She is the cutest! And didn't we all want a squirrel at some point in our lives?" The taller woman asked, laughing.

"They're too cute for me. I wanted a wolf" Siyeon chuckled. "And... I'm almost done!"

"Already?! Great!" Yoohyeon cheered. "Remind me to hit Minji later when she gets her lazy ass out of bed by the way"

"Hit her why?" Siyeon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I almost lost my favorite puppy socks because of her comment!" The girl pouted, looking way too cute.

"Yooh... How do you think I found them?" Siyeon asked.

"With your super wolf nose?" The silver haired girl stated.

"Yeah but... I'm pretty sure a human could find them in the same way" the vampire laughed.

"What do you-... Hey! That's not true, I didn't find them" Yoohyeon defended herself.

"Because you didn't want to admit that Minji was right!"

"Minji wasn't right! I don't have smelly feet!" The girl whined.

"I don't know about your feet, but the socks were pretty smelly" Siyeon chuckled. "I can understand they are your favorite but you should wash them more often" the vampire laughed.

"I wash them every day! Don't insult my puppy socks mean wolf!"

"This mean wolf is giving you a tattoo, don't forget that, it's not a nice moment to mock me" Siyeon chuckled.

"Fine! Don't insult my puppy socks, nice wolf" Yoohyeon repeated.

"Okay okay" Siyeon chuckled, putting down the tattoo machine and standing up. "Okay, the tattoo is done! There is only one step missing"

"And that is?" Yoohyeon curiously asked.

"The healing part. Are you okay if I do that? It will heal a lot faster" Siyeon asked.

"Of course that is okay! I want to surprise Minji so I can't really ask her"

"Did Bora tell you that she caught me kissing Handong's boobs?" Siyeon suddenly asked as she bent down to kiss Yoohyeon's belly.

"Oh yeah she did. She told me like this 'I met Handong today, she has nice boobs, my girlfriend was kissing them' " Yoohyeon laughed.

"Oh my god, that was exactly how she would say that" Siyeon laughed, kissing every spot of Yoohyeon's tattoo.

"How long does it take till this is fully ready?" Yoohyeon asked.

"Just a few hours" the vampire replied with a smile, giving one last kiss before covering the tattoo and pulling down Yoohyeon's shirt. She helped the girl to sit down and she pulled her into a tight hug.

"Welcome to the family, Yooh" she whispered, kissing the girl's cheek.

"Thank you so much! I can't wait to show it off! And I hope Bora and Bin will get one soon too, that way we are all official"

"They both told me they want to have it" Siyeon replied with a smile. "Yooh... do you think... Bora and Yubin will accept to become vampires too? If everything stays the same I mean... if it turns out they are mine and Gahyeon's mates" she asked in a little voice.

"I don't know that, Siyeon. Bora is my closest friend for example but on this matter I really can't predict what she will do" Yoohyeon responded, remembering how against the idea Bora was in the beginning.

Siyeon nodded her head, looking a little bit sad.

"And Yubin?" she asked, knowing that Gahyeon was head over heels for the blue haired girl.

"I never talked to her about it. I think you should ask your sister about that, Yubin is with her all the time... definitely after... that" the hunter smiled.

Siyeon nodded again

"Well it's too soon to think about that now" Siyeon said with a little smile.

"I think they need to become a little more accustomed to everything first" the silver haired girl smiled, standing up.

"Yeah, I know. For now... I'll think about their tattoos" she said with a smile, patting Yoohyeon's shoulder.


After a few more minutes spent by chatting with each other, both girls walked back in the kitchen and Siyeon tried again to cook some eggs for Yoohyeon. This time the silver haired girl helped her and the dish came out pretty good. While they were both sitting down at the table, Siyeon heard someone coming downstairs and knowing who it was she stood up and put her cup of blood in the sink, ready to leave because she was sure Minji didn't want to see her or talk to her.

"Are you leaving?" The hunter asked, tilting her head a little bit, finding it pretty sudden.

"Yeah, I have a couple-" Siyeon was saying, walking to the door, when she almost bumped into Minji "of things to do" she whispered, cursing herself for not being able to leave the kitchen before she walked in.

"Good morning" Minji said and Yoohyeon quickly connected the dots.

"Siyeon... sit down please" Yoohyeon sighed.

"I don't think I should, Yooh. It's fine... I'll talk with you later" Siyeon said with a smile, walking past Minji, not daring to look at her.

"Good morning, Pup" Minji repeated, closing the door behind her.

"Babe... Why didn't you stop her?" Yoohyeon whispered, standing up and walking to her girlfriend "She left because she thinks you don't want to talk to her"

"It's not because I understand it probably wasn't Siyeon, that I forgot what came out of her mouth" the vampire replied "And I said good morning three times already now"

"Good morning" Yoohyeon said with a sigh, dropping herself back on the chair. "We talked... she was really sorry, babe... and she said she didn't mean anything of what she said that day. After the mission with Gahyeon and Bora you should talk to her..."

"I heard you were talking, until you suddenly got quiet and didn't want me to hear. I'm happy you two made up though" the vampire said, taking some blood.

"Yeah, we talked about something we really didn't want you to hear... and it's unfair that you listened to our conversation" Yoohyeon said, crossing her arms on her chest.

"I needed to make sure you were safe. And what secret stuff could I not hear?" The vampire whispered, walking to sit on Yoohyeon's lap.

"Well, if we didn't want to let you know... why should I tell you now?" Yoohyeon asked, trying to sound serious because she wanted to see Minji's reaction.

"Because otherwise I will make you tell me with certain techniques"

"Will you? How?" Yoohyeon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe like this?" The vampire asked, pouting and showing her best puppy eyes.

"Uhm... nah, that's not going to work. The thing we talked about is way too secret" Yoohyeon said, shaking her head again, sounding determined.

"Then... like this?" Minji smiled, pecking the hunter's lips a few times.

"Uhm... it's still a no" Yoohyeon chuckled, shaking her head.

"Then maybe I'll steal your socks and hide them somewhere"

"You wouldn't dare" Yoohyeon threatened, pointing her finger at Minji.

"Oh really?" The vampire smirked, standing up from Yoohyeon's lap, bending down and grabbing her leg. "Challenge accepted"

"No no no! Hey! I'll tell you!" Yoohyeon pouted, trying to free her leg.

"Too late" Minji said, pulling her socks off and putting them in her pocket. "Now you can tell me"

"I want my socks back first or I won't talk!" Yoohyeon said, standing up from the chair and holding her hand out.

"If you don't talk you won't get them back and everyone will smell those" the vampire countered, pointing at the taller girl's feet.

"They are not smelly!" Yoohyeon protested, pouting. "Alright, turn around!"

"If this is some kind of childish trick to get your sock backs, I swear..." Minji chuckled, turning around.

Yoohyeon quickly lifted her shirt and removed the little bandage on the tattoo. She took a deep breath and patted Minji's shoulder.

"You can turn around"

The vampire turned around again and saw Yoohyeon lifting her shirt.

"Are you lifti-..." she wanted to joke when she noticed the tattoo. "Oh my god!" She yelled, hugging Yoohyeon close and bending down to kiss the spot.

"It's official now" Yoohyeon chuckled, caressing Minji's head and looking down. "You like the spot?"

"I love it! I can touch it while caressing your belly" Minji smiled, letting her hand wander over the skin.

"That's what I thought when Siyeon suggested this spot. You used to do that a lot when we are in bed, mostly in the morning" the hunter smiled.

"Not my fault you have the perfect soft belly to rub" the vampire chuckled.

"Come here" Yoohyeon chuckled, cupping Minji's face and pecking her lips a couple of times. "I also told Siyeon about... the big thing"

"The big thing?" Minji smirked, putting a hand on her butt. "This?"

"That's not big!" Yoohyeon protested "And no... about me becoming a vampire" she whispered faintly.

"Oh" the oldest woman whispered, looking a bit worried. "How did... she react?"

"She asked me if I was sure and when I said I was... she picked me up and started spinning around" Yoohyeon chuckled.

"So she took it well? That's... a relief" Minji let out a sigh of relief. "But... it was a risk to tell her on your own".

"She looked relaxed and comfortable... she cooked eggs for me and we talked and laughed" Yoohyeon explained "I trusted that she wouldn't hurt me"

"That's good. It's important for her that you trust her" Minji smiled, nodding her head.

"I do... I was just a little bit scared last time because she was always nice to me... and when she said those things I couldn't understand what was happening. But I trust her if she says that somehow it wasn't her. Also... she said that her and Bin might have found something and they will tell us soon"

"That's great! I wonder what it is and also why they can't tell us now"

"I don't know... but I trust both of them" Yoohyeon said with a little smile "Maybe they want to be sure about what they found out before telling us?"

"I guess so, anyway... you're part of the family" Minji almost yelled, hugging her again.

"I am" Yoohyeon chuckled, melting into the hug. "It was actually a huge step for me since the vampire who... killed my parents had... basically the same tattoo. Even if this one is a little different"

"It's Singnie's variation of it. And I'm so sorry it has that bad memory with you" Minji pouted.

"This one will bring only good memories" Yoohyeon replied with a smile, caressing her girlfriend's cheek "The past doesn't matter... and I know your story, so I know that this tattoo doesn't have the same meaning as... the one he had"

"Come here you" Minji smiled, pulling her in for a kiss when the door to the kitchen opened.

"Oh... sorry!" Bora said, looking at the couple "Am I interrupting something?" she chuckled.

"Good morning, Bora" Minji smiled, pulling back, "of course not, come in"

"Thank you" Bora said, entering the room and sitting down in front of a plate with eggs. "Did Yooh try cooking again? Something smells in here" she said, scrunching up her nose.

"I... You just decided to join forces against me when you were upstairs, didn't you?" Yoohyeon pouted, pushing Minji back a little.

"Huh? Join forces? We just cuddled a little and then Minji came down" Bora asked, confused. "So did you try cooking again cause it's awful"

"I didn't! Your girlfriend did though. She cooked perfect eggs... and then she ruined them with a lot of salt" Yoohyeon said, trying to ignore the comment.

"Aww, I'm really proud of my wolf! I assume she used rotten eggs then the first time? It smells like that in here" Bora commented and Minji bursted out laughing.

Yoohyeon just hit Minji's arm, looking really mad.

"Stop laughing! I just did something really meaningful for you and that's how you thank me?"

"Pup, you know I find it amazing that you did that and I love you 10 times more but... Bora saying your feet smell like rotten eggs is too much" the vampire defended herself.

"Oh! That's what it was!!" Bora said, looking at Yoohyeon "I knew it smelled familiar" she laughed.

"Why are you bullying me! There is nothing wrong with them! Your noses are wrong!" The hunter pouted.

"I don't think so! She has a super nose, but I don't... and I can still smell those" Bora laughed again. "Moving on... what meaningful thing did you do?" she asked curiously.

"Come on, pup, show her" the vampire proudly smiled, patting Yoohyeon's butt so she would stand up.

Yoohyeon stood up and walked to Bora with a huge smile.

"Alright, don't freak out!" she chuckled nervously as she lifted her shirt.

"Oh my god! You did it?!" Bora asked, carefully touching the skin. "It's beautiful but... I wanted to be first!" The small woman protested.

"Well, the first human was Handong so... I guess you will be the third. If Yubin doesn't do it before you" Yoohyeon teased with a little smirk.

"Shut up or I'll go get my wolf right now and ask her to put the clan tattoo on me and-" Bora started, turning Yoohyeon around and putting her hands on her butt "Tattooing 'big butt' right here"

"You two are the worst!" Yoohyeon protested, slapping Bora's hands "You always bully me! I will tell Siyeon not to put that tattoo on you!"

"You think you have more convincing power over her than me?" Bora smirked "and she will run away from you if her nose works" she added.

"Minji... my socks!" Yoohyeon said, holding her hand out right in front of Minji's pocket.

"We basically made a rule that Yoohyeon wasn't allowed to walk around barefoot at our place" Bora told Minji who chuckled.

"Sounds like a good rule" the vampire nodded her head, turning to Yoohyeon. "And I said steal AND hide them"

"Wanna play tough?" Yoohyeon asked, making a step forward and pushing Minji a little bit back with a finger on her chest. "Let's play tough! No sex for a week!"

"Okay" the vampire simply replied, knowing that was more difficult for Yoohyeon than for her.

"Perfect!" Yoohyeon just said, sounding really firm. "And no kisses" she added, opening the kitchen door and waving her hand.

"Fine" the vampire smiled, waving at her girlfriend.

As soon as Yoohyeon left the kitchen Bora shook her head.

"Did you really just trade one week of sex for socks?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "She kept that promise with me in the past... for three weeks."

"There are just two more people that have to smell her so she can finally admit it" Minji smirked. "And I'm a vampire, a week is nothing. She is the one who wanted to have car sex and stuff"

"You don't know what you just put yourself into" Bora chuckled, shaking her head "She becomes REALLY competitive in these kinds of situations and she will tease the hell out of you. She will lead you on just to leave you with nothing"

"Sounds exciting" the vampire smirked, biting her lip. "What did you do to deserve that fate in the past anyway?"

"I can't even remember. But it was a week of punishment and then since I didn't give up it became two and then three" Bora pouted. "And I thought it was exciting as well... but you will change your mind... when you will have to finish alone what she starts" Bora said with a little pout.

"I bet it frustrates her as well though, right? I mean after those 3 weeks... I imagine it was fireworks?"

"I won't say anything but one thing... She will win this battle, Minji" Bora chuckled, standing up from the chair and patting the vampire's shoulder "Good luck!"

"Thank you?" Minji asked, suddenly not so sure about this anymore. She suddenly realized what she did. She basically tortured herself with an awful smell this week and no sex.

"I can see the regret in your eyes" Bora laughed. "No sex and no kisses for a week... that's going to be tough since you are always all over each other"

"Shut up and go suck your wolf's face" Minji joked and as soon as Bora left the kitchen she sighed. "Good job, Minji"

Thank you all for reading, feel free to leave your thoughts below, much love ♥
Again no QOTD sorry

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