The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcis...

By _Ruh-Roh_

120K 4.4K 2.6K

No description. This is just for me cause I had a dream of my blue exorcist oc crossing over to hunterxhunter... More

Chapter 1 - The f*ck am I?
Chapter 2- Test x of x what?
Chapter 3- Rivals x in x survival
Chapter 4- Hope x and a x new friend
Chapter 5- What x the hell x happened?
Chapter 6- A x Surprising x challenge
Chapter 7- Showdown x on x the blimp
Chapter 8- What's x a x Majority rule?
Chapter 9- Beware x of x prisoners
Chapter 10- The trick x to x the trick?
Chapter 12- Now x we x wait
Chapter 13- Final x Test of x Resolve
Chapter 14- Hit x the x target
For those who are confused.
Chapter 15- A x week of x waiting
Chapter 16- Can't win x and x can't lose
Chapter 17- Baffling turn x of x events
Chapter 18- Some x brother x trouble
Chapter 19- What x dangerous x watchdog?
Chapter 20- The x guard's x duty
Chapter 21- The x Zoldyck x family
Chapter 22- Can't see x if you're blind? x No shit-!
Chapter 23- Heavens x Arena? x Cool!
Chapter 24- Nen x and x Nen
N. E. w S.
Chapter 25- Awakening x and x potential
Chapter 26- Fierce x and x ferocious

Chapter 11- Trouble x with x uno

3.6K 176 80
By _Ruh-Roh_

(Note: I wanted to quickly let you all know that I'm writing this story on my phone. That explains why words are placed in places they don't belong, autocorrect, so please point out my mistakes so I can go back and fix it. Thank you.)

Third POV

In the six-on-six battle with the prisoners, Michael and her friends lead two-to-one. They're two wins away from victory. Round four is a series of bets with time as the currency. What will they bet on next?

Michael's POV


"Well? Let's hear it. What's the next wager gonna be, huh? Or did you lose your nerve when I saw through your little scam?" Leorio questioned smugly.

The female prisoner's handcuffs unhooked and fell onto the floor with a 'clank'.

"Vey well." She said, taking off the brown cloth covering her upper body, revealing a beautiful-pink, puffy, haired girl.

"What a pervert. I can hear his heartbeat from here." Killua stated.

"I don't like where this is headed." Kurapika admits, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

"Whah! You look so pretty!" I complimented the other female in the room, earning a small smile and wave from the complimented.

"All right. What do you say we place bets on whether I'm a man or a woman?" She asks.

It's funny saying them together. Man. Wo-man.


"Skip. +4."


"What's the matter? That isn't a problem, is it?"

"Uh, no!" Leorio stuttered. "Fine, I accept. But what if I bet you're a man? How exactly are you gonna prove your not?"

"Leorio, no. Don't you dare cross that line." I said, looking at him wide eyed, after grabbing two cards from the uno deck.

"Oh, right! I promise to let you examine every square inch of my body. Now, will that satisfy you?"

I can practically feel his eyes undressing her, making me shiver in displeasure. I'm a perv too, but not even Shima and I go there. We have respect for our female species. And yes, we drink our respect-women juice.

"He's already chosen. He'll bet she's a man." "Yeah." Both Killua and I agreed with Kurapika.

"Huh? Why?" Gon questioned, clearly confused.

"He's a bigger perv than me, Gon. That's why. 1-yellow." I answered him, placing the said card down.

"What/Pardon?" The three males questioned, turning in my direction, surprised at the new information, a small blush coating their faces.

"I've made up my mind, and I'll wager 10 hours that you're actually a man!" Leorio announced.

"Leorio, no!" "Reveal the answer!" He ordered. "That's too bad. I'm really a woman." She admits.

I heard Leorio squeal a bit, but then covered it up with a question, "Oh, you are, huh?"

"Well.. wanna check for yourself?" "Well, don't mind if I do! I mean, just to be fair of course." Leorio eagerly said.

"Leorio, NO!" I shouted after placing a +4 down, changing it to blue.

There was a loud 'beep'ing sound coming from the screen, showing 90 to 10 on the screen, us being the lower.

"It is physically painful to watch this." Kurapika said, ashamed of being the same gender as him.

"He's gonna lose. No question. She can already see right through his strategy. He's betting safe. It's obvious. Hedging his bets to minimize the damage. He's the kind of gambler who tries to avoid losing instead of trying to win. That kind of betting never takes home the prize. Sorry to say it, boys and girl, but Leorio just doesn't have what it takes." Mr.Tompa spoke. Whoah! He's still here?

"Hey, miss! I'm sorry for him assaulting you! I promise to kick him where the sun don't shine for you!" I yelled, after running to the edge.

"Aww, how sweet of you. Thank you, but that won't be necessary, sweetie." She thanked but declined.

"Oh.. I'm still gonna do it anyway! He shouldn't have laid his cRuStY aSs HaNdS on you!" I decided, earning agreeing nods from Killua and Kurapika.

"Your turn to pick what we bet on next. So what do you wanna wager?" She asked, this made Leorio snap out of his little trance, making him refocus.

I then walked back to where I was sitting with Nee, continuing to play our long-ongoing round of uno.

"Leorio has no room for error. Losing the next bet would tie the score up at two-two, and then we lose 50 hours. Leaving very little time to clear the tower." Kurapika analyzed.

"Nee. Nee. Nee. Nee. Nee. Nee. Nee!"

"What? How did you get all those? Did you save them?" I questioned, shocked. He reversed three times, skipped me two times, then +4'ed me, calling uno at the end.

"Aww, I guess you win.. is what I would've said! Ah-Hah! +4, I choose you!" I slammed the card on the pile.

"Nee!" He groaned in frustration.

"All right! I know what where betting on." Leorio announced, scaring me. "Let's bet on who'll win rock-paper-scissors!"

"Is he serious? Why did he have to pick such a difficult wager?" Kurapika questioned. "Wait, what's so hard about rock-paper-scissors?" Gon questioned.

"Fine. I've got 80 hours that say I'll win, okay?" She said. "Did-.. Did you just say 80?" Leorio was stunned.








"That's not a problem, is it? I'm free to bet however much I want." She states. "I guess there's no rule against it."

"Perfect. And if you lose, I can only take 10 from you, since that's all you have left, so don't worry."

"While the rules of rock-paper-scissors are simple, the game itself can be incredibly complex." Kurapika then went on to explain to Gon on the different out-comes.


"Skip. 3-yellow."

"In short, this is a game of wits, and Leorio is pretty lacking in that department." Killua explained in an easier way for us small minds to understand.

"Oh, I see." Gon said.


"Okay, I'm ready!"

"I can already tell what you're going to use. I'm something of a mind reader, you see." She giggled, trying to make him lose his cool.

"That is a lie. You can bluff all you want, but it'll take a lot more than that to scare me." "You'll believe it soon!" She said. I can actually hear her smirking.

"Leorio will use rock." "What?" Gon questioned Kurapika.




The girl then started counting down, surprising Leorio, then they revealed their choice, both picking rock.

"You were right. Good guess, Kurapika!"

"Leorio was nervous, leading him to avoid any actions that involved opening up. She's good. She's doing everything she can to make him uncomfortable and less likely to use paper." Kurapika finished.

"So she sticks to rock, ensuring either a win or draw." Killua elaborates.


"Like I said, rock-paper-scissors is actually a mind game." Kurapika spoke again.

I blocked everything, other than Nee and our game, out, seeing that the Greenman had 4 cards left.






"Nee. Ne-"

"Uno!" I called before he did, making him grab four cards.

"Ha ha. And-a +4."








"Uno!" I called, making him, again, grab four cards. Then I realized.. I ran out of '+'es.. so now I have to get.. 22.. cards..

The sound of a girl cheering brought me back, making both Nee and I to look. It was the female prisoner, she was cheering for herself, winning the game of rock-paper-scissors.

Wait.. Then that means.. I looked to the screen, the numbers that once were 90 to 10, were now 100 to 0.. with us being none zero.

"Sorry. I thought I was a rock-paper-scissors pro." Leorio admits, clearly upset about the loss, as he walks to us. "Pretty pathetic showing." Mr.Tompa scoffs.


"What did you say? Tch. Yeah, I guess I can't argue with you there." Leorio sighed.

"So the final round is upon us." "I guess that means I'm up." Killua offered after Kurapika spoke.

"Huh? Wait, Killua?!" Leorio yelped, shocked. "What does that mean?" The said male questioned, confused as to why he reacted that way.

"Damn, this sucks! I really needed to win my round. It's all my fault!"

"Gon, your buddy here is pissing me off!" Killua hissed. "Take it easy." The said male whispered, sweat dropping at his angry friend.



"Don't throw in the towel. We don't even know what the next contest is yet. But if it's like doing math in your head, I'm totally surrendering." Killua said, embarrassed.

"Hey, you're right! If the next opponent's a weakling, we still might have a chance!" Leorio said with hope.


The sound of rumble was heard from the other side, so naturally we turned to look, and saw a man breaking the wall, with one hand, as he walked to the narrow walkway. His arms had veins popping out and that shit don't look right.

He then removed the cloth covering his upper body, revealing a tall-emotionless-blonde guy. Oh, he has a mustache too.

"It's that guy." Leorio gasped. "You know him?" Gon questioned. "We should just take the loss. Killua, you can't fight this guy!"

"Why not?" The said male asked. "Johness the dissector, the worst mass murderer in Zinban's history."



"He chose his victims at random. It was all over the news. 146 people, men, women, young, old, all slaughtered. Each of the victims had one thing in common."


"He murdered every single one of them with his bare hands. His grip was infamous. The raw power in his fingers alone, it was in real." Oh, how to not have a ears or a dirty mind.

"It's been ages since I last touched human flesh." The said male spoke from across the room.

"He's a complete psychopath. You don't have to fight him. There's always next year, right?" Leorio said nervously.


The sounds of someone's shoes tapping as they walked way was heard, then Leorio's shouts.

"Hey! Killua! Killua!" Oh, so it was Killua who walked away. "What the hell? Wasn't he listening to a word I just said?"

"Let him go, Leorio. He might have a plan we don't know about." Kurapika defended.



"I hate you."

Third POV

The sound of the narrow walk way retreating into the wall was heard for a brief moment then Killua spoke after it stopped.

"How do you wanna do this?"

"Do this? You have the wrong idea. See, you're about to be on the wrong side of a one-sided massacre. I don't care about the exam or reducing my sentence. All I want is to hear you scream." Johness told Killua.

"Really? Fine. We'll just keep fighting until one of us dies." Killua concluded.

"That's right, a battle to the death. Soon I'll tear your body apart with just my bare hands, you got it?"

Then all of a sudden, everyone gasped in pure shock, minus the Nee and Michael who were to engrossed in their game.

Johness stood there gasping, stunned, with a hole right where his heart should be.

"What.. happened? Why.. am I so cold?" He questioned turning to look behind him, his hand clutching his chest.

Killua turned to face the tall blonde killer, holding a bloodied cloth containing a beating heart.

"That's mine... It belongs to me."
The heart then slowly began to stop. "Give it back. Give it to me." He ordered, slowly approaching the small assassin.

The heart slowly stopping until it eventually stops. The tall serial kill fell lifeless in front of the boy, his arm outstretched.

Killua placed the stopped heart in his lifeless hand, giving it to him just like he had asked then the sound of a point was given to them.

"So that's three wins for us. We move on right?" Killua asked.

"Well, no. There's still one more round prisoner that still needs to fight." The ex-military prisoner said, making Killua and his group gasp, realizing that all of them have to go once. Key word: 'all'.

The group then turned to look at the focused/frustrated girl sitting on the ground, in front of her small friend, playing a game they've never seen before.

Feeling eyes on her, she turned and saw everyone facing her. She then looked behind her, wondering what they were looking at but found nothing, then looked back at them, confused.

"Uh.. Hi?"


"Fucken- Come on!" She yelled after Nee called uno.

Michael's POV

"You're still playing?!" Leorio questioned.

"Yeah. The game ends if one of us has no cards left or gives up. So, until then, the game won't stop. +4." I explained, then placed down the said card.

"Excuse me, Michael?" Kurapika called me. "Hmm?" I glanced at him from my cards. "It's your turn." Killua bluntly said.

"What/Nee?!" Nee and I yelled, quickly looking towards our group, our bodies slightly moving.

"They said that all of us had to go in order for us to continue." Gon explained.

"But-But you guys got three points. That's-That's an odd number so it works! Why do I need to go?" I asked frantically.

"They said that this round is like a free taker. So, if the prisoners wins, then we fail the exam and will need to retake it next year, taking 72 hours from their sentences. But if you win, then they'll give back 25 minutes of our time that they took." Kurapika explained, crouching in front of me.

"Geez, no pressure." I mumbled, looking down at my cards and placed a 5-yellow down.

"I kinda don't want her to go if I'm being honest." Leorio spoke.
"Same here." Killua agreed.

"Why?" Mr.Tompa questioned.

"'Cause ever since the day we met, I've viewed her as a little sister that I never had. And with that, brotherly instincts started appearing and all of them are telling me not to let her go." Leorio explained.

"Creepy." "Will you just shut it?!" Leorio yelled at Mr.Tompa.


"Yeah, but-" I was cut off.

"Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee!"

"Okay, that was uncalled for!"

"Nee? Nee."

"Hmm. I guess you're right." I sighed, getting up with the help of Kurapika. Nee admitted defeat so that we could move on.

"I'm gonna do it!" I said with way more courage than I have, still holding Kurapika's hand from him helping me up, and not wanting my new friends to fail because of me.

"Are you serious? But, you could get seriously hurt or worse!" Leorio protest.

"If I could fight a demon then I could definitely beat a prisoner." I responded walking to the edge, letting go of Kurapika's hand.

"But first I'm gonna have to get across this deadly thing." I growled.

"Here, let me help you." Gon offered. "Oh, thank you." I said in relief as I hugged his arm, walking, as him taking the lead.

The narrow walkway disappeared once the prisoner and I were on the platform and Gon was back with our group.

The prisoner's hands were still cuffed and his upper body was covered by a brown cloth. The top of his head had something pointing up, almost as if it was a horn, his ear area was pointed and his nails black and sharp.

"Unlock his cuffs." One of the prisoners said.

The cuffs unlocked and fell with a 'clank!'. The tall prisoner in front of me began to rub his wrists, massaging them. He then let out a low chuckle, making my eyes widened.

The tall prisoner then swiftly removed the brown cloth, making everything go in slow motion, revealing a demon I wouldn't've dreamt of meeting again.

He has a spike of hair which is lightly colored compared to the rest of his dark green hair and has long claw-like black fingernails. He's wearing a jacket that has cross bones as buttons, green arm warmers, a black and pink short sleeved shirt (same colour as his spike) under his jacket, with rips at the ends.

The demon who appears to be calm and collected but holds power in a very high regard, very brash and, overall, quite carefree.



"Hello, Michael."

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