Blood Bond / VKOOK

By RoroBaka

1M 58.2K 47.5K

It all started because of an innocent mistake, It was his fault , not mine. It's all because of him ! Because... More

Prologue • rules
Chapter 1 • Half - Vampire
Chapter 2 • Vampire blood
Chapter 3 • Dangerous Mistake
Chapter 4 • Blood Bond
Chapter 5 • Cherry Blossom Book
Chapter 6 • Last Time
Chapter 7 • 10 Seconds
Chapter 8 • The beginning
Chapter 9 • Help
Chapter 10 • A Legion
Chapter 11 • Matriarch's care
Chapter 12 • A thirsty day
Chapter 13 • A Promise
Chapter 14 • One goal at a time
Chapter 15 • Desire
Chapter 16 • Dumb and Dumber
Chapter 17 • The Witch
Chapter 18 • The Plan
Chapter 19 • Napiyong
Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self
Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home
Chapter 22 • Uncontrollably Confused
Chapter 23 • 6 Months
~ Tagged ~
Chapter 24 • Two Opposite Sides
Chapter 25 • White Eyes
Chapter 26 • How to be a Demon
Chapter 27 • The Reason
Chapter 28 • A Place To Hide
Chapter 29 • Demon's Death
Chapter 30 • Hurtful Past
Chapter 31 • Tonight
Chapter 32 • Scared from 'it'
Chapter 33 • A Soft Desire
Chapter 34 • Confession
Chapter 35 • Dim Feelings
Chapter 36 • Farewell
Chapter 37 • Vampire meets Demon
Chapter 38 • Change of Plans
Chapter 39 • Jeon Jun
Chapter 40 • Mysterious House
Chapter 42 • Black Blood
Chapter 43 • Judgement
Chapter 44 • Euphoria
Chapter 45 • The One
Chapter 46 • One Legion To Save
Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape
Chapter 48 • Another Goodbye
Chapter 49 • Grandma's Threat
Chapter 50 • No Fear
Chapter 51 • End of Depression
Is it really the end???

Chapter 41 • Fairies' Powder

11.6K 747 369
By RoroBaka

Edited by me!! I even changed his mouth!! it was fun to make it ^-^

I JUST WANT TO SAY!!! Mamamoo is my most favorite girls group. I know they play the 'bad guys' in this plot, but it's only cuz they are so powerful even in real life c: 

⬇️ You should read ⬇️

Also, if you remember, when Hoseok was in the main elves' village. So the grandma who took care of Sana. She said, the Fairies did 'this' to her. (for now, you only know that because of the fairies it changed her hair color to pink. later you'll know the effect). And then the grandma said, that in this war each species think about their own survival. So if you think about the Fairies' side, you'll understand that they just try to survive. 

Just wanted you guys to look at others' perspective and not just on Bangtan's brood. it's important! c:


Suho was getting troubled by the palace. How they treated Vampires...

Jeongguk did a tattoo👀, which will be revealed later with explanations and details c:

Taehyung was having another nightmare but ended up remembering where he saw this house and he went after it.

Hoseok ran to Namjoon to announce to him about Taehyung's dismissal. They and Jin patrolled all around the area.

Taehyung met Jeon Jihun, which is Jeon Jun's older brother. And he asked him to help him.

Jeongguk met the fairies, Mamamoo, which suggested him get rid of his Vampire's side.


words: 4521


Chapter 41 • Fairies' Powder

Suho, Baekhyun, Kai and Chen entered the big hall, noticed the gathering in the middle of the room. They walked closer tried to catch up with the subject.

"We can make you a full demon Jeongguk" Wheein said, tried to make him realize how astounding it is. "do you want it?"

"Of course he wants it!" Jeon Jun suddenly spoke with a big sly smile on his face. He spread his arms to the sides just to show his presence behind his young son. "We're going to kill all Vampires in this world, there's no way my son will stay a Vampire" he smirked and looked at Jeongguk's frozen figure, "right son?"

Jeongguk now looked at his father. Can he really disagree with this idea? if he disobeys then his father will suspect him. He can't expose himself now, he gotta stay hidden in this palace till the big war.

If he agrees now then... he won't be a Vampire anymore...

He immediately thought about his brood, Namjoon his Count, and the five members.

Taehyung... will Taehyung forgive him?

Jeongguk clenched his fists tightly while mixed feelings filled his body and mind.

He bit his lower lip before answering. "ahh... to be honest, I'm surprised you got this kind of power" he changed his expression to a calm one, tried to hide his panic from them.  "isn't it like a God's power?" he made eye contact with the blonde fairy.

She giggled sweetly which sounded like a song in their ears. "Well... we also got limits, so it isn't a Godlike"

Jeongguk nodded, actually got impressed by this kind of powder that can make him a full demon. How is it even possible?

"Very impressive I must admit..."

"It is" Jeon Jun spoke up, "we should start with the progress" he decided for the younger, which made him stressed a little.

"Wait wait-" all eyes were on him. Also Suho's eyes opened widely, feared Jeongguk will expose himself and refuse to it. He didn't mind if Jeongguk will lose his Vampire-side, he only cared about their plan. Nothing should hamper them in the way, especially not a weak Vampire-side.

"I don't think my Vampire-side bothers me, I'm fully connected to my Demon-side, so I guess it's pointless" he tried to act cool, didn't show panic or too much of denial. He did his best to be smooth.

"You got Vampire blood inside you, and the plan is to destroy all Vampires. You can't stay alive with Vampire blood inside you, people may get against Father" Junghyun suddenly spoke up, glared at his younger brother. 

Jeongguk mentally clicked his tongue. Why his brother gotta talk?!

"How do we do it?" he finally asked, he didn't have another choice. maybe an idea will pop inside his head after hearing the whole plan.

"We will pour our powder in a drink, you need to drink it once a day for a week" Solar explained with one hand on her waist and the other moving with her explanation.

'Shit... a week... it's when we start the big war...' Jeongguk bit his lower lip while remembering it. "I see..." he nodded, "well we aren't in a hurry right? we can start when we kill all Vampires" he smiled, tried his last chance to somehow convince them.

Jeon Jun scowled, didn't like how the other disobeyed. But he also was right, there's no need to rush. "Yeah ok... you just arrived anyway" he sighed, "let's start the progress in-"

"A week" Jeongguk suggested so suddenly, "let's start it in a week" he hoped this suggestion won't sound too suspicious because a week isn't so far, so it will be enough to relax his father.

Yet, Jun looked suspiciously at Jeongguk's eyes. Smelled something rotten. 

"Why start in a week if we can just finish it and get rid of it?" Junghyun poked his nose into the conversation once again. For some reason, he couldn't fully trust Jeongguk. It still was weird for him that he popped out of nowhere so suddenly after 100 years. 

Jeongguk glared at him, was annoyed by his older brother. 'Why he gotta be here?!' 

Jeon Jun looked at Junghyun and then move his eyes to his other son. Suho clenched his hands into fists just like Jeongguk did. They both were bothered by this brother. 

Suho suddenly chuckled dryly and walked closer, "he's right!" he put his arm around Jeongguk's shoulder, felt Jun's stare at him while Jeongguk stunned at him. "But, because we're not in a rush, then it should be Jeonggukie's choice, don't you think?"

Jun moved his gaze from Suho back to Jeongguk, who stood frozen next to him. 

"Right-" Jeongguk slightly gulped, couldn't control this. His body was trembling under his clothes and he thanked Satan for bringing Suho into his life.

"Right-" Suho continued, "let's start the progress in a few days, maybe..."

"Then in 4 days" Jun suddenly decided and turned his back at them, walked to his chair that was at the end of the big hall. The chair was big and visible, it's the first thing you see when you walk into this room. "In four days we will start the progress, Solar" he sat down and looked deep into Jeongguk's eyes, "and we will make Jeongguk a full demon" he smirked while noticing Jeongguk's gulp. 

Suho clenched his fingers around Jeongguk's shoulder, hinted him to agree or at least reply something. "Y-yes Father" Jeongguk cursed himself for stuttering. He tried to hide this through a fake evil smirk, that he learned from his Father.

Jeongguk couldn't escape it. He felt sorry and hoped Bangtan Brood will accept him even though he would be a full demon.

He hoped Taehyung will accept him...


"Are you brave enough to help me, Kim Taehyung?" Jihun looked into Taehyung's eyes, showed how serious this question was.

Taehyung gulped, for some reason felt like it's a bad idea but he wanted to agree. He felt like his dreams guided him here for a reason.

He nodded and looked seriously back at the older, "yes"

Jihun smirked, noticed how confident the other was, which impressed him. "I need you to go to the west, are you capable to do it?"

"W-west? why west?"

"The fairy small village is there, not so far away from the palace"

"Wait what-" Taehyung looked confusingly at the older, it sounded like he talked in Gibberish with him. "I don't understand what I need to do..."

Jihun put the cigar between his lips, took a mouth full of smoke, let it slide into his lungs and exhaled it out to the opened air. "24 years ago-" he suddenly started to tell, Taehyung's ears shuddered slightly. "-I was next to my brother... he was so into this war and destroyed many of vampires... hang them on long polls just so everyone will see the corpses and be feared" he continued calmly without looking at the younger. "even though I'm a demon... a powerful demon... I'm still not interested in this war... it feels pointless... Demons were always the strongest and Vampires had never been a threat to us... but my brother still was bothered by them... I don't know why and he never actually gave me a proper reason" he paused only to take another toke. "He always liked to say 'to be the strongest Kindred' "

Taehyung gulped, the story was actually interesting for him. He was talking about Jeongguk's father after all. Everything about Jeongguk was interesting for him, even if it's about this arrogant Demon.

"I always showed him how I'm not excited and it got into his nerves... so he sent the fairies to me and I fell for their magic... their powder..." the Demon clenched his free hand into a fist and slammed it on the table. Taehyung's body shuddered of the unexpected while his eyes stunned at him.

"This mother-fucker..." he clicked his tongue while remembering the past. "He took my power away from me..." his eyes now looked into Taehyung's eyes, made the younger gulp soundly.

"That's why Kim Taehyung, when I saw you running past my house I knew that this half-demon that was with you is part of my family." his eyes were piercing Taehyung's. "I knew you two can help me! I've searched for you guys all this time! I met Hyuna and she told me about everything... and now finally, I found you," he suddenly smiled at him. "by the way it's not me who gave you those nightmares- it must be Satan" 

Taehyung's eyes widened even more if it was possible. His mouth parted while the last word sent chills inside his bones. "w-what-" he mumbled out of confusion but also fear.

"Kim Taehyung- you're my last hope" Jihun stood up, put his palms on the table with the cigar between his two fingers. He bent his back just to be a little bit closer to the other's face. "I need you to bring me Fairies' powder so I'll get my power back and I'll fucking kill my jackass brother" 

Taehyung paused with the same shocked reaction. "I-I don't know how to do it-" his hands linked together while sweat gained between them. 

"Don't worry I'll guide you" the demon stood up and motion him to follow him to the window. Taehyung looked out of it and saw the open field. He remembered when he and Jeongguk passed in this area, they saw a shadow out of the window. Now he could guess that it was the same window.

"It's getting brighter so you can see from here, over there-" Jihun linked his finger on the window's glass, pointed at the trees in front of them. "there's a road that the sun's rays shine all over it. Even at night Demons are scared of this road and stay away from it"

"Why?" Taehyung looked at him with curious eyes, "it's night..."

Jihun snickered lightly, "there's this stupid story about a demon who got disappeared on this road." he looked back at the young boy, "it's a real story though, but- I don't really believe the sun killed him even though there's no other explanation to it" 

Taehyung looked back at the road on the horizon once again. It was slightly steamed because of the slight fog. "You sure it's safe?"

"It is, don't worry kiddo" 

Taehyung bit his lower lip and avert his eyes away from the window. He walked away while feeling nervous about the thought of it. It is so freaking dangerous.

The fact that he was there in this house was unsafe, so going to the west?! he can't do this- no way-

"I-I don't think I can do it I'm sorry-" he rubbed his hands together from overstress. 

"There's nothing to be afraid of-"

"Why me though? I'm just a simple vampire... nothing special about me at all!" Taehyung looked back at the demon, tried to find an answer through his eyes. 

"Because... that's what fate decided-" the demon entered into deep thoughts. "It was you... or this other Vampire..." he remembered the three vampires that passed through his house the day after he saw Jeongguk and Taehyung. He noticed that one of them saw him through the window and immediately understood that it may be this Vampire who would save him.

His memory remembered Hoseok's face pretty well. 

"A demon that believes in fate... that's something I've never seen" Taehyung glared at him. Suddenly felt confident, but it was only because he was so anxious about this idea. He must get this Demon down of it.

"Taehyung-" the stern voice of the old demon sent daggers inside Taehyung's heart, made him even more dreed. "All you need to do is follow my instructions." he walked closer to him with a serious gaze, he already forgot about his cigar. "this road is the safest. no matter what you hear, or which presence you feel- all you need to do is keep going on this road till the fairies' village"

"And then what? I don't think they'll just give me powder out of their kindness!" Taehyung retorted firmly, asked logical questions so there won't be any holes in the plan. "as I heard from my friends, they used their powder on an elf! so I'm pretty sure they will just sell me to demons!" he remembered when Hoseok told him everything about their side of the story, how he took this pink-haired elf to the main village, and this old elf lady told them that it was the fairies' act.

"I still didn't finish to say the whole idea- only if you shut the fuck up then I'll explain!" Jihun suddenly attacked him, but in this short time, Taehyung already got used to his short temper. He slightly pouted with anger and waited for the other to talk. 

"You'll leave three hours before the sun goes down. You'll arrive at the village in 3 hours. The fairies usually leave their village at night, they waste all their time in the palace." Jihun continued to explain, "You just need to wait and see when four fairies leave the village, four fairies Taehyung-ssi!!! no less!!!" 

Taehyung bit his lower lip, tried to think about this strategy. 

"They got different kinds of powders. I need the white one, it cancels any power magic."

"I don't know- I need to ask my Count..."

Jihun scoffed. "You really think I'll let you go back to your Count?! he would never agree to it!"

"I wonder why-" Taehyung mumbled with sarcasm. Felt a big regret for coming here. Why! WHY! Why did he get those dreams?! why he gotta be in a situation like this?! 

"You're my last chance Taehyung-ssi." Jihun grabbed his shoulders and looked into the younger's eyes, made him gulp for the nth time. "You must help me! and I'll be the one who kills Jeon Jun"

Taehyung clenched his fists, he can never agree to this. "It's ok, Jeongguk will kill him"

Jihun scoffed and released his shoulders. "Jeongguk won't be able to kill Jeon Jun" he smirked at him, "he's half-vampire, he has a heart- he won't be able to kill his own Father"

"And you're able to kill your own Brother?"

"We don't have hearts," Jihun whispered it with firmness. "we don't care about families" He finally remembered his cigar and took a deep toke from it. "also, it's a revenge... I'll destroy this fucker who made my last years so miserable" he clenched his fingers around the cigar, made it break and fall down on the ground. 

His eyes suddenly looked at Taehyung who startled. "I'll get my power back, and I'll destroy my brother" he looked firmly at the younger.

Taehyung didn't know what to do, he still wanted to refuse to it. He still was scared.

"I'll protect Jeongguk" his eyes were piercing the other's wide ones. 

Taehyung parted his mouth. This sentence was everything to convince him. He grabbed his pants' fabric and clenched it tightly. 

He looked down, thinking about Jeongguk inside the palace. He couldn't know if he was ok, or even alive... He didn't know how much Suho and his Legion can protect him from the demons in there.

But this Demon- had a powerful aura just in his house, what kind of aura will he have when he gets his power back? 

He must be so strong, so powerful, so mighty.

"Will you really protect Jeongguk? will you save him and be on our side?" Taehyung looked at him with hope and trust. 

"Yes I will" he said with full seriousness.

Taehyung bit his lower lip with a decision inside his head. "f-fine"


The connection between his steps on the ground made echoes inside the dark hall. He looked around him, noticed that the place is getting darker step by step.

"HEY YOU!" he suddenly heard a voice, made his body pause. He rose his head up at the person who was in front of him. "What are you doing here?" he glared at him, showed a threat over him.

"Oh- we aren't allowed to be here?" he tried to play himself innocent, just so no suspicious be on him.

"You can... especially because you're one of Jeon Jun's special guests" the person retorted, while looking at the short Demon, which was Chen.

Chen smirked, "then if you excuse me-" he was about to walk past him, but the demon stopped him once again.

"Wait- what are you searching for?"

Chen looked down for a moment, he wanted to punch him so badly. But to be honest, this place is so huge, finding what he searches for will take him forever maybe. "I've heard there's a clan in here" by the mention of clan it was enough for the other to understand that he's talking about Elves.

The Demon laughed, "oh- yeah, them-" he smirked but then got curious, "why do you want to see them?" he cocked a brow in dubious.

Luckily, Chen is smart with improvisations. "Because I got some history with them, and I would be so glad and happy to see them imprisoned here" he smirked, looked at the laughing Demon.

"Oh then you'll be satisfied" he chuckled, "they are over there-" he pointed to the long hall in front of them. "Just go straight and the turn left, you'll see their cage somewhere over there" he said and walked past him, continued his patrol.

Chen looked over his shoulder at the Demon humming calmly. He rolled his eyes and walked to where the other guided him. 'Idiot'

He walked on the road the demon instructed him. His eyes looked at each cage he passed by. He saw different kinds of Kindreds but no Vampires. 

He didn't even stop to wonder why there are no Vampires. He already knew... They don't keep them alive in here, they just kill them. He tried not to think too much about it because it did bother him. Just the thought of if it was vise versa and demons were at risk of extinction, made him feel depressed and anxious.

But Demons don't have a heart. And the only way to get any kind of sympathy is being away from Jeon Jun. This rotten Demon makes everyone hate Vampires more than they should. 

Sure there always been kind of a competition between Vampires and Demons, but this stupid competition shouldn't lead to a huge war where Vampires are at risk of extinction.

He finally looked at a big cage and saw few elves sitting on the ground lifelessly. Their hands cuffed with white chains which took their power away. He looked at them with his frowned brows. Their clothes were ripped and their body filled with dirt.


"Are you... Twice Clan?" he asked them with a silent voice so the other cages won't hear. Even though there was an echo in the hall.

One of the elves looked at him with so much hate in her eyes. "Another one came to rape us?" she glared at him with her green eyes.

Chen's eyes widened, "w-what-" his mouth parted apart by her words. "they... rape elves?"

The elf scoffed and rolled her eyes. "you really dare to be surprised..." she mumbled and looked away, laid her head on the wall next to her.

Chen bit his lower lip. He couldn't believe Demons went this low that they now rape elves. Why would they do this? after they destroy all Vampires, their next target will be elves? what's going on with Jeon Jun's head? What is his plan? Will he ever stop?

"Jeez... just end with this already" she glared at him again. "seeing you standing here just makes my friends anxious"

This made him startle, realize that he was deep thinking. "No, I'm sorry" he slightly bowed "I didn't come for this... I need the Matriarch to come closer, I have something to say" he whispered so no one will hear. 

The elf cocked a brow at him, "so you want to fuck me through the bars?! do you have some kind of a kink?"

"No!" Chen's face became red like a tomato. His heart skipped a beat by the thought of it. "No no! Oh god! believe me! I'm not into this!" he tried to convince her with his panicked voice. "A-also- I'm not into elves..." he cleared his throat a couple of times just of nervousness.

She knitted her brows, "well that's a relief" she retorted shortly.


"Please-" he motioned her to come closer to the bars. She sighed and with her knees, she moved closer. He bent down to be on the same level as her and put his palm next to his mouth, just so his voice won't be audible to the other cages. "I'm a friend of a brood, they got an elf with them which she says that you're her Matriarch."

Her eyes' widened, "Nayeon!" she smiled widely. The other elves looked up at her by hearing the name of their sweet member.

"Shhh!" he shushed her and looked around him, to see if there's a demon or someone else. but for his luck, none. "keep silent..." he sighed and looked at her again. "I'll try to take care of you guys... but you gotta promise to stay quiet..." 

She nodded with a small smile.

"Also... I'll try to arrange so the Demons won't hurt you..."

"How... can you do it?" she cocked a brow. "who are you exactly?"

"Well..." he slightly scratched his jaw while thinking how should he introduce himself. Then he remembered what the guard named him. "I'm Jeon Jun's special guest" he smiled at her. "don't worry!" he winked and straightened up. "anyway, stay strong, it will end soon" he didn't let his smile down and walked away.

Jihyo looked at him walking away while her head laid on the bars. She bit her lower lip while feeling so anxious. Till now she was so hopeless and thought it will be the end of her Clan.

She felt like she failed as a Matriarch. 

But now... this stranger Demon gave her a slight hope.

She looked over her shoulder at her friends, her Clan. 'I hope it will really end soon...'


Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok had been searching for Taehyung for 3 hours but didn't find him at all. 

Namjoon was so frustrated and so annoyed. He knew that Taehyung still was alive which gave him a little relief. But he still was worried about him. He hoped no Demon saw him or took him.

Why Hoseok's dreams are so complicated? 

But of course he can't blame Hoseok's dreams. They've never been so clear. They have always been kind of a riddle, which can confuse so easily. And you never know when they will be predicted, it can surprise you after a week, a day, or even the second after. And the worst, that some of them doesn't even come true.

Two hands slammed on the wooden table, "AHHH!!!" a frustrated shout heard in the small room. "Where are you Taehyung..."

Jin, with fast pace, reached him and grabbed his shoulders. "Relax Joon..." he moved his body so their faces will be in front of each other. "you said you still feel him alive right? so I'm sure he will be back soon..."

"I'm still worried Jin... what if Demons will find him? he disappeared at night! when Demons are wandering around..." he laid his head on Jin's shoulder while his heart was squeezing in worry. "I don't understand why he disappeared like this..."

"Maybe... he had somewhere to go?" Hoseok's voice heard next to them, took their attention and made them look at him. 

"What?" Jin mumbled, knitted his brows at him.

"In my dream... He said he has somewhere to go... maybe to meet someone?" Hoseok tried to analyze his own dream. 

Namjoon looked at him and moved away from Jin's gentle hands. He tried to think deeply about where the young vampire can even go or who he plans to meet.

He clenched his fists and bit his lower lip. 'Where are you Taehyung...'

Taehyung looked out of the window, his palm laid on the cold glass while his eyes looked at the sun already shining all over the open field. The light didn't enter the small house because of the dark windows. 

His eyes couldn't stop staring at the road that in a few hours he'll walk on. 'If I give him the powder he'll kill Jeon Jun and Jeongguk won't be in danger...' his fingers tightened on the glass while his gaze became a glare. 

"Maybe you should sleep before your small journey" he heard a voice behind him. Taehyung looked over his shoulder at the demon sitting comfortably on the couch, with a new cigar between his two fingers.

"Jihun-ssi" Taehyung scowled at him and walked closer to him, "Tell me..."

Jihun looked at the younger, his stare was piercing just like Taehyung's.

"How can I kill a Demon?"


Sorry if someone was bothered by the mention of rape. You could skip it. ^-^

Hope you liked the chapter! Soon things will get more interesting for the pervert readers 😉😏 (or all of you are perverts like me👀)


ANYGAY, thank you all for your support, for commenting and voting! it means a lot to me! It also really motivates me!🥰💜❤️

Have a good day/night, love you all!💜💜

- ʀᴏʀᴏ💕

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