Raven (Fred x oc)

By belle_kafer

509K 12.6K 2.1K

My name is Valerie Black and Sirius Black is my father, but I don't remember him. You see, he was taken away... More

1. Brains, Charm, Fire, and Mischeif
2. Escaped
3. The Black Name
4. Again
5. Family Relations
6. Newspapers and Boggarts
7. Ramifications and Voices
8. Cat and Mouse
10. Torn and Mended
11. Pre-Game Traditions
12. Badgers and Lions
13. Accusations
14. Christmas
15. Arguments
16. Eagles and Lions
17. Tall Tales
18. Nerves
19. Lions and Snakes
20. End of Term and All that it Entails
21. Rats!
22. Schoolboy Grudge
23. Truth and Justice
24. Explosion
25. Turning Time
26. The Conclusion
27. Explinations
28. Loose Ends
29. Resettling
30. Ton-Tongue Toffee
31. The Mystery of the Lack of a Quidditch Captain
32. Reconnecting
33. The Sensitive Nature of Money
34. The Quidditch World Cup
35. Death Eaters
36. He's Coming
37. Back Again
38. N.E.W.T. Classes
39. Something Not Right
40. Raven
41. Une Surprise
42. Happy Birthday
43. The First Task
44. The Yule Ball
45. The Ring
46. Changes for the Purpler
47. Psychometry
48. Spiritual Mediumship
49. The Third and Final Task Preparations
50. Force Field Generation
51. A Little Dose of Fear
52. Spirits
53. Trauma
54. Summer Pains
55. Grimmaud Place
56. Potter Temper
57. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
58. She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Remembered
59. Bewitched
60. Disillusion
61. Fears
62. Back Again
63. The Story of that Night
64. Umbi- Oop, I Can't Say That
65. Emotions and Quidditch
66. Toxic Masculinity
67. Rough on the Pitch
68. Loss of Quidditch, Loss of Safety
69. Gain
70. Lions and Serpents
71. Animosity
72. Guilt
73. Chocolate Oatmeal Biscuits
74. Escaped
75. Chiaroscuro
76. Soon to be Parted
77. Until We Meet Again, Luv
78. Lions and Eagles
79. Foreboding
80. Loss
81. Connections and What's to Come
82. Summer Break
83. Mid-Summer
84. A Moment You'll Never Forget
85. Back Again, Grown-Up Addition
86. The Dragon Falls Further and Further Away
87. The Dragon Steps to the Path of Fire
88. The Dragon Takes His Firsts Steps on the Fire
89. Lions and Snakes
90. The Sickly Dragon
91. Navidad
92. Badgers and Lions
93. The Dragon's River of Blood
94. The Raven's Dreams
95. Moonlight, Dark Curly Hair, Fangs, Blood, and the Figure
96. The End of a Book That Took a Hundred-Fifteen Years to Write
97. Too Much Potter
98. Forgetting
New Story!
99. Black-Wealsey
100. Second Wedding
101. Calm Before the Storm
The Siren's Call (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)
102. Bondage
103. Frozen
104. Stories, Snatchers, and Mushrooms
105. Crucio
106. Plot-Twist
107. The Dragon Living in Fear
108. Andromeda Tonks
109. Home
110. The Dragon Calls to the Dragoness
111. An Escape
112. Pain
113. Shock and Delight
114. Orphaned
115. Hope
Uncontrolled (Remus Lupin x oc)
Disgraced of the House of Black

9. Hogsmeade

9K 222 55
By belle_kafer

"Hermione?" I called softly, knocking on the door of her dorm. Lavender Brown was sitting in her bed painting her nails and looked up when I entered. Glancing at her, I asked, "You mind giving us a minute?"

"I'll just finish this in the bathroom," she said, looking between me and Hermione. Once she was gone, I sat down next to Hermione who was crying softly.

"You okay?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her. She shook her head, leaning into me as she cried silently.

Letting out a sob, she said, "He's so stupid. He's so stupid!"

"Boys are stupid," I replied, tightening my hold comfortingly and running my thumb over her shoulder comfortingly.

"Why is he acting like this?" Hermione asked, crying into my shoulder. "He doesn't even like Scabbers."

With a sigh, I explained, "Sometimes we have an attachment to our pets, even when we say we don't like them. I had this dog when I was young. He barked too much and he was constantly all over me, but he was also the sweetest dog in the world. I complained about him so much, but when he died, I was heartbroken. I cried for a week."

"How long did you have him?" Hermione asked, her tears slowing.

"Six years," I said. "I loved that dog with every fiber of my being...although he annoyed me sometimes. It's like that with Ron and Scabbers, or something like that." She nodded. "However, that doesn't excuse him being a jerk, but understanding him might help you to deal with it better."

I said no more, but I didn't move. After a time, she said, "Thank you."

"Of course," I replied. "Okay, I need to go write an essay, but come to me if you need anything. Need Weasley beat up, let me know. Need to talk, bang on my door whether three a.m. or during the day. I'm here, no matter what." She chuckled and hugged me before I got up. "See you around, Granger," I said, opening the door.

"Bye, Valerie," she replied, looking considerably more cheerful than when I had found her.

"Our resident mother has returned," George joked as I sat down again.

"Sod off," I chuckled, shoving his shoulder. Around midnight, I packed up my things and went to bed.

"Okay, so Zonko's," George rattled off as Fred, Lee, Angelina, and I walked down with him to breakfast.

"Then Honeydukes," I added, smiling with excitement. Soon we were all walking together to Hogsmeade. We passed the day quickly, talking and laughing together for most of it. We were still giddy with laughter when we returned to Hogwarts with our goodies. A large crowd had gathered at the portrait hole.

"Let me through, please!" Percy ordered, pushing through the crowd. "What's the hold up here? You can't all have forgotten the password - excuse me, I'm Head Boy-" He broke off. "Somebody get Professor Dumbledore, quick!" Soon he was there, pushing through the crowd.

"Fred, can you see what's going on?" I asked as he was the tallest of us.

"Oh, Merlin," he muttered. "Look!" I turned my head, finally able to see as the crowd parted for Dumbledore. The portrait was empty and large slashes ripped through the fabric. McGonagall, Remus, and Snape appeared, rushing towards Dumbledore.

"We need to find her," Dumbledore said. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

"You'll be lucky," Peeves cackled.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"Ashamed, your Headship, sir," Peeves replied. "Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful. Poor thing."

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked as my heart began to pound.

"Oh yes, Professorhead," he replied, almost mocking. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see. Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black." Instantly several gasps and shrieks rose up, even more people growing pale. After a moment, all eyes turned to me. My eyes were wide and I couldn't breathe.

"All of you to the Great Hall," Dumbledore ordered, also looking at me. Everyone began to file out, but I was frozen. Soon it was just me, Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and the teachers.

"I had nothing to do with this," I said shakily, still unable to move.

"No one said you did, Miss Black," Dumbledore said calmly. "Please, go with your classmates to the Great Hall."

"Are you kidding?" I cried, my eyes wide. "They will skin me alive!"

"Valerie, you'll be okay," Remus countered, stepping toward me. Finally, I moved forward, wrapping my arms around him. "Go, I'll let you know if we find anything." I nodded and we all headed to the Great Hall. The room silenced as we entered, every eye going to my shaky form. Fred and George glared at them, grabbing sleeping bags for us all and moving into a corner away from everyone else.

Angelina lay down next to me while Fred took the other side of me. George lay on the other side of Angelina and Lee took the spot next to him. "Do you think he really did that?"

"I don't know," I replied quietly as the lights had been turned out and Percy was policing everyone.

"Why would he be trying to get up into Gryffindor Tower?" Angelina whispered.

"I don't know," I replied quietly. "Maybe he's trying to get to me?" Angelina shook her head, not having an answer. The hours dragged on slowly, sleep evading me. Prefects walked among the students, snapping at anyone who talked or was obviously awake. Once every hour, a teacher would come in to check on everyone. Around three, voices reached my ears as I lay asleep.

"Any sign of him, Professor?" Percy asked.

"No. All well here?" Dumbledore asked.

"Everything under control, sir," Percy assured.

"Good. There's no point moving them all now. I've found a temporary guardian for the Gryffindor portrait hole. You'll be able to move them back in tomorrow."

"And the Fat Lady, sir?" Percy inquired.

"Hiding in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor," Dumbledore explained. "Apparently she refused to let Black in without the password, so he attacked. She's still very distressed, but once she's calmed down, I'll have Mr. Filch restore her."

More footsteps approached and Snape's voice cut into the conversation. "Headmaster? The whole of the third floor has been searched. He's not there. And Filch has done the dungeons; nothing there either."

"What about the Astronomy Tower?" Dumbledore asked. "Professor Trelawney's room? The Owlery?"

"All searched..."

"Very well, Severus," Dumbledore replied. "I didn't really expect Black to linger once we gathered all the students here."

"You think he came for her?" Snape asked.

"Either her or Harry," Dumbledore admitted.

"Have you any theory as to how he got in, Professor?" Snape asked.

"Many, Severus, each of them as unlikely as the next," Dumbledore mused.

Trying to knock Percy out of the conversation, Snape asked quietly, "You remember the conversation we had, Headmaster, just before - ah - the start of term?"

"I do, Severus," Dumbledore replied warningly.

"It seems - almost impossible - that Black could have entered the school without inside help. I did express my concerns when you allowed-"

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have helped Black enter it," Dumbledore insisted firmly. "I must go down to the dementors. I said I would inform them when our search was complete."

"Didn't they want to help, sir?" Percy asked.

"Oh yes," Dumbledore said coldly. "But I'm afraid no dementor will will cross the threshold of this castle while I am headmaster. I won't put my students, especially Miss Black and Mr. Potter through that." I didn't realize tears were running down my cheeks until I felt Fred wipe away my tears. Drawling in a shaky breath, I got the courage to look up at him.

He held his arms out to me and I crawled towards him, laying my head on his chest.

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