Wood and Ice

De Jokers_Kitten

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Two athletes of different sports both professionals. What will happen when they both meet? Could there be a r... Mais

Introduction/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Phone Call
Chapter 3: 3 Weeks Later
Chapter 4: The Next Day
Chapter 5: Charity Event
Chapter 6: Drinks
Chapter 7: Woman's Classic
Chapter 8: Game Time
Chapter 9: Her Game
Chapter 10: The Workout
Chapter 11: The Telecast
Chapter 12: The Airport
Chapter 13: A Great Surprise
Chapter 14: Her Touch
Chapter 15: The Weekend Flies
Chapter 16: Several Months Later
Chapter 17: The Shock
Chapter 18: Broken and Confused
Chapter 19: Two Different Games
Chapter 21: The Question
Chapter 22: Few Months Later
Chapter 23: The Big Reveal
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Several Months Later
Chapter 26 Several Months Later
Chapter 27:Shocking News
Chapter 28: Twist of Events

Chapter: 20 Reflection

57 5 0
De Jokers_Kitten

Tyler POV

It's been a whirlwind during the past several weeks. Especially since that night in the hotel room back in Fort Lauderdale. When Jayson called me and said I needed to come to the room. When I entered and saw her the way she was broken. Not to mention completely drunk off her ass. Who drinks 5 handles of vodka on their own. But to be honest I understand. Jayson told me a lot that night. A lot about her and him. More that what Matt even knows, which I actually found surprising.  My heart broke for her. 

I made it a point that next morning to let her know exactly how I truly feel about her. And the story she told me about her actually at one time being pregnant and that lost it because of what that waste of space did to her, broke me too. I know she told me she loves me and I know she is scared. But I promised her I am not like that. And I am not. Yeah I might have been a bit of a partier back in the day and what not but people change. And I am going to show her that not every man is like her ex.

So now I am sitting out here by a local lake trying to figure out just how to show her how committed I am to her. Now granted we only been together for several months and we have been visiting back and forth when ever we get the chance. If its me going to her or her coming to me, different hotels across the U.S. 

We just finished the season and of course once again we didn't make the playoffs so its a little longer of an off season. Not that I am completely happy about it but it gives me more of a chance to figure something out.

Its getting close to Thanksgiving and I am not sure exactly how I want my idea to work.  I have called Jayson several times and he told me that everyone usually spends the holiday at her house. So I told Jayson the idea I had for her and he thought it was a good one as well. 

It's now the day before Thanksgiving and I am here in a hotel room with my family in Lakeland. I called her on the phone hoping that she answer. And when she did you could hear the chatter of voices in the background.


"Hey beautiful."

"Ty! Oh my I miss you." 

"I miss you to baby girl."

"How are you? How is everyone?"

"I'm doing good and everyone is fine. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Just wishing you were here but I understand. You have a job as well as I do and it keeps us both pretty busy."

Okay so I may have told her I had some work obligations I had to attend to and what not. Its all part of my plan to surprise her tomorrow. So we talked for a few hours longer and it was time for us to call it a night. I knew she didn't want to go and  didn't want to let her go either but all good things that come to those that wait right?

Thanksgiving day

I wake up for everyone and go to a local café that is down the street from the hotel and grabbed breakfast and coffees for everyone. By the time I got back everyone was already up. We sat around talking for a few waiting for Jayson to call me to let me know when we all needed to be there. 

We got ourselves ready and headed out when the call came in. Everyone was excited but I was the most nervous. I haven't seen her in a few weeks and hopefully she loves my surprise. We piled into the car and headed over to her house. Dad was in the front seat with me while my mom and sisters were in the back.  I brought her flowers while mom and the girls got some deserts and dad got beer for everyone. 

As we arrived to her house I saw Jayson standing outside the house talking on the phone. At least that was his excuse when I messaged him letting him know we were pulling up to the house when we were 5 minutes out.

We all piled out of the car and Jayson met us at the car. He hugged my mom and sisters and shook hands with my dad after I introduced them to each other. He gave me a bro hug and we all talked for a couple of minutes. He made sure to help with the anything he could grab from the back of the car.

Inside of Rochelle's house looked like an organized chaotic zoo. The women were busy walking back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room but at no time did I see Rochelle. Jayson made it a point to let everyone know this was a surprise to Rochelle and not to say anything. We couldn't even tell Lisa Marie because she would tell Rochelle. So Amber and Jayson made sure she was taking a nap when we showed up. Cass and Candace were the first ones to walk in and then my parents. Rochelle was so excited and very happy to see them. She hugged them all tightly and thanked them all for coming. I stood in the entrance way of her house when I heard my mom say to her that they needed some help bringing in some more stuff into the house. 

When Rochelle stood in front of me her eyes were big as saucers. Her mouth gapped open and she had tears in her eyes that were falling down her cheeks.

"Happy Thanksgiving baby." I told her with a smile on my face holding the flowers out to her. She just stood there frozen, unable to move. Everyone around us was cheering and laughing because her face was priceless. I waited for a few more minutes wondering if she was actually going to move but she wasn't. "You gonna stand there or come give me a hug baby girl."

She finally moved towards me wrapping me up in a big hug. "I thought you were at some sponsorship deal?"

"That was a coverup baby. I said that so we could come here and surprise you." I kissed the top of her head. "Here baby these are for you." I handed her the flowers and she took them from me. We walked into her house and she told everyone how she hated them from keeping this from her while laughing.

Just then we heard the pitter patter of little feet come from her room. Rochelle told me to hide so I can surprise Lisa Marie as well.  Lisa Marie came into the room where everyone was at. 

"Baby bug, I have a surprise for you."

"Wat Titi?

"Why don't you go look in the kitchen."

"Otay" The little one came into the kitchen where I was at. And as soon as she saw me she let out this big shrill of excitement. "Tywer."

"Hey bug." I said to her kneeling down to pick her up. "Are you happy to see me? I know I missed you."

"I miss you to Tywer. Es I happy."  She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Rochelle was laughing. "Titi El, is Tywer my serpise?"

"Well more like our surprise baby bug." Rochelle says as she walks over to me and puts her arms around the two of us. I kissed Rochelle again and gave Lisa Marie a kiss on the cheek as well.

"Oh otay I sare wit you Titi El. I wuv Tywer too." This little girl says as she pats Rochelle on the shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight and apparently neither could Jayson, who was standing in the Kitchen along with this wife watching this unfold.

The dinner was is full swing, but every time I tried to help I kept getting kicked out of the kitchen by all the ladies. Even the little Miss Sassy Pants. So like a good man child I kicked back and watched the television with the rest of the guys. We watched several football games on tv but all I wanted to do was hold Rochelle in my arms.

As the girls announced dinner was done, well little sassy pants told us, we made our way into the dinning room where everything was set up. Before we went and started to fill our plates Rochelle and Matt told me they had a tradition where they went around the table and told everyone what they were thankful for. And since we were the last to arrive it was our turn to go first and Rochelle would be the last.

So we did just that. My parents said they were thankful for another wonderful year and for family and friends. My sisters said they were glad we got to spend the holiday here and for Rochelle making me happy. Matt and Kennedy said they were thankful for their family and new friends. Amber said she was happy for her family and for all of us. Jayson said he was happy for me making Rochelle the happiest she has ever been. Matt agreed with that statement as well.

"Okay so my turn I guess." I said. "Well I am thankful for another year in the NHL, for family and friends. And to my amazing but beautiful and talented girlfriend. Who I love with all my heart."

The women all swooned at hearing me say how much I love Rochelle. She smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Well I want to say that I am thankful for my friends and family joining us here today. I am thankful for the wonderful surprise that you all pulled over my eyes today as well." Everyone chuckled at that statement. "But what I am most thankful for is being able to help those that need it the most." With that being said she put a bag on the table in front of Amber and Jayson. I knew what it was because we had conversations about this and I was glad I was able to be with her in person to watch their faces other than hearing it over the phone.

Amber looked at Rochelle and then to her husband Jayson. They opened the package together and there it was. A little stick with two pink lines and a picture of a sonogram. On it, it said see you soon mommy and daddy. I thought I haven't seen a woman cry so much but I was wrong. It wasn't Amber that was bawling it was Jayson. 

Jayson got up from his chair and walked over to where Rochelle was standing. He held her hand out to her and she took it. They pulled each other into the biggest embrace, ones of a true family only could. It was that moment that sealed the deal for them. She was giving them another precious gift only she could do. A sibling for Lisa Marie. 

Amber passed the picture around the table and everyone congratulated them along with Rochelle, who never left Jayson's side. They even showed the picture to Lisa Marie who walked over to Rochelle and looked at her. Rochelle sat down on the seat and put Lisa Marie's hand on her tummy.

"My sibing in there Tti?"

"Yes baby bug. You are going to be a big sister. Are you happy?"

"Moe tan anytin Titi." She said with little tears coming down from her eyes. 

You can honestly see the love that this family has for each other. And it is amazing. 

Dinner was finished and everyone went to bed or back to the hotel rooms. I stayed up with Rochelle as we sat on her back deck over looking her property with a small bonfire I had made for her. She cuddled on my lap and I placed my hand over her stomach. I looked at her while she was smiling down at me.

"You don't know how happy I am that you are here Tyler."

"I am happy that you are happy baby. And I am so proud of you for what you are doing for Amber and Jayson."

"That was a good surprise huh?"

"Yeah it was. I thought Amber was gonna be the one to cry more. But Jayson did have her beat."  We laughed. She leaned in and kissed me tenderly. The passion she put into it was more than I could take sitting out here. So I lifted her up and carried her into the house and to her room.

I placed her on her feet and closed the door locking it so no one could come into the room. When I turned around, this goddess of a woman standing before me, started unbuttoning her shirt. She never broke eye contact with me when she did. 

She removed her shirt and I dropped to my knees in front of her. Standing at 6'1", when I knelt down my head was at her stomach.  I placed a gentle kiss to where she is carrying the precious cargo and undid her jeans. Slowly I slid them down her hips, kissing her every inch as I did this. Not once did I break eye contact with her as well. I wanted to see and feel how much I love her and how much I missed her. After getting her clothes off I stood up and started walking her back to her bed. She managed to remove my shirt but my pants were still on. 

Her body is amazing. Glowing. We started kissing and caressing each other. I was kissing her neck as she silently shivered and moaned. I kissed her again capturing her moan within my mouth. "Baby as much as I want you to scream my name and hear you, we have to be quiet. " She looked into my eyes and told me she understands and would try her best. I know doubt the could. "Let me make love to Rochelle. Let me show you how much passion you bring into my life and fill me with." She nodded and I removed the rest of my clothes along with hers. 

I kissed up her legs into that sweet center of her heaven. Licking and sucking on her clit, I watched how much pleasure it brought her. The way her body moved and arched into my touch.  I moved up her body kissing her along the way. I sucked on her breast and caressed the other one with my hand. Eventually I made my way to kiss her beautiful mouth. She told me she loves me. Then she said the words  I so wanted to hear. "Make love to me Tyler." 

And with that I obliged. I went to grab a condom and she stopped me. "Tyler I am already pregnant as you well know. Please let me feel you the way its supposed to feel. Natural. Without any barriers. Please." 

Entering her like this was something I never dreamt about actually happening. This is a whole other feeling one that has no words. I moaned a gutterly growl and she leaned up and kissed me. "Remember quiet babe." I smiled at her. Moving in and out of her slowly was just enhancing our experience.  "My god baby you feel so amazing." She said in between our panting and kissing. I told her she is the one that feels amazing. Better than I could ever imagined. Which she smiled.

My thrusts were getting faster as she was matching each of my movements. Our kisses capturing our moans. I felt her walls tightening around me and indicating she was getting close to her release. And when that release came, we kissed each other with all the love we had for each other. 

"I love you Rochelle, more and more with each and every passing moment of each and every passing day." I said to her kissing her lips then staring into her eyes.

"I love you Tyler. I am truly thankful that you came into my life in a time when I needed someone the most. I am blessed to have you as my love and my boyfriend."

We laid in each others arms and  I felt Rochelle's breath even out. She feel into sleep and I can't help but smile and think how wonderful it is to have her by my side. The song that sticks in my mind is a song Heaven by Kane Brown. She is my Heaven.

So as I lay here with her in my arms I am more certain now that I am going to ask her the one question that has been playing on my mind lately. I just hope she says yes. I know it will be a big step for both of us but I'm ready. I hope she is too.

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