The American And The Russian...

By TheFictionWitch

80K 1.9K 213

Y/n Y/l/n is The USSR's rising star, In the pipe line to eventually replace Borgov, trained from birth in the... More

Part 1 Play...
Part 2: Poshel ty!
Part 3 See You
Part 4 : Dance
Part 5: Princess
Part 6 Care
Part 7 In The Bag
Part 8 How?
Part 9 Have you
Part 10 Goodnight
Part 11 Ya Ne Znayu
Part 12 You don't wanna Here it, I don't wanna talk about it
Part 13 Nice Pillow
Part 14 No!
Part 15 Gone Shopping
Part 16 Pills
Part 17 : Date Night
Part 18 News
Part 19 Dancing
Part 20 Home Sweet Home
Part 21 The Way I feel when I'm With you
Part 22 Bad
Part 23 Reading
Part 24 It's Okay To Be Scared
Part 25 Promise Me
Part 26 The Door
Part 27 We Knew
Part 28 Pawns
Part 30 The Yellow Phone
Part 31 Favourite Toy
Part 32 The Dead Rat Gift
Part 33 Sing For Me
Part 34 : Are You Sure?
Part 35 : Americans...
Part 36 Worth It
Part 37 All American A**
Part 38 Home feels like hell
Part 39 Hi Daddy
Part 40 ty dumayesh' ya glupyy
Part 41 are you real?
Part 42 I promise
Part 43 Welcome home princess
Part 44 Dancing with pixies
Part 45 Together.
Part 46 I'm never letting you go again
Part 47 Cuddle
Part 48 Fly Me Home
Part 49 Home
Part 50 Mrs Watts
Part 51 I want to
Part 52: My Princess
Part 53 Gently princess

Part 29 : Interrogation

1K 35 8
By TheFictionWitch

I sat in my little room fiddling with moving the ring around my finger spinning it around my finger "I don't Know." I sighed

"Do you know where the training bunker is?" Roger asks me


"Where is it?"

"I don't know"

"Where is it!"

"I don't know"

"How can you not know you've spent your life coming and going from the damn thing"

"No, They moved us in vans. The van would come down the driveway into the first level of the bunker we would get into the van or bus with everyone else and our security would drive us and our security would follow in cars. I never saw anything till we got back out on the runway for our plane to wherever we where going" I explained

"What kind of security do they have?" he asks

"I don't know oddly enough anyone we see try and test it never got far before they were shot" I answered

"Who's the head of security?"

"Everyone had there own head of security"

"Really? Your a fucking chess player your not the real fucking princess!" He yelled slapping me across my face but I didn't even move "You want this to work you answer our questions Or so help me"

"Or what?" I asked "None of this has anything to do with anything. You want to know what I know about russia and I'm very sorry but I am as you like to remind me a chess player and I don't know"

"Why can't I just Throw this little princess back to moscow"

"You really think they are going to give Benny back if you just trade him for me?"

"They will, Because if they want there little princess back they will return him unharmed" He says

"Why? Why would they do that? Why would they?"

"Russia will do as they are told"

"Why! Its their own country, there own government, you don't own russia so why would they listen to anything you say"

"Because we are the most powerful nation on the planet!"

"In your fucking dreams!" I yelled and he punched me hard my nose begging to bleed

"Knowone is stronger the america. Especially not the Soviets"
"And yet you still need my help"

"I don't need your help, I don't want your help" He says "But because of you KGB operatives kidnaped an american on american soil and if your what they want then your what they are going to get"

"Do you have any concept of the sort of things they will do to you?"

"Do you have any concept of what we can do to you?"

"Poprobuy menya amerikanets" I told him but he slapped me so hard my body hit the cold floor

"Speak English!" He yelled "You are in America! On proud american soil the moment you step foot here you speak English!" He yelled as I got up and wiped some blood from my face

"So while I'm here, In America. You want me to speak english? The language from England." I said

"I get one more word like that outta you little lady and I'll Make you wish you'd never come here"

"Ty nichego ne mozhesh' sdelat' so mnoy, eto uzhe sdelano" I told him

"Answer my fucking qustions!" He yelled slamming my head on the table "Now... why did you learn english?"

"Its the most popular language in the world. And most people at chess tournaments speak it"

"Why did you run off with Mr Watts"

"He gave me an out away from Moscow"

"Why did you need one?"

"Because I didn't exactly like being in russia. I didn't like the way they treated me"

"Is benny... A Traitor?"


"Did he shack up with you because russia promised him there pretty little princess if he gave them information"

"What kind of information? We are chess players? What the hell do you think we know!"

"I don't know what you know, all I know is An American and an russian running off and hiding out together. Looks a little suspicious. Doesn't it?"

"What do you think I'm a spy?" I asked

"I don't know"

"Do you think Benny's a spy?"

"I don't know"

"Look Roger. I'm not a spy, Nor is benny. We did what we did because... of the way we felt about each other, and if I were you i'd be asking yourself"

"Asking what?"

"How did They know I was with benny? Enough to kidnap him in the first place? So how did The KGB get that information?" I asked and he looked perplexed by my question "Someone other than you, Knew about me. Or Atleast Knew I was with Benny enough to know kidnapping him would get a reaction, So who knew." 

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