Jazz Up

By Trintrinas

19.1K 390 715

Life is life, you never know what's going to happen nexts or what's to expect. See how Huey and Jazmine's une... More

The Drive
Sleep Over
Triple Date
The Hill
First Date
Love Sick
Lie Detector
Christmas Eve
New Beginnings
Valentine's Day
Black History Celebration
Game Night
Spring Festival
Dull Day
Unforgettable Night
Parting Ways
The Fallen Mind

Happy New Year

825 20 32
By Trintrinas

Today I was returning home from my grandma's house for the New Year's party we were having at the Freeman's. The gang and our parents were going to be there to watch the countdown while we do our own little thing. After it hits 12 on the dot everybody kisses each other then they leave to go party. Usually, I don't have anybody to kiss on New Year's because I'm either alone or my current significant others at the time are with their families. So I spend it with Huey who reads his book.

Huey is never excited about the new year; he always says 'What's to be excited about, it's another year that gets ruined by the people.' which he is not wrong. But I always wanted him to find the good in some things. I know almost everything around the world is doing bad, but I always tell myself not to look at the negative side always go positive. Bad things make me cry and I don't want to cry. I had to work on not crying over the littlest things for years.

Because of how much I cried, you would think I was on my period or pregnant. People would think I got my sensitivity from my mom but it really came from my dad. He cries a lot during certain situations. Mom told me he cried one time because he was in jail about to get raped. But that's a perfectly normal time to cry in a situation like that. I know I would have cried if some stranger wanted to hit it from behind.

A month ago he had the talk with me about bad people that like to take little girls' purities away from them. The client he had at the time was a rape victim that had the guy's baby and my dad feared for me because I'm his innocent little princess. So he started to make me go to these classes to defend myself in certain situations if someone tries to rape me. I enjoyed the classes because the instructors are so motivated, but everybody else is either nervous or scared.

My dad even put me on birth control just in case it were to happen. My mom got upset with him, but she didn't argue. I kinda hate being on birth control because it makes me feel very emotional. With time ticking getting closer to midnight I'm getting nervous. I don't know what Huey's going to do when it strikes at 12 o'clock. He most likely might not want to be in a relationship with me. He said it himself that he doesn't know what to do with me in some situations. I wouldn't blame him for not continuing the relationship because I think he's been out of his comfort zone long enough.

"Ok, we're home!" I heard my dad chant. I looked out the window to see our house still the same before we had left. I looked the other direction to see the Freeman's were back home from Chicago along with the others who came back from Brooklyn, Japan, China, and Los Angelas. "It's so nice to be home," my mom thankfully said. I know she was excited to be back home. My grandma was giving her a tough time. "Jazmine would you like to go see your friends, I can see they are all at the Freeman's house about to have your little get together," he said trying to get me to go over.

"I'll head over there when I put all my stuff in my room," I told him as he shook his head. "No you should go right over there while your mother and I will head over to the McPhearson residents for the get-together," he said as my mom quickly agreed with him. "Yes sweetie you should go hang with Cindy, Riley, Hiro, Ming, and Huey," she suggested. "Ok, I'll go hang with them," I said getting out of the car and heading over to their house. "Bye Jazmine, have a Happy New Year," my mom said as she and my dad drove off.

That seemed a bit odd, but it is about to be 11  o'clock so I can't blame them. I might as well get inside before the others get upset with me. I am a bit late for our get together. We don't really do anything but talk about random subjects and wait till it strikes at 12 o'clock. Afterward, everybody goes out to some party that Hiro is DJing at, but Huey and I never go. I would go change out of my dress but there's no point.

I might be a social butterfly but I am not a party person like the others are. Plus I would get in trouble if I went because everybody drinks and smokes. If my parents smell the scent on me then they'll assume I was drinking and smoking. I don't feel like getting in trouble, so I'm not going. My parents tell me I have to stay at the Freeman's house because people on New Year's are crazy.

While the others are gone it's just usually me and Huey at the house alone. He stays up in his room reading while I'm downstairs watching tv until my parents return home. I arrived at the door to knock on it. I waited until someone came to answer it. I was met with Ceasar who opened the door for me. "Hey Jazmine thank God you could make it," he exclaimed. "Yeah sorry I'm late we left later than what my dad had said," I said giving him a hug as he hugged me back.

"It's understandable, my parents do it all the time. One minute they say we leaving at 12 o'clock, but next thing I know we leave at 2 o'clock," he said as I started to giggle a little. "So you not just gonna say hi to us?" Cindy asked being a bit sassy. "Hi, Cindy, Ming, Hiro, and Riley!" I greeted all of them. "Hey Jazmine!" they all greeted back. I looked at Riley to see he had a bit of a black eye. "Oh my God, Riley what happen to your eye?" I concernly asked him as the others started to snicker to themselves.

"I got into it with some people back home," he mumbled. "Are you ok, you need to put ice on it," I said jogging towards the refrigerator. I grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and made my way towards Riley. "If he would take my advice he could put some makeup on it," Ming suggested. "Naw Ming Twan, I'm not gay," Riley emphasized. "Reezy, not all people who wear make-up are gay," Cindy rolled her eyes. "Yeah most of the rappers or actors you see on tv wear makeup," I informed him. "Well they asses are gay as well," he crossed his arms.

"Man you think everything is gay," Hiro smacked his lips. "No I don't," he disagreed as I went and gave him the ice pack. He started to slowly put it over his black eye. "Okay then name one thing you don't think is gay?" Hiro asked as everybody got a bit interested. Riley started to think about what wasn't gay to him and he answered: "People that are not happy," he wasn't wrong. Gay does mean happy but it also means homosexual.

"Question, does the LGBTQ community make you a bit uncomfortable?" I asked "Yeah duh, isn't it obvious by now. I don't care what goes around just as long as you don't do it around me. Like this one time, it was this white boy at my school who was shaking his ass like that was cool. I told his punk ass to stop and then everybody started to make a big deal about it," he blabbered. "Yeah man, LGBTQ is getting noticed and you gotta get used to seeing it around," Ceasar told him

"Are you at least comfortable seeing two girls do it?" I asked as he smirked. "Yeah I don't mind seeing girls do it because it's-" he stopped when he saw Cindy get a bit furious. "I don't mind if girls do it," he scratched the back of his neck. "Well at least he approves of something," I heard Ming mumble under her breath. "Shut up Ming," Riley hissed as we laughed. "So how were you guys Christmas?" I asked changing the subject.

"Mines was nice, you know sista's family was spoiling the fuck out of her," Cindy spoke in third person bragging. Her family does spoil her! I wouldn't be surprised if they bought her a nice car. Her family is never cheap with anything. I remember almost every birthday I had they would give me over $5,000. $20 to $100 wouldn't be so bad, but $5,000+ is just too much. I tried to give it back but they wouldn't take it so I just put it in my savings account. "What did they get you this year?" Riley asked a bit uninterested. "They got me another car," she excitedly started to clap her hands.

"Aren't you underage to be having a car?" Ming asked her as Cindy shrugged: "I don't give a fuck, it's not like they catch me," she waved off. "Ok, when your ass is sitting in court I'm gonna tell you they caught you bitch," Ming smirked. "Don't be surprised when I flick you off," Cindy retorted.

"Okay Ceasar how was your Christmas," I asked. "It was alright. My mom almost left me on Christmas Eve until I caught them just on time. It was fun hangin' with my cuzzins, we were all playing soccer and visiting some places around the city," he explained. "So what did you get nigga?" Riley asked rushing him. "I only got money and some gift cards," he said. "That seems nice!" I smiled at him.

"So Ming how was your Christmas?" I asked her as she thought about it. "It was a decent Christmas. All we did was watch a movie, do a karaoke bar, shopping, and we went out to eat. I didn't get anything but money since I don't like much," she told me. "That sounds fun, how was the karaoke bar?" I asked. "It was bad because nobody in my family can sing," she exaggerated. "That's for damn sure!" Hiro mumbled under his breath getting a few giggles from the others.

"So Hiro how was your Christmas?" I asked him. "I had a terrible Christmas," he crossed his arms then slumped down on the couch. "What happened?" I asked as Ming started to giggle. "You know how I'm Japanese-American?" he asked as we all nodded. "So while I was in Japan with my whole family they all kept speaking Japanese and knowing my slow ass I couldn't understand a single word of what they were saying," he exclaimed as the others laughed. "Bro I thought you knew how to speak it," Ceasar said sure of himself. "I know how to speak some words, but I don't know how to fluently speak it every word," he exaggerated.

"Too bad there weren't any subtitles," Riley joked as everybody once again was laughing. "Wish it was like some anime that would better help my case," he dazed off. "Yeah, it would be cool and scary if we lived in a universe like that. We could all have some nice names and outfits," Hiro said thinking it through. "If only it were real...but Riley how was your Christmas," I asked him as he looked at me funny.

"Well I got into a fight with some folks and Huey had to come back me up, but his gay ass was lucky he walked away without a scratch or bruise. My Aunt Cookie kept slapping me upside my head every second because I was cussing. She also gossiped to us about what was going on around the neighborhood. Then all I got was some chains from my cuzzins, money, and some clothes they can't fit my damn ass," he blabbered about how basically he had a bad Christmas.

"Well I'm sorry you didn't have the ideal Christmas Break, but if you don't mind me asking how small were the clothes?" I asked. "It's to the point it can fit you three," he pointed towards me, Cindy, and Ming. "Damn, they must think you're still small," Ceasar snickered. "Ya' think nigga, and the worst part is they want to see me wear it," he scowled. Everybody started to laugh because they were going to see a lot of tightness. "I feel bad for you!" I covered my mouth because I was trying to contain my laughter.

"So Jazzy how was your Christmas?" Cindy asked me. "It was good, I got to see my grandma again. Me and her talked a lot about what's been going on here and she still doesn't like my mom. We all went and did some fun stuff around the area like sightseeing, shopping, eating out, getting our nails done, and catching up with some folks," I gleamed. "You had more fun than I did," Hiro said. "I rather go do all that stuff than be stuck with people I don't understand. I had to pull out a translator for them to understand what I was saying," he sighed.

"Yeah well at least we all had a decent Christmas," I told them as they nodded. "Huey and I rarely get to see our folks so I should be grateful," Riley grumbled. "Where is Huey?" I asked looking around. "He went to his room an hour before you came in. He was down here with us for a certain amount of time until he got bored and left the room. He told us not to bother him," Ceasar told me. "Oh," I was a little upset because he couldn't be down here for the countdown.

Maybe he was giving me a sign that he wasn't interested. "You guys we should get ready for the countdown we got two minutes left," Ming quickly told all of us in a rush. Ceasar leaned in to get the remote to turn on the tv for the countdown. "Hiro, you got the shots?" Riley asked as Hiro was somehow in the kitchen pouring alcohol into the shots.

"Yeah man!" he yelled from the kitchen. "Wait were all drinking alcohol?" I asked a bit scared. "Yeah, girl!" Cindy smiled at me. "After this, we're all leaving for the party are you sure you don't want to come?" Ming asked me as I nodded. "I'm not the party person," I told her. "Suits yourself because ya' boy is getting higher than a motherfucker," Riley said all hyped up. Hiro came into the living room with some shots that he handed out to everybody.

"Okay, you guys let's get ready to countdown!" Cindy said excitedly.











"HAPPY NEW YEAR'S" we all yelled as everybody took a shot except me. I sneakily poured mines into the fake plants Mr. Freeman had. Cindy and Riley then Ming and Hiro started to kiss each other as Ceasar and I awkwardly stood watching them. "You wanna...you know?" he tried to ask as I pointed to my cheek. He leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek as I felt my face heat up. I gestured him to lower down so I could give him a friendly peck on the cheek. He followed my gesture and I leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek.

"Well look at what the cat dragged in, it's about time you came downstairs," I heard Riley exclaim. I looked up the stairs to see Huey walking down the steps. "Happy New Years's Huey," I smiled at him as he had a straight face. "Well you two enjoy a neutral night while we all go party," Hiro said dancing a little bit. "Will do!" I waved off as they all left the house. "You guys drive safely, drink responsibly, don't do anything you'll regret, and have a safe night," I yelled as they all got in their vehicles. "Ok!" I heard Ceasar say as they all drove off.

I closed the door behind me to be met with Huey very close to me. Oh my God while does he strike a different nerve that is hard for me to control. He had on a black wife beater that showed his tone muscles and his baggy black joggers. "Hi!" I awkwardly smiled at him. Within a blink of an eye, he put both of his hands on the door caging me in. I squeaked at his unexpected action. "Is there something wrong?" I asked him a bit worried. "No," he mumbled.

"Are you sure?" I asked as his head was down. "You feeling alright?" I asked and out of nowhere, I felt him kiss me on the lips. I parted from him out of surprise covering my lips as I felt my face heat up. "Huey!" he got nervous because I think he thought I rejected him. I grasped his face and brought him in for a kiss. We were going in on each other for a long time until I felt him pick me up.

"Oh, we're doing that aren't we," I giggled. I felt him smirk as he walked up the steps. I was hoping he wouldn't drop me, but I trust Huey won't do that. We made it to his room for him to sit me down on his bed. "Hey, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him. "I mean if you're comfortable with it," he simply said. "I am!" I said slipping off slippers and dress. All that I had on was my red lacy undergarments.

He looked me up and down taken back. "Do you have a condom?" I asked him as he took it out of his pocket. "Give me a sec," he said removing his top and joggers. He was in them tight boxers that made his behind look perky. "I wanna try something," I told him as he cocked his eyebrow. "That would be?" he slowly asked as I slightly pulled the front of his boxers. "Oh, umm go ahead," he said looking away.

When I pulled it down it had popped out not fully hard. I'm supposed to suck that? I mean it's normal for a boy, but I'm supposed to put my mouth on his area. I hear my friend talk about how great it is, but I don't see the interest in it. All I gotta do is close my eyes and pretend it's a popsicle. A big long popsicle! I closed my eyes and put my mouth over his big long popsicle. This was going to be impossible to fit into my mouth. All I have to do is go up and down and also pump while I'm ahead of it.

I started to go as far down as I could without gagging and go up. I had to get a comfortable pace so I could get used to the feeling. I heard Huey groan as I licked the tip and looked at him in the eyes. I put my hand around his penis and started to go up and down. I once again put my mouth over his area to suck again. This was going on for a couple of minutes until I saw white stuff come out. Am I supposed to lick that or just let it keep coming out? I had to grab a napkin to wipe it off and throw it in his trash can.

There was no way I was going to lick it then and there. Huey slid off his boxers to put on his condom. I started to untrap my bra while he helps slide off my panties. "You ready?" he asked as I excitedly nodded. He kissed me on the lips making me lean back a little bit. I felt his hand on my vaginal area about to insert his long fingers. I paused for a bit until he told me "Don't worry I'll go slow," he said as I nodded. I felt his fingers enter inside me as I felt my eyes roll back.

"Don't think about it too much," he said as I tried to calm down. Moans were escaping from my mouth as he smirked. He leaned in to kiss me again. "Huey I want you inside of me," I seductively said. He pulled his fingers out then slowly started to insert his manhood inside of me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks because it hurt. I hadn't had it since November so I was of course going to be tight.

"You okay?" he asked me. "Yeah pick up the speed," I told him as I could feel him speed up. I tried to contain my moans until he put his hand around my throat. Oh my God, that was so sexy. "Don't try and contain those moans," he exclaimed as he kept his pace on point. He then had stopped to pull out.

"Get on your hands and knees," he huskily said. I did as he commanded and slowly turned over. He inserted himself from behind and started to go slow until he was picking up the paste. I couldn't handle the fast paste so I tried to slow him down by putting my hand behind to knock him off his paste. I gasped when he roughly grabbed it. He held it behind me so I wouldn't knock him off his paste. It was hard trying to balance myself while he was hitting it from behind.

I was so happy when he let go of it. He had my upper body lean forward making me relax a little on the bed and my bottom lean back. I could feel him slowly inserting himself back into my vaginal area. I heard him snicker when I gasped. Huey snickering? That's something new, he never thinks anything is funny.

His big strong hands felt so good around my hips. All he was doing was slamming himself in and out of me hard. I don't want him to stop, it hurts, but at the same time, it feels good. Is this why people like sex so much because it had pain and pleasure in it? I can't lie and say I don't enjoy those two things happening to me at the same time. Sadly he had pulled out making me a bit upset.

I could sense him about to set me up, but I pulled him onto the bed. Before he could react I quickly got on top of him. "I see you go at it," he smirked. "I just wanna try something I saw," I bit down on my bottom lips. "Ok!" he said relaxing. I tried to slip myself on his tower, but it was a bit hard until Huey had helped me. We both were looking at each other dead in the eye as he slowly slid me on his tower. "You ready?" I asked as he nodded.

On his pillows, Huey was propped up a little as I bent forward toward him. I began to go up and down slowly until I got used to pasting. As I was bouncing up and down, he closely groped me. Before Huey kissed me on the mouth, I thought so much about it. Since he had bit it, I felt a sting on my lower lip. He wasn't even satisfied holding back.Huey began kissing me from my lips to my throat, sucking a little bit of it. I could hear myself still enjoying it all. With all of the multitasking we were doing, I just threw my head back. My body felt so hot that something rushed through it. I knew precisely what was going to happen. I moaned, "Huey!" as he perked up, "I'm about ta-" I couldn't finish my sentence. "Don't worry Jazz I'm about to be there with you," he smoothly said in my ear.

My heart pounded fast because it was too much for me to cope with. "Huey!" "Jazmine!" I moaned his name as I let go of it all. We both breathed in the same paste. He slumped out of breath, staring up at me for a moment. I could see and feel tiny sweat beads dripping from our bodies. This made Huey's body look so good because it looked like it was sparkling on his skin.

"Happy New Year!" he said. "You too!" I smiled. Well, that's a way to start the New Year off!

Thank you for reading!

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