Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

175K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Helping out the Student Council

2.5K 66 21
By Kakirihazuri

Y/n's pov

It was early in the morning, and I was standing in the student council meeting room. Jin had requested that I helped them with a integration program for next year. An academy school was going to be shutting down and he wanted to bring the students of the school into Hopes Peak as a class. The Ultimate Academy, a school like Hopes Peak, however instead of having their students sit in class together, each student has a 'talent lab' to help them hone their talents. It was basically Hopes Peak without any classes at all. The students would be moved to Hopes Peak as the 79th class, despite being the same year as the 78th. The integration program would have the student council introduce the new students to Hopes Peak and give them a tour of the current faculties. After they are done with the tour they will be brought to their new dorm house, which was built over break during the construction on the school building. Since the Kamukura project finished, the school had plenty of left over funding from the money made from the reserve course students. In a way, this was Jin's way of covering up the project more. 

The members of the student council clearly didn't like having a random student help them. Most of them thought they were better than everyone else, just cause they were on the student council. Of course there was Aiko who didn't seem to mind having me here, and there was a girl with glasses that didn't seem to bothered by me. The one glaring at me the most was Kotomi, who still hated me for obvious reasons. I simply stared blankly at them "wow, I didn't know most of the student council was filled with pretentious pests." Kotomi slammed her hands on her desk "Shut up! you should be grateful to even be in this room" I smirked at her "I'd be more grateful if this room was empty." She clenched her teeth and growled slightly. Aiko spoke up "c-can we just get this started and stop fighting" I nodded and shrugged "Clearly we don't need everyone in here to do the work, so I say 3 of us here give the tour, a few make sure the dorms are ready, and the rest of you can just do whatever it is you do with your massive egos" After they finished getting angry, it was decided that Me, Aiko, and Kotomi would be the ones giving the tour. The 3 of us left, heading out to the front gate to meet with the students. 

When we got there we saw a group of very contrasting students. I took out the file that Jin gave me earlier regarding the students. I opened it and looked at them "Alright, Welcome to Hopes Peak High School, you will be spending the rest of your high school years here. I'm Y/n Kamukura, the cute girl in the bunny hoodie is Aiko Umesawa, and the bossy lady with a ugly look on her face is Kotomi Ikuta. They are from the student council, I am just a student recommended by the Principal Jin Kirigiri. " I could practically feel Kotomi glaring at me while I talked "We need to make sure you are all here, so I'm going to call your name and talent out, step forward when I do" They nodded and I looked at the paper "Angie Yonaga, Ultimate artist" A tan girl with white hair walks forward "It is Atua that is the artist, I am only his vessel" I nodded "Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Entomologist" A big guy that looked like tarzan walked up "Gonta is here" I move on to the next "Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Magician" A small girl with red hair and a wizard hat steps forward "It's Ultimate Mage. " I nodded and wrote that down before moving on "K1-B0, Ultimate Robot" The robot stepped forward "you may call be Keebo" I nodded again "Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Pianist" A blond girl with a musical note hairpin walks forward "here" I looked at the next "Kaito Momota, Ultimate Astronaut" A tall guy with purple hair, wearing his over-shirt like a cape stepped forward "Kaito Momota Luminary of the stars here" I ignored his statement and moved on "Kirimi Tojo, Ultimate Maid" A white haired girl in a maid outfit stepped forward and bowed "feel free to give me any order" I nodded and moved on "Kokichi Oma, Ultimate Supreme leader" A boy with purple hair and a white outfit with a checkered scarf stepped forward "Supreme leader of evil at your service" I sighed "Korekiyo Shinguji, Ultimate Anthropologist" A guy with long black hair and a mask over his face stepped forward "That would be me" "Maki Harukawa, Ultimate A...ahem.....Ultimate Child Caretaker." she stepped up silently glaring at me. I shrugged it off "Miu Iruma, Ultimate Inventor" a blond lady with goggle on stepped forward "Bow before me peasants" "no thanks, moving on." She moaned weirdly from my response, but I continued "Rantaro Amami, Ultimate Adventurer" A green haired guy with a black and white stripped shirt steps forward. "Nice to meet ya" I nodded "Ryoma Hoshi, Ultimate Tennis Pro" A short guy with a beanie stepped forward "I threw that title away long ago...." I shook my head and moved on "Suichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective" a boy with blueish hair and a detective hat stepped forward "Junior detective" I looked at the next "Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master" a girl wearing a green bow in her hair scoffs "I'm not gonna listen to a degenerate male" I shrugged and looked at the last one Tsumugi Shirogane, Ultimate Cosplayer" A girl with blue hair and glasses steps forward and nods. I closed the file and sighed "alright, everyone is here. we can now begin the tour of the campus." 

The tour went pretty well, other than Kotomi glaring at me the whole time. Most of the new students had gotten an understanding of the campus and some even found out where they would be spending most of their free time. At the end of the tour we ended up at the dorm house they would be using. It was a dome shaped building with 2 floors. Above each door was a pixelated image of the person who's room it was. They all went to their rooms to check it out. After making sure they had everything they needed, me and the 2 student council girls left. We headed back to the student council room only to find that it is empty, I looked around and saw a note left for Aiko and Kotomi about the meeting they would be having later in the day to discuss the new students. After reading it Aiko and Kotomi left to get rest before school started. I was about to leave the room when suddenly a vision started. Instead of the usual images, the scene was the room I was in. Blood all over the room, weapons and bodies laying all over. I stared at one of them and frowned......Aiko.... I looked around more to get more of an idea of when it would take place. It was dark outside, the clock read 10 pm. I looked for what would have caused this, and saw a stuffed bear sitting on the front desk. The 2 toned bear that I always saw as markers for my visions. The vision ended suddenly as my phone suddenly rang. I picked up the call and heard a voice on the other end "Big brother! where are you right now. Monaca is worried cause you weren't here for her when she woke up!" I sighed "Sorry Monaca, I told you last night that I would be doing something for the principal in the morning. I will be back in the room soon okay?" "hurry up. Monaca is lonely." I chuckled "see you soon" "mkay..." I hung up and started making my way back to my room, frowning. I needed to prevent that vision from coming true at all costs. 


I had gotten Monaca to school and went back to Hopes peak, heading to the classroom and arriving a few minutes before the bell. I sat down at my desk and sighed, thinking of what to do. The bell rang and class started, however before Ms. Yukizoma could say anything, the door was opened by Jin "Excuse my interruption, I need to borrow one of your students" Ms. Yukizoma nodded and Jin looked at me "Mr. Kamukua. let's go" I sighed and got up, going with him. "what is this about?" He looked at me "Well, I want you to be an honorary member of the student council." I stood there silently for a few moments before responding "what" he nodded "You help out a lot, and you need some way to get out of classes without Chisa complaining. So if you are put on the student council, you will have such excuses. You wont have too attend the student council, only help out with the larger projects." I nodded "alright. . . That's fine. But why do you want me on the student council?" He looked at me "I have a feeling that something bad is going to be happening soon. So I want to try preventing it, or saving as many people as I can. If you are on the student council, you will be able to help do more." I nodded and sighed "alright, then I'm guessing there is something you need me to work on now?" Jin nodded "I need you to work with the student council first. After school meet me by the statue of Izuru Kamukura." "alright. Did you tell the student council that I would be joining them?" He shook his head "They were informed that I would be sending a new member. Just nothing about who" I sighed "You're dropping the harder part on me then" 

We walked to the student council room, and Jin opened the door. All of the members were standing there, waiting for us. When they saw me they got upset, questioning Jin's choice to put me on the council. He only told them that I was very talented and a someone that has helped more than enough times. After begrudgingly accepting me to the council, they started their normal work. They dumped most of the paperwork on me, clearly out of spite. Aiko offered to help me get done with it, however I did the paperwork faster than they expected. I had it all sorted out after I finished and I stretched before looking at them. A clear cycle started, they dumped work on me, Aiko would be the only one offering to help, I would do the work alone, and they would try to find problems with my work only to find that I did it flawlessly. It angered them, however they couldn't complain openly about me doing the job better than they would normally do. Soon, they ran out of things to dump on me. I had ended up doing all of the work they had built up. We all sat at the desks in the council room silently. Aiko was pouting towards me since I didn't let her help, Kotomi was glaring at me, and the rest of them seemed to be upset. A guy wearing glasses sighed "Well, it seems we are all out of work......I guess we need to find something to do?" I stood up "Alright, I have something. It's called introductions. I only know Aiko and Kotomi. The rest of you are just a bunch of randoms to me at the moment." A large guy nodded "I guess that's true.." 

They started introductions, finally putting names to themselves for the author to forget and have to look up again later. Asukasei Hino, the guy with glasses and dark hair. Daiki Kubo, a heavy set guy with greenish hair. Karen Kisaragi, a girl with short brownish-green hair and blue-green eyes. Kiriko Nishizawa, a girl with light magenta hair wearing a red rippon and violet eyes. Ryota Someya, a short boy with blue eyes and hair. Shoji Yoko, a guy with yellow-green hair. Sokuke Ichino, a guy with yellow eyes and short red hair. Suzuko Kashiki, a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes, looks kinda boyish. Taro Kurosaki, Short blue hair and green eyes, he doesn't wear a tie with his uniform. Tomohiko Goryoku, the large guy with dark grey hair and eyes. Finally, Tsubasa Kamii, long light grey hair with pale blue eyes. After they finished, Karen looked at me "you know our names, now what's your name?" I looked at them "Oh, right. I'm Y/n Kamukura." The room was silent for a bit, until Shoji yelled out "Wait! Kamukura? Like the founder of Hopes Peak Kamukura" "not directly related, adopted, but yes. Don't treat me differently though. I've already seen how you act towards normal people, I don't want to see how you guys suck up to people. you have nothing to lose or gain. I could have replaced all of you as the student council but I haven't. Nor would I" Kotomi still glared at me "how about we address a different thing now that introductions are done. Even If you are a Kamukura, it doesn't make it right for you to have a bedroom in the school building." I sighed and shook my head "you are still on about that? I told you before. I was put in that room by Jin. there are no open dorms for me to go to. Besides, I'm not going to be doing anything bad. the area is constantly monitored by cameras anyways." Soon, argument had began



alright, student council and V3 characters are all here. slightly misleading title to anyone who's watched the anime, but that was mentioned in the chapter so....its fair. Anyways, its time to start going back into despair arc events, So now I have an excuse to watch the anime again. The next chapter will probably take a while to come out, we shall see though. As always, Until next chapter. 

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