Pretty Reckless ▷ Isaac Lahey...

By -Whittemores

97.8K 4.6K 1.7K

[Book 1] ❝Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to go get drunk enough for you to seem interesting❞ Sienna McCal... More

0.0 | Pretty Reckless
0.2 | Heaven Knows
0.3 | Bravado
0.4 | Teen Idle
0.5 | Elastic Heart
0.6 | You're Not In Kansas Anymore
0.7 | Kids In The Dark
0.8 | Misery Buisness
0.9 | Empty Gold
1.0 | The Reckless And The Brave
1.1 | HeavyDirtySoul
1.3 | We Like It Loud

0.1 | On My Own

9.6K 477 185
By -Whittemores

▝▝ //Chapter one//

01. On my own

Sienna's father hardly ever being at home, gave Sienna some advantages to throw parties.

Thats why she was having one right one. Specifically her own one. It was a celebration, it was their second last night until they got back to school and Sienna decided to treat everyone.

The music blared through the apartment as bodies rocked to the beat. Sienna moved to the sound, half jumping as laughs escaped her lips even though nothing was funny.

The dance floor which was Sienna's living room, was practically an abused chess bored. Its white and black squares were spilled with drinks and broken glass.

The alcohol must have kicked in because Sienna was sure she was starting to hear things even over the loud music. She was never a light weight, so it confused her when she heard her name call out again.

She hoped it wasn't what she thought it was. She hoped she wasn't seeing or hearing things again. If she was, she wanted to ignore them until they left her alone, but they were times Sienna had no control over them.

The voice yelled again over the music, this time it sounded angry.

"Oh s.hit." Sienna had just noticed the music had stopped, no longer feeling the vibration through her body.

Her dad was home.

As Sienna heard her name again, she pushed through the crowd, her heart racing. Her dad never came home early.

If he did, he spent like thirty minutes and left never acknowledging her. Sienna finally pushed through the crowd, as she walked over to the tall figure she called her Dad.

In an instant, their identical brown eyes met one another as anger radiated through Mr McCall's eyes.

Now everyone had stopped dancing, watching the father and daughters stare down.

Mr McCall finally realised the stares, and the people in his apartment. "Everyone out now!"

Sienna gulped knowing that her father was part of the FBI, and all her friends could easily be in trouble. Also his loud demanding voice that left echo's throughout the apartment, was enough to put them in jail cells for under age drinking.

Surprise washed over Sienna as no one even attempted to move, probably thinking this guy was just some neighbour, but Sienna was glad when someone with a sober mind actually spoke.

"Shit, Guys! He's part of the FBI!" The second Ashton announced that, everyone sped through the apartment pushing past Sienna.

In seconds the apartment was left empty, but the tension still held in the air between the McCalls.

"What the hell is this Sienna?" Mr McCall immediately yelled at his daughter, gesturing to the red cups that filled the apartment.

Sienna rolled her eyes as she walked away from him, already getting a headache. "And what the hell happened to your hair?"

Sienna spun around on her heel, her eyebrows rising. "This." She pointed at her hair that was now a lot shorter than the normal length, as it laid on her shoulders with a red dip dye. "Dad I've had this for a month now. Of course you wont notice. You're never home!"

Her dad sighed, rubbing at his temples. "Sienna-"

"Stop dad. Where just as close as strangers could get!" Sienna hoped it was the alcohol she consumed, that made her go teary eyed.

"Sienna Maria, listen to me right now!" Mr McCall was getting frustrated with his daughters behaviour, even though half of it was his fault. Her smoking, her constant drinking even the red in her hair was his fault.

"You're leaving New York." Sienna's eyes widen in disbelief at her dad's subtle statement.


"You heard me, you're leaving. You are no longer going to be living with me."

He wasn't even looking at Sienna, as picked up the rubbish on the ground.

"Your kicking me out? Where do you want me to go!" Sienna exclaimed, as she tried to get her dad to look at her whilst circling around him.

Silence took over the two, and Sienna was tempted to rip her hair out. Her dad couldn't just throw her out and expect her to become a better person after. It didn't work like that, and he was just completely insane right now.

Sienna had seen these type of movies enough, to always know when the party girl gets shipped off to a different country and then comes back new and improved, but that wasn't who Sienna was. She wasn't going to change for anyone.

"I knew I couldn't handle this, I was just being stubborn. But we both decided we should split up the two of you. I have one, she had the other. You didn't have to know. We no longer had to see each other." Mr McCall mumbled underneath his breath.

"Dad your not making any sense." Sienna exclaimed, as her stomach turned at the way her dad glared at her.

"Your moving to Beacon Hills."

"Where the hell is that?" Sienna exclaimed, as she watched her dad storm off to her room, whilst she ran at his heel.

"It's in California?" Her father responded.
Sienna furrowed her brows, nothing was making sense.

"What's in California?" Sienna questioned, as she tried to make her sentence make more sense, still feeling a bit dizzy.

Her dad continued to ignore her, and Sienna was already getting angry. "Who's in California dad!"

Her dad ignored her again, pushing past her.


"Your mother! Your mother is in California." Agent McCall yelled back, whilst he walked away from his flabbergasted daughter.

Sienna froze, her heart racing from what seemed like the tenth time her dad had enter her presence. He just seemed to be dropping bombs everywhere.


"Yes your mother Sienna! I can't handle you anymore."

Tears fell freely down Sienna's cheek. "I have a mother. So my supposed dead beat mother is alive?"

Mr McCall sighed, running his hand through his dark hair. He shouldn't have told her like that, but he was getting sick of his own daughter.

Mr McCall knew he couldn't handle Sienna and his job. He always chose his job first, over Sienna. Growing up, Sienna finally realised this.

Then one day, she grew up and did it on her own. She was terrified at first, but all she had to do was fit into the best crowd, which were the rebels. They were what the students called popular, not popular with rich families, flashy cars and girls that wore barely anything and a face caked with make up.

They were just the laid back type, and it was easy for Sienna to join them once she knew the right words to say and the right way to act.

She just needed to know she had people there for her.

"I've already called a driver, he'll take you to the airport. There's another driver waiting for you in California, he will take you to Beacon Hills." Mr McCall announced casually.

Sienna's eyes widen in disbelief. "I'm going alone! You're making me doing this alone. Your insane!"

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that."

"If you're looking for respect you have another thing coming."

Sienna could feel herself burst with anger whilst her head pounded.

She couldn't sort anything out, her head was all messed up with different information and the alcohol she had consumed wasn't helping.

Her dad packed more of her clothes, shoving them into a bag roughly as Sienna bit her lip from trembling.

Mr McCall froze for a second, as he took a double glance at one of Sienna's sketches. He knew his daughter was an remarkable artist, and sometimes drew odd things but this shocked him.

"What is this?" Mr McCall snapped, holding up a sketch which had a curly haired woman on it and younger boy.

Sienna squinted her eyes, trying to get rid of her tears. "Is that all you care about? Some stupid sketch!"

"Sienna! What is this! Who are these people?"

"I don't know. It's just art." She yelled back in irritation, Sienna honestly didn't know why she drew it, she never knew why drew odd things at times and she never remembered them.

All she knew is sometimes, she woke up with odd sketches and weird words on papers filling her room, and the one with the woman and boy seemed to constant.

"Your right. I'm a screw up. I shouldn't live with you because im too messed up." Sienna choked out, as she grabbed her bag from her father.

Her heart practically throbbed, it felt so heavy in her chest she could barely move.


"I'll go dad." Sienna responded not looking up at him.

She had packed everything she needed, even grabbing a few accessories.

When she walked out the door. She wanted her dad to call her back, and then maybe she could promise to be a better daughter.

But he didn't, and Sienna despised him for that, but he was still her father.

Just like Mr McCall said, there was a yellow cab waiting for her.

She was going to miss New York, it's where she grew up and leaving this early, practically broke her.

She just hoped her mother really was alive.

Sienna didn't exactly have friends, so she didn't have anyone to call.

She grabbed her inhaler and held it tight, knowing when all the information settles in for her, she was going to need something to breath again.


This will be one of my favourite stories writing because I have so much planned. Even though this chapter Is a hella boring it will get better. We just have to go past the drama.

I hesitated to post chapter considering it had nothing to do with the actual show yet.

It's also one of the stories I will develop a lot and make sure it precisely how I want it, so updates might not be too frequent.

I will improve my writing in this and some chapters may be long. So sorry for that.

Thank you so much for the support on this story you guys are incredible. We also hit 700 followers omg

Vote what you think. Remember Your comments motivate me.

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