The American And The Russian...

By TheFictionWitch

80K 1.9K 213

Y/n Y/l/n is The USSR's rising star, In the pipe line to eventually replace Borgov, trained from birth in the... More

Part 1 Play...
Part 2: Poshel ty!
Part 3 See You
Part 4 : Dance
Part 5: Princess
Part 6 Care
Part 7 In The Bag
Part 8 How?
Part 9 Have you
Part 10 Goodnight
Part 11 Ya Ne Znayu
Part 12 You don't wanna Here it, I don't wanna talk about it
Part 13 Nice Pillow
Part 14 No!
Part 15 Gone Shopping
Part 16 Pills
Part 17 : Date Night
Part 18 News
Part 19 Dancing
Part 21 The Way I feel when I'm With you
Part 22 Bad
Part 23 Reading
Part 24 It's Okay To Be Scared
Part 25 Promise Me
Part 26 The Door
Part 27 We Knew
Part 28 Pawns
Part 29 : Interrogation
Part 30 The Yellow Phone
Part 31 Favourite Toy
Part 32 The Dead Rat Gift
Part 33 Sing For Me
Part 34 : Are You Sure?
Part 35 : Americans...
Part 36 Worth It
Part 37 All American A**
Part 38 Home feels like hell
Part 39 Hi Daddy
Part 40 ty dumayesh' ya glupyy
Part 41 are you real?
Part 42 I promise
Part 43 Welcome home princess
Part 44 Dancing with pixies
Part 45 Together.
Part 46 I'm never letting you go again
Part 47 Cuddle
Part 48 Fly Me Home
Part 49 Home
Part 50 Mrs Watts
Part 51 I want to
Part 52: My Princess
Part 53 Gently princess

Part 20 Home Sweet Home

1.5K 38 8
By TheFictionWitch

I sat looking at the window high above my head the frosted glass all that hid the outside world from me, this bunker deep into the earth hidden from eyes by the tall trees and thich Moscow snow the bright winter sun shining down onto me in this little chair. The window causing a spotlight on me and me alone. The room was empty but the three of us. Myself, casak and The doctor I had known my whole life. The sounds echoing so loudly in my ears of the Orchestral music of the Nutcracker. It suddenly stopped and Casak blew his cigar smoke into my face

"Igrat' v?"

"Poshel ty na khuy!" I yelled fighting with the buckles on my wrists and my ankles

He looked behind me and nodded and the moment he did I felt the horrific inescapable pain

"Dovol'no!" I scream at the top of my lungs as the horrible pain raced though my every vain. My every bone.

"Igrat' v!" He ordered I simply spat in his face. He sighed wiping it from his face, He knelt down to my level and fixed my hair "Pochemu ty dolzhna drat'sya so mnoy, Printsessa?"

"Poshel ty na Khuy!" I yelled back

"Igrat' v!" He ordered taking his cigar forcing it against my skin burning my hand I tried not to move or react even if it was burning me "Igrat' v printsessu"

"No!" I yelled He sighed and moved the headphones on me tighter and moving the metal headband to the temples of my head

"YA ne khochu, chtoby ona delala eto snova. Zastavit' yeye vesti sebya" He says to the doctor before leaving the room marching off out the room as he shut the door I felt the electrodes shocking my head, my hands, my chest, my feet everywhere I felt the icy chill of the metal pads was sending shock waves though me causing so much pain it forced tears from my eyes

"Dovol'no!" I yelled he didn't say a word to me "Dovol'no!" I yelled louder trying to fight with my restraints even more "Dovol'no!" I screamed no answer but the pain increased "Dovol'no!" I screamed at the top of my lungs kicking and fighting with all my strength

"Y/n! y/n!" I heard Benny's voice yell but I still felt restrained

"Ostav' menya v pokoye!" I screamed kicking and fighting "Ostav' menya v pokoye!"

"Y/n!" I heard as I was suddenly shook and I was sat up in bed in my nightie the darkness of the apartment broken only by the orange lamp on the bedside table my covers kicked off me in the night, Benny sat up with me too holding my wrists, his hair falling in his eye, his bare chest moving fast where he had to fight with me, he looked worried and like he almost had tears in his eyes "You were having nightmares about moscow? Weren't you?" He asks and I nodded "It's okay, It's okay, you're safe, it's okay You're safe I promise" he soothes wrapping his arms securely around me pulling me Into his chest. I sat a moment feeling his soft skin against me his warm and safe arms around me, and I cracked. My tears flooding from my eyes, unable to stop my whines and cries, wrapping my arms around his waist holding him like a pillow or a teddy bear he simply held me tighter his hand moving to play with my hair in a sweet and soothing way "it's okay, it's all okay, your safe, your here with me, we're in new york, and I won't let anything bad happen to my honeybunny" he explained "shhhh sh ssshh it's alright," he says "did you want to talk about it?"

"No, please don't make me"

"It's okay, I'm not going to make you. We'll do whatever makes you happy honeybunny" 

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