Our Weird Life (BWWM) (Sequel...

By karrie_999

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I let him in; I gave into my urges and loved him in every complete shape and form. His blonde locks as I ran... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Desire
Chapter 3: One Night
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Steamy Bookstore
Chapter 6: Past Dreams and New Presents
Chapter 7: Confusing Dreams
Chapter 8: Maybe
Chapter 9: Moments
Chapter 10: A Chance
Chapter 11: Teasing
Chapter 12: Family Issuses
Chapter 13: Love and In Love
Chapter 14: Famous Encounter
Chapter 15: Love Drew
Chapter 17: Waiting
Chapter 18: I Stay In Love
Chapter 19: Rekindled Love
Chapter 20: One and Only
Chapter 21: Emotions
Chapter 22: Back at Home
Chapter 23: Future and Dreams
Chapter 24: My Everything
Chapter 25: Advice
Chapter 26: Mr. and Mrs. Lone
Chapter 27: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 28: Promises
Chapter 29: Possibly
Chapter 30: Fears
Chapter 31: Yet to Come
Chapter 32: Party Time
Chapter 33: Our Beginning
Chapter 34: Priceless Love
Chapter 35: The Big Twenty-Two
Chapter 36: Happy Birthday BabyGirl
Chapter 37: Christmas Time
Chapter 38: New Friends
Chapter 39: Spring showers, bring May weddings
Chapter 40: The Big Day
The Third Book has been Published!

Chapter 16: See You Again

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By karrie_999

Alright, I alternated between their Point of View's so you can get both sides of how they get there. So Enjoy! This is what you guys have been waiting for. 

I'll fix any mistakes later. :* 

Chapter 16: See You Again


            Beth was feeling Hope, as I got ready for practice. “Is she dressed? Or should I change her shirt to this one?” I go back in and hold up a plaid blue shirt and black pants. Adam was trying to burp Hope, but he wasn't holding her head right.

“Here I’ll do it.”

 I take my shirtless now five month old daughter from burp her the right way. She does so, letting out little sounds. Her light skin was smooth and she smelled like baby lotion. “Do that shirt.” Beth says. I agree, and lay her down to carefully to put it on her.

“Okay Aiden, will you just think about it?” Adam asked. I set her in her exersaucer my mother got for her and she plays with the toys surrounding her.  

He was asking me if I wanted to go with him and Beth to London for spring break. I declined their first offer, because I don’t know if I was up for it. I would have to figure out last minute plans for Hope, and figure someone to watch her.

“You can bring Hope too. She’s old enough now to fly on a plane.”

I raise a brow at Beth, “You already booked the tickets didn’t you?” I turn to Adam and see him nodding.

“It’s Spring Break and I just don’t want you sulking in here. We’re all sad about Drew, and we’ve all left you alone so you can mourn, but I think it is time that you get back into the world. And going to London will just the thing. And it can Hope’s first little vacation.”

He picks up Hope and she touches his face giggling.

 I sigh, “Alright, but yall can’t be getting wasted one me every night and expect me to come save you, I have a baby to take care of, and  I don’t need to be taking care of you.”

 Beth sprung up, “We hear you Captain! London here we go!”

Hope was kicking her legs out and babbling. I pick her up, “Yeah that’s right baby, we’re going to London.”



            I was sitting in my bed at the dorm, waiting on Kain to get back from getting us food. When I heard a knock at the door, I ran to it, hungry as ever. I unlocked the door and stopped right in my tracks to see who it was.


We collided in a huge hug, squeezing the hell out of each other. I breathed in her hair and it smelled like mangos. I missed that, I missed her. We didn't let go for a while, rocking back and forth on each other’s feet. “I’m so glad you’re here.” I cried. We let go and she laughed with happy tears in her eyes. “Me too.” People walking outside looked at us weird.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. She comes all the way in, looking around the dorm room. “Well I came to surprise you.” She sat on my bed and I was so excited. I could show her around, and we can finally hang out after two years.

“By yourself?”

She shakes her head, “Adam is coming on a different plane. I wanted to spend a day with just you and me before he came in.”

I nod, “Alright well I’m waiting for Kain to bring me back some food, but we can do anything you want after that, I promise.” She raises a brow, “Mmm, so I’ll finally get to meet the mysterious Kain?” I laugh, “He’s a good guy.”

Beth nods. “Well tell me about London.”

“No he didn’t?” She laughed. Kain came back and I shared my chicken nuggets from McDonalds with her. He was sitting on Piper’s bed while I continued to tell Beth about my experiences being here. “Yeah, he told her off in front of the class and praised my work like I was J.K. Rowling or something.”

She smiled, and swiped one of my fries. “Stop that.” I hit her hand.

Kain laughed. We both look at him, “What are you laughing at?” I said. He smirked, coming over and sitting on my bed with us. “You two, seeing you happy like this is nice.” I smile at him.

“Your right. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to get dressed so my best friend and I can go out and about around the town.”

 I get from the bed and pick out something in my closet. Taking out a long sleeve striped shirt, a black skirt, and knee high socks I put it on in the bathroom and complete the outfit with combat boots. A knock sounds on the door and I hurry to tie my shoes.

“Yes?” Someone comes in and I recognize the shoes. “Beth seems nice.” Kain says. I look up at him and kiss his cheek. “Thank you for the food.” He nods, standing behind me in the mirror.

“Anything for you, love.” He kisses my shoulder. “Anything.”

He touches my waist and tries to sneakily put his hand up my skirt.

”Mmhh, Kain, as much I would enjoy this, I have to go.”

 “I’ll see you later love.” He chuckles, giving me a kiss on the lips, and leaves the bathroom.

 I ruffle my hair and sigh. “I’m a mess.”

“You ready to go?”



I carry a sleeping Hope to the front of the plane and to our seats. We were sitting in a three seat area, with Adam on the very end, me in the middle, and  Hope close to the window. I strapped her safely seat in and put our stuff on the top.

“You good?” Adam asked.

I looked at Hope and nodded. “Yeah.” I push her pacifier back in her mouth and sigh. The flight attendant comes by and asked if we needed anything. “No, but thank you.” She nodded and walked off.

“It’s going to be fine Aiden. Just relax and we’ll be there in no time.”

Throughout the ride, I slept a little, but I continued to sometimes wake up and check on Hope. Her eyes were open and she was playing with her fingers. She was wearing a cheetah shirt with red bottoms. My mother picked it out, as she helped me pack things for Hope.

She was a real life saver when it came to helping me, and I appreciated everything she’s done. And that’s why I needed this trip, something so I could get my mind off of things. I can have fun with my friends and daughter.

The long plane ride, Hope babbled loud and screamed a couple times. I know it was only because she was excited, but she needed to quite it down before people complained.

Surprisingly no one did though, which was good. She got distracted when I gave her a bottle and looked out the window. She kicked at her seat and dropped the bottle out her mouth.

“She’s a mover huh?” Adam asked. I laughed, “Yeah. I’m glad she’s not being too fussy though.” He nods, “I told you this would be good.”  I elbowed him, “Whatever.”

I slept for a little and asked for Adam to watch Hope. When I felt her little lips on my cheek and I opened my eyes.

She laughed, turning to Adam. “You woke him up.”

 Hope bounced on his lap. “Hey, Daddy needs to sleep, but you can hang out with Uncle Adam till he wakes up.” He plays peek a boo with her and she enjoys it. She pulls at his hand and laughs when he shows his face.

He kisses her head, “Hope Tell Daddy that when we land, we’re going to get some food.” Hope turns to me and babbles. “Is that right?” I said to her. She screams, smiling. I laughed and gave grabbed her pacifier. She gladly takes it, sticking it in her mouth.

The plane finally lands and people start to gather their stuff to leave. It was the longest plane ride I’ve been on, but it was great. Adam grabs our bags as I grab Hope. She took about three naps the whole way, and was awake for the rest of the ride. Adam and I catch a cab to our Hotel and enjoy the ride. The views were amazing and cab driver made conversation.

“Welcome to London, lads.” He says.

 We thank him and Adam gives him the money that he got converted to pounds at the Airport. We carried our stuff in and one of the hotel workers helped up to our room. It was two rooms across from each other. Adam and Beth in their own room, and Hope and I have one.

After Adam gets situated in his room, he helps me set up this portable crib that came with the room. “Got it,” He succeeded and put his hands on his hips. “This going to be fun.”

I take Hope out of her seat and let her sit on the bed. “What is Beth out doing?” I asked. Adam shrugs, “Probably exploring, I’ll call her.” Adam leaves the room and I change Hope’s diaper.

Letting her roam free with just a diaper on, I sit on the bed with her and sigh. She sits up with support and leans on me. “Let’s see what’s on TV.”



Beth and I were sitting in a nail salon, getting manicures. I was having fun, and missing her company. “You wanna go see a movie after this?” I asked her. She was texting with one hand, while the other was being painted.

“Beth?” She turns to me, “Mmh?” I raise an eyebrow at her, “Do you want to go see a movie after our nails are dry?” I asked again. She nods, “Yeah sounds great.”

I wait for my nails to get dry and for Beth to get her toes done. I didn’t want mine done, seeing as I’m just not comfortable with people touching my feet. I wait in a chair and see her texting someone.

 She’s been continuously texting someone and not that I mind, because she probably was checking in and getting accustomed to the London diversity, such as I had to do two years ago, but I was just wondering who it could’ve been.

“Is Adam here?”  I asked. She looks up at me, “I was just asking, because I assumed that’s who you were texting this whole time.”

She nods, “Yeah he just got to the hotel and wanted to know what I was doing.” I smirked, typical Adam. “Well did you tell him that you’re spending the day with your best friend and he can wait?” She laughed. “Yes I did.” I smile and wait in my seat.

Beth picked The Boy Next Door, and we sit together, being loud and yelling out stuff. “Oh Shit.” Beth said loudly. I laughed, this brought back memories. “He’s so hot.” When it got to the crazy parts, I cursed. “Damn man.” When it was over, we walked out and threw away our drinks.

“Those girls that were talking ruined the whole thing for me.” I heard. Beth came back from throwing away her candy box and I told her what those girls said. She laughed, “Well sorry.” We both laughed and left the movies.

“Where to now?” She asked.

I was about to answer when my phone vibrated. I answer the text, “Well I just got called into work. You can go hang out with Adam and I’ll call you when I’m off.” We got in the car and buckled in. “No it’s fine. Don’t you work at a karaoke place? I wanna check it out.” I shrugged and drove us back to the dorm so I could change my clothes.

When I unlock the door, I was surprised when I saw Piper and Ellie. “Hey guys.” I said. “Hey Nia. Hey Nia’s friend.” Ellie waved. “Guys this is Beth. My friend from back home that I’ve been going on and on about.” Beth shakes their hands.

“You must be Piper, and you must be the girlfriend.” Ellie smiles, “Yes, I’m Ellie.” I change my pants and grab my name tag.

“I’m going to work, but I’ll be back probably.” I tell Piper. She nods, “That’s cool. Just make sure you have your key.” I give her a thumb up and open the door. “Nice meeting you guys.” Beth says to them. “You too.” They reply back.

I drive to my job and am always surprised that crowd we have, even in the afternoon.

“Who’s that pretty lady you brought in with you?” John asked. John was working the bar with me. He was a white with a big curly head and sweet blue eyes.

“My best friend who has come to visit me.” I tend to customers and talk to John.

“Is she single?” I laugh, “No John she’s not. She has a boyfriend who happens to be here visiting too”

He mixes some nonalcoholic for a young customer and hands it to him. “Damn.”

 I wipe down the counter and go to wipe down the tables. It was girl on stage; she was young and had a cute accent. “I’m gonna sing my version of I Wish I Would by Taylor Swift.” She smiled at the crowd and began.

It's 2 A.M. in your car

Windows down, I pass my street

The memories start


You say it's in the past

And drive straight ahead

You think I'm gonna hate you now

'Cause you still don't know what I never said


I wish you would come back

Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did

I wish you knew that

I'd never forget you as long as I'd live


And I wish you were right here, right now

It's all good

I wish you would


It's 2 A.M. in my room

Headlights pass the window pane

I think of you


We were a crooked love

In a straight line down

Makes you wanna run and hide

But it makes you turn right back around


I wish you would come back

Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did

I wish you knew that

I'd never forget you as long as I'd live


And I wish you were right here, right now

It's all good

I wish you would


I wish we could go back

And remember what we were fighting for

Wish you knew that

I miss you too much to be mad anymore


And I wish you were right here, right now

It's all good

I wish you would


I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I

I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I

I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I


You always knew how to push my buttons (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

You give me everything and nothing (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

This mad, mad love makes you come rushing (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

Stay back where you stood (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

I wish you would, I wish you would (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)


I wish you would, I wish you would (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

I wish you would, I wish you would (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)


2 A.M., here we are

See your face

Hear my voice in the dark


We were a crooked love

In a straight line down

Makes you wanna run and hide

But it made us turn right back around


I wish you would come back

Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did

I wish you knew that

I'd never forget you as long as I'd live


And I wish you were right here, right now

It's all good

I wish you would


I wish you would come back

Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did

I wish you knew that

I'd never forget you as long as I'd live


And I wish you were right here, right now

It's all good

I wish you would


I wish we could go back

And remember what we were fighting for

Wish you knew that

I miss you too much to be mad anymore


And I wish you were right here, right now

It's all good

I wish you would


You always knew how to push my buttons (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

You give me everything and nothing (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

This mad, mad love makes you come rushing (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

Stand back where you stood (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

I wish you would, I wish you would (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)


I wish you would, I wish you would (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

I wish you would, I wish you would

I wish you would, I wish you would (I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I)

I wish you would, I wish you would


I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I

I I I I, I I I wish, I wish, I (I wish you would)

“Nia?” I clear my teary vision and turn to the voice. John was looking at me. “Hey you good?” I nod, “Um yeah. I’m fine.” Beth steps up behind him and looks at me. “What’s wrong?” I brush her off, “Nothing. It’s fine.” Everyone claps for the girl and I get back to work.

As I was serving as drink, Beth comes up to the counter and sits there. “I hate to go Lovebug, but Adam called. I’m going to go out with him and around six, I’ll come back and you and I can have some drinks. Where ever you want to get them.”

 I nod, “Alright well I’ll see you later.” I move around the counter and give her a big hug. “I’ll see you later?” She nods, “Yeah,” We let go and she waves at John.

He blushed and waved back, “I need to go to America.” I push John and laugh. “You’re thirsty John.”



            I sit in the front seat of our rental car with Adam. We are outside of this weird Singing bar place and waiting for Beth to come out. “Why was she here?” I asked. Adam shrugged, “You know how much she likes karaoke bars.” I laugh, “She’s weird.” We see Beth come out and waves when I let the window down.

“Get in the car you weirdo.”  She shuffles in the back and tickles Hope. “Why are you calling me weird?” I turn around and look at her, “Because you’re at some weird singing bar by yourself.” She laughs, “Emphasis on the bar, I enjoy going to quite places like that, with alcohol and guitars.” I smirk, “Okay.”

                Adam decided we should go out to lunch. We pulled into some restaurant that he looked up and went inside. I opened the back door to grab Hope, but Beth already unbuckled her.

“I got it. Auntie Beth misses you.”

Beth picks up her seat and carries it in. The hostess gets use a table and a high chair. We sit with Adam and Beth sit in chairs one side of the table and I on the other. I sit Hope on the high chair and look at the menus.

“How was the flight?” Beth asked Adam. “Good. It worked out well, and nice.” She nodded, “That’s great. Did you guys check in too?” Adam nodded, “Yup. Rooms are all good and the view in our room is amazing.” She smiles. “Great,” The waitress brings us bread and we order our drinks.

 “How did Hope do on the flight?” Beth asked me. Hope wiggled in her seat. She was fussy in the car on the way here, but finally went to sleep. “She was good; she’s been up all day, finally got her to sleep in the car.”

I look over at Hope and see her eyes open. “Oh look she’s awake.” Beth takes her out her seat and holds her. “She’s such a cutie.” I lean over the table to push up her little headband. “What are you going to get man?” Adam asked me. I shrug and look at the menu. The waitress comes back and asked if we were ready to order.

“Yeah I’ll have the chicken strips and can you bring out apples or something?” I asked. She nods and writes it down.

“And how about you guys?” Beth and Adam tell her their order and she takes our menus. “I’ll be right back.” I eat at the bread. Beth was talking to Hope, but Hope was distracted. She looked at me and held out her arms over the table.

“You wanna go to your Daddy? Okay.”

 Beth hands her to me and I hold her. Hope wraps her little like arms around my body and lays her head on my chest. She only did this when she wanted to eat. I grabbed her bottle and give it to her, holding it to her mouth, but not letting go. She wasn’t ready to hold it on her own yet. Beth and Adam chat alongside me, while I feed her.

“I planned to go to this other place that I was looking at around six. You guys have this little guy’s night and we’ll hang out together tomorrow.” Beth says.

“To another Singing bar?” I tease her. “Maybe.” She laughs. “Don’t judge. They’re fun when you have the right people there.” The waitress comes back and I put Hope back in her seat. She sets the apples close to Hope and I scoot them away a bit. “Your baby is beautiful.” She tells me. “Thank you.” Hope babbles something and watches us eat.

I was feeding Hope baby peaches as multitasked and was dipping my chicken in ketchup. When I saw Hope reach for an apple I put down the baby spoon and considered it.  I got them for her, but I was being cautious, before I let her try one.

“Poor baby, tell your Daddy you want to eat real food.” Adam teases. I grab an apple slice and break it in half.  Giving her a little, I put it up to her mouth and she sucks on it.

“Say Puck You Daddy, I want more.” Adam curses in a baby voice. I kick his foot under the table. “Don’t say that.” He laughs, Hope laughs too. She opens and closes her hand, reaching for more. I do the same and cautiously watch her eat the food. She whines for mom, but I stop.

When I put the spoon back to her mouth full with purified baby peaches, she closes it. “Hope, open your mouth.” She does so and closes her mouth over the spoon.

I wiped her hand off, when she dipped it in my ketchup. Beth and Adam laugh. Hope reaches out for me and I pick her up. She presses her little lips to my head and I smile.

“Daddy loves you.”

She sits down in my lap and hits the table. Beth and Adam talk to her, while I drink my glass of water. “Tell them baby, say Auntie and Uncle are freaks.” Adam laughs when Hope yells her baby words.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom, but when I came back, the tickle monster is coming for you.” Adam teases Hope. She giggles.

At the table now is just Beth, Hope, and I. “What’s going through that head of yours?” I asked Beth. She blinked and looked at me. “What?” I laugh at her facial expression.

 “What going on through that head of yours?” I asked again. She shakes her head. “Nothing.” I raise a brow, “Is everything fine?” I asked, suddenly worried. She didn’t look like it was nothing. “Yeah, yes, everything is fine. I’m just worried.” I stopped Hope from grabbing a sugar packet and continued talking.

“About what?”  She looks down, “About you.”

I frown.

“Why? I’m here didn’t put up some fit, and I’m having fun. What’s to worry about me for?” I lean over to get Hope a toy. She was being handsy with her surroundings.

“Just know, that the things Adam and I do for you, is because we care about you. Even Nia, she cares about you still. And I know I’m throwing this at you like a grenade, but its truth. Believe me when I say she’s still in love with you, no matter what you see.”



                “It was great you know? Like seeing your long lost twin. I haven’t seen my best friend in person for two years, and now I have and it was great.” I said to Kain. I was lying on his bed at his house. He was listening to me talk about my day with Beth and I appreciated that.

“That great, love, I’m happy if you’re happy.” I smile at him. Kain printed his pictures from California and hung them up. They were beautiful black and white pictures of the ocean and the palm trees. “Did you like it there?” I asked him. “Yes.”

I debated whether to ask this. We’ve been over it, but I usually stopped it, because I didn’t want to fight with him.

“Why were you mad when you told me you meet Aiden?” He frowned, “I don’t know.” He put up his guard and I go silent. “Okay well I’m going to get in the shower so I can get ready to meet Beth.”

 I take a quick shower and change into a little black sweetheart dress with a jean jacket and black boots. I walk out and pose for Kain.

 He laughs, “Great. You look really great.” He gets up from the bed and gives me a long kiss. “Mmm, if we don’t stop, I’ll have to tell Beth to come at another time.” I said between kisses. He chuckles, “We wouldn’t want that.” He lets me go and I grab my purse.

When someone rings the doorbell I hurry down the stairs to open the door. Beth stood in front of me wearing a blue shirt and a red long sleeved sweater with jeans and come boots.

“You look cute.” We both said at the same time. I laughed, “Thank You.” I hear Kain come down the stairs and he waves at Beth.  “Hello there again.” She nods, “Hey there, what are you gonna be doing all night?” Kain shrugs, “Probably nothing. Where are you guys going?” I looked to Beth.

“To get some drinks, your welcome to join us.” She invited? I didn’t mind, but—“I don’t know. Wasn’t it supposed to be like a girl’s night out for you guys?” Beth brushed him off, it’s fine with me, and I’m sure Nia wouldn’t mind.” They both looked at me. “I guess not.”

Beth sits in the front with me and Kain sits in the back. “Where is this bar we’re supposed to be having drinks at?” She looks on her phone. “You’re going the right way.” She doesn’t answer my question. I look at Kain in the rearview mirror. He winks at me and I laugh. I turn up the music and One Direction’s Steal My Girl plays. Beth laughs, “Don’t you just love this song?”

                I pull into a parking lot and get out. “I’ve been here before.” Kain says as he gets out. “I was here with Alice and—I frown at him. He stops. I follow Beth inside and she leads us to the counter. She orders a drink and ushers me to look at the menu and order one myself. I pick some kind of fruity drink and get us a table. Kain stayed at the counter, talking to the bartender. Beth and I sit across from each other.

 “So where did you and Adam go to lunch?” I asked her. “Some place that had great chicken strips.” She laughed, “It was fun.” I nod, “I bet. You should have brought him with you, since you invited Kain I think he feels alone.” She looks down at her phone. “I’ll call him later and see what he’s doing.”

 The bartender brings our drinks and Kain follows behind. I sip at my drink and nod, “This is good.” I got some kind of mango slushy thing with vodka. I think Beth got the same thing. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I asked Beth. She laughs, “No, Just trying to have fun.

                “Beth can I tell you something?” I said. I felt the buzz from this wonderful drink making me feel good. “Anything,” I looked around, Kain was hanging out with the bartender to give us space. He wasn’t going to hear what I was about to say.

“I feel like something bad is about to happen.” Beth laughs, “You were always a crazy drunk.” I laugh, “You’re probably right. I’m going to go to the bathroom. Be right back.” I steady myself on my feet and take off my jacket. “It’s hot.”

I stop by the counter and tell Kain I’m going to the bathroom. He laughs at me, “You’re drunk.” I shake my head, “Just a little tipsy.” I lie. He shakes his head and leads me to the bathroom. I thank him with a kiss.

 “You’re so nice to me, and all I do is ruin things. I’m sorry—Kain shushes me. “It’s fine, love, nothing is your fault.” He says back.

I frown, because he’s wrong.

 “Y-your wrong. Everything is my fault. I gave up the person I loved and left him. He turns around and gets a girlfriend. And the worst part is that he gets her pregnant. And now I’m feeling things for you when I still feel things for him and I just feel so guilty. I’m fucking up your feelings, your emotions, and you probably hate me for it. Aiden probably still hates me for hurting him and now you do. I don’t deserve you, Kain. You’re kind to me and I’ll I do is constantly think about—Kain cuts me off with a kiss. He cups my face and pushes me into the wall.

“Stop Nia,” He puts his head to mine. “It’s fine.”

 I move out of his arms and go the bathroom. Using the bathroom, I get done and wash my hands. My red lipstick was still on and I still looked okay. I take a deep breath and walk out the bathroom.  I see Beth on the phone standing next to the exit. It was closed off come the rest of the place.

“He’s where?” She said loudly. “He’s drunk. Well what am I supposed to do….I can’t, I’m here with Nia and if I knew he was here too, I wouldn’t have fucking brought her here.” She curses to someone in Spanish. “Adam you have to come. I’ll get him and I’ll bring him back. Just bring Hope with you. Well we don’t have another fucking choice.” Beth hangs up and mumbles something.

“Who’s Hope?” I asked. She jumps, “Good god, Nia. You scared me.” I look at her confused, “Who’s Hope. Did you and Adam have a baby and not tell me?” I was suddenly hurt.

My best friend had a kid and didn’t even tell me.

“Wait? No, I didn’t have a kid. What are you talking about?” She says quickly. She only talked fast and high like that when she was lying.

“Beth I may be drunk, but I know I just heard you yelling at Adam about someone being drunk and bringing someone named Hope.”

 Beth throws up her hands. “Damnit, Damnit, Damnit. This isn’t how I wanted you guys to see each other again.” I was getting annoyed, “Again? What are you talking about Beth?” I yelled.

 “To see Aiden!”

I stop. “What?”

Beth pulls her hair, frustrated. “Aiden is here, with me and Aiden. I didn’t tell you, because…”

I was frozen.

Aiden is here? Here as in London? I totally blocked out everything was saying. He’s here. We’re actually in the same place? But How? Did he know I was here? Oh my gosh? Did he bring his girlfriend? Is she still pregnant? Well its past nine months, shouldn’t she already have the baby? Oh My Gosh, did he bring her and the baby? Why did Beth bring him here when he has a girlfriend and a baby? Do any of them know about me? What the hell is going on?

“Nia! Nia are you listening to me?” Beth yelled. She grabbed my shoulders and shook me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” I shake my head. “Why would you bring him here?”

She grumbles something, “You’d think when I tell her that the guy she loves is here, she’ll thank me. Nope.”

I was confused and shocked.

“Where is his girlfriend and his baby?” Beth frowns, “His girlfriend died from child birth, and his baby Hope, is with Adam.” She died? That’s terrible. “She’s dead? What happened?” Beth shakes her head, “Childbirth.”

 Beth and I both stop when I hear voice.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Beth runs to the commotion, and I follow her. I stop in my tracks when I see a guy blonde hair and Kain in an argument. “Aiden!” Beth yells. The blonde turns around and connects eyes with me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” His chest was rising up and down really fast.

“Nia.” Both Aiden and Kain say.

 Aiden tries to come towards me, but Kain stops him

 “What do you think you’re doing?” Kain said to Aiden.

 Aiden looked at him crazy. “None of your damn business buddy. So back the fuck up.” Kain and Aiden were staring each other down. “It is my business if it involves Nia.” Aiden pushes Kain, “In your fucking dreams.” Kain pushes him back.

 Aiden punches him and they start to go at it. I had never seen Aiden fight until now. And him and Kain we’re fighting each other like no other. Kain threw Aiden into a table, but Aiden go right back up, launching at Kain and knocking him into couple at a table.

“Stop!” I yell at them. I don’t dare try to get in the middle of them though.

When I see Adam all of a sudden pulling Aiden away and the bartender guy pulling Kain of,  I look around for Beth, but I don’t see her.

“Fucking chill out man! You have a kid now; you can’t take the chance in getting arrested.” Adam yelled at an over upset Aiden. I didn’t know which guy I should go to. I just watched the two guys I care about fight. Their blood on the floor, tables were destroyed and the place was going crazy.

 I wipe away the tear that ran down my face and look over at Kain. His friend was talking to him and Kain’s nose was bleeding. He has a cut on his head that he pressed a towel to. I turn to look at Aiden and see Adam talking to him. He connected his yes with mine and I felt so guilty. I wanted to say something, but what was I supposed to say?

I still love you, but I feel guilty because you and the boy I care about just fought over me.

 Well I didn’t get a chance, because Aiden storms off and outside the door.

Adam walks up to me and gives a small smile. “It’s nice to see you again Nia.”


Well damn...Whats going to happen now? 

You guys know I don't really jump into action right way. I hope you enjoyed that though. You know, I had to research all the baby stuff, and Drew's pregnancy. I researched her reason of death too. And Researching all this stuff made me feel like a professional. Lol It was nice, having it all down and finally writing it was a relief. But there is more to go. I have no idea, how long this would is going to be. My estimate is 30 chapters, but that could change. More things need to happen before we can get to the end. Someone is getting married and it's going to amazing! I have the cover for the third book already prepared, and I would share it so you all can see it, but I feel like it will give things away. And we wouldn't want that. I have little pictures made for the third one and you guys are going to love them. I don't know if you guys even look at the little pictures, but you should. Anyway on to the two ships, some people are currently sailing. 

Kia shippers are probably going crazy

Naiden shippers are probably fucking losing their mind. 

Alright my loves, Question and Comment Time! 

What do you think Nia should do? 

What was running through your head when Aiden was in London? 

How would you feel if you were in Nia's place? 

What do you think is going to happen? 

How do you feel about Hope? 

That's it for today loves! I love all of you guys. Something personal I want to share:

My mother was married to someone else before she was with my dad. I made Aiden and Nia drift from each other and find other people, because that's what real people do. No matter, their connection with the first person they were with, they move on. Now if your love is strong enough, then you can come back to that person. Well for My mom their's wasn't. And that was alright, because then she found my dad. Without my mom breaking things off with my sister's dad, I wouldn't be here. And my dad is a good man if he can take care of not one, but four of my mom's kids, and then have two more. He is awesome, and my parent's relationship is amazing.

And as I was making Aiden indure this new care for Drew, I never meant for her to be a bad guy. She was suppose to be nice and just happened to slept with Aiden and get pregnant. She wasn't some gold digger, or a liar, just a girl Aiden happened to meet one night and grow to care for as his daughter developed in her body. Now when I killed her, I did that so Aiden could find a way back to Nia. And even if he did have a baby with someone else, she was going to love him either way. What I'm trying to say is, if you really love someone, you'll be with them no matter what. If they have one kid or four, it doesn't matter, if you truly want to be with them, you'll be there for your partner and step up to be the parent that kid couldn't have. 

I just wanted to say that. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comment, Share, and Vote. Until Next Time! :) 

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