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By xcapsicle

500K 11.2K 11.7K

!!! CURRENTLY REVAMPING STORY !!! #2 in johnny lawrence on 12/30/20 #1 in boyfriend on 1/11/21 #1 in vintage... More

Moving Day
The Beach Party
First Impressions
The A-Hole in the Hills
Golf N Stuff
Late Nights
Halloween Terror
VIII. Something He Wanted
IX. Double Date
X. Chores
XI. Sensei Johnny
XII. Invite
XIII. New Student
XIV. The Country Club
XV. The Country Club Part 2
XVI. Balance
XVII. The Whole Truth
XVIII. All Valley Tournament
XIX. All Valley Tournament Part 2
XX. Meltdown
XXI. True Love..
Cast Part 2
XXII. 33 Years Later
XXIII. Back to Where it all Began
XXIV. Good Accidents
XXV. Back in the Game
XXVI. Hurt
XXVII. The LaRusso's
XXIX. Breakfast at Johnnys
XXX. Turning the Page
XXXI. Changes
XXXII. Uncertain Cituation
XXXIII. Just Like Old Times
XXXIV. The Truth
XXXV. Lies
XXXVI. The Way of the Fist
XXXVII. Desires
XXXVIII. Nostalgia
XXXIX. Lunch Party
XL. Second First Date
XLI. Sense of Balance
XLII. A Rollercoaster
XLIII. No Mercy
XLIV. The Tournament
XLV. Bad Surprises
XLVI. Demons from the Past
XLVII. Little Projects
XVLIII. New Teacher, Old Habbits
XLIX. The Future
L. Fighting Back
LI. Fire and Ice
LII. Warning Signs
LIV. A Night to Remember
LV. A New Leaf
LVI. Still Have Time
LVII. A Man With No Plan
LVIII. The Plan of Action
LIX. Exciting Appearances
LX. An Unknown Fright
LXI. Moonlight Memories
LXII. Things Couldn't Have Gone Worse
LXIII. Hell Breaking Loose
LXIV. Constant Worry
LXV. Confessions Lead To Relief
LVXI. New Worries
LVXII. Our Kid

LIII. Quiver

2.5K 70 85
By xcapsicle

Next Day

It was around lunch time when I got a call from Johnny. I picked it up as I finished making myself a sandwich.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I cut the sandwich in half.

"I just got a call from Bobby.." He said. Holy freaking shit!

Bobby Brown?! I began to smile widely.

"Wait no way?! Are we gonna have a reunion or something?!" I asked excitedly.

His tone didn't match mine at all. "Or something.. It's not good." He said in lower tone.

My smile lowered, this is when I found out that our old friend Tommy has cancer.

Bobby called Johnny to invite him up to see Tommy. So now, we had just packed our bags and were on the road to the hospital Tommy's at.

It's a bit of a drive since it's not near us. This wasn't really a happy situation, so it was kind of awkwardly silent in the car.

Johnny tried to make conversation once in a while but he knows that both of us are feeling sad about Tommy's condition.

"Well, on the bright side of this situation, we get to have a reunion in a way." He said to me with a sympathetic smile.

I looked at him from the front of the road and smiled. He took one of his hands off of the wheel and held it out to me.

I looked at it and put my hand in it, and we kept our hands holding for the rest of the drive.


Johnny finally got to this hospital and pulled into the parking lot. Johnny let go of my hand to turn his car off. I took my seatbelt off and got my purse too.

We both got out of the car and he met me at my side, then we walked into the building.

We asked a lady where he was and they said he was on the second floor, so we got on the elevator and got to that floor.

My heart began to ache as we walked off of the elevator. We walked to another desk, "I'm looking for a friend." Johnny asked the lady.

"Johnny." We heard a man say. We both turned and saw Bobby Brown.

Johnny smiled and hugged him, I began to smile. Wow I haven't seen him in a long time.

"Hey Bobby." Johnny said as he hugged him. They pulled away and Bobby looked at me with wide eyes.

"S- Serena?!" He asked with a shocked and happy expression. I smiled and nodded as I walked up to him.

He laughed in surprise and hugged me, "Wow! I didn't know you were coming!!" Bobby said as we hugged.

I laughed softly and pulled away to look at him. I turned to look at Johnny.

"Did you not tell him I was coming?" I asked Johnny as I tilted my head.

He shrugged and smirked, "I wanted to keep it a surprise." He said and looked at Bobby.

I shook my head and smiled as I looked at Bobby. It got kind of quiet.

"So, how's he doing?" Johnny asked a little more softly. Bobby crossed his arms and sighed.

"He'll be happy to see you guys. It's room 112." Bobby said.

We nodded and then walked over away from the desk. It was the next door to the right.

We finally got to the room, I stopped in front of the room to see a very sickly looking Tommy.

I suddenly felt a little in my stomach. "How bout you go in first." I told Johnny.

He looked down at me, he noticed that I was feeling on upset about seeing our friend like this.

He held my head and kissed me in between my eyebrows. "Ok." He whispered and then walked into the room.

I watched from afar, Johnny walked into the room and looked at Tommy.

"You're watching soccer? It's worse that I thought." Johnny said to Tommy.

"Johnny." Tommy said with a smile. I saw Tommy turn the tv off.

"You didn't have to come all the way out here." Tommy said to him. I smiled to myself and decided to walk into the room.

"Of course, we wanted to." I said as I walked into the room. Johnny turned around and smiled at me.

Tommy looked shocked and smiled too, "Holy shit. Serena?" He said to me.

I smiled and walked up next to Johnny. "Hi Tommy." I said with a smile.

He chuckled softly, "This is crazy. I mean the last time I saw you, Serena, was when we all went down to the beach before you left for college." He said.

I smiled to myself, "Yeah, it's been a while." I said softly. That day was a fun day-even though it meant that I was going to leave the next day.


August 25, 1985

"Dutch! If you keep purposely kicking the ball into water to keep me from getting it, I'm gonna kick it farther in the ocean so we can't play anymore." I threatened him.

The boys laughed and Dutch just shrugged. We have been playing soccer on the beach for the past hour.

We were playing in teams and Dutch was against my team. Johnny wanted a little challenge so he was on his a team, along with Tommy.

"Sorry angel, we obviously are just the better team." Johnny said with my favorite little smirk of his.

I smiled and shook my head. I bent down to get the ball from the shore and picked up the soccer ball.

"Alright assholes, let's play." I said with a smile, I then served the ball. I saw Johnny smiled widely as he went to the ball.

We continued to play soccer, Grace and Jordan didn't want to play so they just sat and watched us.

Johnny was keeping the ball near him as I approached him. I smiled as he smirked at me.

"You wanna pass it to me?" I asked him as I blocked him from getting it into our pretend goal-which was some empty beer bottles.

"But I need to win." He said to me. I fake pouted, "If you really loved me you would pass it to me." I said to him.

He just stared at me, his blonde locks slighting moving in the wind. "Come on Johnny, just give it Serena!" Bobby yelled from behind him.

I smiled and nodded, Johnny chuckled softly and smiled.

"Fine." He said and pretended to kick it to me but kicked it to Dutch. I tried to stop him by tripping Johnny, but he quickly grabbed my arm-pulling me down with him.

I laughed as my body slammed right onto Johnny when we hit the sand. He laughed and smiled widely.

I looked up at Johnnys face as I stayed laying on him. "So you don't love me?" I asked as I lifted my head over his.

He smiled as he looked at me. "How could I not love you angel. I just like to win." He said as he pulled me into him and kissed me.

I smiled and held his face as we kissed, forgetting that we were still just laying on the sand.

"We won suckers!" Dutch yelled in victory. I shook my head and got off of Johnny, then stood up.

"Whatever." I said with a laugh. I looked down at Johnny who sat up and was smiling. I held my hand out to help him up.

He held onto my hand and got up, he smiled as he stood up next to me.

"How bout we get those hotdogs going?" Johnny asked the others as he kept his hand in mine.

The boys all smiled and agreed, they all ran back to our bonfire.

Me and Johnny stayed at the shore for a second. He turned to me and looked into my eyes.

As soon as we finished playing, I know that both of us is now remembering what's gonna happen tomorrow.

I looked down at my feet as I remembered. "Hey." Johnny said softly.

I looked up at him, he put his hand on my cheek-causing a tear to escape my eyes. "Lets not think about tomorrow, ok?" He said softly.

I bit my lip a little and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me as well, holding me close to him.

He kissed my head and I felt his head rest on mine. We stayed like that for what felt like forever. I didn't want to leave tomorrow-but that's where my future is, even if I want my future to be with him.

"Come on, let's go eat." He says as he pulled his head away to see my face. I smiled and nodded, I then kissed him.

He smiled and kissed me back, the sweetest ones.

He pulled away and wrapped his arm around my waist, then we walked to the rest of our friends to enjoy the rest of our night.


(back to present time)

"Well, it's great to see you-both of you guys. It's what I've wanted for a while." He said with a smile.

I looked at Johnny who was looking at Johnny, becoming more sad.

"Does it hurt?" Johnny asked him. Tommy shook his head.

"Nah, meds do their job." Tommy said. We both nodded.

"Oh. Did you see? They already got me a priest." Tommy added as he looked at Bobby who was behind us.

I smiled weakly, Bobby chuckled. "I'm a pastor, Tommy. But if you wanna confess about that 50 bucks you still owe me, the big guys listening." Bobby said as he stood by us.

Tommy laughed, making all of us smile. But then he started to cough.

"You're gonna fight this." Johnny told Tommy.

Tommy shook his head, "Nah, that parts done. It's in here now." He said as he pointed to his head.

I was holding in tears, I don't want to cry in front of them. I just held onto Johnnys arm for comfort.

"Besides, you were always a better fighter." Tommy told Johnny.

"Bullshit. Remember that tournament back in '83? You beat Vidal to get to the semis." Johnny said.

"Yeah." Tommy said with a nod. "Who beat me in the finals?" He then asked.

Johnny chuckled, "All right, yeah. But you didn't make it easy on me." Johnny said with a smile.

Tommy smiled. "Yes, hon. I know. All right. I love you too. All right, gotta go. Bye." We heard someone say to their phone from the back of the room.

We all turned to see Jimmy. He smiled as he hugged Bobby. "Hey, sorry I'm late." He said.

He then walked over to us. "Hey you guys." He said to me and Johnny as he hugged both of us.

"Hey Jimmy." We both said in unison. He then went over to Tommy and held his hand.

"Jenny and the kids send their love." Jimmy said to Tommy.

Bobby who was now standing in between both me and Johnny, put his hands on our shoulders.

"Tell Jen and the boys I said hi." Tommy told Jimmy. A nurse then came in and walked over to Tommy.

"Oh, you again." Tommy said. "Guys, give me a minute." He added.

We all nodded and made our way out of his room. We all stood next to each other.

"I spoke with the doc. He can sign out for 24 hours, but I don't know. Is he gonna even be able to make it to the car?" Jimmy asked us.

"What are you talking about?" Johnny asked them.

Jimmy gave a surprised look to Bobby. "You didn't tell him?" He asked.

"Look, we can't let Tommy rot in this place. He deserves better." Bobby said.

"What do you have in mind?" Johnny asked.

"Road trip. Give the guy a wild night to remember." Bobby said with a smile.

I smiled, "Even though I should be arguing with this since I'm an expert in this field, I second this." I said to them with a smile.

Bobby smiled and nodded. We all looked at each other's with smiles.

"Well, I don't know. In his condition, I mean Serena would this even be safe?" Johnny asked.

A medical instrument began to beat and then flatlined. We all rushed to the room to see if Tommy was ok.

We got in too see Tommy taking off his IV and patches, "Let's get the hell out of here." Tommy said with a laugh.

a/n: heyyy!!! ok this was honestly a fun chapter to write because i've been wanting to have the reunion to happen soon. andddd i also included a lil flashback for y'all, i know some of y'all have missed the old johnny and serena so i hope y'all enjoyed that. <333

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