Wood and Ice

By Jokers_Kitten

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Two athletes of different sports both professionals. What will happen when they both meet? Could there be a r... More

Introduction/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Phone Call
Chapter 3: 3 Weeks Later
Chapter 4: The Next Day
Chapter 5: Charity Event
Chapter 6: Drinks
Chapter 7: Woman's Classic
Chapter 8: Game Time
Chapter 9: Her Game
Chapter 10: The Workout
Chapter 11: The Telecast
Chapter 12: The Airport
Chapter 13: A Great Surprise
Chapter 14: Her Touch
Chapter 15: The Weekend Flies
Chapter 17: The Shock
Chapter 18: Broken and Confused
Chapter 19: Two Different Games
Chapter: 20 Reflection
Chapter 21: The Question
Chapter 22: Few Months Later
Chapter 23: The Big Reveal
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Several Months Later
Chapter 26 Several Months Later
Chapter 27:Shocking News
Chapter 28: Twist of Events

Chapter 16: Several Months Later

51 5 0
By Jokers_Kitten

Rochelle POV

Ty and I talked almost ever single day. There been days where we would both be very busy so we left each other voice mail messages or even simple text messages. Just messages like I miss you, Thinking of you, you got this, or ones of simple acknowledgement if we knew we had a bad day or what not. 

I got a call from Travis and he told me that my next tournament was going to be in Vegas. The Vegas open. I was excited to say the least cause I knew Ty was going to be there too. I couldn't wait to surprise him. 

So with that being said I had called up Jamie and let him know what was going on. And he was excited to say that he was happy I was going to be there. Because Ty seemed a little off because all he could do was focus on me.

As the month was dragging on, I made sure I practiced and practiced every day. Sometimes it would be for several hours working on different angles, working on spare shots, focusing on hand position, laydown points. Travis came out several times as we worked on this. Some days I was on and some days I was off. That's normal for any bowler.

The day before I knew I had to fly out to Vegas, I called Tyler to see how he was doing. 

"Hey babe," he said after he picked up on the third ring. "How are you? I miss you so much."

"Hi darlin, I'm okay and I miss  you too. What are you doing?"

"We are getting ready to fly out to Vegas in a few hours."

"Oh." I really did try my best to act sad and I knew that he bought it just by listening to the way he sighed.

"I wish you were going to be here with me. I really miss you being in my arms."

"I know I miss you holding me too."

"Are  you going to be up later. I know the time difference is going to be 3 hours behind you."

"Ty I will make sure I answer your call. Don't you worry about that. Have a safe flight okay."

"I will baby. I will call you as soon as I land and then when I get to the hotel."

"Okay. Talk to you soon."

We hung up from each other and I called Jamie right away. I let him know the time of my flight and hotel reservations and when and where I was bowling. Jamie also told me what arena they were playing in and that he will have my ticket waiting for me at will call. And that he will have a car arranged for me to pick me up from the hotel to take me to the arena. 

The day came and I made my way to the local airport to catch my flight to Vegas.  As soon as I got to my  hotel room I called Jamie. 


"Jamie its me, Rochelle."

"Oh hi mom." 

"Let me guess Ty is with you."

"Yes mom we made it okay. Practice was a bit rough."

"Just wanted  you to know I made it to Vegas and I am at my hotel just fine."

"Ah that so nice to hear mom."

"Okay I will let you go since Ty is with you. I will see you tomorrow."

"Okay mom well I love you too and talk to you soon."

I shook my head while I hung up my phone from Jamie. I always got a kick out of him and he is absolutely a great friend to Tyler. I just hope our plan goes without an issue. Since my tournament was the day after his game.

Jamie had a car waiting for me just like he said and went to deliver me to the arena. As I got to the will call office I gave them my name and the lady behind the counter gave me my ticket. She looked at me and smiled as she told me to have a good evening. I said to her the same thing and made my way inside. 

I was there before the guys got on the seats before the guys took the ice for practice. When I got to the boards I was amazed to see how many people were there waiting for the guys to come out to see them warm up. But as I was sitting there I heard the voices of three ladies next to me. They were talking about Tyler and about Jamie. I really wanted to say something but I heard clapping as the guys took to the ice. As they did I was looking for Jamie and Tyler. 

Jamie caught my eye and nodded in my direction, I heard the gasps of the ladies voices behind me but I still didn't bring my attention to them.  As I was looking at the ice and Jamie I couldn't help to start getting nervous, wondering what Ty's reaction was going to be when he sees me.

As they both had their backs to me stretching, I could see Jamie get into position. Its now or never, breathe Rochelle. Jamie stood in front of me as Tyler stood in front of him. He must have told Ty do rush at  him or something. Cause the next thing I see was Jamie darting out of the way and Tyler stopping suddenly at the boards looking straight at me. The smile on my face was wide and the look on his was of utter shock. He lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw me. Jamie came over and waived at me giving me the thumbs up. I returned the gesture and Ty was looking at us back and forth. The boys then skated over to their bench and back into the locker room to get ready for game play that was going to start soon.

I took my assigned seat and noticed it was right next to those three ladies. They started to make some remarks about how they noticed Tyler looking at me and waving. And also how Jamie was doing the same.  I tried my best to ignore them but it was getting harder and harder to do. Especially when the game was taking place and every time either Ty or Jamie would score or assist on a score I would cheer loudly for them.

The game was going on and Tyler just scored with an assist from Jamie. He skated by me and pointed his hand to me then placed it over his heart. Just as he did that Jamie came up behind him and made a gagging expression that had me laughing. That was until Ty saw him and smacked him upside the head for it. But Ty's expression changed when he looked at the three ladies beside me and shrugged his shoulders. 

At the end of the game Dallas won 4-1. And a gentleman came up to me.

"Excuse me Miss, are you Miss Parker by any chance."

"Yes sir I am."

"Will you please follow me."

"But of course."

I followed the gentleman down to the area of the visiting team's locker room. Just as we rounded the corner I saw the same three ladies standing outside and waiting. They turned when they heard my shoes clacking on the floor and looked at me surprised.

I had this very uncomfortable feeling but I did my best to contain my emotions. 

Some of the guys came out and walked over to me and said hello then walked a little ways so say hello to the three ladies. Jordie came out and saw me and started laughing while shaking his head. He came over and hugged me then left. Same thing with Demers. 

Jamie made his way over and hugged me. He told me that he was glad to see me and that Ty would be out in a few minutes. Jamie stood by my side but soon realized that there were three ladies standing down from me. He told me he be right back and went over to them and hugged everyone of them.

Just as I was looking down at my feet I happened to notice two feet standing in front of me. I looked up to the owner of said feet and just smiled. 

"Hi" I said to him, shyly now more than ever.

"Hi yourself stranger. You look beautiful."

Just then he pulled me into  his arms hugged me while spinning me around. He had me laughing then he kissed me like he hasn't seen me in years. 

"I can't believe your here. How? When? Why?" 

"Easy Ty. One thing at a time." I said to him laughing at how goofy he was being.

"Ehm." We both heard.  He put me down and held my had.

"Come with me baby, there are some people I would like you to meet." Ty said as he grabbed my had and led me over to the three ladies.

"Tyler." The older one said. "Great game baby. I am so proud of you."

"Mom, Cass, Candace, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Rochelle Parker."

"Rochelle, this is my mom Jackie, and my sisters Cassidy and Candace."

"Its lovely to meet the three of you." I said to them.

"Oh so its you that was making my son go all mushy," Jackie said. "Thank you so very much." She hugged me and gave me a squeeze. 

His sisters did the same as their mom and poor Ty's face was going red. As we talked for a few minutes in the hall. Jamie looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Jamie, what?" I asked him. I had a feeling I knew where this look was leading. Only because this was part of our crazy plan.

"What time is curfew for you Shell?"

Tyler, him mom and sister looked at Jamie then at me. "Curfew?" the three of them asked.

"Well to be honest I have to be in bed no later than 11 since I have to be up early and at the lanes at 9." I said looking at them sheepishly.

"Wait what?" Ty looked at us like head eyes were three different shapes.

"Well Ty, I have a tournament this weekend. So I called Jamie up the other night to let him know I made it to the hotel and we set this up so I could see you.

"So mom did you have a nice car ride here?" Jamie asked trying not to laugh.

The look on Tyler's face was priceless. Both Jamie and I started laughing along with his family when Ty finally realized that he was talking to me on the phone the other night. Tyler started to run after Jamie, myself and his family started laughing. 

We started walking out together after the two of them were running thru the hallways like little kids. I told them what I did for a living and they were really excited to watch me. I told them that was not a problem. Jamie and Ty came back over to us and we were talking once again about me and this weekend. Of course Jamie knew that Ty's family was in town and got everyone tickets for my tournament. 

The next day came along and I made my way to the lanes to meet up with Travis. We did our meetings and sponsor photos. But then I had an interview with a reporter. They wanted to know about how I was doing and was I excited for coming to the Vegas Open. So of course I answered the questions that I needed to. 

Travis came over to me and we made our way to the lanes. I did all my games and I was sitting in the number 3 spot this time.

By Sunday, Tyler, his family, and of course Jamie, Jordie and Demers were all walking with me into the bowling alley for the final 5. Tyler held my hand and some reporters came over to us. I felt tense because this was the first time he has held my hand in public and I wasn't sure how we were going to address any questions about us.

"Ms. Parker, are you excited for today?" the reporter asked.

"I wouldn't say excited but I am ready to be on those lanes."

"Mr. Seguin, may we ask why you are here?" the reporter looked at him.

"I am here, along with some of the guys and my family,  to support my girlfriend as she bowls in this tournament. "

"Oh so you and Miss Parker are dating?"

Tyler looks at me and smiles as he places a kiss to my forehead.

"Yes we are. And I couldn't be more happier than I am today. She is an amazing woman and I am lucky and blessed to have her in my life. Now if you will please excuse us, she has to get ready for the games."

The reported nodded and let us walk thru. I couldn't believe he just announced me as his girlfriend.

"Prodigy you ready?"

"As ready as ever Travis. Let's do this."

Travis nodded and I looked to Ty. He kissed me on the lips in front of his family and wished me luck. They guys told me to kick someass and Ty's family also wished me luck.

When it came time for me to bowl the number 4 seed I was more comfortable on the lanes than I have ever been. And it showed to cause I won that match.

I won my next match as well. And it was time for me to face the number 1 seed. 

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your winner of the second seed match Rochelle Parker." the announcer said. 

I walked out on to the lanes and waived at everyone. The loudest cheers were coming from Tyler, Jamie, Jordie and Demers. I shook my head smiling and waved at them. 

"And please welcome your first place qualifier, Linda Johnson." 

Linda waves to the crowd as well and then shakes my hand wishing me luck. I wished her well also and we took our places. 

Since I won the last game, I had to go first. No problem, I didn't mind at all. 

I bowled my first ball and got a strike. Linda left a split but she picked it up.

As the game went on it became easier and easier for me. Myself and the ball were like one out there. So as the last frame of the game came upon Linda's turn was first. She got 3 strikes, ending her game at a 280. 

Then it became my turn. I took to the lanes and stood on the approach. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. I put my finger tips in my ball just like I always did along with my thumb and held it in the palm of my hand. I opened my eyes, and it was like the world itself disappeared around me.  

Tenth frame, ball one, strike.

Ball two, strike.

I just stood there, in my sliding position with my left arm swinging freely and right arm extended.

Ball three, strike.

That's when I heard everyone screaming, clapping and cheering.

"Ladies and gentleman, your winner with a perfect score of the Vegas Open, Rochelle Parker."

I can't believe it. I was frozen, did they really just say my name, winner, perfect game?

I stood up and turned around. Travis came up to me and hugged me so tight I thought I was gonna pass out from lack of oxygen.

"You did it girl!!!! You won!!! 300 game!!!" He yells.

"Congratulations Rochelle, way to go." Linda said to me. "It's been an honor to bowl against you. I look forward to a rematch in South Florida next month."

"Thank you Linda. The honor is mine believe me. Its been a dream for me to bowl against you." I said to her as we hugged.

"Ladies and gentleman, I would like to introduce to you the winner of the Vegas Open, Miss Rochelle Parker." Randy said.

I walked over to Randy where he had a microphone so he can interview me.

"Rochelle, how does it feel to win in only the second tournament since you been back?"

"Randy, it feels like a dream. I can't believe I won and I can't believe I just bowled a perfect game. Please tell me this is a dream and I am gonna wake up soon."

"Sorry there Rochelle, this is no dream. What was your motivation for this game."

"Honestly I didn't have one. Travis and I worked on fine tuning my game in areas that I needed work on. We spent a lot of time working on spare pickups and ball control."

"Wow, that's great to hear. Is there anyone that you would like to recognize out here today?"

"But of course Randy. I would like to first thank my sponsors Linds' shoes for awesome footware. To Travis for being a wonderful and patient coach, to Paul for these awesome shirts that I wear. To my brother and his wife, and my best friend and his wife for staying by my side thru all the hard times in my life. And not to mention to my amazingly handsome boyfriend Tyler Seguin. And of course to the rest of the guys here from the Dallas Stars."

"Wait, did you say your boyfriend, Tyler Seguin?" 

"Yes Randy, and he and some of the Dallas Stars are here along with some of Tyler's family."

"Tyler, come up here if you can."

Tyler walked up on the lanes next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Tyler, how does it feel to be the boyfriend of this amazing bowler."

"It feels like a blessing. I am so proud of her and what she has done today. I can't believe just how good she is. Her brother was telling me about some of the technical things and I couldn't believe how intense this game really is. We all go out to bowl for fun but I never in a million years thought someone did this for a living until I met my girl here. She is amazing and beautiful. And I can't believe I get to call her mine."

"Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Your winner of the Vegas Open, Rochelle Parker and her beau Travis Seguin."

Tyler and I thanked Randy and the owner of the lanes for hosting this event. We took some pictures and I shook hands with some of the spectators that came to watch. 

I gathered my stuff and I went to dinner with everyone that came to watch me. We stayed together for a while till I  had to go back to the  hotel. Tyler was flying out Monday morning to go to their next game and I had to travel back home as well. However Tyler did tell me that next month they were going to South Florida to play against the Panthers. I told him I would be there since I had a tournament there too.

So we made arrangements to have Ty and Jamie to fly to Tampa and pick me up then the three of us would fly into Fort Lauderdale airport together.

We all said our good byes and hugged each other. I can't wait for next month to be here already.

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