Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold...

By Leomantic

36.6K 733 471

After saving europe from nuclear annihalation, "Bell" was forced to kill Adler and escape the CIA. He's now l... More

The Team
Something in the Desert
Perseus strikes
The first lead
The Menendez Cartel
Holidays in Cuba
Miami, Baby
New orders
North Atlantic
Allies or Enemies?
A new mission
Ghosts of Indochina
New Leadership
Closing in
A single spark...
The End is near
In War and Love
Operation Able Archer
Welcome, Comrade Park
The final confrontation

The Meeting

2.4K 34 23
By Leomantic

 Leon "Bell" Ivanov, KGB

Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

July 11th, 1981

I did not expect Portnova to lead me into the Kremlin. But when I ask her who we are going to meet, she just ignores me.

"The meeting is just up ahead"

I can't help but notice that she does know her way around the hallways. This doesn't seem to be her first time here.

She also got me a suit while she is wearing her Spetsnaz uniform. "I didn't know you were a Lieutenant." I tell her.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me. A good spy never reveals all her secrets." she teases me.

"Good. That means I have a lot to discover about you. Keeps things interesting." I try to tease her back. She rolls her eyes in fake annoyance and smiles.

"Ah, here it is." she opens a large wooden double door and we enter a conference room where all our team members are assembled.

Portnova salutes and introduces ourselfes. The others do as well and we sit down.

"So you are the former Perseus operative?" Powers asks.

I nod. "Sadly. But now I'm on your side."

Powers narrowed her eyes. "We'll see about that."

I scoff. "That's rich coming from an american."

Portnova gabs my by the arm "Comrades, please. We are all friends here. We share the same goals, remember that."

"But she..."

"No buts!" You behave like fucking kids!" she shouted. Damn, she can be quite scary when angry. But I have to admit, even then does she look cute.

She finally lets go of me arm and I apologize to Powers. She does as well.

After a few more minutes, the doors open and two soldiers come in, armed with AK-47s. "Attention!" they shout and we stand up.

I can't believe my eyes. General Secretary Brezhnev enters the room and takes a seat at the end of the conference table. Although he is tall, he looks nothing like his portrait.

The man has clearly gotten old, sick and was suffering from overweight. I remember that this was one of the reasons why I joined Perseus in the first place. How can we expect someone like him to lead us through this dark time?

Another man with a briefcase comes in. The guards leave and close the door behind them and Brezhnev starts talking. "Greetings, comrades. I am glad to finally meet you. If you haven't met him already, this is Yuri Andropov, Chairman of the KGB." He pointed at the other man with the briefcase. So he was the man on the phone.

Andropov starts talking "Comrades. You know why you are here: Perseus. Once our best agent, now a threat to mankind itself. Back in March, we was willing to detonate nukes all over europe for his goals."

"He wants to ensure that the Soviet Union is the worlds single superpower." I say. A few of them look up  while others continue to read the files that Andropov has handed out to us in the meantime.

"Indeed. But Perseus has gone rogue. He does not take orders from us anymore and he certainly does not care if he kills millions or even billions of people. Our goals may be aligned with his but, unlike him, we have no intentions to risk a nuclear third world war."

Brezhnev nods and looks at me. Oh dear. "Comrade Ivanov, you have worked with Perseus in the past. What can you tell us about him?"

All eyes in the room are now on me. I feel the pressure on me, but Portnova puts a hand on my shoulder. Her look is firm but reassuring. With that, I take a deep breath and talk. "Perseus works with the worst scum, as long as it serves him a purpose. The man is not an idealist, he is loyal to no one but himself. And once the United States are defeated, he will turn on us and eliminate all those he deems unfit to rule."

"In your testemony yesterday, you said that you helped the CIA to dismatntle Perseus network in the United States and Europe. Andyou  mentioned Robert Aldrich and Mayor Vadim Rudnik."

I nod. "Yes, that's correct. But Perseus empire is much larger. He is an opportunitist who works with terrorists, drug lords and the mafia across the globe. He does not care who these people are, as long as he can gain somehting out of them."

Speaking of terrorists..." Andropov opens the suitcase and gives us some photos to pass around. They show a destroyed village within a desert, as well as weapons, a radio and documents. "These photographs were made by the army in the province of Helmand  in Afghanistan. During the raid of a guerila camp they found crates filled with foreign weapons and a man fitting Perseus description was sighted."

Beck interrupts. "That's nothing new, the US are suppling the Taliban and other rebel fighters in the region."

Andropov nods. "Yes, but the thing is: These weapons cannot be traced like the others. Even the serialnumbers were removed. Aside from this, we also found Documents, stating that these weapons were supplied by someone named PERS. This is why we believe Perseus is involved in Afghanistan. Can you tell us anything more, Comrade?" He looks at me.

I think about it and nod "Yes... Persues told me that made deals in Afghanistan. And PERS is one of his signatures."

Vargas seems confused. "The rebels are fighting us but at the same time accept help from one of our own?"

Now it is Portnova who speaks up. "Maybe he is playing them or he found people that are just as opportunistic as him."


"Whatever the case, we're sending you to Afghanistan for investigation. This could be a lead to Perseus." Andropov stats.

Brezhnev stands up and we do as well. "Comrades... Perseus needs to be stopped. I expect you will work together and put your differences aside when necessary. Not just our collective and way of life are on the line here, but mankind itself. If we fail, there will be no Soviet Union. There will be... nothing."

He makes a pause. I have to agree with him. If Perseus wins, the world will never be the same again.

"We are counting on you. This mission will be codenamed Operation Red Star: Dismantle Perseus network and eliminate him.

Deep down, I knew that Perseus already has a plan. And I'm also sure he has chosen his next target. But the big question is: Where? Where is he going to strike?

"Pack your things. You'll have plenty of time to get to know each other on the way to Afghanistan. And one last thing: Perseus is your primary target but you are free to search for intelligence and support Spetsnaz operations in this area or anywhere else we might send you. Of course, as long as our orders don't say otherwise."

"And remember: Don't trust anyone. Persues has eyes and ears everywhere." Brezhnev adds. "Dismissed, comrades. Good luck."

On our way out, Portnova sighs in frustration. "I told Comrade Brezhnev that the Intervention in Afghanistan was a mistake from the start. Everyone told him, even the generals. But he would not listen."

"I didn't take you for a critic." I say amused. She gives me a stern look.

"My Loyality is to the state. And since this war has negative consequences for our motherland, I am against it."

"Huh... maybe we are not so different after all." I say with a smile and look around. "But... be careful who you're talking to."

"I know when and where to speak up and shut up, comrade. Don't worry about me." She winks and we leave the Kremlin. "By the way, we need to come up with a new codename for. Unless you prefer Bell."

"Good idea. But for now, Comrade Ivanov will do just fine."

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