The Five Mythicals

By LostChild911

23.2K 799 398

The story of the mythical beings was real after all. First-Person Perspective. Alternative Universe. Art: @ni... More

The Beginning
Mori's Regret
Finding Gura and a Bird?
Mori's Arrival
New Year's Special
The detective gives a Confession
Amelia's Present
Amelia Birthday'son Tribute
Running is Fun
The Tako Dream
Moshi Moshi
Shark Check Up
A Predator's Catch
Finding Gura Part 2
Marriage Proposal
New Wife (?)
Hide and Seek
Death and the Undead
Phoenix Diary
Birb Shopping List
Complicated Feelings
Aquarium Trip
Death Convo
The Happenings
Sweet Dreams
The Rising Phoenix
Last Ride

Finding Another Guest

950 40 26
By LostChild911

"Pi pi pi"

Me and Gura the next day decided to do a little questioning session with our strange guest. The one we found in our bathtub. We decided to let her say the night but to be honest, she had no choice or much to say on the matter. Today, every time we try to ask a question, we'd always get the same response. It's like she has the mind of a toddler. We were trying our luck today but no dice.

"Pi pi pi"

We were in the dining area of our house. I and Gura were sitting on the left while she was sitting on the right. We just finished having our breakfast. Looking like she had no qualms about the chicken we had. That was good. By the way, I was the one doing the cooking in this house.

"Gura, any bright ideas?"

"No clue. Ain't you supposed to be the bright one Ame?"

"Ye-Yes, of course, I'm just seeking an outsider's opinion since your origin is just as mysterious as this young lady."

"Well, while I was cleaning the house, I heard on the news about a 'fee-nickz' this and 'fee-nickz' that. I didn't pay much attention to it."

Now that I think about it, I was listening to something just like that on my computer. I was too busy getting revenge and a new monitor that didn't occur to me.

"Can you give me more details?"

"Something, something, falling, turn to ashes."

You can't be serious, I figured it out.

"Wasn't that the same ashes you bring inside the house?"


Her signature sound. She must have finally figured it out.

"Gura, I think you shart studying more instead of doing dumb this like dropping the pizza in the bath and eating it afterward. No one on earth does that."

"Okay, Ame. Sorry for being such a dumb shark."

I turn my attention to the guest in front of us and ask a few questions like before.

"What's your name?"

"Pi pi pi"

"Where do you come from?"

"Pi pi pi"

"How old are you?"

"Pi pi pi"

Since I am not getting a response from her. I decided on a change of pace. Something that has been plaguing my mind ever since I saw her in my house. The answer that I need the most, was the answer to this question.

"Why two hats?"

"Pi pi pi"

I decided to get some fresh air. Before I left the house, Gura stopped me.

"What's your obsession with her hats? You wear a hat all the time when you go to work."

"No normal person wears two hats. That alone is the biggest mystery just like her origin. I'm not angry she's wearing two hats, I just want to know where she comes from. Since I'm not getting anywhere, I try again later. Do you want anything from the store? anything besides seafood."

"No salmon or tuna? then that's going to be a 'no' from me chief."

I left the house with Gura and the still strange lady inside. Having those people out in the public will cause a little commotion. Like how do I even begin to explain where they came from or even how they exist. A detective should be asking the questions, not the other way round.

It was a bright and sunny day in Holo-City, most days I don't even see the sun because of my long gaming sessions, my horrible sleeping schedule, and how productive I can be doing anything besides detective work. I do help a lot of people. I still get people calling me from doing things for them but I wish they would stop. When I'm the one calling them, I know they are feeling uneasy from my "near-death-experiences-when-I-was-a-kid" stories. I have a lot of people still to this day ask me "how are you even alive?" I don't know man, I have no idea. Maybe I have more luck than your average person. Then again, I did survive the shoot outs from when dealing with goons at a drug lord's hideout. Did I go back in time or was it all luck? You would never know. Heh Heh Heh.

"I should go to the watch-smith while I'm at it."


I finally fixed my watch that could go back in time. Amelia Sadson is no more. As I was out and about, I saw another, yet, strange person. Everything about her stood out. Her pink hair, her black on black dress, the spikes on the shoulders of her dress, a vile, and lastly, she was carrying a scythe. She is wearing a worry and a regret-filled expression. As I was passing by her, not wanting anything to do with a reaper since I've escaped death so many times, the unfortunate happened.

She made eye contact with me.

"Oh no."

I started speed walking to avoid it. The teary eyes of hers. Maybe she is crying because she's a junior reaper unable to reap a single soul. Since I've escaped death so many times, that's going to be a 'no' from me. Sadly, she grabbed my arm. Hard.

"Excuse me, may I have a minute of your time?"

Me and my nervous voice was like,

"I'm quite a busy person you know, I'm sorry, I can't help right now."

She started pleading.

"I'm looking for ..."

"Time is of the utmost importance to me. I have no such thing to spare."

"Why are you speaking British all of a sudden? No, not that, I'm looking for someone who is important to me. No, not that, someone whose importance is me? No, no, I'm just looking for someone."

At least she is not after me. That's a relief.

"I only have a few moments to spare, what does the person look like?"

"She wears a fast-food uniform with purple to white eyes. Have you seen her?"

Have I seen her? Yes, I have, clear as today's sky.

"Is this person your lover or wife? no wonder you're worried."

"Please quit it with the teasing madam."

"Yes, I seem to understand now, the person you're looking for is living at my house."

She was relieved ever since I said that. It was like the world and stars were aligning her to her destination. Which was my home.

"Would you please take me to her? I'll pay you back for wasting your time."

"Just tell me your name and the lady's name."

"I'm Calliope Mori, the death god or shinigami known in Japan and the lady I was looking for is Takanashi Kiara, A Phoenix. We are people from the Myth some humans will say. I was looking for her since she, I mean I have done something that was both concerning for our relationship we have and now here I am."

It was definitely a love quarrel. Something basic such as not being able to go on a date could cause it all. How did I know?, my title says it all. Wait, doesn't the kanji for bird is in her last name? I don't know much Japanese but that I do know. Now everything makes sense. The news I was listening to, Gura dragging my memory, the 'pi pi pi' noise. She's one hundred percent a bird.

"Can you explain why she is acting so strange?"

"It is best we explain everything at your place. The information is quite confidential to some extent."

"I'm heading home right now, be such to follow close behind."

I did bat an eye about the things she said because I also have some who I'm close to and most definitely isn't normal.

"Thank you very much, Miss..."

What a strange and bright day it is.

"*hic* My name is Amelia Waaaaaat- -soooooooon. I'm a detective."

"O-o-o Okay."

Playing the fool by lifting up one spirit with my eccentric introduction. Another mythical guest stopping by for some tea. Things are now getting interesting at the Watson House.  

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