By ReidsMaybank

597K 10.1K 10.5K

JJ never thought he could find himself feeling this way about someone; that was until new girl, Brie, moved t... More



4.4K 90 77
By ReidsMaybank

JJ used himself as a barricade between Brie and his dad. His mind was in utter panic. He could hear Brie's rushed breathing from behind him which only made him panic more.

"Dad, stop," he begged, "Put the gun down. What are you doing?"

"Do you know how much money they'll give me if I hand her over to the cops?" He asked. He was sweating and shaking, clearly on a shit ton of drugs.

JJ turned to look at Brie, who was completely horrified. His dad leant down and snatched up a piece of crumpled paper from the floor, holding it up to show him. It was a mugshot of Brie, probably for when she got arrested before, and under it read reward of $10,000 for capture. Brie's mouth fell open, staring at JJ in terror.

"We can be rich, son," his dad said, "Ten k. Think about it."

"Dad, no!" JJ shook his head, "Stop it!"

He raised the gun, aiming it at JJ. He instinctively raised his hands in the air, heart thumping against his ribs. Would his own father actually shoot him? JJ didnt doubt that he would

"Step aside, boy," he warned.

"I'm not gonna do that, dad," JJ said, "Just put it down, alright?"

"I said move!" He bellowed, face deepening in colour.

JJ swallowed sharply, glancing back at Brie. She looked on the verge of a panic attack, her hands trembling as she raised them in surrender, struggling to breathe normally.

"Brie, it's okay," he said, "I'm not gonna let him shoot you, and I'm not gonna let the cops find you either."

"Boy, if you dont move I swear I'll blow your goddamn head off," his dad shouted.

"That's what I'm worth to you, is it?" JJ asked, angrily, "You would kill me for that reward money?"

"You're a worthless piece of shit," he snarled back, "Just like your mother. Maybe if you didn't cost me as much as you do-"

"I dont cost you anything!" JJ yelled, "Hell, I'm not even here half of the time, not that you would notice. Maybe if you didn't waste all our money on fucking coke."

His dad didnt move, gun still pointed at JJ's chest. He didnt dare turn again, but he could still hear Brie gasping for breath.

"Last chance," he said, clicking the safety off, "Move or I shoot."

"No," JJ breathed out.



His dad lifted the gun, finger on the trigger, and JJ immediately threw himself forward. He grabbed the barrel of the rifle, shoving it hard so that he dad was knocked backwards. JJ still gripped the gun, forcing the aim away from Brie.

"JJ!" she screamed in terror.

JJ couldn't even attempt to look over at her in fear that it would give his dad the chance to shoot. The distraction was enough. His dad regained his footing, jabbing the handle of the rifle into JJ's gut. He dropped to the floor holding his stomach, the air knocked out of him. He heard the click of the gun and felt the barrel press against the back of his head.

"No!" Brie yelled.

Despite having one arm in a sling, Brie ran threw herself onto him, pinning him down and making the gun slide across the floor. JJ blinked in shock, trying to make himself get to his feet and reach for the gun. JJ's dad shoved Brie off of him, grabbing her by the shoulders. She let out a cry of pain and her legs crumpled under her. He dragged her up, holding her against his chest with his fingers digging into her shoulder right where the bullet had entered. JJ quickly scrambled for the gun, standing and pointing it at his dad, who was using Brie as a shield.

"Go and get the cops," his dad said as Brie whimpered softly.

"Dad, let her go!" JJ yelled.

His dad gritted his teeth and clamped down his hand on her shoulder harder. Brie cried out in pain, her knees buckling. JJ's heart was in his mouth, hands trembling as he tried to hold the gun straight.

"Dad, please," he begged, "I'll shoot. I swear to god I'll shoot you right now."

"You're gonna shoot me?" His dad sneered, "What? And shoot your girl in the process? Sure, go ahead."

JJ hesitated. He knew that he wouldnt be able to get a clear shot without the risk of hurting Brie. She looked at him pleadingly, tears shining in her eyes from where his father's fingers were digging into her bullet wound.

"You're telling me this girl is worth more to you than ten grand?" He sneered, shaking Brie violently. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips to avoid showing JJ any more pain. He was somewhat grateful for that. "You're gonna let one stupid fucking whore get in the way of us having that cash?"

JJ brushed his finger over the trigger lightly, arms shaking with the adrenaline as anger coursed through him. He wanted to put a bullet right through that man's head; shut him up for good. But he wouldnt take the risk with Brie in the way.

"She's worth more to me than money, dad," JJ said, "Unlike you! You're fucking worthless and I hate you, I hate you so fucking much."

"Yeah, well fuck you!" His dad screamed back, "I never wanted you in the first place, now I'm just stuck with you. You and all the shit you cause me-"

Brie suddenly dropped down, slipping out from his grip. Before his dad could even realise what had happened, Brie jumped back up and struck her fist into the man's throat. He clutched his neck and fell to his knees, gasping like a fish out of water. JJ stepped forward and cracked the handle of the rifle down onto the back of his head, knocking him out cold. Brie and JJ both panted for breath, looking down at his dad lay flat out on the floor.

Brie turned and pulled him into a hug, pushing her face into the crook of his neck so that her lips brushed against his skin. He snaked his arms around her waist and hugged her tight, goosebumps covering his exposed skin. He tangled his fingers in the back of her hair and planted rushed kissed on the side of her face.

"You're okay," he breathed out in relief, "Brie, I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it wasnt you," she said, "Its okay. Lets just get out of here."

He took her hand as they ran out of the house and got back into Kiara's jeep. JJ pulled the key out of his pocket, dangling it on the chain from between his fingers. He held it out to Brie and she took it from him, turning it over in her palm.

"Well, this is my ticket out of here I guess," she said.

"Yeah," he nodded, pulling out of the driveway, "Seems that way."

"I wish it wasn't like that," she mumbled from the backseat, "I wish I could stay here with you."

JJ's heart warmed in his chest. "I know you do, princess. I do too. But we have to get you out of here so that you're safe. That's my main priority right now."

He glanced back and saw her smile at him, but then caught sight of the pain crossing her face. He frowned. She sighed and gave him a tired smile.

"Its just my shoulder," she reassured him, "It'll be fine, just a little sore."

JJ gripped the wheel harder. Her shoulder was hurting because his stupid fucking father had grabbed her so violently. He took a hand off the wheel, digging around in his pocket until he found his juul. He passed it back to her.

"For the pain," he said, hearing her inhaling deeply before smoke filled the car, "I'm sorry about my dad. You know I wouldn't have let him hand you over to the cops, right?"

"Yeah, I know," she said, tracing her finger down the back of his arm. He shivered lightly at her soft touch. She kept silent for a moment, repeatedly taking hits from the juul. "Hey, JJ, pull over."

He frowned in confusion, bringing the car over onto the side of the road and then stopping under the cover of the trees so that no one could spot them from the road. Brie finally sat up in the backseat and he turned to face her. She nodded to the clock inside of the jeep. 13:00. Two hours until they had to meet John B at the Dump.

"If this is going to be the last time I'm with you alone," she whispered, "I want to be with you properly."

JJ stared at her in awe, feeling the butterflies already appearing in his stomach. She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him into the backseat. JJ didnt protest, climbing over into the back and hovering over her. She kissed him hard, making him sigh, melting into her. Brie lifted his tshirt and he raised his arms to help her get it off. She threw it onto the floor and he reached for her's, mindful of her shoulder and dragged it off, dumping it on top of his'.

There wasnt much room in the back of the jeep, but JJ was sure that that wouldnt stop them. Brie pulled away and then attached her lips to his neck, kissing along his collar bone. JJ groaned in appreciation, lowering his hands to her hips and forcing her to his his lips again.

Brie suddenly giggled. "We're going to have sex in the back of my best friend's car."

JJ chuckled, brushing hair away from her eyes. "Hell yeah we are."

Thirty minutes later and Brie was struggling to redress herself with her bandaged shoulder in the cramped space inside the jeep. JJ laughed and held her wrist, helping her to pull her arm through the sleeve of her tshirt. She smiled at him thankfully.

"How do you feel that you just had sex with a fugitive that's wanted by the FBI?" She smirked, pulling her shorts back up.

JJ did the button on his pants and grinned at her. "Feeling pretty good about it."

She rose her eyebrows, suppressing another smile. "Yeah, I bet you do."

"What? And you dont?" He teased.

She blushed and shoved him lightly. He grinned devilishly and grabbed her by the neck playfully, bringing her into a kiss. He felt her smile against his lips. He kissed her forehead and let her rest her head on his shoulder.

"Everything is gonna be alright you know," he told her, "You guys aren't gonna be gone for that long, and by then all of this will have gone away."

She sighed, clearly not believing him. "Yeah. It's going to be fine."

"Hey, look at me," he said, sternly.

She moved out of his grip slightly and looked up at him. He studied her green eyes, memorizing the different shades of blue and hazel that intertwined with the olive tones. He rubbed a thumb over her cheekbone and she leaned into his hand for comfort.

"I love you," he said, "And I promise that I'm never going to let you go again, okay? Me and you against the world, yeah?"

She smiled, resting a hand on his cheek. "I love you too, JJ. It's us against everything, always."

He hugged her close, trying not to think like this was going to be one of the last times he would ever get to be this close with her for a really long time. He could tell that she was trying not to think like that too.

"We'd better get going, Jay," she told him, "Its almost two, and we have to get the boat to the Dump to meet John B and Sarah by three."

"Yeah," he agreed, kissing her temple one more time before climbing back into the front. Brie lay down again, keeping out of sight from the windows. JJ smirked, "Watch where you lay, princess. We got a bit carried away back there."

"JJ!" She exclaimed with a shocked laugh, "I cant belive you just said that! Wait, no. Actually I can. You're disgusting."

"Not what you were saying before," he continued, "I think you said something more along the lines of-"

"Okay!" She cut him off quickly, "Just shut up now, please."

"Whatever you say, princess," he grinned as she went quiet with embarrassment. He had to admit, it was adorable.

He drove them over to the boat shed and parked the car out of view from the road. The got out and headed inside, where Brie handed JJ the key.

"There she be," he announced, gesturing to the boat that was already rigged up to the trailer. "The Phantom. First boat to make the run to Bermuda in under sixteen hours, Brie. Forty years old and still the fastest boat that Killdare's ever seen. Impressive, huh?"

She pursed her lips and nodded, clearly pretending as if she actually gave a shit.

"Its...kind of a junker," she mumbled, looking at the boat skeptically.

"Really, Brie?" JJ said, "She's right there. She can hear you."

"Whatever," she smirked, "Let's just hurry up and get the trailer hooked up to the jeep before someone finds us."

"Bit late for that."

JJ's head snapped up to see Rafe, strolling in as if nothing had happened. Brie backed up into JJ. He could feel her shaking, whether it was fear or anger, he couldnt tell. He guessed both.

"JJ," Rafe nodded at him. He turned slightly and smirked. "Brie, darling. How are you?"

"Better now that I get to kill the guy who shot me," she snarled, stepping forward with her fists clenched. JJ grabbed her, pulling her back. That was never going to end well.

Rafe laughed as someone else appeared behind them. Barry. JJ groaned internally. Of course Barry would be here too. He walked in, still limping on the foot with the bullet wound.

"Well, well," Barry taunted, "What do we have here?"

He pulled a gun, clocking it and pointing it at JJ. He slowly put his arms up in surrender. Brie followed his lead. Why did they always have a gun pointed at them?

"Dont think I forgot about you, sweetheart," Barry said, moving the gun over to Brie, "Wanna get shot again? Huh? You two fuckers must think I'm fucking stupid if you think I'm gonna let all the shit you've pulled on me slide."

Brie clenched her jaw and shook her head. JJ carefully moved himself in front of her, staring Barry down. Barry prodded him in the chest with the end of his weapon and gave a psychotic smile.

"Oh, so you're a gentleman?" He laughed, "You're going to take the shot for her."

"No the fuck he's not!" Brie yelled, "You want to shoot me? Go ahead. I'm right here, you fucking coward."

Barry didnt take his eyes off JJ, jabbing the gun harder into his chest. JJ lowered his arms, determined not to give Barry even the slightest chance of hurting Brie.

"I want my motherfucking money," Barry spat.

He grabbed JJ by the shoulders, shoving him down to the floor before he could even have time to react. JJ dropped onto his side as Barry swung a foot into his ribs. JJ wheezed for breath, lungs burning.

"JJ!" Brie screamed, "JJ!"

JJ could see her out of the corner of his eye as she ran to help him. Rafe suddenly came up behind her, grabbing her by the waist and dragging her backwards. She flung out her legs, trying to pull herself from his grip, which seemed to he proving difficult with only one arm.

"I'm here for my money!" Barry shouted, pulling JJ's face from the floor by his hair. He threw him back down again, making his head smash off the concrete. His vision blurred, ears ringing loudly.

"JJ!" Brie shouted, "Get off him!"

"I'm not gonna ask you again, Brie," he faintly heard Rafe say, "Where is John B?"

A forceful slap echoed around the warehouse. JJ flinched, trying to get to his feet.

"Fuck you!" Brie spat, "I'm not telling you shit. I know what you did. You're a murder, Rafe."

JJ felt half relieved that it was her who had slapped Rafe, but he also knew that she had just pissed off a psychopath. Barry kicked him again in the ribs and JJ groaned in pain, collapsing back onto the floor.

"Stay down, boy," Barry chuckled.

JJ turned his head to see Rafe with his hand clasped around Brie's throat, her feet hanging off the ground. She gasped for air, trying to pull herself free as his grip tightened.

"Brie," JJ rasped through his coughs. Barry sent a punch into the side of his face, quickly shutting him up.

"Dont you ever say those fucking words again," Rafe growled, "I'll fucking kill you."

"You'll kill me?" Brie gasped, desperately, "Just like you killed Peterkin?"

Goddamnit, Brie! Why the hell did she have to say that?

"You fucking bitch!" Rafe shouted, throwing her to the ground.

Brie let out a horrible gasping noise that made JJ's insides twist, heart stopping in his chest. He was struck with another blow to the back of his head, falling back flat onto the ground, unable to even attempt to move.

"You know," Rafe panted, still standing over Brie, "I really didnt want to have to do this, but you've given me no choice. I wont go to prison, Brie."

He bent down and picked up a heavy lead pipe from the floor, readying it above his head. JJ's stomach flipped. Brie's eyes widened in fear, giving JJ a pleading look.

"No!" He bellowed, "Brie!"

Barry slammed his head into the floor again and JJ's eyesight dimmed. He clutched his stomach as pain struck again, forcing himself to open his eyes again.

"Rafe, please," Brie begged, fear obvious in her voice, "Dont do this. Rafe! Rafe!"

She screamed, rolling to the side quickly just as Rafe smashed the bar into the floor. Dust blew up from where the metal connected with the concrete. Brie's chest heaved with rushed breaths as pushed herself back, trying to get herself as far away from Rafe as possible.

"Brie!" JJ coughed, reaching out to her.

She glanced over at him with terror flashing over her face. That was all the distraction Rafe needed. He brought the bar up above his head and struck again. JJ felt panic seize him.


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