4. Best gift

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Thanks megu356 and hentailover6 for  following me.

Nishikata's POV

When I woke up from sleep, Takagi was nowhere to be seen in the room. The space beside me was empty. I lazily sat up on the bed and yawned as I scanned the entire room. The washroom door was closed, so probably she was in the bathroom. So, I was just sitting down, enjoying my lazy moment. After a while, I heard the sound of flush and soon Takagi came out of the washroom. She was wearing pink short shorts and a really revealing tank top. Seeing her like this, I blushed and turned my face away from her. She sneakily got beside me and said, "What happened, Yuki?"


"Wait, you do not like me like this?"

"No, it's not like that..." I was blushing as I continued, "It's just its too revealing. I have never seen you like this..."


"By the way, happy birthday."

"You told that yesterday only."

"But today is your real birthday."

"Thanks! My cute boyfriend!"

"M-Mention not."

"So, want to go to school today?"

"I do not feel to go to school today. Hey, let's go to a date today, if it's not a problem."


"I am going to my room to get changed. Let's meet at the breakfast table."

"Sure." She gave me a warm smile. I smiled back at her and then went to my room.

After changing and doing the morning chores, I went to the breakfast table. Mom was cooking while father was reading a newspaper. Takagi was still not there. I greeted everyone with a good morning and sat on one chair. I was returned with good mornings. Then something from yesterday clicked in my mind and I said, "Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead." He said as he put the newspaper on the table.

I said, "Were you just joking when you regarded Takagi as your daughter?"

Mom and dad exchanged looks and dad said, "No, not at all. I should support her in any way I can. This way, she could feel better."

"But don't you think it's too much support?"


"Don't you think there is something awkward in this relation?"

"Nope, I do not get it."

"Uhhh! Dad, try to think about it."

"Yeah, I have already thought about it. Why are hesitating to support your girlfriend so much?"

"Yeah that is the reason! She is my girlfriend. But if she becomes your daughter, we will become siblings... it's too much for me!"

Both mom and dad started laughing as I stared at them with an annoyed face. Then, dad said, "I know I know; we were just messing around."

"Dad, not you also."

"By the way, I was just referring her as my daughter in law." He winked at me when he said that.

I blushed a little and said, "Today is Takagi's birthday. Do not forget to wish her."

At that moment, Takagi arrived and enthusiastically said, "Good morning, everyone!"

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