11. Three parts to a Date

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Nishikata's POV

3 days passed by since we went to Hamaguchi's house. Honestly, I am feeling quite sad for Mitsuo. I searched the internet about the training of an air force pilot and it's quite harsh. They have to go through immense training both physically and mentally to achieve their goals. I hope he knows what he is doing and gets through his dream.

I was wondering every single bad outcome of his decision when I heard a knock on my door. Dad was standing on the door, as he said, "Dinner's ready."

I smiled at him and nodded. After some minutes, I followed him to the dining table. As we started to eat our dinner, I said, "Are you feeling okay now?"

He halted the piece of meat he was just about to eat and said, "Yeah, what did you think, your father cannot take a small amount of snow? I could survive an avalanche if I wish to." He said and put the piece back into his mouth.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, we know right?"

Then, he said, "So, what about Hiroshika, Any news about it?"

"They will let me know when they are completed short listing."

"I hope you get admission..."Mom said.

"Yeah, I surely will no problem."

We all silently proceeded until I remembered something and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. I will be taking Takagi out on the day after tomorrow. Is it okay?"

"Yeah sure." Dad said, "Until you do not do PDA or the forbidden thing."

I blushed lightly and said, "Yeah..."

"So, where are you taking her?"

"It's a secret. Even she does not know."

Dad turned to mom and said, "Honey, is he trying to hide the location from us so that he is not caught in the act?"

I panicked and said, "No! Don't worry! I will tell it to you before I leave. It's just Takagi is too manipulative and can squeeze details from you."

"A manipulative girl with a Dork. Nice couple I must say!"

I groaned, "Dad!"

"Okay chill. No problem. We believe you."

Great, now I just need to ask Takagi out.


"Hey Takagi!" I screamed as Takagi just came out of a random turn. I was going to her house to ask her out, but, I found her just here.

She turned around, smiled and said, "Hey, Yuki!"

I jogged up to her and said, "Where are you going?"

"Just to the grocery store...and you?"

"I was just going to your house. Let's walk together."


I started walking with her towards the nearest grocery store.

The weather was still quite cold. Although it was not snowing, yet there was a chill icy feeling in the air. Random gusts of wind made me shiver from head to toe.

A glanced at Takagi once to see her get up. She was wearing a faded purple top along with blue skirt and a pair of long stocking that covered her whole feet. She had a red scarf around her neck, where she was hiding her mouth once in a while and skin coloured gloves. I have to admit it, she looked d*mn cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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