2. Truth or Dare

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Nishikata's POV

Takagi's birthday party was on full swing. Everyone was enjoying to their fullest. After singing and dancing for about an hour, we were bored. After thinking about what should be done, Bortika said, "Let's play truth or dare."

"Yeah, that's a good idea, let's do it." Everyone said in chorus.

"But we do not have an alcohol bottle, unless you want to drink it."Kimura said.

"Ah, who needs that when we can just use plastic bottles?" I said.

"Bring us one, Yuki" Takagi said.

"As you wish." I said with a slight blush.

I went to the kitchen and got a half filled water bottle. I drank that and went to the room full of our friends. Till then, they were seated in a circle. I sat in the empty place beside Takagi and Mitsuo.

Bortika said, "In case anyone does not know the rules, I will quote it. The rules are simple. This bottle in the middle will be spinning around without any human interruption. When it stops, the one facing the top of the bottle has to choose between truth or dare. The person whose faces the bottom will ask a question or give a challenge to fulfil to the person with the front side of the bottle. Successive truths or dares not allowed, and the deed must be finished. Also, no one should make the other one do something too much annoying, especially kissing someone else. Because I don't know about anyone else, but I will surely not do this kind of stuff. Is that clear?"

"YES MAAM!" We all said in unison. Bortika laughed lightly.

I placed the bottle in the middle and said, "Let's begin."

Everyone nodded as I spun the bottle. After spinning for about 5 seconds, it came to a halt. The front was pointing towards Sanae while the back was pointing towards Kimura.

Sanae said coldly, "As expected."

"Yess, I Love this." Kimura said enthusiastically, "So, truth or dare?"


"Ok, so...umm....yeah, what do you think about Takao?"

When Kimura finished, Takao was blushing heavily. His visible front teeth were shivering and making a brisk sound. Sanae glanced at Takao and said, "What about him? HE is a nice guy, I guess. But he has to improve his personality a bit."

Takao sighed as Sanae finished. Kimura said, "Now I have to be a wingman for somebody else. Sure, I will do my job."

"What do you mean?" Takao said with a frown.

"Nothing...let us continue." Kimura said as he set the bottle to spin again.

This time, the bottle pointed at me while the back was towards Takagawa. I sighed and said, "Truth..."

"So, among the girls present here, who will you choose except Takagi?"

"Umm...Bortika said no personal questions.'

"It's not personal, it's just a truth. Besides, you are not going to date the girl. Right?"

"Right? Yuki?" Takagi said, "Or you do have some other plans?"


"We all know that, now just do it."

"Well, I think I will choose...Bortika." I blushed heavily as I got these words out of my mouth. Everyone started to shout, "OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Bortika was also blushing lightly. I protested, "HEY, you people forced me to say. I just said Bortika because she has a personality somewhat similar to Takagi, that's all!"

"Hmm agreed. Next." Hamaguchi said as he flipped the bottle.

The bottle stopped at Mina and Yukari. Yukari said, "Truth or dare?"


"Brave huh? Ok, I want you to do the samba dance with pencils inside your nose."

Everybody started laughing while Mina stood up grumpily. She said with an annoyed face, "Do I really need to do that?"

"Of course" Yukari said giving her an annoying smile.

"I should bring the pencil." I said as I went to bring the pencils from my room.

As Mina was dancing, we were all laughing our guts out. She said down grumpily after she finished the dance, I twirled the bottle.

This time, it was Bortika who would be answering and Mitsuo questioning. He said, "So, Truth or dare?"

"Truth please!"

"So, have you ever been in love? If yes, describe."

"Well, to tell the truth, I have been in love." As Bortika said that, I saw Mitsuo's face darken a little bit. We all know why. Bortika continued, "Back in India, There was guy named Avi from my school. He was always roaming around me and trying to talk to me. I usually ignored him because; Dating is not that acceptable in India. But one day, he blurted out that he wanted to go out with me. I just accepted it to try. But, with time, I think I fell in love with him. We were so fond of each other. We dated for a couple of months until I moved here. That's all about it."

I don't know why but Bortika was also somewhat depressed after she finished. She abruptly got up and said, "You people should continue while I shall take my leave. Thanks for the Party, Nishikata and Takagi." Bortika slowly left.

We were sitting silently until everybody decided to leave. There was something about Bortika that was bothering us. She never seemed to be soo sad like today.

After everybody left, including Takagi's mother, me and Takagi went to my room for some lone time. I sat on the bed and said, "Huh that was a long day. I hope you enjoyed your birthday party."

Takagi smiled and said, "I surely did. Thanks Yuki!"

I blushed a little and said, "No p-problem."

"So, Yuki, I think you know we have the bed all to ourselves. It is big enough for..."


"So you are not ready to sleep already?"

"You meant sleeping." I sighed and said, "I thought of something else."


"No-No its not like that!"

"Anyways, jokes aside. What do you think happened to Bortika?"

"Don't know. Probably she just started to miss that Avi."


"I think he had a crush on her. But we all know that he is rejected. I love the way this guy always chooses the wrong person. I mean, see, he first proposed you, which you rejected directly. Then he chose Bortika, which she rejected indirectly. He should just gout with the girls who confess to him."

'Oh, so you think that? Then maybe I should have dated Mitsuo."


"Chill, just joking." She was laughing lightly while I was blushing with a poker face.

Sorry for the late update guys. i was busy with my school. the updates will continue to be irregular until i am done with the current exams.

I think the next few chapters will be on character  development. and, i may also change my mind. Whatever...

Thanks for the 161 views!

Till then


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