Chapter 18

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(TW: Homophobia, mentions of abuse, brief mention of suicide)

As Quinn and Santana were leaving school, they noticed Karofsky in the hallways. They instinctively tried to avoid him, but were surprised to see that he had his attention on someone else- Kurt. He had Kurt backed up against a locker, and looked like he was ready to punch him. "You know, I've never properly beaten you up before," he was saying. "Now seems like a good time. Who knows, I might be able to knock some of the gay out of you." Kurt raised his hands to cover his face, and Karofsky readied his fist. 

"Hey, look at me you overgrown toddler!" Santana was stalking up to him, and was glaring at him with anger in her eyes. "What the hell is your problem?" Karofsky briefly looked surprised, but collected himself quickly. 

"I see you crawled your ass out of the dumpster Lopez," he teased. "And my problem is you queers coming into our school and rubbing your sexualities in out faces," he said. "Like I'm not homophobic or whatever you call it, because as long as you don't go making out with the same gender right in my face, I'll be fine." Santana almost gagged at the hypocrisy of it all.

"Yeah, sure. So it's fine that you basically perform mouth to mouth on every girl you see in the hallways, but I can't peck my girlfriend on the cheek? Sounds fair to me." At this point people were gathering, listening in. Quinn couldn't help smirking a bit- this was the Santana people were used to. "You'd better try and behave yourself, or else you'll regret it." Karofsky doubled over laughing.

"I'm not scared of you, you little dy-" he was cut off when Santana kneed him in the crotch. He let out a yowl of pain, and Santana ignored him as she turned to Kurt. 

"Hey Kurt, you good?" Kurt looked slightly surprised at the fact that Santana had used his real name, usually she called him 'Teen gay' or 'Lady Hummel'. Despite this, he was still grateful, so he nodded. Santana smiled, and grabbed Quinn's hand. "Come on hermosa, let's go." Quinn shot one last look back at a whimpering Karofsky, then walked with Santana out of the school.

"What was that sudden burst of anger that came out there?" Quinn questioned after they got in the car. Santana shrugged.

"I don't know, I guess something about seeing Karofsky pick on Kurt pissed me off." Her eyes widened as she realized something. "Oh shit, Q- I just outed you." She slapped her forehead. "I hated it when Finn did it to me, then I basically told the whole school you were my girlfriend? I'm really sorry." To Santana's surprise, Quinn let out a soft laugh.

"Honestly? I don't care. Everyone already knows, and if by some miracle they didn't, pretty soon those videos of me getting doused in rainbow paint will spread around. Is the fact that I'm gay going to damage my reputation? Yes. Will that suck? Yeah. But I still have you, and I still have Glee, so I'll survive." Santana let out a sigh of relief.

"God, you're such a romantic," Santana teased. 

Quinn waggled her eyebrows dramatically. "I know," she replied with a laugh.


Timeskip to an hour before the sleepover

"Hey San, you ready yet?" Quinn and Santana were getting dressed for their hangout. Sure, it was kind of silly that they were making an effort to look nice when they were literally going to a sleepover, but they hadn't really gone out anywhere except for the hospital and school for a while. The doctors had told them that Santana was ready to go home, so they were at Quinn's apartment. Quinn had just finished changing into a slim sky-blue skirt with a gray sleeveless top, and was waiting on Santana. 

"Yeah, I'm dressed," replied the Latina. As she said this, she stepped out of the bathroom wearing a dark burgundy sweater and jeans. It was simple, but to Quinn she was still the most beautiful girl in the world. "Woah Fabray," she said when she saw Quinn, "Looking hot, as always." Looking down at her own attire, her face fell slightly. "I still don't really feel ready to wear, you know..." she didn't have to finish. Quinn walked up to her and planted a kiss on her lips.

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