A note from the Author

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Hi there, I'm James P. Lovitt (a.k.a. Thiago Pe), a Brazilian writer and one of Wattys 2018 winners in Portuguese language with this same book: Arlock - a tale from Ellora.

Even though Arlock is already officially published in Brazilian market, some readers pointed out that my story could be appreciated for native English speakers. So, I started to (slowly) translate the 500+ book pages according to my knowledge of the idiom.

So, I decided to post it here in Wattpad, where it all began 3 years ago, to "feel the temperature". I'm not English-literate, so maybe my writing is not still good enough for publishing, but I would love to have any help from you, reader, in order to learn what I am doing wrong (or writing wrong), how to fix a bad grammar and tips of how to deliver you a better written story in your language.

I'm open to whatever constructive feedback you could give, no matter if it's by DM, comment or any other way. And, most of all, I hope you enjoy the story I'm presenting to you.

Good reading!

Arlock - a tale from ElloraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon