A christmas special!

Start from the beginning

Remus' mouth lifted into what Sirius swore was a fond smile. Which admittedly gave him new hope that this wouldn't go as badly as he thought.

Remus tickled the pear and they walked into the kitchens causing the crowd of tiny houselves to come to a stop.

"Mr Lupin and Black! What can Binky get for you sirs?" One houself asked

"Hello Binky, can you get me and Sirius got chocolate please? With marshmallows?" Remus asked giving  Binky a polite smile

"Binky can do that for you!" The elf said and scrambled away.

Remus and Sirius sat on the small couch in the common room closer than needed. Sirius was trying not to get lost in the way the fires in the room set a glow over Remus and made his eyes sparkle like golden gems in direct sunlight. It almost made him confess there and then.

Luckily, Binky came with their drinks and stopped him from saying anything at the wrong moment.

They spent the next half an hour laughing and joking about things that had happened in their last six years of Hogwarts and Sirius couldn't help thinking about how easy this all was. He wondered if that'd go away after his confession. If they were lovers, would it be as easy to pull Remus in and kiss him until their lips were red and swollen? Or if he got rejected would it be easy for them to slip back into their laughter and long conversation? Was he about to ruin all they had built?

Remus and Sirius were walking back to their common room with the ghost of laughter still etched on their faces when Sirius spotted a mistletoe close to them and grabbed Remus wrist to make him stop.  He had to do this now. If it went well, he'd get to kiss Remus under the mistletoe like he'd always wanted. If it didn't —- well, he'd cross that bridge when he gets to it.

"Moony, I have a confession to make." Sirius said looking deeply into his friends eyes.

Although his voice was sturdy and confidently, his fingers were playing with the zip on his leather jacket. His nervous habit.

Remus turned and gave him his full attention with a nod of the head urging him to continue.

"I um well I, uh fuck. I had this speech all memorized and everything but now I can't even remember! I'll just wing it. Remus. I have fallen in love with you. It was inevitable really, it was bound to happen after you punched snape in third year for calling me a spoilt brat. I'm sorry if this um offends you or makes you uncomfortable, I just thought you should know. Incase you feel the same. Which by the way you're not obligated to do, it's perfectly alright if the feelings are not mutua-"

Sirius was cut off in his rant by Remus placing his hand on Sirius' shoulder and squeezing.

"Sirius. Of course the feelings are mutual, but nothing can ever come of this" Remus said willing his voice not to break.

Sirius heart ached. Why did Remus not want to be with him?


"Because I'm not worth your love Sirius"

Sirius' heart broke in his chest. He can't have the love of his life thinking this way!

He placed a hand on Remus chest directly on his heart.

"No moony, I'm not worthy of yours. You have a beautiful heart Remus, I know I don't deserve to but if you'd let me, i'd love to take care of it"

Remus' eyes welled up with tears. Sirius was truly more than he deserved but he knew no one could love Sirius more than he. So he'll take this chance.

Remus put his hand on Sirius' heart in return.

"Only if I get to take care of yours"

They both started laughing and let their hands drop. Sirius put his forehead on Remus' chest and Remus placed his hand on the back of Sirius' neck.

"Merlin we're a bunch of saps aren't we?" Sirius said chuckling softly.

"Yeah we are"

Remus pulled back and they stared into each other's eyes, relishing the feel of what they had now.

Sirius grabbed Remus' hand and pulled him under the mistletoe causing Remus to shake his head fondly.

"You know it would be a crime to disrespect tradition wouldn't it moony? Wow never thought I'd say that" Sirius said with a cheeky smile on his face.

Remus grinned and put his hand on the back of Sirius' neck again pulling him into a deep kiss. Sirius put his remaining hand on his now lovers waist and pulled him closer.

They pulled away and smiled fondly at each other.

"Merry Christmas moony"

"Merry Christmas love"

Then Sirius pulled him into another kiss.


Around the corner McGonagall turned and saw the boys kissing. She smirked proudly. It seemed Albus owed her 20 galleons.


This ones for my most dedicated reader! Thank you so much for always voting and commenting! You're always here within the first ten minutes of me posting and it always makes my day!

I hope this wasn't too cheesy (apparently I'm a fucking sap and i project that in my oneshots lfmao.)

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday.

I love you all!

I hope I didn't disappoint you with this one!DerpyMcMerky  )

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