Nothing in this world will ever make me leave you

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Biromantic Asexual! Remus. Comfort fluff! I'm projecting on to them can you tell? Anyways. Enjoy!

Remus and Sirius were sitting on Sirius' bed making out heavily. Things were going brilliantly for the two of them. After months of pining and miscommunications the two finally got together and have been happier than ever. Sirius let his hands wander from Remus' neck, down his chest and stopped at his belt buckle. Remus stopped the kiss abruptly and moved slightly back away from Sirius.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Sirius asked worriedly

"Im sorry I'm not in the mood to get off or anything like that" Remus said

"Oh okay, that's okay. I promise I'll keep my hands above the waist"

"Thank you"

They resumed kissing and true to his word, Sirius kept his hands cupping Remus' face.

Remus always felt bad for turning Sirius down like that. They had been dating six months, it should be normal for them to get off together but Remus wasn't sexually attracted to Sirius, or anyone really.

It had taken him years to figure out that he was asexual —- a sex repulsed asexual. He thought that he was a late bloomer or maybe if he had a strong connection with someone he'd be attracted to them that way but he wasn't. It felt like the universe was against him sometimes. He didn't want Sirius to leave him because all they ever did was heavily snog. He knew Sirius was a sexual being, but he wasn't. He just wasn't sure how to tell him.

Remus was in the common room after a successful quidditch game watching the party. Gryffindor had beat Ravenclaw becaause James caught the snitch and now everyone from 4th year up was getting drunk.

He was leaning against the wall when Sirius tore through the crowd. His shoulder length curly hair was in a bun held by his wand, he was wearing his leather jacket and impossibly tight jeans. His steel grey eyes were highlighted by the eyeliner he was wearing and his hands were full of rings. Not to mention the shirt he was wearing had the top buttons open exposing his chest and recent tattoos. He looked absolutely gorgeous.

Sirius walked up to Remus and with a smirk on his face and with no warning pulled him into a searing kiss. Remus placed his hands low on Sirius' waist and Sirius had his hands on the back of his neck.

Everything was going great until Sirius' hands started to wander down his chest and Remus knew he had to stop it before Sirius got any ideas. He grabbed Sirius' wrist stopping him from going any further and Sirius pulled back with a confused look on his face.

"Not in the mood?" Sirius asked somewhat irritated

Remus bit his lip worriedly. Sirius was teaching a breaking point and he knew it.

"No I'm sorry, it's just there are too many people here and well it ruins the mood."

Sirius' face lit up. He understood now! His boyfriend just wanted their first time doing anything to be romantic. How sweet! Maybe he'll get to suck him off if they're alone and there are rose petals on the bed.

Sirius leaned up and gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"I understand moony, let's go dance instead"

Remus smiled in relief and let himself be dragged on the dance floor. He was so lucky to have him.

Sirius honestly had been feeling abit bummed that his boyfriend didn't want to do anything sexual with him. While he obviously wasn't with Remus to get off, he did think of it as another way to ... get to know each other. He was starting to think that Remus just wasn't attracted to him but now he understood that Remus just wanted it to be romantic .

Remus gets anything he wants! So Sirius asked the room of requirement for a bedroom and spent all day making it romantic. There was candles lit up and rose petals on the bed and he sprayed the room with vanilla perfume knowing that was his boyfriends favorite scent.

It was perfect!

Remus had been doing his defense against the dark arts homework when his boyfriend excitedly stormed into the common room and grabbed his hand. Now he was being dragged to the seventh floor of the castle and he was very confused.

Sirius walked in front of the door three times and dragged Remus into the room.

Remus looked around the room and his heart sunk as he realized what was happening. He was being seduced. Oh no.

Sirius looped his hands around his loves neck and looked at him with a seductive smirk on his face.

"So now that the mood is right, I was thinking maybe we could-"

"We can't. I mean I can't."

Sirius frowned and a hurt look enveloped his features as he let his hands drop from Remus' neck.

"Why don't you want to do things with me? I mean are you not attracted to me?"

"Sirius of course I'm attracted to you. Just not sexually"

Sirius cast his gaze to the ground.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" Sirius whispered as his voice cracked.

Remus' heart cracked and he was overcome with guilt. He had made Sirius "I'm so bloody sexy" black doubt his looks! He didn't think that was even possible. He didn't want his lover to think that he wasn't beautiful.

Remus grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I don't think you're ugly. It's the exact opposite. You are the most beautiful man I've ever met! It's not just you pads, I'm not sexually attracted to anyone"

This made Sirius look up confused.


"I'm biromantic asexual. It took me a while to figure it out you know, because I just thought I was a late bloomer or something but it's not that. I was also hoping that maybe I was demisexual but I'm not that either. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to not want me anymore"

"Why would this make me not want you Rem?"

"Well people act like sex or just getting off with someone is a life or death situation and there's really not much reason for you to stay with me anyways. I'm already a burden because of my lycanthropy. It's a miracle I even have you. I just didn't want you to leave because I can't satisfy you like that. I'm sorry I know it was selfish of me to keep it from you."

Sirius cupped Remus' face with his remaining hand.

"You're not a burden. It's okay that you don't want to have sex with me. Nothing in this world would ever make me leave you. I'm in love with you Remus. I'd stay with you if all you ever wanted to do was hold hands. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Remus' breath hitched. Although they had been dating for half a year, they hadn't said the L word yet. He couldn't believe that of all people, Sirius loved him. He felt like the luckiest person in the world.

"You love me?"

"I do. A lot."

"I love you too sirius! So bloody much!"

Remus hugged Sirius tightly. He decided right then and there that this was the boy that he was going to marry.


This was inspired by my own fears! Bc Remus has my exact sexuality in this one! It genuinely does scare me that whoever I end up with would leave me bc sex grosses me out lmfao. So I gave you comfort fluff!

They say I love describing young Sirius! He's like do I wanna know by the arctic monkeys as a person!

This is abit short, sorry

I hope your Christmas/holiday was good!

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I love you all!

-struggling author

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