Wolfstar drabbles 5

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Mostly fluff! One is a crack shot, some are probably very rushed and well? I just love Sirius and Remus so much. Enjoy!

Remus sighed as he looked at his stubborn boyfriend. Sirius was laying on the couch, refusing to get up with a smug smile on his face. Remus ran a hand down his face and took a deep breath.

"Sirius for fucks sake, get up!" He said, looking at the clock mounted on the wall, reading 4:00 am.

"No." His boyfriend said putting a hand behind his head.

"We have class in two hours! Get up!"

Sirius looked at him now, a seductive smile curling his lips, "make me."

Remus looked at him helplessly for a moment, wondering how his boyfriend had the ability to be constantly horny. He took a step forward.

"Fine." Remus grabbed Sirius and threw him over his shoulder, holding his waist gently but firmly.

"What the fuck! That is not what I meant. Remus stop holding me like I'm a sack of potatoes." Sirius said, struggling.

"No." Remus said and began walking up the common room stairs to their dormitory.

Sirius huffed and accepted his fate, choosing instead fo admire his boyfriends back and the curve of his arse. "Your arse looks great in these sweet pants moony."

Remus blushed and smacked Sirius on the bum, "stop looking at my arse!"

Sirius smirked, "kinky."

Remus rolled his eyes, "for fucks sake."

Dumb conversations

Remus grinned as he gently pushed Sirius' hair back from his face and Sirius snuggled closer to him. He kept his hand on his back and gently rubbed it up and down, hoping Sirius would finally fall asleep.

"Go to sleep pads," he said quietly, watching as Sirius struggled to keep his eyes open.

Sirius shook his head stubbornly, his movements slow as he grabbed Remus' hand and intertwined their fingers. "No. Wanna stay up with you."

We loose track of time

Remus couldn't stop himself from chuckling because Sirius was so tired and slurred as he spoke, like a drunk man and yet he insisted on trying to stay awake.

"I'll still be here in the morning." Remus said gently.

Sirius opened his eyes at that, "promise?" He asked, not sounding anything like the grown teenager that he was.


Have I told you lately?

Sirius closed his eyes and smiled when Remus pulled him closer, "love you."

Remus leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Love you."

Im grateful you're mine.

Remus watched entranced as Sirius held out roses to him. Sirius black was giving him roses. What the fuck was going on?

"Er..." Sirius said as he noticed Remus just looking at him, not even taking the flowers, "Well I should probably explain this."

Remus nodded.

Sirius licked his lips nervously, "Um. Mum always said that if you want to know that someone loves you, they'll find out your favorite flowers. Even if they can't afford to get them for you, you'll still know, because they bothered to find out." Sirius fidgeted with the zip on his leather jacket, "so um, I love you."

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