Only the brave

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This was written with the song 'only the brave' by Louis Tomlinson running through my head bc yes I am the basic sapphic Louis stan and yes this song resonates deeply with me. I've thought a lot about Remus and how terrified he would be being a bisexual werewolf in the 70s falling in love with his best friend. And this happened, enjoy!

Remus put his book down as he stared at his boyfriend. His boyfriend. He couldn't believe that he'd actually agreed to be his. He knew he shouldn't have, there were so many reasons why they shouldn't be together. He put his book down on the nightstand and turned to Sirius, gently pushing hair back from his face and tucked it behind his ear. Sirius looked so beautiful when he slept, it wasn't fair.

He remembered the times before he became a werewolf, though only vaguely as he was only four years old at the time. He remembered his father telling him bed time stories always warning him of something, beware the giants, beware the ogres, beware the werewolves.

Beware the werewolves.

It's funny how life had a way of messing with you.

When he'd been turned, his father switched up. Immediately going to the ministry to try and get werewolves rights because it was no longer about his fear or hatred, it was about his son. He remembered his mother coming in and taking care of him after full moons, wiping his tears away and offering him tea, trying to take the pain away though she knew she could not.

When he was 14 years old, the summer before he came back for fourth year he remembered watching his parents dance to an Elvis record in his living room and he remembered looking on with melancholy, knowing he would never have that. They had learnt about werewolves in defence against the dark arts, how they were rated xxxx for very dangerous and he had never felt more like he wanted to punch something, cry or throw up at the same time.

Of course it helped that Sirius and James stubbornly argued with the professor, earning them two weeks of detention.

Then, when he was 15 years old, a lot of things happened. Both of his first kisses, and yes he means both. His first kiss with a girl and his first kiss with a boy. Realizing that you're a bisexual werewolf in the 1970s was quite literally one of the worst things you could ever do. Realizing that you're a bisexual werewolf who's in love with your best friend was even worse.

His fifth year was an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. He spent a lot of time staring at Sirius and wanting to touch him, a lot of time feeling disgusted by his thoughts and therefore, spent even more time avoiding him.

It probably wasn't smart but what else was there to do? Especially when Sirius black had gone and gotten stupidly beautiful. With his high cheekbones coming in and his defined jaw and he'd started growing his hair out, so it lay in gorgeous curls around his face.

He'd been doing his best to avoid him, waking up early and only talking to him involving pranks or class, spending more time with Lily, Marlene and Dorcas than anyone else.

Then Sirius had grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards an empty alcove.

"What's going on?" Sirius had asked, his lips pulled into a frown.

Remus gripped his satchel, "what do you mean?"

Sirius scoffed, "don't play dumb with me. So now that all the birds are in love with you, you're too good to hang out with me?"

Remus had gaped at him, "what in the bloody hell are you on about?"

Sirius had smiled then, "the cassanova of Gryffindor tower. All the girls above the age of 12 are in love with you moony. How could you not know?"

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