Another Day Has Come.

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From strangers to friends and from friends to lovers. Hi, I was Aurora Hernandez and now I am Aurora Alonzo. I have not talked in this story but today you will hear my voice and how happy I am.

My husband and I solved our differences in Los Angeles and we later decided to renew our vows in playa del Carmen. Everyone was present. Happiness was everywhere. Our lives were better. After our renewals, Luis proposed to Marla. Marilyn also got married the following week. Mom and dad also got married.

Everyone went on a "honeymoon" well lets just put it that way. Even Julio went to Madagascar with his girlfriend Nala.

I will not call our ending a happily ever after. And I will not assure you that we won't face more problems. But what I can guarantee is that we will pull through it all as a family. We will always fight to be together. We will forgive each other, and be there for one another.

In this my journey I have managed to get the most amazing family. Even with all the enemies that have crossed my path they were there with me.

My story isn't that interesting, it is a story of a normal girl from a small city in Mexico, who had to run away from a disgusting man. Who found her way in front of a grumpy man's car and now we have a child.

If you are eagerly waiting for me to say the end! Then you should leave. Our story has just begun, but this is how far we will let you see.  Ok so I have to leave, Jacob has started taking his first steps and I have to hold his hands.  Bye, don't forget to love and be loved.

            The End!!!

Hiiiiiiiiii guys, this is finally the last chapter for Another Day Has Come. I will not say much in this chapter. I will say a lot in the Author's note. Bye. 😚😍

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