finding peace.

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Marilyn looked around as she got out of the taxi and her eyes met the town of playa del Carmen. She inhaled that smell from the ocean and looked at the picture one more time, pushed her sunglasses into her dirty blonde hair and started her search to find the mystery woman.  Playa del Carmen wasn't that much of a big town so she was sure the natives would be able to help her locate her mystery woman. She settled in a guest house, took a shower and ordered some tacos and orange juice. After eating she tried watching a little television but as always her thoughts on work and her father was haunting her as usual. She took her laptop went through some emails and read a few documents. I will work from Mexico" she told her Secretary. She remembered how depressed her dad looked the day she packed her things and left, she had to bring a smile back into her old man's life again. The emails were updates for the meeting she missed. After working for ten straight hours, she fell asleep.

Antonio called Marilyn again after the call didn't go through the third time. He was worried about her well-being. It had been three days already since she left and it was scaring him that she hadn't called or emailed him.
"Sir I have rescheduled the meeting as you request" came the voice of his secretary. He nodded and checked what time his flight was leaving. I guess I would have to go to playa del Carmen after all.  He thought.

Whew! Short right? Yes I wanted to make it short. I hope you liked it.
See you in the next chapter loves. ❤

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