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"Please hurry it's an emergency, she has been poisoned." Gerald rushed inside the hospital and the nurses placed her on the stretcher and straight into the emergency room. Everyone came to the hospital and Esmeralda had already told them everything. It took them time to digest it, but they did.

After three hours the doctor came out removing his gloves.

"She suffered a serious concussion to the head, she is in a coma, I am sorry but your wife's condition is very critical. Now, she needs prayers a miracle." Everyone heart dampened and the women fell to the floor, tears spewing down their cheeks. Gerald left to the hospital. He needed air to breathe, to think and to understand why he couldn't be happy.


Days passed, time did, the world didn't stop, the cars didn't park, the trees still produced oxygen. Life went on, but Gerald's world had stopped. Six months in a coma, and all day long he was there with the hope that he would see his wife open her eyes.
That evening he was sitting on the chair by the bed when he heard Aurora speak. She removed the ventilator and Gerald called the doctor.

Later that day everyone came to see her. She was fine, but she was still replaying what happened six months ago. How she had to watch her husband have sex with that brat. Gerald wasn't able to look at his wife for all the time she was in the hospital. After three weeks, she was discharged. Everything concerning the pregnancy was fake.


"I don't want to see your face," Aurora said quietly to Gerald and he nodded, leaving their room. He went to Jacob's room to stay with him. He went inside to meet Jacob awake in his cradle.

"Hey, champ. I came here to see you. Or will you sack me as mummy did?" He picked him up and kissed his forehead.
"Everything is falling apart." He said quietly and sighed. Marla entered the room after knocking.

"Hey, I am here to feed him and change his diapers." She smiled and he shook his head.
"Give me that. Today Daddy is on duty."
She smiled and took a step to leave but stopped.

"You should give her time. She is just hurt about what happened." She placed her hand on his shoulders and he nodded.

"You should pay more attention to Luis. I think the guy..." He winked and Marla smiled and hit his stomach playfully.

"I will go and finish the dishes." She touched his cheeks and left. Gerald did all he had to do on Jacob. After some Time, someone cleared their throat being him and he turned to find Aurora standing at the door with her arms crossed.

"You should have stayed in bed. Your head is not -" she cut him off with her index finger in the air.

"Can I have my son?" She said quietly and Gerald nodded and gave Jacob to her. He placed his hands in his sweatpants side pockets and watched Aurora as she burped him and put him to sleep. She placed him in his cradle after he fell asleep and hit his back gently, looking over her shoulder.

"I don't think you understood me the first time. I don't want to see your face in this house again. My son and I don't need you around here. I don't want to see your face." She ended quietly and left.


Gerald took his car keys and left to his apartment. He later decided to go to Los Angeles for a few days so Aurora could have her peace of mind and work herself out slowly. After a month of staying in Los Angeles, he went to a bar for a drink. After returning he placed sushi in the microwave. Just when the food was done heating his doorbell rang and he went to the door to get it.
He met eyes with Aurora and Jacob. She smiled slowly at him and hugged him.

"Say hi to daddy. Baby, it seems daddy isn't so excited to see us" she spoke in a baby voice and Gerald collected Jacob. After one month of not seeing them, the last thing he expected was this.

"After you left I went to see Chloe in jail. But I was told that she was in a mental hospital so I decided to see Tania before going to the hospital. When she saw me she smiled and I told her how she should be glad that both of us had separated. Tania told me that after spending a year and a half there, she has realised how beautiful our love is. And that I shouldn't allow what happened to ruin our happy family. Initially, I waved her off. But after thinking about it, I realised it wasn't your fault and that I overreacted. Hey, look at me," -. Gerald raised his head to look at his wife. " I am sorry." She ended and placed light kisses on his entire face.

" I missed you" she admitted and he smiled weakly. He placed Jacob in his walker and held his wife's face, giving her a long and satisfying kiss. A kiss that said a lot. A kiss that reminded them of how much they loved each other.

Alright, I am going to cry. How beautiful is love? Love should forgive, it should understand, it should accept and fight. Gradually it is time to say goodbye to these love birds. And their amazing love story.

There is one more chapter before the book ends. Sit back and relax.

Please don't forget to vote, share and comment. Bye😚😍💃

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